Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

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Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) Page 19

by Sherry Ewing

  * * *

  Riorden awoke, sitting up with a jolt. A cold sweat clung to his trembling body. He tore away the light blanket that had become entangled around his neck. His eyes scanned the room until his vision came into focus and he got his bearings straight. With shaking hands, he raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep, soothing breath. What had started out as a dream worth remembering had turned into his worst nightmare. He was not sure once he arrived at Warkworth that the reality of the situation would not still hold true.

  He quickly donned his hose and boots then laid kindling onto the fire to take the chill from the chamber afore Katherine arose from her slumber. He made his way to the bed and watched her sleeping with a half-smile gracing her lovely face. She was having the most pleasant of dreams, it appeared. She was laying on her side with her hands drawn together beneath her cheek, almost as if in prayer. His gaze traveled the length of her body, noticing every luscious curve beneath the coverings. Coverings! She might as well not have anything atop her, since the blanket hid nothing from his imagination. It only caused him further frustration that he was not laying abed next to her.

  The strap from the shift she had slept in hung loose from her shoulder, allowing him to view the outline of one of her breasts. ’Twas just scarcely visible, along with its peak, almost taunting him to reach out and cup it. Riorden’s hand shuddered to feel the silkiness of her creamy smooth skin and the bared shoulder beneath his palm. He knew not how she could think herself undesirable to him, or doubt in any way that he wanted her. Aye! Want her he did, with every fiber of his being, and yet he still stood there, not giving into the temptation that was ripe for the taking.

  His hands ached. His mouth became parched, desperately wishing to taste the sweetness of her kiss. His arousal was abundantly evident from the tightness of his hose. If he did not find some kind of release soon, he would be driven crazed from denying himself what he truly wanted. Katherine…in his arms…in his bed…but as his wife. Damn his code of chivalry to hell!

  A groan escaped him, and her eyelids began to flutter open. She stretched herself, much like that of a feline cat upon rising from its slumber. ’Twas almost more than he could tolerate, seeing her completely uninhibited. Once recognition dawned on her that he stood hovering over her, she quickly threw the blanket from her body. Kneeling afore him, she hugged him with all her might. Every inch of her body seemed to mold itself to his own. He finally gave in to the pleasure of holding her and crushed her into his arms.

  “Good morning, Riorden,” she said shyly. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Good morn to you, my lady, and nay, my slumber was not restful,” he replied hoarsely, still feeling the effect of his dream. He inhaled deeply the scent of her hair. It smelled of flowers.

  “I told you to get off the floor and sleep in the bed with me,” she reminded him playfully.

  “Ha! ’Tis not sleeping we would have done, I assure you, mademoiselle.”

  “I think that was the point, Riorden,” Katherine purred sweetly. “I was having the most delicious dream.” She began trailing a finger down his naked chest with a teasing gleam in her eye until she saw, he assumed, was his expression filled with remoteness.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked after several minutes of silence and perchance feeling the tension in the air surrounding them.

  “Nay. Nothing that will not soon enough take care of itself, I suspect,” he said briskly. His gaze devoured the sight of her since her chemise had fallen even further. Trying to get a hold on the sexual tension she unleashed in him, Riorden stepped back and began donning the rest of his clothing, along with his sword.

  She reached over and clutched the blanket to her breasts, almost in embarrassment she had displayed herself so. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and stood, taking the coverlet with her as a drape.

  “Have I done something to upset you, Riorden?” Her voice trembled in her uncertainty of what she could have possibly done wrong. Worry was clearly etched upon her beautiful face.

  Stupid fool! ’Tis not her fault you must deal with your past once you arrive at Warkworth. He knew trouble would be afoot afore he ever placed one boot upon his land. Riorden went to her and placed a kiss on her lips. She smiled, even though ’twas a weak effort, at best. He had not meant to hurt her feelings.

  “We must away, Katherine. The sun is up, and we must ride,” he announced as he strode towards the door. “You will want to say your farewells to Lady Juliana and Lady Brianna, will you not?”

  “Yes, of course,” she whispered softly.

  “Then come and meet us downstairs. We shall have food to eat along the way.”

  Riorden watched her turn to dress, and he quietly closed the door. ’Twas either that, or break his vow to himself and go back inside, not letting her see the light of day until he ensured their passion for each other was completely sated.

  * * *

  Several hours later, Katherine’s eyes were still red rimmed from the amount of tears she had shed. She had tried to persuade Riorden and Danior to not go forward with their plan to split the women up, but they had been relentless. The four women had clung to one another in a teary farewell until Riorden said they must hasten their departure.

  Determined to cover more ground, Danior and Gavin had taken Juliana and Brianna and headed further inland to scour the area to the west before turning back to Berwyck. This left the remaining party continuing northeast. It was likely they would make Berwyck by nightfall, if not sooner.

  It was well into the late afternoon when Riorden had at last called a halt to their frantic galloping across the countryside. He left Aiden and Patrick to keep guard of the women while he went to scout the area around them. Katherine had never been more grateful to at last sit on something that wasn’t moving beneath her. She now only waited patiently for Riorden’s return. She was becoming concerned while she listened intently to the quietness of the forest. He had been gone quite a while.

