Nanette's Capture (Brackish Bay Book 1)

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Nanette's Capture (Brackish Bay Book 1) Page 12

by Cerise Noble

  We slept again. When I awoke, we were on our sides, his limbs tangled around mine. I wiggled closer, comforted by the beat of his heart, the tenderness in his hands.

  Devon came in the room, and sat on the edge of the bed closest to me, reaching a calloused hand out to caress my face. “You see.” His smile was warm and happy. “You see he cares about you a great deal.”

  I nodded, rubbing my cheek against his palm.

  “When you get up, he needs to come out to the dock. There are questions for him, but he left abruptly.” His amusement seemed to show there was no anger at Jeffery, so I didn't feel I had to wake him immediately. Instead, I settled against him, breathing deeply. Devon kissed my cheek and exited. I lay still, savoring the lazy calm. My bottom throbbed and ached, as did my insides, but I felt safe, like I belonged here. Here, on this island, as a part of this House. Here, in Jeffery's arms and in his bed. I drifted.

  I focused on the noise in the room. Stephanie was there, directing the men carrying a tub. She knelt beside the bed, and I frowned at her.

  Her voice was hoarse. “I'm sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For giving you doubts. For getting you in trouble.”

  I reached a finger to her swollen face, mottled with crying. Her skin was soft and I reveled in it, stroking the wisps of hair between my fingers. It was like satin. I pushed myself up on an elbow.

  “You didn't get me in trouble. I ran from Jeffery.”

  She managed a smile. “Foolish little slave.”

  Jeffery reached out from behind me, grasping her chin. “Ah. Still a brat, aren't you?”

  She stared at him, one eyebrow raised in disdain. It didn't seem to bother him. He patted her cheek, just hard enough to move her head. “Be a good girl and wash us off.”

  Face flushed with humiliation, she obeyed. It was painful to sit in the tub with my buttocks as swollen as they were, but Jeffery pulled me into his lap. He washed me, and Stephanie washed him. I think he found it amusing to watch her have to bite her tongue and behave for once.

  When we were clean and dressed in fresh clothes, he took my hand, leading me outside. He stopped at the door and laced on thick leather boots – I was offered nothing. So when the grass poked my feet, I kept quiet, but looked for rocks, shells or other sharp objects to avoid.

  “Jeffery! I have questions for you.” The big man waving from the dock caught Jeffery's attention and he went. I followed slowly, hanging back from the water, watching the men work. Contentment threaded its way through my thoughts as I considered the direction my life had taken. I belonged to this house with a certainty I hadn't felt since I belonged to my parents' house. And with them gone – dead or lost, who could say? – I needed another anchor. I needed a safe place to live. And here – I was protected from the outside world, and protected from myself. My bottom throbbed, and I placed my palms flat on it, feeling the heat that radiated through the fabric of my dress.

  The sun beat down on us, reflecting off the water and dazzling my eyes. My skin warmed further while a breeze teased the cloth that covered me. I tasted the tang of the river in the air, breathing in the scent of fish, and tomatoes from the huge garden off to the side. I could hear gulls calling as they milled around above us. Still, my attention remained focused on Jeffery.

  His cruel streak endeared me to him. My sore cunt ached with the pleasure he brought me. The welts and raw spots on my buttocks and thighs were a small price to pay for the contentment that having a home and a hierarchy brought me.

  Could I raise a child here? If his seed took root inside me? I tipped my head up to the sun, and called her name. Eris? I think I could. I think I could have a child here.

  It was not to be. Not yet.

  It was midday before he finished working, and by then I'd shifted to kneeling on the grass, grateful for the rest from house and kitchen duties, a vague guilt stirring that I hadn't offered to go back and help. A bee buzzed by quietly, and I drowsed, a steady heat in my core at the sight of his brawn, lifting and hauling crates, his commanding stance as he directed the actions of the other men.

  When it was dinnertime, he directed them all towards the house. I stood up as he approached me. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he tucked me close and kissed me hard.

  “I've been wanting to do that for a long time.”

  I leaned on his shoulder. “Why wait?”

  He smiled down at me. “I only kiss those who are important to me.”

  I pouted. “So I wasn't important until today?”

  He put his lips by my ear and whispered until I squirmed. “Of course you were. But I wanted to wait and be sure that my intuition about your importance wasn't wrong.”


  “I wanted to kiss you the first day I saw you.”

  I blushed, my face buried against his chest. “Oh.”

