The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 4

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Yes, they are known for their courage, but here we use them for meat cattle, and they were bred to with stand high heat and the type of grass that grows in Florida, I prefer them to Argentine Brangus[4] because they have horns.”

  Walking into the barn with him, Deanna notices a gorgeous black horse with his head hanging out of a stall, he seems to be watching them and is starting to prance in his stall and toss his head.

  “Ah, I see my problem child is not going to let us escape without some attention,” Jamie indicates the black. He walks over to him and starts talking to him and rubbing his neck which the horse seems to enjoy immediately.

  “This is Storm, he is a big baby even though is he’s sixteen, if I don’t give him some attention when he sees me, he’ll kick the door down. I guess I’ve spoiled him.”

  “He looks to be gaited.”

  “Yes, he’s a Tennessee Walker, one of the old type blood lines. They were big and powerful, and as you can see high spirited as well. Storm and I have done some miles together. Being a gaited horse he has helped make doing those miles much smoother on me at the end of the day.

  “Do you use him here at the ranch then? I didn’t know they were a good cattle horse.”

  “No not that much, I have a very savvy Quarter Horse for working on the cattle, which I ride here. Storm is my choice for long distance endurance races that I still compete in,” Jamie explains.

  “You’re what they called a Long Rider?”

  “Haven’t heard that expression in a long time, where did you learn that, not in Virginia I’ll bet?”

  “In fact, I did, it was from my Dad, and he used to compete in one hundred mile races before he passed away.”

  “I would have liked to have met him; he sounds like my kind of man.”

  “You amaze me more and more Jamie, I mean you are not your typical equestrian from Wellington. You almost seem to belong to another century, at least from another time and place.” Jamie just gives her a strange kind of a look and walks over to the big black horse.

  He pets his horse and smiles at her in a manner which indicates that she might be right. “Are modern men that boring or unusual to you, or is it maybe that you have not met too many men that think from both sides of their brain,” again he chuckles and flashes a knowing smile.

  She suddenly thinks to herself, he may be right she certainly has never met anyone like him before except maybe her father a little. Maybe that’s what draws her to him in this inexplicable way. The easy way he moves, so comfortable in his own skin, confident about himself, and what he’s about. There is something about the way he makes people feel around him that she can’t quite put her finger on, a power he seems to possess. Watching him as he strolls past the stalls naming the other horses and seeing how they react to him. A love and respect one does not see all the time and she see’s that it’s returned.

  Suddenly, she becomes very faint and dizzy; he catches her in his arms. “Deanna is something wrong, come sit over here in the shade for a while, are you feeling ok? Ruben, please bring us something cool to drink, por favor[5].” A young man nods and runs off to the hacienda. “

  “It was just coming from the dark of the stable to the radiant daylight and the heat. It kind of threw me for a minute I’m fine really.” She tries to reassure him that she is alright.

  “You have some beautiful horses and they all seem to love you very much. I see that you devote much of your time to them.” Deanna sees he is still very concerned about her. She reassures Jamie once again that she’s fine and asks him to continue to tell her about the Rancho.

  Jamie sits down next to her and answers her question. “I try very much to get into their heads during the training periods, it’s a method that works well for me, and it calms them down so that I may help them overcome their fears. Here comes Rubin with those drinks now.” As Rubin sets the drinks down on a small table under a huge fichus tree Jamie places his hand on Rubin’s arm, pausing him.

  “Rubin this is Senora Deanna, she is a guest at the Rancho, I would appreciate if you might show her around if I am not here, or while I’m giving the lessons to the girls. She is to have full access to any part of the Rancho, comprende[6].” Rubin nods his head and gives her a big smile and goes back to work on some tack that he was cleaning when they walked up.

  “Rubin is one of my vaqueros, he can’t speak, because of an accident of being thrown from a horse, but his good nature and winning smile speak volumes for him.

  Hopefully, Eduardo and Esteban will be back before you have to leave, as I would love for you to meet them today. If not it is my wish that you will want to come back again soon. I know, why don’t you to come for dinner sometime and please bring your children as well, Rosa loves to cook for quests, and you would also get a chance to see the girls in our everyday routines? They would feel more comfortable talking to you under those circumstances, I’m sure.”

  “I would love to come back, and yes I could bring my son and daughter if you really would like them to come.” She tells him honestly. “May I ask you for a favor?”

  “Of course if it’s within my power”

  “The next time I come, I would like to meet everyone and watch by myself, talking to the people here at the ranch without a tour, you know to just be a fly on the wall so to speak, I think it would be more objective about the story, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Not at all, in fact, I will give you a pass card of your own so you may come anytime you wish. Would that work for you? You’ll always be welcome; I know Rosa would love to have the company with another woman. If you are feeling OK now, maybe we could go down by the paddocks.

  Let me introduce Dyon to you, I see she’s coming down from the house to work with her gelding before lessons. I want you two to meet; she was my first student as I told you.” He stands and holds her chair as she rises and offers her his arm. She looks to where he’s indicated and sees a young woman walking toward them with long black hair down to the middle of her back wearing a pink polo and tan riding pants and black boots.

