Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

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Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) Page 29

by Sherry Ewing

  “An interesting concept and one we can discuss behind the privacy of our locked door,” he declared and began ushering her away from the turret he never wished to step into again. “I swear, you shall be lucky if I ever let you out of my bed after the scare you just gave me.”

  “An interesting proposition and one, I think, deserves further consideration,” she said quietly.

  Riorden was at a loss for words, so he said nothing, even when she inquired where they were going when they walked past their chamber door. When they came abreast of Aiden’s room, the door squeaked open and Patrick poked his head out.

  “All went well, my lord?” he asked sheepishly.

  “Aye, Patrick. Our friends are where they belong,” Riorden answered, bringing Katherine closer to his side.

  Patrick looked up and down the passageway, uncertain of its safety. “And are there any more ghosties about, my lord?” he asked, in a shaky voice.

  Katherine laughed and reached out to rumple the boy’s hair. “None this night you need to worry about, my young friend,” she said happily. “Go get some sleep.”

  Riorden continued onward until they began to climb upwards through another stairwell leading to the battlement walls of the keep. He pulled his wife to his side as they reached the stone wall to gaze out over the ocean as its waves crashed harshly onto the shore. Its sound gave him the soothing relief he had been in need of.

  Whilst they stood there, side by side, a feeling of complete peacefulness and contentment filled Riorden’s soul and he leaned down to take possession of Katherine’s lips. He cupped her face with his hands until she at last gave him a timid smile.

  “Why did you bring us here?” she whispered breathlessly.

  Riorden smoothed the hair from her face and tucked a strand behind her ear. “Somehow, I thought it appropriate, my love.”

  Katherine’s gaze traveled along the stones and she reached out to feel their surface beneath her fingers. “It does have a special meaning, doesn’t it?” She smiled.

  “Aye. ’Tis the place where I was first able to touch you. Now that Time has given you to me again, I plan on keeping you nearby, Kat,” he vowed.

  “That was way too close to my liking,” she said simply, since no further explanation was necessary.

  “Aye, and I pray, never again shall we have a time gate try to steal you away from me.”

  “I believe we’ve tempted fate enough for the rest of our lives, don’t you?” she asked, with a fleeting look of insecurity as she held tightly to his arm. “Can we do our best to stay away from Bamburgh in the future please?”

  He gazed down at his woman and kissed her lips to silence her. If he had his way, they would never step one foot on the grounds for the rest of their lifetime. He would not take the chance of losing her, ever again.

  * * *

  Katherine lay naked, curled up against her husband’s side, while she ran her fingers lightly across his chest. Sighing contently from the pleasure he had given her, she moved closer to him and was in high spirits while blissfully listening to his heart beat beneath her ear. It was sure and steady whereas she was positive, just a short while ago, it had been pounding as fiercely as her own. Riorden had taken her to new heights in his love making this night as if to make a point that she belonged to him. She could have sworn they had touched the heavens, and was sure, her feet would never touch the ground again. She felt his rumbling laughter within his chest.

  “With such a heavy sigh, should I assume, my sweet, you have no complaints?” he teased while he lifted her so they faced one another, side by side, on their pillows.

  She touched his cheek and shivered when he placed a kiss on the inside of her palm. “If I were any happier, I’d…well…to be honest, I don’t know how I could be happier than I am at this moment.”

  “I see I shall have to strive to prove to you throughout our years that each day can only get better, as long as you are by my side, sharing my life.”

  “I know we’ll have many happy years together, my dearest Riorden.”

  “Aye, that we shall, for somewhere in time, I have found you, and I plan on never giving you back,” he vowed, kissing her lips.

  “I’ll be loving you throughout all eternity,” she said with all her heart.

  “As I will love you, my dearest wife,” he declared, rolling her beneath him, and he magically began to show her just what the future would hold for her as his wife.

  Hours later, as Katherine watched her husband sleeping, she could only wonder what the future held in store for them, once they reached Warkworth Castle. She could almost hear Scarlett O’Hara’s voice saying how she’d worry later about all her troubles another day. Perhaps, tomorrow would take care of itself.

  Katherine curled up once more on her husband’s chest and felt the warmth of his arm wrap around her, bringing her closer. Reaching up, she began to twirl a piece of his hair between her fingers while still pondering the mysteries of life.

  She had learned at least one lesson from her journey across time. For in between the past, present, and future, there seemingly lays a finite line where time has no meaning, and the courage to follow one’s dreams resides. Only she can know when, in the course of her own life, the right time to take those first crucial steps of making those ideas a reality will come. She smiled, thinking it was never too late to go after her deepest desires.

  For Katherine had indeed followed her heart, even if Time had to give her a little push towards having those dreams come true. Against the most improbable odds, she had found her knight in shining armor, and he was everything she could have asked for in a husband, and more.

  Riorden…even his name sweetly thought of in her mind brought a feeling of confidence, knowing forever across time, their souls would somehow manage to find one another. Only within his arms had she found the one thing she had been in search of all her life. Katherine had at last found true love, for Riorden had given her the gift of tomorrow. She was home.


