by Roy Porter
leisured/upper class 146, 218, 266–7, 276–7, 351, 399–401; see also wealth
middle class 267, 269, 277, 351, 400–401
paternalism 19; see also philanthropy below
the people 367–9; see also working class
philanthropy 14, 15, 17, 19, 145–6, 148–9, 207, 374–6
political unrest and 449–50
rural life see rural life
working class see working class
Cleland, John: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill) 271–2
clerics 98–9, 205
anti-clericalism 99, 100, 102, 110–11, 112–13, 119, 222, 234 see also Christianity; religion
The Clockmaker's Outcry against… Tristam Shandy 290
clothing: for children 341, 343
clubs and societies 22, 34, 35, 36–7, 195, 201, 203, 427
political 449, 450
provincial 427–8
in Scotland 245–6
for women 326 see also individual institutions
Cobbett, William 36, 74–5, 76
on critics 87
on political reform 399
Cobham, Viscount see Temple, Sir Richard
Cockburn, Catharine Trotter:
Defence of Mr Locke's Essay… 67–8, 326
coffee houses 20, 30, 34, 35, 80, 142, 326
importance of 35–6 see also individual establishments
coinage 29 see also money
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 182, 291, 451, 461–3, 477
attacks on 463
Lay Sermons 463
as neo-Platonist 462–3
Religious Musings 462
Robert Southey and 461–2
as Unitarian 462
his Utopia plan 461–2
his Watchman 462
Collins, Anthony 104, 111, 114, 118–19, 276, 481
Samuel Clarke and 167
Discourse… of the Christian Religion 119, 123
John Locke and 118
Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty… 407–8
Priestcraft In Perfection 118
Joseph Priestley and 407–8, 411
Collins, Benjamin 78
Collins, John 8
Colman, George 37, 42, 286
colonies/colonialization 40, 301, 355, 362
trade with 384, 386 see also exploration, voyages of; slavery/ slave trade
Colquhoun, Patrick 379
Commager, Henry Steele xviii, 4
commercial societies 16, 18, 25, 40–41, 149, 189–90, 247, 396
dependency/interdependency in 187–8, 390–92, 399–400
development of 248–9, 252–4, 391–2
David Hume on 247–51
materialism 243, 253, 264, 390, 399, 411, 419, 437–8
Adam Smith on 252–3, 254, 390–93, 471
trade 16, 18, 25, 40–41, 149, 383–96 see also political economy
‘Common Sense’ philosophers 243, 410–11, 440, 464
Condorcet, Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de 10
Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique… 471
Congreve, William 93
Constable, John 318
consumerism 18, 265, 268, 277, 383
production/consumption cycle 391–2
shops 35, 40, 268–9
contractarianism 188
Conway, Anne:
The Principles of… Philosophy 326
Cook, James (Captain Cook) 148, 29, 354
native peoples, attitude to 361–3
Omai (the Polynesian) and 361
Cook, Judith: Essay in Defence of the Female Sex 333
Cooke, John 86
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury 3, 10, 22, 30, 160, 243, 276
Characteristicks 160–61
on culture 93
as Deist 333
in exile 26
on Thomas Hobbes 160
on human nature 160–61, 166, 176, 261
Francis Hutcheson and 176, 261
on knowledge/learning 54, 88
Letter Concerning Enthusiasm 122
on liberty 193
John Locke and 26, 29, 53–4, 160, 188
on morality 164
on the natural order 17
on Nature 313
as a Protestant 26
on religion 122
Soliloquy 122
on taste 163–4
John Toland and 116
on working classes 368–9
Cooper, Thomas 360–61
Copernicus, Nicolaus 130, 150
Copyright Act (1710) 83
Cork 241 see also Ireland
Cotes, Roger 134
Cotman, John Sell:
Bedlam Furnace, near Madeley (picture) 315–16
Council of Trent (1545–63) 49
Covent Garden Journal 69
Cowley, Abraham 299
Cowper, William 317
Crabbe, George 78, 99
The Craftsman 36, 189
the Creation 296, 298, 299, 300, 355–6
creativity 279–80 see also human nature
Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St John de 402