  Katherine had just stood to stretch her weary body when shouting reached her ears along with the distinct, loud sound of metal clanking against metal. There was no mistaking the sound of one sword smashing against another. She was on her feet, running in the direction of the raised, hostile voices before she even realized she had done so. Aiden’s voice rang out calling her name as he, along with the rest of their company, rushed after her.

  They came to an abrupt halt. Then Emily hurled herself forward into the scene before them. She was easily taken hold of in Aiden’s steely grip. Tears began coursing down her cheeks.

  Riorden stood next to Tiernan, his sword pointed at him. Tiernan’s hands were raised in surrender. His sword lay just out of reach on the ground. Katherine watched as the man’s gaze crossed the distance to Emily, who still struggled to get to him. His eyes flashed to the man beside him, and he gave a look of extreme disgust.

  “’Tis not the first time we have met, is it Cavanaugh?” Riorden taunted, flicking a loose strand of Tiernan’s hair with the tip of his sword.

  “Cavanaugh?” Emily asked in confusion.

  Katherine had never learned Tiernan’s last name, but when Riorden said it, she realized who he was. As she recalled pieces of history, the reasons for these men’s animosity towards one another began to fall into place. Tiernan was the leader of the Irish rebels. He was a famous soldier and fighter, celebrated by the Irish, who refused to yield to English rule. Standing tall and strong, he made an effort to quell his defiance as his gaze continually went to her friend. He had eyes only for Emily, who thrashed about to wriggle free of Aiden’s grasp, without prevail.

  “And now for your insolence, you shall suffer the consequences of not yielding to your king,” Riorden announced.

  “He is no king o’ mine,” Tiernan replied, distain dripping with each word.

  Riorden pulled his sword back to strike, but was interrupted by Emily’s plea.

  “No!” she screamed. Pulling her elbow back, she forcefully jabbed
it into Aiden’s stomach, leaving him only able to exhale a loud “oaf.” Free from his grip, she ran toward the clash of wills in front of her, using herself as a shield for Tiernan. She stood face to face with him, her lips trembling with fear.

  “Back away, you foolish girl,” Riorden spit out still in full battle mode. Emily only tightened her grip around Tiernan’s neck and peeked at Katherine with frightened eyes.

  “Do something,” Emily mouthed to her. Emily turned back to Tiernan, who searched her face with a nervous smile and wrapped his arms securely around her.

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  “And, I you,” he said, just as tenderly.

  Riorden’s head jerked up upon hearing their declarations, and he swiveled in Katherine’s direction. He looked almost as if she had struck him. A sense of déjà vu sadly overcame her. With a heavy sigh, she knew what was about to happen. She attempted to take a calm breath, but failed when it rushed out as she all but suffocated from remorse.

  “You knew of her feelings for him?” he asked sternly, almost choking on his words. He did not lower his sword.

  “I suspected, but didn’t know for sure,” she replied honestly, not taking her eyes from his.

  “And you did not think it important enough to tell me?” he bellowed, standing there struggling, it seemed, with some inner demon.

  “Riorden,” Katherine said as steadily as possible, trying her best to defuse the situation. “Please, don’t do this.”

  “Keep your distance, woman! Do not interfere in matters that do not concern you,” Riorden roared.

  She ignored him, coming close enough to place her hand upon his arm. She nudged it gently. His muscles were tense beneath her fingers. But he slowly lowered his sword while he listened intently to her soothing voice. “I am a firm believer that everything in our lives happens for a reason,” Katherine declared gently, hoping her words would appease him. “We all have a purpose in this life. My purpose was to find you. You were and are my reason for being here, Riorden, just as surely as that man there is Emily’s.”

  “You do not know what you ask of me, if I allow him to go free,” he said, apparently stunned he had even voiced the words aloud. “’Twill mean Danior’s life!”

  “I understand what you’re saying, but we’ll find another solution. She loves him.”

  “Loves him?” he said annoyingly. “How can she love a man she has just barely met?”

  “You can honestly ask that, knowing the same holds true for us?” Katherine questioned, with a hurtful expression crossing her brow. “You doubt that I love you?”

  “Nay, Kat. I do not doubt your feelings for me.”

  Katherine nodded, but still knew his anger was simmering just below the façade he showed her. “Then, do not doubt Emily’s feelings for Tiernan. I’m sure they run as deep and true as what we feel.”

  He mentally made a decision and motioned to Aiden. “Take him and return to the horses. We will follow shortly.”

  Aiden strode to the couple, who broke apart. His eyes raked Emily with a look of disappointment. Then he pulled out his dirk, heard her gasp, and began flipping the blade expertly in his hands.

  He pointed its tip menacingly at Tiernan. “Harm one hair on her head, and you answer to me! If she sheds so much as one tear, I will be more than happy to personally slit your throat. Understood?”

  Tiernan nodded his head in agreement, without saying a word. He took Emily’s hand and headed back in the direction of where they had stopped to rest. Patrick followed along meekly, too stunned to even utter a sound.