  San Francisco, Present Day

  Six Months Later

  The dimly lit coffee shop was filled to the brim with people complaining about the long line, along with other noisy conversations, as the customers waited impatiently for their turn at the counter. For two, the clamoring voices didn’t make one bit of difference as their nimble fingers practically flew across the keyboards of their laptops. They had been inspired during the past several months and had almost completed their latest manuscripts. Their “babies” were almost ready to take the next vital step toward publication.

  Emily grabbed her backpack, withdrew a packet of tissues, and dabbed at her eyes. “Damn…that is just so friggin’ awesome, if I do say so myself,” she announced as she shut the cover and reached for her strawberries and cream Frappuccino.

  Juliana hit the save button, and she also closed her laptop and put it away with a laugh. “I’m almost done, too. I hope we don’t have to do much time traveling in our future to get some form of inspiration for our next endeavors, though,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. “I don’t think I could handle it twice in one lifetime, thank you very much.”

  Emily gazed around the shop sadly. “It still feels like such a bizarre and crazy dream, doesn’t it, Jewel’s? I mean, who would have thought we’d travel back to the twelfth century, let alone get the opportunity to come back home.”

  “I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming,” Juliana confessed, “and yet I know we were there, seeing as we’re missing a couple of sisters here at our table.”

  Emily sniffled again. “Ah, please Jewel’s, don’t remind me of that again, will ya? I swear, all I’ve done is cry my eye’s out for the past six months. I thought, I was made of sterner stuff than to become some pansy, like Katie.”

  Juliana laughed. “Now wouldn’t that be something she’d just love to hear. I can almost hear her cheery voice, right now, ringing out in laughter as you call yourself a pansy for a change.”

  “She would’ve loved that, wouldn’t she?” Emily said as a sob tore at her heart.

  Juliana reached out a comforting hand. “What is it, Em?”

  Tears filled Emily’s eyes, once more. “We’ve just lost so much, Jewels, and I hate talking about Katie and Brie in the past tense. It was only months ago that we were all sitting here together, planning our vacation.”

  “Yes, dear, I know, but look what we’ve gained…” Juliana replied in a reassuring tone.

  “But they should all be here, too,” Emily grumbled, reaching for another tissue. “It’s just not fair. I feel so empty without them and−”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Juliana huffed as the door to the coffee shop opened to admit another pair of patrons.

  Was it Emily’s imagination, or did the place seem to quiet down when the two newcomers entered. She looked up from the tissue she held over her eyes to see who could cause such a ruckus. She wasn’t surprised to see two of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on scan the room. Admiring their physique while she could, she noticed how their jeans fit their legs just right while their shirts hung open at the collar and fit their chests snuggly. Their laughter rang out in merriment, causing many female eyes to rake their forms, as if they were stripping them naked and enjoying the view in the process.

  “Tiernan!” Juliana called out and the two men advanced toward their corner booth.

  Emily felt him slide in next to her and, before she could voice any words, he kissed her most soundly.

  “Tiernan…really…we’re in public,” Emily said in a snit, although it was hard to stay mad at the man when he looked at her as he did.

  “Aye, that we are my beautiful wife. I must admit, I like the tradition o’ how Lady Katherine asked me to get yer mind off yer troubles,” he responded, and kissed her even deeper this time. “Has she been at it long, Juliana?”

  Juliana’s short snort of laughter, which she covered quickly with her hand, escaped her before she could stop it then she glanced sidelong at Danior. “Long enough, I’d say.”

  “Stop yer crying, Em. We’re about to embark on another grand adventure,” Tiernan declared, with a wide grin of pleasure.

  Juliana turned to Danior. “You’ve been to the post office? You have the package we’ve been waiting for from Simon?” she asked anxiously.

  “Aye, Jewel’s, that we do, and the Lady Katherine was right,” Danior said, wrapping his arm around his lady and giving her a hug. “Simon took almost the whole lot of coins with the exception of what Tiernan and I kept for…how do you say this? Ah, yes…for a rainy day. We are bloody rich, I tell you! I cannot wait until we return to English soil so I can see firsthand what some of our money has bought us.”

  “I’ll miss living here,” Juliana said softly. “I never thought I’d live anywhere else but in my own country.”

  Danior pulled her closer to his side and tilted her chin up so he could stare into her mesmerizing green eyes. “Second thoughts, my lovely wife?”

  “Oh no…never Danior. It’s just a big adjustment, that’s all,” she said, with a timid smile.

  Tiernan’s laughter rang out. “’Twill not be as hard as the one we’ve had o’er the past few months. The cruise ship that brought us here was indeed most splendid as was our drive across yer glorious country. Who would have thought a place could be so grand? Truly amazing!” He leaned forward and their group drew their heads closer so they could hear his whispered words. “I canna wait ’til I get on that…” his brow furrowed thoughtfully. “What did you call it, Em?”

  “An airplane, babe,” Emily replied, with a short laugh as she clasped his hand in her own.

  “Can ye imagine a machine made o’ metal able to fly us high up into the heavens?” Tiernan said in wonder.