Cribb, Tom 269
Crichton, Alexander 216
cricket 19, 268, 269
crime and punishment xxi, 19, 167, 213, 353, 413
death penalty 107
deportation 450
William Godwin on 456–7
infanticide 207, 438
prison reform 419–21
robbery 377
suicide 217–19
witchcraft 219–24 see also legal reform; legal structure
Critical Review 81
critics 87–8 see also literature; publishing/books
Crocker, Lester 4, 9
cruelty see violence/cruelty
Cudworth, Ralph:
True Intellectual System of the Universe 131
Cullen, Wiliam 307
cultural developments 12–13, 20, 25, 92–3, 277
elite culture 218, 266
erotic culture 271–5
London as cultural centre 34–40
oral culture 76, 365
popular culture 218, 266, 277, 365–6, 381–2, 434
in Scotland 8, 148, 212–13, 245–6, 366
for women 277, 326–7 see also literature; printing/books
Customs and Excise 29, 35
Daily Advertiser 270
Daily Courant 42, 77
Dalrymple, Sir John 252
Dalton, John 311
Descriptive Poem 430
Darnton, Robert 9
Darwin, Erasmus 4, 139–40, 146, 147, 209, 428
on agriculture 308
Thomas Beddoes and 154
The Botanic Garden 273
as botanist 436–7
character 437, 444–5
criticism of 274, 466
as Deist 437
as doctor 435, 436
on drink 371
on evolution 439–43, 444–5
on human nature 439–40
influence/importance 462
on innovation 435–6
on insanity 216–17
as liberal 438–9
life 435
Love of the Plants 466
as materialist 437–8
Phytologia 308, 428–9
Plan for… Female Education 436
on religion 437
on sex 272
on slavery 438
social circle 435–6, 438
Temple of Nature 183, 442–3, 477
Zoonomia 183, 436, 437, 442
Dashwood, Francis 115
Davenant, Charles 387–8
Daventry Academy 407
Day, Thomas 329–30, 345, 350
as political reformer 403
Sandford and Merton 330, 351
on slavery 359
death and burial 209–11, 217–19, 419
Declaration of Indulgence (1672) 26
Defoe, Daniel 35, 76, 196
on authors 82
on the church
Essay… of Apparitions 229
History of Apparitions 383
life 383
Life of Colonel Jacque 360
Moll Flanders 283
Political History of the Devil 383
on poverty 376–7
his Review 79
Robinson Crusoe 8, 73, 75, 107–8, 262, 283, 429–30
Short Way with Dissenters 73
System of Magick 383
Tour Thro' the Whole Island… 40, 383
on trade 483–4
True Relation of the Apparition… 383
True-Born Englishman 73
Deism 10, 97–8, 111–15, 117–22, 138, 303, 364, 368, 437
beliefs 111–12, 117, 119, 141, 233–4
David Hume on 125–6, 127 see also religion
demography 12, 298, 379–81
over-population 380, 457, 471
Radicalism and 470–71
Dennis, John 83, 175
on mountains 314
dependency/interdependency 187–8, 390–92, 399–400
patronage 34, 84–5, 148, 399 see also commercial societies; individual liberty
Derby Philosophical Society 438
Derbyshire 315, 316, 318, 436
Derham, Revd William 98, 299
Physico-Theology 105
Desaguliers, John Theophilus 134, 137, 143
Newtonian System of the World… 137, 184
as Royal Society experimenter 142–3
Descartes, René 6, 8, 55–6, 63, 65, 109, 118, 131, 139, 141
Discourse on Method 55
Geometry 55
influence/importance 134
Isaac Newton and 134, 136, 139, 140
Principles of Philosophy 55–6
on speech 235, 238
determinism 167, 219, 291–2
Diderot, Denis 7, 8–9, 10, 72, 362
Encyclopédie 57, 92, 246
A Discourse on Witchcraft 223
discovery see exploration, voyages of; innovation
disease 207–8, 211, 213, 300, 365 see also drugs and medicines; hospitals; insanity; medical sciences
Disney, John 405
disposable incomes 12, 266, 377 see also wealth
D'Israeli, Isaac:
Vaurien 459
dissent/dissenters 31–3, 127, 188, 333, 334, 335, 415
beliefs 398–9
Rational Dissenters 403
schools run by 346–7, 383, 407, 408, 455, 470, 474
on slavery 360–61 see also political reform; Protestantism
divorce see marriage
doctors 373–4 see also medical sciences
Doddridge, Philip 347
