The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 6

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  Oh, by the way, see what you can come up with on a Father Scanlon some priest that runs a mission in Loxahatchee will you. Fax over whatever you can get to me ASAP,” she starts packing up her stuff to head out.

  “Ok I’ll get on it right away, some of the stuff is going to be tough to get, but we will put all the tools we have at our disposal for you. Where will you be this afternoon?”

  “I’m going home and plan on going to a dinner party and spend some time with my family, something I think rubbed off on me from him yesterday, I’ll explain in a few days. Would you have Tim call me on my cell phone,” Collins nods at her as she gets up to leave?

  Deanna walks out of his office with a new feeling about herself; she’s made a good presentation and sold the idea, achieving what she set out to do.

  Passing by Agnes, Deanna remembers to ask her about the parking space, and could she please take care of in a couple of days.

  “Yes Ms. Gaynor I will call maintenance right away, congratulations on your getting the feature. Mr. Ellsworth has already instructed layout to be prepared for full color and hold the set up until you submit your completed piece. By the way, Ms. Gaynor you were fantastic in there, it’s going to be nice working with you.

  Have a nice time at the party and could you maybe get Tim to make an extra shot of this mystery man for me? I would like to see what he looks like. You made a mental picture of him that sounds dreamy.” Agnes whispers to her as she beams a smile and winks, looks like Deanna passed her test.

  “Thanks Agnes, that means a lot to me. I will get you one, don’t worry, we will go to lunch next week, and I will keep you up to date. Ok?” She smiles and Agnes smiles back reassuring her that she has secured a place at the magazine.

  “See you after the weekend and have a good one Agnes.” Deanna turns and walks a little taller than when she came in.


  “An Angel To The Rescue”

  Deanna’s mind is spinning as she drives home from the meeting with her Publisher and Editor; she has a feeling like she just hit a grand slam in the World Series. She can’t believe that she is going to write a feature story for a Fortune Five Hundred magazine. Steve won’t be so smug with himself from here on she’s in command of her destiny now, and loving it.”

  The events in the last two days still have her not believing her success. A feature story, Katy’s turnaround this morning and dinner tomorrow night with one of the most interesting people she’s ever met. On top of all that getting paid, how great is that?

  Deanna pulls into the driveway and sees her ex-husband’s car. Parking she proceeds up the driveway waiting for him to exit his car. She’s almost up to it now when Steve suddenly throws open his door and gets out of his car, dramatically.

  “I want to talk to you, what do you mean telling Katy she can’t see me except on visitation days? Listen you bitch, I’ll grind you into the dirt if you try pulling that shit with me. She’s my daughter and I’ll see her, whenever I want, do you understand me!” He is screaming at her as usual, and steps up raising his hand as if to strike her.

  Deanna steps back and puts her arm up defensively, when out of nowhere a large dog comes up and stands between her and him. Growling deep within its throat, snarling, its belly close to the ground, ears laid back tight against its head. With jaws dripping from saliva the beast slowly starts backing him up.

  With the animal advancing on him, Steve turns white at the sight of the big dog; he slowly step by step backs toward his car. The animal stops just a foot away from him, giving him time to jump into the automobile as shouts at her.

  “This is not over you’ll see I’ll have you in court so quick, you’ll see, you’ll be sorry Bitch.” He shouts at her tearing down the driveway with the brute after him.

  Steve burns rubber down the street and the dog comes trotting up the driveway with almost a smile on its face. Deanna is quite naturally frightened and is rooted to the spot watching as the animal approaches. Coming up to her it sits and seems to be at ease with its tongue hanging out the side of the mouth and panting. Deanna notices that it’s a female American Bulldog, and she looks like she’s been without some decent groceries for a while. With some hesitation she reaches down to pet her and for some reason she can’t explain can tell she’s a good dog.

  “How would you like to have something to eat it’s the least I can do for what you just did.” She licks Deanna’s hand and wags her tail.

