She Wore Black

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She Wore Black Page 23

by J L Park

  “Holy… shit.” Paige muttered,

  “I managed to get Jorja on a private channel, and she organised Alyx and Maria to come and get her. After I made it look like the bike had broken down and they needed to come out and fix it. She’s with Maria now, I don’t know what they’re planning.”

  “Jesus. We’ve got to make it stop. He’s not the only one, but from what I know he’s one of the cruelest. And he’s fucking Pius.”

  “I know. We will do something. But all I know at the moment is we can’t rush things, as much as we want to, we can’t just run out and name him. We have to think this through, and come up with a plan that cannot backfire.”

  She looked thoughtful, “Do you think Ferox would be supportive? They seem a little more progressive towards women.”

  I shook my head, “No, I don’t think so. I think it would need to be completely out of the sections,” The look on Paige’s face was one of confusion. “I’m not saying becoming Non-Sels, but… I don’t think that any of the sections would be supportive. We’d likely be punished or banished for questioning the law.”

  “So… what are you saying then? I don’t see how it would work without the sections.”

  “I don’t know yet. The changes we need are too big for the sections to cope with, too many laws would need to change. It’s almost like something needs to change, and lead the way.”

  Paige bit her lip as she thought, “Like a new section?”

  I blinked at her, shocked as that idea hadn’t even crossed my mind. “Maybe? Sounds… too big for just us… but… hell, all of it does!”

  I could hear Mother calling from downstairs, dinner was ready.

  The next few days past in a blur with the commitment of my father to the Pius cemetery. Given his standing in the community, he had been given a plot near the head of the cemetery, with all those who had gone before and had contributed to Pius in a major way. Whilst he and I may not have ever seen eye to eye, he was greatly respected by the community and was sent off by that same community in a way he would have been proud of.

  What was odd, however, was the way in which the males of the community acted after the ceremony. Those who had visited the house to pay respects prior to the official funeral had been gentlemanly, offering their condolences, having a quick ‘chat’ with Father and moving on. This was different. Those without wives became almost lecherous towards my mother. So much so, Jameson had to step in a couple of times to get them to back off. One glance at me as he was doing this, let me know he also felt it was a little weird. It was a little chilly after the funeral, so I had put my Ferox jacket on, as had Paige. Stepping in front of a man trying to get closer to my mother, I just stood there.

  “Mr. Jensen, it might be a good idea if you thought about what you’re doing here,” I murmured, the undercurrent of a threat easily picked up by only his ears, “’Cause to me it looks like you’re trying to hassle a grieving widow. You really think that is going to win her over?”

  He looked at me with an expression of disgust, what was a ‘girl’ doing trying to threaten him, until his eyes caught my jacket, and widened. I smiled politely at him. Ferox were known historically, particularly in Pius, to be quick to solve issues with a bit of force.

  “Uh… just… err… paying my respects,” he stammered, trying to make me look like I was overreacting.

  “One doesn’t pay their respects by grabbing a woman’s arse the day they have buried their husband, Mr. Jensen, do they?” He shook his head. “I suggest you leave her the hell alone unless you want to see what I’ve learned in the last year.” He backed off, watching me out of the corner of his eye, as though he was scared I would come after him. I smiled to myself, trying to calm my concern over the weird behaviour of the men. Paige caught my eye from next to the car and wandered over to walk alongside me.

  “Are they doing what I think they are?” she murmured, “Trying to hit on your mother the day she’s burying her husband?”


  She shook her head. “That’s just…” A sigh punctuated the thought she had had, “typical. God, I hate the culture of this place.”

  “I know. Do you think it’s like this for every widow?”

  She shrugged as we walked along on the edge of the crowds, keeping an eye out on my mother, who was now surrounded by other women, which made me smile.

  “Given how freely they’re doing it, like right out in the open at the damn burial, I’d assume so.” A weird frown crossed her face, “Actually, we could check the Book of Laws.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Given that GreyBrook was created all those years ago to protect the way of life that Ellwood and the men he surrounded himself with. Most of that was based in the majority religion of the time, right?” I nodded. “So, the Book of Laws understandably follows a lot of the laws in the Bible, with new ones thrown in here and there to manage the behaviours Ellwood and his guys decided they needed to keep in check. So… it kinda follows that he would want to keep the women in check, particularly after their husbands, their controllers, had passed away. One of the chapters in the Bible has a widow sleep with her husband’s brother until she provided an heir.”

  “But, Mother has Jameson, and whilst it rarely counts, me.”

  “Sure, but if Ellwood is going to change a few of the laws to suit the behaviours he and his men wanted to get away with, would you not just make it that the widow must marry again, or be taken care of as soon as possible after being widowed?”

  “If I was an arse, yeah, that makes sense.”

  “He was an arse,” she muttered, careful not to get herself caught.

  Mother had been shepherded to a waiting car by the women, who stood and waited for Paige and I to get to there. I let Paige into the car, and one of the women closed it behind her. I frowned until I saw the concern on her face.

  “Reed, it’s been too long,” she murmured, smiling at me despite her concern, “You seem to be well. My condolences on the passing of your father.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Crawford. I am well. You seem to be keeping well. How can I help you?”