Dolomieu, Déodat (Dieudonné Sylvain Guy Tancrede) 148
Donne, John 303
Douglas, James, 14th Earl of Horton 362
Douglas's coffee house 142
Drake, Judith:
Essay in Defence of the Female Sex 323
drama 293, 327 see also literature
drink see drunkenness; food and drink
drugs and medicines 283, 300 see also disease; medical sciences
Druids 240–41 see also religion
drunkenness 371–2
Drury Lane theatre 38
Dryden, John 36
Absolom and Achitophel 110
Dublin 241 see also Ireland
Dublin Society 241
Duck, Stephen 365
Dunton, John 81–2, 331
duty/duties 1–2, 15, 161–2, 167, 178, 261, 263, 278, 456, 457–8 see also morality/morals
Dyer, John 378–9
East India Company 36
Easy Club (Scotland) 245
Eccles, John 292
economic development 40, 189–90, 193–4, 199–200
disposable incomes 12, 266;
wage levels 377
innovation see innovation
in Scotland 247
wealth 172–3, 174, 180, 189–90, 193–4, 199, 248–9, 266–7, 383–96 see also political economy
economic problems 450–51
Eden, Sir Frederick Morton, bart 17, 377
Edgeworth, Maria 286, 327, 344, 345
The Absentee 353
Harrington 353
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell 147, 213, 343–4, 345, 436
Practical Education 344, 345, 436
Edinburgh xvii, 128, 246 see also Scotland
Edinburgh Evening Courant 245
Edinburgh Review 245, 246, 483
Edinburgh University 68, 90, 22, 243, 245, 246, 255–6, 307, 347, 435
education 339–48, 351–63, 436
for adults 353–8
coeducational 333, 343
health education 211–13
importance of 340, 433, 456
in Ireland 345
literacy 74–5, 76, 345; see also printing/ books
of native peoples 354, 361
philanthropic 146
of the poor 346
printing/books as 94–5
process of 265, 340–42
psychology and 344
purpose 341, 342, 345–6, 350–51, 353, 363
religious 74, 346, 347
schools see schools
scientific 344
universal 346
universities see universities
for women 322, 326, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 342, 343, 344, 436
for working class 346, 347, 370–71, 377–8, 433–9
educational books 91–2, 348, 351–3
educational methods 342, 347, 371
Edwards, John: Socinianism Unmasked 109–10
Edwards, Thomas 105
electricity 408
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, bart 243
Ellis, Joyce 326
emancipation: definition 48
from the past 48–71
knowledge/learning as 51–71
political see political liberty religious see religion; religious toleration see also individual liberty; modernization
emotions 125, 128, 250, 281, 440–41 see also human nature; individual emotions
enclosure 306, 309–10, 317, 318, 366, 386–7, 451, 459 see also agriculture
Encyclopaedia Britannica 92
English Enlightenment:
beginnings 1–71
as conservative 32
definition xv, 11–12
as distinctive 481–4
early xv, 24–275
as emancipation from the past 48–71
first see early above
as ignored/denied 1–12, 31
late xv, 275–475
light as symbol of 44–7, 48
as localized 12
John Locke as father of 481
as modernizing see modernization
nature of xviii-xxii, 3, 12–23, 32, 48, 277
political background 25–8
pre-Enlightenment xv
results of 23
second see late above
significance of 476–84
use of the phrase 2, 5 see also enlightenment/s; European Enlightenment; Scottish Enlightenment
the English malady 282
English Review 81
enlightenment/s xvi
definition 1
nature of xviii-xix, 1–2, 9–10, 11 see also English Enlightenment; French Enlightenment; Scottish Enlightenment
art galleries 38–9, 270
church's attitude to 97, 268
fairs 267, 270
games/sports 19, 214, 267, 268, 269, 341, 343, 344, 349, 370
as an industry 268
music 241, 269–70, 365–6, 434
museums 39, 146, 148, 270, 434
pleasure gardens 19, 35, 269, 270
sensational 270
theatres/concert halls 34, 35, 38, 39–40, 97, 241, 268, 269–70, 434 see also the arts; happiness
enthusiasm 125, 128, 281