  Turning she follows her into the house, as though she lived there all of her life. Deanna watches her go over to the side of the cabinet and sits down to await the meal Deanna promised her. Getting a bowl of water for her first she then proceeds to go through the fridge and see what’s in there in the way of left over’s for her to eat. She doesn’t want to make her sick by giving her too much rich stuff, not knowing when the last time she ate was. The dog wolfs down the food and then comes over and lies down at Deanna’s feet and looks up at her with soft brown eyes.

  “Where did you come from and what’s your name? You sure put the fear of God into that bastard. You look as though you need a home at least for awhile, would you like to stay here until we find your owner?...What should I call you?”… She sits and stares at her for a few minutes thinking of some names to give her.

  “I know, how about Angel, you certainly were my guardian angel before. He would have hit me if it hadn’t been for you, Angel it is.”

  The dog sits up at the second mention of her new name and licks her hand and face. Deanna doesn’t know what it is about her, but she trusts her as much as any animal she’s ever known. She knew just what to do with Steve, she didn’t bite him, but she gave him all the signs that if he tried to hit her, she would have ripped him apart.

  Didn’t she wish for him to run up against someone that he couldn’t intimidate? Was it just yesterday or today? Well, she got her wish.

  “Angel I hope we don’t find your owner and by the look of the condition you’re in, I think it has been a while since you saw her or him. Your feet look like you have been doing some miles; I’ll put some cream on them later, after I change, Ok?” Wagging her tail, she goes and lies down on an old rug by the door that leads to the garage.

  Going up stairs thinking to herself, she has one more blessing to be thankful for, a new friend. She goes in and turns on the shower and takes off her clothes, turning, she sees her reflection in the mirror and a thought quickly crosses her mind. She wonders what kind of woman does Jamie prefer young ones, mature ones, blonds, red heads, brunettes or what.

  In her mind, she suddenly sees him standing in the driveway waving to her until she was out of sight. Looking at herself in the mirror, turning one way than the next, Deanna take an inventory from her breasts, which have always been large, but she can still pass the pencil test, then the butt, and finally the abdomen not bad, but she could work out a little just to tighten everything a little, she thinks to herself. Funny she hasn’t looked or thought of herself in a competitive way for a long time, years in fact, well that is about to change, as is her life. Everyone is about to see a whole new person, and she hopes it will be a better one. Her mind spinning with the events of the day she steps into the shower.

  Drying off Deanna can’t wait until the kids get home, so she can tell them the great news and introduce them to Angel.

  The dog is sleeping when she comes downstairs so Deanna, tip toes into the kitchen. She should call the vet and make an appointment for her right away, just to make sure she’s healthy. Dialing the number she waits for them to pick up.

  “Hello, this is Deanna Gaynor I was wondering if you had an opening tomorrow morning. I just got a dog and I wondering if Dr. Paterson could see her…. No, I have no history on her at all; she will need shots and maybe a worming… It’s hard to tell maybe four or five looking at her teeth…. She looks like an American Bulldog possible full blooded….Oh that would be wonderful…Yes she seems very gentle, but under nourished...Yes I will. Thank you, see you at ten Bye.�
�� Deanna hangs up the phone and turns toward Angel.

  “Well it’s off to the vet in the morning girl.” She gets up and pads over and sits down next to Deanna, who pets her behind the ears which she seems to enjoy very much.

  “Wait until Jonah and Katy see you. They’ve both have been after me to get a dog for years now, and it looks like you’re it.” Deanna thinks she’d better tell them how she got her because she knows Steve will tell Katy that the dog was sick’d on him or that the dog is vicious, not that he was going to hit her and the dog just came to her defense. “Here they come now Angel,” hearing them at the back door.

  “Hi Mom,” Jonah comes over to kiss me and Angel gets in between him and Deanna barking,

  “Easy girl,” she says to her. Angel stops right away and sits down next to her.