  “I’m concerned for your mother.” I nodded. “Reed, do you understand what happens to widow or single women in this Section?”

  “Not completely, but Paige and I were just discussing looking it up. I have noticed the men are overly familiar already.”

  She nodded. “Yes, so had we, which is why we surrounded her after noticing you staring down Mr. Jensen. Well done by the way, he’s not an easy one to dissuade!” She let herself have a small proud smile, “It is law that women are not to be alone, in control of their own homes and the like, for any longer than it takes for someone to woo them, or take them by force, in order to maintain the ‘natural order’ of things - a man in control.”

  “Jes… err… thats…” I stumbled over my words, trying not to commit blasphemy, or give away my position on the laws of the land being negative.

  She smiled, a sad curl to her lips, she knew what I wanted to say. “Yes. You need to either get your mother out of here, stay with her… or convince Jameson to do so… or fix her up with someone you approve of. She will not be safe until you do.”

  I nodded. “I understand, Mrs. Crawford, thank you.”

  “We can help until you have, but… it needs to be soon.”

  “I will do what I can, thank you again.”

  We bid each other farewell, and I climbed into the car, Paige and Mother looking at me expectantly.

  ‘What did she want?” Mother asked.

  “To make sure I protect you.” I smiled, “I promised her I would.”

  Mother nodded, well aware of what would happen if she was alone for too long.

  Back at the house, Paige, Jameson and I set about organising to keep Mother protected from the men of Pius for the time being, until we could sort out something else. Mother agreed to a trip to Perdoctus to visit her sister and brother in law, people I’d never actually met, as Father wo
uld not allow Mother to visit them, or them us. Mother and her sister had been close until Mother married into Pius. One day, I would have to ask her why she’d done that. Perhaps Father was the safest bet out of the men vying for her attention? Jameson was able to stay with her until she was able to make the trip, and would accompany her on the way, then head back to Luculentus. Paige and I had to return quite quickly to Ferox, as there was a shortage of Team Leaders to run the duties in Ferox, let alone in the other sections.

  Mother hugged us both extra hard as we left, whispering in my ear as she did. “Reed, don’t let anyone tell you I’m not proud of you. I’m so damn proud of what you have achieved, what you will achieve, despite the circumstances you’ve been dealt with. I’m proud of who you have chosen to be, and those who you have chosen to love.” She winked at me, as she let me go.

  I knew she had had trouble getting used to Paige being there, being with me, but to hear that from her made my eyes well up with tears. I had tried to explain it wasn’t a choice, I was gay whether or not I wanted to be, but I knew what she meant, and that it came from a place of love, not judgement. I wiped at my face as she hugged Paige, whispering to her as well, making Paige grin like the Cheshire Cat.

  “What did she say to you?” I asked, alone with Paige in the transport that Maddox had sent to fetch us.

  Paige grinned again. “Welcome to the family.” I smiled, “And, thank you.”


  “I don’t know. But I assume it has something to do with you.” She laughed.

  We travelled in silence, daydreaming about what was to come next - both in Ferox on duty, and with the plans we had started to put into play over the last week or so.

  Somehow I had managed to get my head around what Paige had said about the Prophecies. It still felt arrogant, to even imagine that I could have an impact significant enough to warrant any notice, from anyone other than my closest family. But, if I had the support of those who loved me to try to change at least a small part of the world we lived in, it was remiss of me not to try. I just had no idea where to start.

  “Paige, I spoke with a Non-Sel the other day, about why she had become a Non-Sel.” I blurted, cracking the glass-like silence in the transport.

  Paige jumped at the sound of my voice, previously away in her own little world. “Yeah? What did she say?”

  “She chose it.”

  Paige frowned, which I entirely understood - we were taught from an early age that no one would choose to be a Non-Sel, the lowest of the low, even lower than the women. That Non-Sel were indecisive or had been banished from their respective Sections for various offences.

  “What do you mean? No one would choose to be Non-Sel.”

  “She did. For the very reasons we want to change the way that the Sections are run. She didn’t want to live in a world where she wasn’t classed as an equal, where her children would be taught that people aren’t equal. As Non-Sels, they are all equal. Her only option, to live a life she could be proud of, and raise her children in a way she felt was right, she needed to do it away from any of the Sections.”

  “She is raising children out there?”

  I frowned, “Paige, have you never done Fence Duty?” She blushed, shaking her head, “Ah, that makes sense then. It’s a hard life, but they are like little communities that rely on each other to survive, with the occasional hand from the City if seriously unwell. Her children were the nicest, politest kids I have come across anywhere, including in Pius.” I paused, thinking, “I think it could work if we had help from them… but… it’s all just a theory at the moment.”

  Paige nodded, drifting back off into her own thoughts. The next time I looked, she’d drifted off to sleep, snuggling down until her head was in my lap, my hands running through her hair slowly, gently. I smiled and continued to stroke her hair and her head, eventually dozing myself. Until I was woken by Paige’s head thrashing in my lap. I opened my eyes, my hands trying to hold her still. Her eyes were only semi open, one of her arms flailing. I tried to reach out and hold her arm, stop her from hurting herself when she caught me in the nose with her fist. Stars danced in front of my eyes, as I felt blood running over my lip, pain exploding over my face. Letting her go, my hands flew to my nose, trying to stop the bleeding.

