The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 10

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “So a Guardian Angel has found you, I look forward to meeting this new found friend.

  “Let me walk you to your car.” He asks. They go in and she tells the kids it’s time to leave, they say their goodbyes as Jamie and Deanna walk out to the car.

  “We are having a trail ride on Sunday out to the old gravel pits, many of the kids from around here will be coming I was hoping you and your children will join us.” He looks into her eyes and asks, “You’ll come Sunday won’t you?” He asks still holding her hand.

  “Yes we will be here, what time are you planning on heading out.”

  “If you could be here around nine we can be heading out by ten and back by one so the kids can enjoy a swim in the pool before the barbecue. I forgot to tell you, Rosa says we are having a barbecue to celebrate the breeding season. You will stay for the party of course. Please.”

  She can’t refuse the look in his eyes as he asks her again. “Yes, we’ll come, you seem to be a man of many talents, and it will give me a chance to return this lovely dress you picked out.”

  “The dress is yours to keep; it was my pleasure, a gift to remind you of us.”

  “Thank you.” She murmurs “I do love it; I just don’t know how you knew I would like it.”

  “I don’t really know, we were at the store, and Dyon wanted something new. I saw it and I felt it would be perfect for you. I normally don’t buy personal gifts for people; this was one of those rare occasions.” He just seems so naturally candid that she believes him.

  “Jamie thank you for a wonderful day and for what you did with Katy, she’s like a different person here. You have no idea how much seeing her happy and smiling meant to me today. It really makes me feel like a terrible parent, when a stranger can do for her what I can’t.” Deanna stands on the tips of her toes and kisses him on the cheek.

  He whispers into her ear so only she can hear, “Hasta le vista, Lindo Senora.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Until we meet again, Lovely Lady,” he replies with that same aura of honesty that she’s felt since they first met.


  “Rehab for Losers”

  Awakening to a glorious sunrise, Deanna lies in bed listening to the birds singing and watching the morning’s sun’s rays creep into her bedroom. Lying there with thoughts of fantasy, and knights in shining armor, she drifts between conscious and semi-consciousness. Nothing could be better than to dream that everything is going to be alright, even if only for a few moments.

  Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she turns over and sees Angel sitting next to the bed looking and waiting for her to get up. She was waiting patiently on the old rug when they got home last night and after Jonah took her out she came upstairs with her. She really is a remarkable animal in that she seems to sense things within them and has such a look of wisdom in her eyes. Deanna tells her she’s not getting up right away and the dog lies down with a sigh. Angel hears Jonah getting up and going into the shower, and she gets up and pads softly out into the hall and down the stairs to wait for him.

  Jonah and Katy had a tough time falling sleep last night; they both could not stop talking about what a wonderful time they had yesterday. All they could talk about was Jamie this and Dyon that, and the trail ride on Sunday.

  She will have to talk to Steve, as much as she hates the thought of it, about the possibility of switching Katie from Rambling Winds Stables, out to the Rancho for lessons. He will argue with her because he won’t be in control like he is now. It really depends on whether Jamie will agree to accept her. She will talk to Jamie on Sunday after the trail ride to see if there is a chance of her becoming one of his students, then she’ll speak with Steve.

  She wants to be a part of the program so much. She was telling them last night after they got home how different it is, the way Jamie speaks to each student, and the commitment that the girls feel toward what they are doing. Mostly, she said it was the way they care about each other in and out of the ring that made her feel welcome. That she did not feel different from the other students. She and Tia bonded like they were sisters. Katy made a comment that all the people at the ranch talk to you not at you, like at Miss Rose’s barn or at school.

  Jonah is so excited about his new job starting next Saturday and sleeping over Friday night. It has been a dream of his, since he was little, to be a cowboy. Now he’ll get the opportunity to experience the reality of it for awhile. He certainly is attracted to Dyon, Deanna thinks he is experiencing first love. Jamie seemed to sense the same thing, but is not too worried about it affecting their relationship.