  “Mom what the hell is that, will it bite me?” Jonah’s a little shaken up, but places himself between the dog and Katy. Katy is standing behind him pale, fear in her face, not moving.

  “No, she’ll be alright, I didn’t expect you to burst in like that, and you took us by surprise that’s all. She just showed up today out of nowhere, and I’m glad she did.” Deanna feels an explanation is in order to try to alleviate the anxiety in the both of them.

  “Katy your father was waiting for me when I got home and was furious about the visitation thing; I guess you spoke to him today. Well, he was screaming at me and went to hit me, when out of nowhere the dog ran up and started to growl at him and backed him into his car, forcing him to leave. He was not happy and I expect he will try and do something about the dog. She really is a very nice dog, just come over to her so she can sniff and get to know you.”

  Jonah starts to talk to her and Deanna tells her it’s Ok. Angel starts wagging her tail and starts to lick his hand, and then she jumps up on him putting her paws on his shoulders licking his face.

  Next Angel goes over to Katy and lies down and rolls over on her back, tail wagging the whole time.

  “I think she wants you to rub her stomach Katy, try it, she’s ok.”

  Katy reaches down and rubs her tummy and Angel loves it, now they are all friends. The kids are playing with her and running from room to room.

  Jonah stops on his way through, and asks me, “Are we going to keep her, she is beautiful isn’t she? Look how smart she is, I bet she’ll fetch to.”

  “Can she sleep with me, can she please.” Katy pleads.

  “I think we will let her decide where she feels the most comfortable tonight; I’m taking her to the vet in the morning, then we will decide later after you get home from school.”

  “How did you know her name, did she have a collar on or what.” Katy asks.

  “No I brought her in and fed her, she was starving, and I was talking to her trying to think of something to call her, when I thought that she was like a guardian angel. I just called her Angel, and she responded like it was her name always.”

  Jonah steps over to her and puts his arm around her neck. “Mom maybe that was her name before, she seems really to like it and when you call her, she comes right away. I guess it’s a great name for her, she looks like an Angel don’t you think? Hey, I hope she’s housed broken. I’m going to take her out and see if she has to go. I’ll feed and water the horses. Come on Katy, why don’t you help then we can play with her before dinner? Come Angel.” Jonah opens the door and Angel and Katy go outside, the dog walking with them side by side.

  Deanna has good feelings about the dog and Katy didn’t try once to defend her father how odd. Their lives seem to be taking some spectacular turns, she just can’t believe it, and maybe this is a sign of good luck for them.


  “Angel and the Doctor”

  It’s Friday and looks like it will be a gorgeous day out, dry and in the eighties. Nothing on the fax yet and Tim hasn’t called to set up a time to go out to the ranch. Angel slept on the old rug last night and went out with Jonah first thing this morning, he says she goes all the way out to the far pasture and does her business and immediately returns to his side. Deanna watched from the kitchen window, and she never leaves his side even when he’s working. Somebody seems to have put a lot of time and training into her. She can’t believe that she was roaming for so long; her pads on her feet have blisters on them from walking it seems.

  The Kids want to stay home and go to the vet’s office with her, and she doesn’t have the heart to say no. So she has decided to make it a family day, first the vet, then the pet store to pick up a few things for Angel. By the time they get home it will be time to go out to the ranch for the interviews and dinner. Deanna decides to call Tim and asks him to meet her at the office around two o’clock so they can head out to the ranch. He says he can meet her at the house instead and then leave from there. Deanna mentions that he’s invited for dinner also; she suggests bringing something nice, just in case they dress for dinner. He says that won’t be a problem and hangs up.

  Telling Angel to come they head for the car, she tags along and Jonah opens the door and tells her to get in. She looks at Deanna and she tells her its ok, with that she jumps in and moves over next to the window like she had done this all of her life. Deanna brought a lead line and puts on an old collar Jonah found in the tack room, just in case they need it.