  Danior shook his head. “Nay, I cannot, and yet these modern time machines can supposedly also fly a man to the moon,” he retorted with a shake of his head, “although I still do not believe such rubbish.”

  “’Tis almost as wonderful as those horseless carriages I canna wait to get my hands on,” Tiernan exclaimed with a roguish smile, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

  Emily groaned at the prospect of her husband behind the wheel of a car, and yet her heart gave a small leap, watching his gorgeous, smiling face light up in excitement.

  Juliana leaned forward, placing a kiss upon her husband’s cheek. “You have a lot to learn about our time, Danior, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  He quickly kissed her lips. “You had better be, Juliana. I do not relish being stranded in this strange time of yours without you by my side.”

  “I promise, you’ll never have to worry about that,” she said breathlessly.

  “I shall endeavor to hold you to your word, my love, but here,” he said handing her a rather large manila envelope. “Surely, your curiosity must be driving you mad, wondering what our friend from across the pond, as you say, has sent us.”

  Juliana reached for the envelope with shaking fingers and handed it to Emily. “Here Em, you do the honors. I’m trembling so badly, I’m afraid I might spill coffee all over it.”

  Emily took the envelope and began carefully opening the package. Peeking inside, she saw a smaller envelope, which she opened first. With tears in her eyes, she took out a couple of brochures and laid them on the table for her friends to see.

  “Look!” she said, amazed at what she was actually seeing. “It’s Warkworth and Berwyck Castles, and they’re in pristine condition. How the hell did that happen?”

  Juliana passed on one of the pamphlets to Danior, who whistled, while Tiernan opened the other.

  “Looks to me like they changed their past,” Juliana explained, “or their future.”

  “Maybe, in the long scheme of things, it’s all just one and the same,” Emily said in wonder.

  Tiernan picked up another sheet of paper. “Here Emily, read this. ’Tis a letter from Simon.”

  Emily took the document from her husband. She took a deep breath before unfolding the letter and then began to read.

  My Dear Friends:

  I am sure you will be just as surprised to see, from the contents of this envelope, that a recent change of events has radically altered the course of history. I have made discreet inquiries to several of my colleagues, but I can find nothing in any of my research over the past several months to prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Berwyck and Warkworth Castles are not anything but what you see in the brochures I have sent you.

  When you asked me to do a bit of studying on the matter, I had thought you were both daft, and yet my curiosity was piqued at the prospect of what I might uncover. For some reason, I alone seem to be the only person who remembers history for what was a fact but a few short months ago. I had been to both estates numerous times in the past and saw with my own eyes the crumbling and decaying walls of the two castles. Yet today, they stand in meticulous condition, owned by the same families for several generations.

  I am sure you will be amazed by the photograph I have had reprinted for you. Although I was unable to get the original painting, I did, however, obtain larger framed copies, which I will have for you both at your new place of residences, once you reach England. I think, you will be most pleased by what your eyes will behold.

  I look forward to further conversations with you all.

  Cordially Yours,

  Simon Armstrong

  Emily took the picture out of the envelope and laid it on the table so everyone could see it at the same time. Carefully, she peeled back the protective paper to reveal the treasure beneath. Immediately, she sat back in her seat and could only stare in wonder at what was before her eyes.

  It was a rather large family portrait, with Warkworth Castle as a backdrop. Katherine and Brianna sat together on a stone bench, clasping each other’s hands, with Riorden and Gavin, standing tall behind them. They were older, and their children sitting with them gave an indication as to their age.
r />   Brianna looked radiantly happy, with her four children of various ages sitting around her. Emily could only surmise what a handful the two boys had been, as they appeared close in age. The girls, on the other hand, looked like two, demure, young ladies of breeding, and Emily could only wonder how far off the mark she was in her assumption.

  Her gaze fell to Katherine and the serene look within the depths of her blue-green eyes. She appeared to be about in her mid-forties. Riorden had his right hand resting on one of her shoulders. The other was on the hilt of his sword. His jet-black hair was worn shorter with a hint of grey residing at his temples. But it was his eyes that remained the same spectacular color, drawing one in to wonder what he was thinking. No matter his age, he still had that commanding presence that always seemed to surround him.

  Their son stood next to his father. There was no mistaking who his sire was as he was an exact replica with the exception of his hair, which was the same color as Katherine’s. His eyes looked steel-grey. Emily thought he was, maybe, twenty years old, give or take a couple of years.

  The second child, a daughter, sat next to her mother with a book open on her lap and appeared to be, perhaps, three years or so younger than the older boy. Her long, blondish-brown hair had been pulled back and was braided with flowers. She had an innocence about her that even a picture clearly showed, and Emily had some unknown feeling within her that this girl loved to write and sing.

  The last family member was a little girl of maybe eight years of age, with hair as black as midnight, just like her father’s, and clear blue eyes. She sat at Katherine’s feet, although one could almost tell it was done reluctantly. She had a bright smile on her pixie like features, which could be due to the antics of a black puppy with a curly tail, lying next to her. Or maybe her expression was from being young at heart. In either case, Emily just knew this one had kept her parents constantly on their toes.


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