  This assignment has so many angles and portals to it, both professionally and personally. She wonders if letting her family become involved is a good idea or should she leave them out of it. The problem is the traps are already set and some have sprung, for the kids and her also. Now Deanna has only his word that he wants her to write about the truth, as she finds it.

  “Mother, are you awake, do you want me to pour your coffee now?” Jonah calls up to her.

  “Yes I’ll be right down,” Deanna calls down to him before heading for the kitchen; she meets Katy on the landing.

  “Good morning,” Katy says to her mother with a happy voice and a smile on her face.

  “Is this a new person that has moved in since yesterday morning?” Deanna asks her good naturedly.

  “Yes it is Mother, and I would like to get to school a little earlier on Monday if Jonah can drop me. Tia and Marianna are going to meet me at my locker, so we can hang out for a while before the first class.” She bubbles at her and bounces off to see Angel, who is waiting by the table for them as they come to breakfast.

  The back door opens and Jonah comes in from feeding and watering, wearing a huge smile and gives his mother a hug.

  “Mother if things work out well with my new job, and they can use me over the summer I would like to stay here this summer instead of going to Virginia and staying there with Grandma. You know I still have to make sure I can do the work, and they want me. It’s just something to think about or maybe I’ll get a job here for the summer. What do you think?” And he sits down digging into his breakfast.

  “I think it’s too soon to think about any of this. I think you should get at least one day’s work behind you, before you think about disappointing your Grandmother. I was thinking of talking to you about going up this year anyway.” Deanna answers him honestly.

  Jonah would you mind taking Katy to school earlier on Monday, she wants to meet her new friends before the first class.

  “No, not at all, in fact, I was thinking about going in early myself.” He answers rather quickly.

  “Meeting Dyon Monday morning are we?” Katy smiles and giggles, as Jonah gives a stern look at his little sister than smiles.

  “Mother didn’t you think she’s beautiful, I mean not just pretty but really beautiful? I mean not like the other girls at school, she’s so nice, I really like her a lot.” Jonah looks off out the window as he eats his breakfast not wanting to have his mother see the expression on his face.

  “Yes I do, and they all seem to be very nice.” She answers trying to sound objective.

  Katy almost chokes on her food trying to get the next word in.

  “Mother did you know that T.J. does not speak at all? There was some kind of accident, and it left her without her voice and very scared all the time. Uncle Jamie says she is going to talk again when she’s ready. Pita and T.J. home school at the ranch, Uncle Jamie has a special teacher for them. Mother I think your story is going to be so extreme, because it’s the most interesting place in the world.”

  Katy is talking so much that neither Jonah nor herself can even answer a question. Katy rapid fires into something else and this is only after spending one day out there.

  “What did you think of the entertainment last night, Uncle Jamie could be a rock star, he plays so well, and he has a great voice. I loved the song and the sing along afterwards was such incredib
le fun, I think he and Dyon should be on stage, I never ever had so much fun in my life. The dinner, even doing the dishes was fun, and everyone talks to one another. Rosa’s cousins are funny too, you know they hope to marry Rubin and Esteban and live forever at the ranch. They said it is so much better than living in the village they grew up in.” Stuffing her breakfast into her mouth and raving on about last night, her excitement seems boundless.

  Before she can answer, Jonah says, “Mother, I want to check on my saddle at the Tack and Saddle Shop. I hope they have fixed the fender or put a new one on. I won’t have a saddle to ride on if it is not fixed for tomorrow.”

  She forgot he broke the fender last week, Deanna hands them the keys to the truck. “Sure go ahead, I have to do some work on the story, and I could use some peace and quiet.”

  “Oh look at the time, come on Jonah. Bye Mother, I love you, see you later.” Katy kisses her and runs out the door with Angel barking at her all the way to the truck.

  “Be careful driving,” Deanna says and gives Jonah a kiss before he leaves.