  On the way to the vet’s office the three of them are having fun something Deanna realizes they haven’t done in a long time. Pulling up in front of the vet’s office and parking they exit laughing at how Angel seems excited about going to the Vet, gripping the leash and pulling on it. Jonah opens the door for them and Angel walks right along into the office and sits down next to Katy, as if she had been there hundreds of times, she is patient and gentle even with other dogs present.

  The receptionist calls Deanna’s name and they all file in to see the Doctor. “Hello, Dr. Paterson this is Angel,” Katy says introducing him to the dog.

  “Well hello Angel, we need to look you over, do you think that will be alright with you?” He asks her as though she were a human being, petting her getting to know her a little before he starts the exam.

  Deanna tells him how she got her, and he thinks it would be best to assume that she needs all of her shots and gives them to her strait away.

  “Give me a minute and I will check to see if she has worms if she does, we will take care of that too. She is a well mannered dog, how is she at home, house broken?” He remarks as he inserts the probe.

  Katy announces even before Deanna can answer. “She’s wonderful doctor, we only have to tell her something once, and she gets it right away. I have never seen anything like it in my life. She was heaven sent, I think, she has brought so much joy to us already.”

  “Well other than being a little under weight and foot sore, she’s in good health. So enjoy her, she also has no chip embedded under her skin. See you in about six months; kids have a nice holiday and Deanna you as well.” He turns and goes into another room as they go to pay the cashier, then off to the pet store to get some things for Angel.

  Arriving at the pets store they take Angel into the store to see which toys she might like and get dog food for her. Katy takes her over to the toy section while Jonah and Deanna get the food and some biscuits. They can hear Angel barking and Katy laughing, as Deanna remembers her doing so long ago. Turning the corner of an aisle, they spy Katy, sitting on the floor with Angel next to her selecting toys out of a large pile on the floor. Angel seems to like three of them and carries them to the counter. Deanna takes them from her and the cashier rings them up along with the food, as Angel patiently looks on. Leaving the store they walk toward the car happy and content, all of them normal for the first time in ages.

  Arriving home Deanna tells the kids to pack something that would be suitable for dinner. Angel is busy with her new toys, and she sets up bowls for her food and water, with this accomplished Deanna goes on upstairs to change and get ready for what might prove to be the most important day of her life. Katy comes in and asks if
she should wear her riding clothes, and she tells her yes, and to bring her good shoes, but to wear her riding boots out there.

  There’s a knock on the door and Angel barks and positions herself right behind the kitchen door. Looking out, Deanna sees a young man standing with what looks like camera equipment, Deanna assumes its Tim. She hurries downstairs and tells Angel its ok, and she lies down, but never takes her eyes off the door.

  “Hi, I’m Tim,” he announces timidly. Opening the door he smiles and says, “Is it OK to come in?”

  “Hi I’m Deanna and that’s Angel. Your right on time we’re almost ready.”

  ”Is the dog ok, it won’t eat me will it, sounded like it was coming through the door at me?” He appears a little shaken.

  “No you’ll be ok, she understands who’s a friend and who’s not, she’s just protective,” she yells up to the kids to hurry that they have to leave. They bound down the stairs into the kitchen, almost colliding into Tim, Deanna introduces them him.

  “Hello”, Tim says, and shakes Jonah’s hand and nods at Katy.

  Deanna tells Angel to stay, and she returns to the old rug in the corner. Going out the door Deanna turns and remarks to the dog, “Watch the house while we’re gone.” Angel lifts her head as if in recognition, barks at her, then puts her head down.

  “Do you want to go in my car Tim, or would you prefer to follow us there?” I ask Tim.

  “It would be better if I follow you, I have all my stuff in my car, and you never know what I might need.” Heading to his car he calls out, “Jonah, want to come with me.”

  “Do you mind Mom?” Jonah asks me.

  “No that would be fine we have to go to Flying Cow Road, you know where that is in case we get separated.”


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