  “But now I have the rest of your life to kiss you.”

  “Oh.” I thought about it. Would I ever leave him? In my entire life? Hard to say. But I didn't think so.

  “We missed breakfast. We should go have dinner.” He took my smaller hand in his big one and led me back to the house. Pausing to remove his boots, he swept me into the house and I giggled.

  There the men were, milling and talking, while Lauren worked as quickly as she could, two slaves helping out. A quick pat on my bottom from my master and I was in the thick of it, passing ingredients and stirring pots.

  “Oh, good, you're back. Chop this ham.”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  After dinner was served, Jeffery snapped his fingers, and I found myself kneeling on the cushion by his feet. His fingers tangled in my hair and I sighed, my cheek resting on his leg. He put my plate on the floor, and I leaned over, eating at my master's whim. Meandering contentment wound its way through my heart and I pressed close to his calf, eager to touch any part of him I could reach.

  After dinner he left the building to work with the fishermen, and I was led to his room by Jacqueline. My pack was there.

  I looked askance at her. “What? Why?”

  “We had to be sure you were ready to stay. But as long as you do stay, you may do whatever you wish with your belongings.” I knelt down, touching the dirty fabric. It was all I had left of my former home, the reminder like a splash of cold water on my face. I opened it and began to remove things. The fish was already gone, and I was grateful that someone had searched the pack already – that poor fish would be a rotten mess by now if they hadn't. There was the net, and my blanket, and the mosquito net, the pots and pans, flint and steel, the fishing line and hooks, the bag of coins, my binoculars, the change of clothing.

  “May I put these things in the laundry?”

  She nodded. I piled them into three categories, then collected all the fabric, including the dirty pack, and tossed them into the hamper. As I did, something clunked. I checked all the pockets again, and there it was, tucked in the corner fold of one where I hadn't noticed it before. One of the rings my mother used to wear, up until the day we left. I was right – she wasn't wearing them when they woke us up. She must have put it there when packing the bag. I wiped it with the hem of my dress and slipped it on my finger. It fit. I remembered her voice, when I was younger. This one is yours, Nanette. When you're older. It was mine now. And somehow, knowing that she didn't believe she would see me again dropped a stone in my heart. Mourning, I kissed it, my eyes closing against the tears that wouldn't come. For a long time I stayed, reliving my favorite memories of her. I didn't know how much time passed, but Jacqueline waited, somehow sensing my grief.

  When I could face the world again, I placed the coins and tools on the top of my master's wooden chest, and gathered the pots and pans and jugs. These, I took to the kitchen.

  “What is that?”

  “My pots and pans from home. When the sink is free, I'd like to wash them.”

  Lauren nodded.

  “And this is the last of my vinegar, and the last of my salt.”

p; She took them carefully, and set them down on the counter.

  “Thank you.” I spent the afternoon helping Lauren, and when there was a lull, I washed my things, putting them in a corner of the shelf, out of the way.

  There was a bit of a commotion right before supper. A young woman had trespassed on our territory. She had a child with her, a little one not much more than a baby, strapped to a sling on her back. I went to the window with the other slaves, watching as the boat with her pulled in. She seemed to have been aiming for our territory, however, as she didn't struggle against the hands that held her, lifting her out of the boat.

  Lauren turned to the redhead beside me. “Fiona, get Marcus. And Nanette, get Ian.” Fiona raced off down the island. I turned to the dining room and found Ian, leading him to the vestibule where the men had brought her. I could see she was dirty and frightened, but thankful to have arrived. I watched the men around her – they were standing protectively. She wasn't in danger. Roy entered the room, and they made way for him. She sank to her knees, rocking and petting the child she carried close to her chest.

  “I hear you asked for my protection.”

  “Yes, governor.”

  “What is your name?”

  “Katarina, sir.”

  “Welcome, Katarina.” He looked around, spotting Ian when I shoved him forward a step. If Lauren wanted him there, there was a reason. “Ian. You have room in your house. Will you take her in, take responsibility for her?”

  “Yes, sir.” He looked back at the woman, her breathing rapid with fear. Marcus came in through the front door, Suzanna trailing him, one of his daughters and Julia coming behind. Suzanna knelt in front of Katarina.

  “It's okay. We'll take good care of you. Can Julia take a look at your baby?”

  The young woman glanced at Julia, and back to Suzanna. My sister held out her hands, and reluctantly, she lifted the child out of the sling. Suzanna passed the child to Julia, who checked her over carefully. Marcus helped Katarina stand, and looked her over as non-intrusively as he could.