  “I don’t think I will get a word in with her all the way to the Mall, but everything she said is true. She was in my room until very late last night. I have not seen her this excited about anything in a very long time.” He turns to leave as they hear the horn blaring. “See what I mean,” he laughs and heads out the door.

  “Bye bye, you better run she’s getting impatient,” she laughs and so does he.

  “I will see you later, drive carefully and have a good day.” She calls after them from the back patio as they start down the driveway.

  Going back into the house with Angel, Deanna sits and thinks about all that Katy said. She has not had fun and enjoyed herself that much in a very long time. It was a moment to remember, not watching TV not listening to the stereo or playing on a computer. Just simple family fun, enjoying each other as a family was wonderful to observe. Jamie and his extended family enjoy each other more than anyone she’s ever known.

  The phone rings and she answers it, “Hello, Yes Mr. Collins we were there most of the day yesterday. I am starting the story today; in fact, I have enough for the opening I think. I will still need additional intel, I hope you will be able to get some more on his background….Yes I understand, Yes I’m going to try and fill in some of the gaps……Your kidding, how many acres? With that much land he will isolate the whole green zone west to Big Sugar….. That will bring a lot pressure from the developers, I’m sure…….. What did your contacts say?... Alright please let me know as soon as you find out…… I have the impression that he will be running cattle on that new land…… Yes sir, I’ll get it over to you just as soon as I finish it. As a matter of fact, we’re invited to go on Sunday……. I will try to pin him down. I think this will be the story of the year…… Good bye Sir, I’ll certainly be very careful.” Deanna is in shock as she hangs up the phone.

  Rancho de Los Angeles has just acquired all the Delaplane Estate west and south of the ranch. Southwest Properties will be out on the equestrian mini estates with no access to the Green Zone. She thinks Jamie has just declared war on the most powerful group in the southeast. The pressure on him will be huge and the rumors will fly even more now that so much is at stake. Deanna wonders if he knows just how many enemies he has made for himself and his little family.

  Deanna must reach out to Roberto and see what his contacts think of this new move by Jamie. She wonders did he act alone or is there a group of investors backing him in order to squeeze out Southwest Properties. Deanna thinks the lines will be drawn now with so many residents of the Village investing in Williams and Cerbon’s Southwest Properties Group and very little support for Jamie.

  Deanna’s wondering why Jamie didn’t mention that he was buying that place. The Magazine’s investigators never even mentioned it was for sale? It’s the lead in for the story now though, because of its impact on the community itself. That land has some of the best soil in the county and everyone knows it. It will grow anything; it was for years the largest nursery in South Florida. If Jamie is planning on putting cattle on it or horses it will be the best graze this side of Ocala. It’s conceivably the most valuable track of land in all of Palm Beach County.

  Picking up the phone she tries Roberto, dialing his cell number knowing that he’s an early riser. It’s just possible his people may have something very interesting for her to use in the story. As Jamie was not forthcoming about the land sale, she thinks as the phones rings.

  “Hola[23], Roberto here, how may I help you?”

  “Roberto its Deanna, how are you...Very good thank you…. Katy? She had her very first time yesterday jumping without a panic attack…. No, not at Rose’s, she took a lesson from the owner of the ranch that I’m doing the story on….Yes, that’s him, yes… I really don’t know, but I can tell you this, there is something special about him and the way he trains, he makes everyone feel at ease. By the way, did you hear more from your friends, about him or some background on the rancho?... Oh yes that would be wonderful…… today at eleven thirty?…… Great I’ll be there……… Yes. I just found out he bought the Delaplane Nursery, the whole thing….. Around twenty thousand acres… You’re right they will not be happy about it at all, that’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. I will see you later…Thanks, bye.” Roberto tells her he has some info on Jamie that may be of assistance to her. Deanna will have to do her barn chores and get dressed quickly if she’s to meet him at the café on time…….