  “Fuck,” I breathed, unable to say much more through the smarting in my face. Paige still thrashed, just missing me with her hand again. In my haste to move out of her way, she slipped off my knee, rolling on to the floor, startling her awake.

  “What the fuck?” she muttered, rolling over to look up, her eyes widening when she saw my hands over my nose, blood seeping through my fingers even as I tried to stop the flow. My previously broken nose did not like being re-broken so soon. “Jesus, Reed!” She managed to get to her knees on the dark carpeted floor of the transport, grabbing my arms, “What the fuck happened?”

  “Ah… you did,” I muttered, trying to make it less than it was, pain making it difficult to speak properly anyway. “You were dreaming, and flung an arm out, punching me in the nose.”

  Clapping her hands over her mouth, she gasped. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. Can I do anything?”

  “Grab me something to stop the bleeding,” I grunted, a free hand waving at the mini fridge and cupboard I’d just noticed in the car. It was kind of like a mini Limo.

  Paige managed to find some serviettes, and hand them to me. “Hun, I’m so sorry!”

  “It’s alright.” I tilted my head back, the bleeding finally slowing, “You were dreaming.”

  Removing the paper from my face, she nodded that it had stopped. My nose still smarted, my eyes feeling like they were starting to swell.

  “Think I broke it, love. Judging by what I can see,” Paige murmured.

  “Yeah. Not the first time it’s been broken though, so it wouldn’t have taken much.” I suddenly realised that the transport had stopped, and the door was sliding open. We both looked up to see Maddox standing waiting for us, a brief moment of shock sparkling in his eyes, as he saw Paige on her knees in front of me and my face still bloody.

  “Errr… Welcome back you two. What the hell happened to you?” he asked.

  “A stray fist in a bad dream. It’s broken again, sir.” I murmured, as he nodded. We both stood to attention in front of him.

  He stepped forward, peering at my nose. “Reed, this is going to hurt like a bastard, okay?”

  I nodded, unsure of what he meant, only to be startled when he grabbed my nose and manipulated it quickly back into its normal shape.

  “OWWWW… Fuccck.” I breathed, knees buckling, and eyes watering, then the relief that I could breathe through my nose again was great, “Um…thanks?”

  “Go home, put an ice pack on it, and I’ll see you both for duty later.”

  Duty with two black eyes and a broken nose was interesting, to say the least. Nevertheless, it was Paige’s first day back after the day of Chaos in Luculentus, so her return took the attention away from me, after we had decided it was better if my brother was blamed for my nose, rather than Paige. Separated for the first time in weeks, it was weird to do a duty in Ferox without being on Paige’s team, but I had a team of my own to lead tonight. Ti, Force and the others had been causing havoc for their stand-in leader since Luculentus and were pleased to see me back. Catching up, and running through our tasks for the duty of that night made the hours pass quickly, and suddenly I was standing waiting for Paige to come back with her team, trying to keep the grin off my face as she rounded the corner in her uniform, looking tired but happy to be back. Taking her hand, after she had handed over to the next shift, we walked silently back to the apartment, falling in the door giggling, as she pushed my jacket off.

  “Love… my face,” I muttered, as she kissed my neck, it was going to hurt too much to kiss her properly.

  She snorted, pushing me into the bedroom. “It’ll be fine.” She grunted, pushing me backwards onto the bed, a sexy grin on her face. Pulling my shirt over my head,
wrestling with her jacket, and giggling myself, I knew the pain in my nose wasn’t going to bother me at all in a few minutes.

  ‘God, I love you, Paige Raeburn,” I muttered to the room.

  “Love you too, Reed Taylor.”

  Weeks passed as we settled back into the rhythm of duty and living together without being obvious. Given Paige was now well enough to be on her own, we had to move back to the dorms. Maddox had allowed us a few days on our return to Ferox to stay in the apartment, then insisted we move back to the dorms with other unmarried females. We knew of a few murmurings about the fact that those in the dorms were past the age of having to be introduced to eligible men from Ferox. This was mostly from those who had grown up outside Ferox as it was a tradition that once a female reaches the ages of 19 to 20, they partnered with an eligible male from their section who had chosen them. Paige was 21, I had recently turned 19, I surmised. Birthdays weren’t celebrated in Pius, and the dates had blurred over the last few months, so I assumed I had. Those who knew we were together kept their mouths shut, knowing it wouldn’t look good if anyone else in GreyBrook knew they knew and had said nothing. The nurse from the hospital hadn’t said anything. Maddox certainly hadn’t, but he would end up with egg on his face if he did. He seemed a little more distant with Paige than he used to be. I had always wondered if he had held a flame for her, that would never have been reciprocated, but now I was in the picture, it was a little more in his face than it had been. My nose and black eyes had cleared, though they’d earned Jameson a few choice looks when he visited on his way back to Luculentus after dropping Mother at Perdoctus for the organised stay. He’d found it funny in the end though.


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