  Katherine waited breathlessly for what she realized was coming, and yet she didn’t know how to stop the words she knew with all her heart he would voice.

  “You lied to me,” he snapped briskly.

  “I withheld information. There’s a difference,” she said shortly. “If you’ll listen to me, I can account for everything.”

  “I do not wish to hear your explanation, Katherine. You betrayed my trust and lied to me,” he said again, more firmly this time.

  Katherine understood his anger, but also realized there was some other, deeper emotion going on. “I can explain,” she said, reaching out to touch him. He drew back, as if he couldn’t stand to have her hands anywhere near his body. “Please, Riorden. Won’t you listen to me?”

  “I have had one lying, deceitful woman in my life,” he began curtly, between clenched teeth. “I will not have another, no matter how I feel for you.” His cloak whirled about his legs as he abruptly turned from her. His fury was more than evident with each and every step he took, distancing himself from her.

  “I see,” she said, standing her ground and trying to be the voice of reason. “So this isn’t necessarily all about me not making some wild educated guess for what my friend felt for your escapee, as much as it is about your past coming back to haunt you.”

  “You do not understand,” he retorted, turning to face her once more.

  “Of course, I don’t understand, Riorden. How could I, when we’ve barely had time to get to know one another? There is a lot we need to learn about each other’s past, let alone our present. You’re not the only one who has ever had his heart broken. I, too, know what it’s like to be hurt by someone you love.”

  “And betrayed?” he questioned harshly. “Do you know what ’tis like to watch someone you care about turn to another, instead of you?”

  She clearly saw in his eyes the pain that surely must have been mirrored in her own. “Yes, Riorden, I do. I know exactly what it’s like. It’s the ultimate sense of betrayal when someone you fall in love with cheats on you with another.”

  “’Tis far more complicated than that.”

  “Is it? Well, no matter the complication, it doesn’t lessen the pain, or make the situation any easier, does it? It still feels as though you’re dying a thousand deaths as each day progresses into the next. It still feels as if your heart is being ripped from your chest when you see them together and they’re thrown into your face day after day, after day. Only time can heal that kind of suffering, Riorden. But it’s also all about learning to let go of that pain so love, true and unconditional love, can find its way back into your heart.”

  “She married my father,” Riorden yelled, as if years of pent up frustration finally burst free of his soul.

  The proverbial light bulb finally lit in Katherine’s head, and she staggered slightly at the thought of what lie ahead for her, if she was to stay in his life. “She’s at Warkworth,” she said slowly.


  “Where you plan on returning to take over your title and lands? Where you plan on taking me?”


  “Do you still have feelings for this woman?” Katherine heard herself asking and prayed he would say the words she longed to hear.

  “I have not seen her since she wed, many years ago. I have just learned my sire has been dead these many months. I have no notion how I feel for her anymore,” Riorden exclaimed, and she could tell he regretted his words the minute they left his mouth. He reached out to her. “Katherine, I−”

  His words were, of course, the ones Katherine didn’t want to hear. She shook off his hands, trying to collect her thoughts while jealousy, the like she had never felt before, coursed through her. All the insecurities she had ever felt with her failed relationships in her past came forward, piercing her heart like the sharpest of knives. Here, she had crossed time itself to be standing next to the man of her dreams, only to have some other woman from his own past standing between them and driving them apart. It was hard to compete with the memory of unrequited love.

  “It seems to me, you still have issues to resolve with the lady. Before we get to Warkworth, you’d best decide which one of us you want,” she murmured. Her voice quivered, as if she had already lost him to another. “I deserve much better than to come in only second best to some other woman.”

  “Katherine, this does not mean I do not care for you. I want you
for my wife, for God’s sake,” he said, trying to persuade her of the truth in his words. He failed, at least for now, because her emotions where a jumbled mess, and so were his. There was so much anger surrounding him, she wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with him.

  “It really all comes down to choices, Riorden, so you’d best figure out what you want out of life,” she whispered with a catch in her voice. “I won’t spend mine paying for the mistakes she made with you.”

  “I know who I want in my life, Kat,” he said smartly.

  She was so hurt that his words sounded unconvincing. So much for being the voice of reason, she mused. There currently wasn’t any hope for rational thoughts going on inside her head. All she felt was raw, angry, blinding pain.

  “Do you?” A slight hysterical laugh escaped her.

  “Aye, I do.”

  “Well, you can’t have us both, that’s for certain. So, let me make sure we perfectly understand one another.” She looked him straight in the eye as she carefully enunciated her words with each poke of her finger firmly into his chest. “Never again, will I put up with, or stay with, a man who cheats on me, and I won’t ever play the role of mistress, Riorden. Not for you, nor for anyone else!”

  Katherine quickly turned away from him before he could see the tears threatening to fall down her face. She began to run, as fast as her feet could carry her, back to their group. She left him there in the forest, alone with his thoughts, calling out her name.

  Chapter 25

  Berwyck Castle

  They are from where?” Dristan inquired stiffly.


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