  Turning out Katy’s gelding, she watches him cavorting around the pasture like a young colt. She loves these moments with them, seeing them run the way they were intended, free and unencumbered with such beauty and strength.

  Walking slowly back toward the house, Deanna becomes suddenly on alert when Angel starts to growl deep within her throat. Deanna looks around for the source of her agitation, but doesn’t see anything. Deanna continues toward the house very apprehensive. Angel is still growling putting herself between Deanna and the patio. A man steps out away from the house startling Deanna for a moment, it’s Steve.

  He holds up his hands and yells, “Tell your mutt to calm down, I’m only here to have a talk with you.” He tells her with a note of fear in his voice. This is something she’s not used to, coming from him, fear.

  “What do you want to talk about, because if it is a continuance of our conversation of the other day, forget about it and just leave?” Deanna tells him flatly. Angel is still growling in addition to crouching down, her ears are laid back against her head.

  Still holding up his hands he blurts out, “It’s about your new friend Doyle, we have to talk. Can we go inside?”

  “No, you can talk to me out here, what about this new friend.” Deanna just stares at him with loathing and wonders what she ever saw in him to begin with.

  “I just met the man, and I’m doing a story on him and the ranch. I doubt if I would have any influence over him.” Deanna states coolly, motioning for him to sit under the covered porch area.

  “I just thought you might like to know that he is in for a lot of problems, starting in a couple of days. Anyone taking his part could be in danger themselves, you know.”

  “Is that a threat or are you just trying to scare me into doing something for you? I think you better be a little more specific about what you mean.” Feeling angry at him, and she’s not quite sure why.

  “I’m sure you have heard from your magazine about the Delaplane deal. There are people who are very angry right now and calmer heads may not prevail. Someone may get hurt seriously maybe even fatally.” His manner is threatening, almost evil, in fact.

  “What exactly do you think I could do about it that might help your friends?” She asks him trying to draw him out to be more specific.

  “Try to talk to him about negotiating with the right people, I’m sure they will offer him a substantial profit, plus provide an alternative site for his Rehab for Losers.” He says sarcastically and then laughs.r />
  “I have no influence at all with Jamie and as to his losers; I was going to tell you that I am considering enrolling Katy in his training program. Instead of with that no talent friend of yours, and I will pay for it myself.” She shoots the words back at him, not knowing why. Maybe it was his remark about losers.

  His face contorts with anger, and he starts to rise from the chair, his face working, but no sound comes from his mouth. Before he can utter a word, Angel’s on her feet instantly with her fangs bared and snarling.

  He mutters, “You’ve been warned.” And he starts to back up toward the end of the patio, then down toward the driveway and gate. Angel is moving slowly with him step by step all the way to his car. She never takes her eyes off him. Steve has a terrified look as he dives through his window, one step ahead of Angel.

  Watching him drive away, Deanna has a feeling, and is a little afraid. She’s suspected for a long time that Steve was involved with this southwest deal. Now she’s positive of it, and he sounded desperate. He has always been so sure of himself and the powerful people he knew. For him to come to her and try to enlist her help, he must be scared of something. She’d better hurry and take a shower and get dressed to meet Roberto.

  Why is it, she always thinks more clearly in the shower as the hot water cascades over her? Deanna suddenly realized that when Steve was threatening Jamie. She rose to his defense mentally without any hesitation. This whole land thing throws a different light on the story and maybe even on herself. Now it’s not just about troubled kids and a stranger in their midst. She wants to believe that the land is for building a dream out there for Jamie and his family. Not a land development scam, but look at Steve, she’s been wrong before.

  After getting dressed, she heads downstairs and sees that Angel is waiting for her at the bottom. Deanna pats her on the head and tells her to watch the house as she heads for the back door. She’s nervous and runs to it barking; as Deanna opens it, she darts out and runs down the driveway calling to her doesn’t do any good, she doesn’t come back. Walking around to the car she sees that she is standing by the door, looking at her as if to say, “I’m going with you today.”


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