  “Hola Jefe[7]”, She calls out, a wide smile on her face. Deanna notices that she’s strikingly beautiful with an aristocratic bearing, like a princess, with composure and a natural grace similar to Jamie’s. There’s music in her voice and her eyes are dark and sparkling.

  She runs to him and gives him a big hug. Deanna can see she did this on purpose as he blushes and says to her, “Dyon, I want you to meet Deanna Gaynor, she’s writing a story about the Rancho and us, so please don’t give her the wrong idea and behave yourself.”

  “I am very pleased to meet you, I don’t really know why I did that, please forgive me.” Dyon says with a smile on her face and a saucy look in her eye.

  “Dyon are you going to work D.C. before lessons?” Jamie asks her.

  “Yes Jefe[8], he’s in the west paddock. Wait until you see what he will do for me now.” She runs off toward D.C.’s paddock

  “She normally does not give me hugs like that it must have been for your benefit, but I don’t know why she would do that.” Jamie attempts to explain her behavior.

  “Because she’s becoming a woman, and she loves you.” She somehow feels obligated to explain that to him.

  “She is just a kid and like my own daughter.” He says naively.

  “Even Daughters become jealous of losing your attention when another woman enters the picture. Especially if they love you, and she does, you can see it in her eyes.” She observes him to see his reaction

  “Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I guess I’ll have to try to remember that. Soon she will be dating and off to college, and I may have to share her with someone else,” Deanna senses a note of sadness in his tone. “Let’s go and watch her train her horse if you don’t mind.”

  “No that will be fine Jamie.” She takes his arm as he offers it to her; contemplating if there is more here than meets the eye.

  Walking with him, Deanna feels now is the time. “Jamie you have
a wonderful place here, well organized and peaceful. I look forward to coming back and spending more time, I really have to talk to my publisher and convince him into making the story a feature for the Holiday Edition. There is more here than just two columns as you said, that is if you don’t mind?”

  “You’re the writer Deanna; I trust your judgment, that’s why I said it would take more than a few days.” She’s taken by surprise at his comment, because he has only just met her. He seems to have more confidence in her than she has herself.

  Deanna notices that two exercise rings look to be brand new. “I see you are making some improvements very nice.”

  “We have just finished our new riding rings so that our students will have the feel of what to expect at Little Wood and Horseman’s this season.”

  “Then you are expecting to have them compete this year at the regular schedule at Horseman’s?”

  “Yes the girls are ready, this month we will show. We will have four in Hunters including Pita, Rosa’s daughter and Dyon will be in Jumpers. It will be their first show, and they’re very excited, in fact, everyone here at the ranch is. My vaqueros are probably the most excited; they are very protective of all of them and offer hints all the time.”

  “When you use the word vaquero you mean cowboy or ranch hand don’t you?”

  “Yes, they are Hispanic and think of themselves as the vaquero which has a deeper meaning than just hired hands, it is a way of life for them, some vaqueros spend their whole life on the same ranch as do their children. It’s a matter of pride and being part of the success of the ranch.

  The men that work at this ranch have worked cattle all their lives as well as horses, this is the only life they have lived or known, and I am proud to have them. We are like a family here, I hope they will marry and raise their own families on this land as well.

  You know Eduardo and Rosa were the first ones to come and settle here at the ranch, he’s my Segundo, which is the foreman or second in command, and I have already told you Rosa runs my household. They also have a little girl, Pita, whom you will meet later. I spoil her as well, she is one of the points of lights that we have here.”

  Pride radiates from him as he talks of those who work and live here, something that she’s never seen or heard before. It’s as if he truly believes in this way of life, which is so different from the Wellington she knows.

  Jamie watches as Deanna jots down notes, himself taking mental notes like the way the light plays off her hair the contour of her checks. The way her smile plays well with a twinkle in her Irish eyes. She’s a woman with a sensual figure that stirs a man with thoughts of desire. She has a way of making conversation that makes you enjoy talking to her. She makes him feel in a way that’s comfortable, as though he has known her for a long time; he even enjoys the touch of her hand. How similar she is,….. to what was once.

  “Dyon’s with her gelding out there now,” he points to the next paddock.

  Deanna looks at where he is pointing and sees a magnificent palomino with a flaxen mane and tail and white socks. Dyon is working with him without a lounge line just using verbal commands, as he goes from walks to trots and switching to canters, she notices that he never misses a beat. The transitions are smooth and when she reverses him the lead changes are perfect.

  “He is part Quarter horse with Draft and Andalusia, which gives him power and speed, he’s also gaited for looks, he loves her to death. When she rides him, they are like one entity, not just a horse and rider.”

  “He moves beautifully, and I see that he could be a champion, but can he jump?”

  “He Jumps 3’ 9” right now and finds his spot naturally. She’s not jumping him today, but you’ll see her soon, and you’ll see what I mean.”

  “Did she start him or did you?” Deanna asks him.

  “No I started him, but one day when I was working on him, he saw her. It was love at first sight like a puppy dog, he’s followed her ever since.”