  “Nothing a hot bath and a week of good meals won't cure.”

  Roy nodded. “Ian, see to it. You are excused for the rest of the day.”

  With a quick nod, Ian took her elbow, and Julia passed the fussing child back. They left through the front door, and gradually, the rest of the men dispersed. A couple followed Roy, and I assumed they were going to report to him on where they'd found Katarina. Suzanna stood awkwardly in the vestibule as Marcus and Julia spoke in low tones. I went to her, hugging her hard, tugging her a little ways away so we could speak without being overheard. It wasn't until after I'd released her that I realized she had a ring on her finger. It was our mother's other ring, the one that had been promised to Suzanna.

  Tears finally broke free and slid down my face when I saw it. “You found it.”

  “You found the other one.”

  We stared at each other's rings. I wondered how long Mom had known we would have to run, wondered how much it hurt her to send her daughters off into the wilderness alone, and it broke my heart. We clung to each other for a long time. I thought about Daddy, and how hopeless it must have been, if he didn't think he could protect us any more, if he had to trust to fate to see us through.

  Fate, and his eldest daughter. I hadn't gotten to where he intended us to go, but I had gotten us somewhere safe. Somewhere I could see us living for a long time. I set Suzanna back from me, searching her face.

  “How are you with Marcus and Julia? Are they good to you? How about the other daughters?”

  “They're fine. I'm good. They've been really nice to me. I got my stuff back yesterday, and Julia is altering some of my clothes for here.”

  “That's very nice of her.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “I – Suzanna, I don't know how to say this, but, I want to stay here. I want to stay with Jeffery.”

  “Really?” She searched my eyes, looking for any hint of coercion, any sign of abuse. “Are you sure?”

  “I'm as sure as I can be. We need this kind of stability.”

  She heaved a sigh, and I worried. “Do you want to leave? If something's wrong, you need to tell me, Suzanna.” I grabbed her hands, pleading with her. Maybe I hadn't done as well as I thought?

  She shook her head, half-laughing. “No, that's not it. I'm just relieved. I – I feel like I've found a place that I can learn to call home. And when Mom and Daddy find us, maybe it will be different. But for now – I don't want to leave. I was just afraid you would – that Jeffery would hurt you and you wouldn't want to stay.”

  I smiled at her, gathering her into my embrace again. “I'm fine. I love you. Don't worry – let's stay. As long as we're both safe here.”

  She smiled at me. “Did you know how many cute guys live at the other end of the island?”

  I smacked her shoulder, aghast. “You behave yourself, Suzanna! You're only twelve.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “I told them the truth the other day. So you can stop pretending.”

  I relented, still wishing I could slow down time, hold back the day she'd have to choose to marry or become a slave.

  “I'm fourteen and I have eyes.”

  I rolled mine. Typical teenager. “Fine. Just – please, Suzanna, stay out of trouble.”

  “Oh, like you do?”

  She poked me, and I suddenly wondered how many people had seen my mad dash along the shore, had known exactly how much trouble I was in this morning. I blushed. “That's different.”

  She raised an eyebrow, looking so much like Daddy for a minute it made a lump in my throat. “For now.”

  I agreed. “For now.”

  Roy came back into the vestibule then, looking for Marcus and Julia. He patted Suzanna on the head like a small child, and spanked me hard on my sore bottom, eliciting a yelp. “Get back to where you're supposed to be.”

  I turned to obey immediately. “Yes, sir.”

  Cerise Nobel

  Cerise Noble is a storyteller. Her stories range from written books (like this one!) to onstage kinky performances (sexy!) to the delightful noises she makes when playing with people she enjoys (at least, people tell her they're delightful – but maybe they're just trying to get into her pants... oh wait, she wasn't wearing any by then...).

  Speaking of people she enjoys, there's the Owner with his paddles (wood hurts! Ow!), the BFF who's a witch (can we say “magical”?), the Minx with a pair of floggers (Florentine!), and the rest of the lovelies she plays with on a regular or non-regular basis. Want to play with her? Fetlife is your friend!

  When not playing, she enjoys dark chocolate, cranberry anything, her bandana, a bottle of water... wait, that's her list for aftercare. Well, that's good to know, too! Let's see – reading, writing and arithmetic... mmm, poly-math and more-somes... Wait, what were we talking about again?

  Visit her website here:

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

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