  Deanna glances at her watch and notices the time, “Jamie, I have to go pick up my daughter, and it’s getting late. Please thank Rosa for me for a wonderful lunch and thank you for the tour as well. I look forward to coming back and meeting the other girls.”

  “Deanna here is that card I promised, just swipe it and the gate will open.” Jamie takes hold of her hand and presses the card into it.

  “How would you and your children like to come out at lesson time say on Friday? I have an idea, why don’t you all stay for dinner as our guests? We start at four o’clock, and then you can see the girls at training and at home, besides how they are with just the horses. Please say you will, I would consider it as a great favor. I promise you will not be disappointed.”

  Deanna wants to come back now more than ever if only to learn all she can of this fascinating individual and the people of this ranch. It’s like going back in time so gracious and gentle. She knows that this is a feature story, now she’ll have to sell it to Ellsworth and Collins. Why with a photo layout it could be huge maybe something the syndicated press might pick up on.

  Jamie still has hold of her hand as he waits for her answer. “Yes Jamie I’ll ask the children, I can’t promise for them, but yes I’ll accept your invitation and will see you Friday. Oh, will it be alright if I bring a photographer with me to take some color shots for the story?”

  “Of course, the more the merrier, he’ll be welcome to stay for dinner. Please call me about the children so I may let Rosa know how many to expect, even though she makes enough to feed armies.

  There will be a friend of ours here also, Father Scanlon, he runs a mission in Loxahatchee for migrants. He comes for dinner every Friday. I hope you don’t mind he won’t be very religious more like an old grandfather. The girls love him so, as does Rosa, she dotes on him when he’s here.”

  “No of course not that may add another side to the story.”

  He walks Deanna to her truck and kisses her hand, “Until Friday, I await the pleasure of meeting your son and daughter as well as your company. I must call Ed and thank him for sending you to me.”

  He smiles and waves as Deanna heads the truck down the drive to the gate. Looking in the mirror she sees he’s still standing there waving as she comes to the bend in the drive making it impossible to see him anymore.

  On the drive to pick up Katy, she reflects on the day’s events and is beginning feels something special about the story. She’s having thoughts about this mysterious man; he is almost too good to be true. Having been burned by Steve, she’s not going to be taken in so easy by a man again. She will reserve her thoughts and remain objective, for the time being.


  “The Feature”

  Deanna worked on the outline; proof reading it over and over until the early hours of the morning, knowing in her heart that this was not a two column piece, but an incredible feature story either about a super con man with a tremendous twist or a larger than real life unique person. She’s just not sure which one it is yet.

  Jamie is using what appears to be a unique form of therapy, and she must have more time to get to know all the players and see what his program is. She wants to observe him using his technique for these children, and how it helps them. Talking to a child therapist to try getting a take on that side of it won’t hurt either.

  Satisfied with what she has already, and feeling confident that she can sell it to Ellsworth and Collins in the morning, Deanna decides to turn in and get a couple of hours sleep.

  He has a strange effect on people one senses,___ that is the right word, an undercurrent that works on people’s emotions. Deanna can’t help wondering that there’s something hidden within this story. This man, something is driving him, and it’s more than a pledge to his dead wife. Lying there in the dark, thinking of him, she finally drifts off to sleep.

  The alarm is going off like a brass band and Deanna wakes up to the morning sun streaming into the room, time to get up and feed and water the horses and get the kids off to
school. Jonah is already up when she goes down stairs.

  “Sorry we weren’t here when you got home. I told Katy to call you, Steve picked her up, said he wanted to take her out for dinner. More of his brainwashing I’m afraid, she was talking about going to live with him last night. I tried to tell her he just wants to hurt you, but you know how stubborn she gets even when she knows the truth.” He looks at her and shrugs his shoulders.

  “I heard you late last night working on the computer, so I fed and watered everyone this morning. How did your interview go?” He brings her a cup of coffee and gives Deanna a kiss. She still can’t believe how much he has grown up this past year; he is going to become a wonderful man.

  “The interview went great; in fact, we have been invited to dinner Friday night at his ranch. I think you and Katy will enjoy it very much. He has a girl there that’s his ward, kind of like a foster child. I think you will like her, and she’s very pretty as well.”

  “Before you accept for all of us don’t you think you should ask us if we want to go? Maybe I have made plans, did you even think of that Mother,” says Katy in an angry voice from behind her mother.

  “As a matter of fact, I was going to ask you, but now I’m going to tell you that you are going, and I don’t care what plans you’ve made. It’s time young lady that you start to remember who is the parent and who is the child. And if you think that you are going to get away with any of your father’s bullshit with me, forget it and that goes for him too.

  You are not going to live with him and as of now you will see him on his visitation time only. If he picks you up again without my permission, I will put him in jail. Do you understand me…Do you?!!!” Deanna screams at her?

  Katy does not know how to respond to her mother, she’s never spoken to her like that in her life. Looking down she says, “Yes.”

  “Yes what,” Her mother says to her very pointedly, Deanna’s fists are clenched with her finger nails digging into her palms, she’s so mad.

  “Yes Mother,” she stands and stares at her mother with her mouth open.


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