The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 17

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  Deanna asks her. “How did they come to know him, I have been wondering about that all day?”

  Most of the boys want to be rodeo riders and Uncle Jamie assists them, he also takes them over to the Posse Grounds if their parents can’t make it. They all think he’s just wonderful, some, I think some have crushes on Dyon and some of the other girls. Uncle Jamie or Tanner always supervises all the trail rides and lesson just to make sure there are no other problems.”

  “I‘m ecstatic you like it so much Katy. Why don’t we to talk to Dr. Winman on Tuesday and see what he thinks about you cutting down on the number of visits you have to make to see him? Would you like that?” Deanna waits as Katy almost explodes.

  “Mother I would love under no circumstances to have to go to his office ever again, but if we could get the number of visit down, that’s a start. Oh, by the way, the girls were asking me if I will be showing at Horseman’s this month, will I?”

  “That is up to your new trainer, if Jamie says it’s ok, I’ll pay for it. I’ll handle your father about Rose also, so don’t you worry about it.”

  Katy puts her arms around Deanna and gives her a squeeze and smothers her with kisses. Mother you are the best; I have to get back to the others.”

  Deanna can’t believe how good she feels about everything, her daughter, the job, the article it’s like a fairy tale come true. Two weeks ago, she was financially without funds, didn’t know how she was going to save her family and the farm. Now here she is helping to entertain some of the elite and famous for Palm Beach County.

  Mr. Ellsworth comes up behind her and taps her on the shoulder. “Deanna may I speak with you for a few moments.”

  “Of course Mr. Ellsworth, let’s go out on the back patio it will be a little quieter there.” She leads the way through the crowd and out the French doors.

  “Deanna, how is the piece coming.”

  “Very well, I think I’ll have the rough draft finished and on Mr. Collins desk by Tuesday. I have only the horse show to add to the end, and I was waiting for the background check on Jamie before finalizing it.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. We have come up with nothing other than the last twenty years here in Florida. Before that he never existed, that means he’s either a spook from a government agency or a criminal in the witness protection program. If he is the latter I don’t think he would have pictures taken or speak with you.”

  “That will raise even more questions if I can’t fill in some more background on him, he did tell me that he would not lie to me so maybe if I just ask him I’ll get the story.” Deanna comments pensively, her emotions are in a real crisis.

  “I’m pulling some favors in Washington to see if we can come up with something there. Keep working on it, even if we have to put it off until the January issue as a lead into the National Horse Show. There is something familiar about him; I just can’t place what it is. He reminds me of someone from a long time ago, but he was just a cowboy, I can’t remember what it was for the life of me. It will come back to me, I’m sure.”

  “Ok, I’ll finish what I have so far, and then we’ll sit and go over it and put it on a story board.” She tells him.

  “Deanna, just some advice, please keep objective about this whole thing. He’s won over Melody already, and that was in only a few moments. I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt or anything like that.” He says to her, reaching over to take one of her hands in his seeing the inner conflict in her eyes.

  “I’ll be extremely careful, he is charming and very sweet, but I will be professional until the end. After that I hope to keep a relationship with him as friends, regardless of the outcome of the story.”

  “Alright, just giving some fatherly advice, not trying to sound like your boss. We are a family at the Magazine, I hope you know that. You will have some great assignments after this young lady.” He smiles at her and squeezes her hand and goes back inside.

  Standing there with a west wind blowing on her face, she watches as the light show on the lake is dancing to the music inside. It’s a wonderful place here, serene and pastoral, so out of place in the present day world. Deanna wonders if she can just stay objective until the piece is done and will he still want to see her after it’s written?

  She thinks about what John has told her about Jamie. John’s right he couldn’t be a criminal, but some kind of spy? Why is there no history on him? Father Scanlon knows, but won’t tell. The only person that might know, is Ed Haskell, she must talk with him. He will be back right after this month’s Horse Show; she’ll talk to him then.

  For the time being, she decides to enjoy the rest of the night and wait until more information comes in about him before making a permanent decision about him. Katy has to be her first concern right now no matter what he was once. Deanna has seen what he has accomplished with her, and it’s short of being miraculous.


  “The Gift of Life”

  Jamie and Deanna are dancing and enjoying the end to the fiesta, most of the guests have already left. Jamie’s made a great hit with most of them. His mannerisms and grace are what won them over. The party has been a huge success and will be an incredible assistance to his cause for the ranch.

  Suddenly, Jamie’s phone rings, “Yes Tanner is it time?” He asks. “I’ll be right there… Yes, you know she will, I’ll get her…. Give me five minutes.”

  Jamie turns to Deanna and tells her, “I have to go to the barn, Penny, Dyon’s mare is giving birth, and it looks like it breached. Tanner will need my help; I’ll make my apologies to our guests. Could you see to the remaining guests for me?” He turns and starts to walk away when suddenly he turns and says, “Thank You ___ for everything.”

  Surprised at his remark she answers, “For what?”

  “For just being here, I hope someday to tell you how much it has meant to me.”

  “Go, I will take care of everything here and meet you out by the barn in a little while.” Deanna tells him.

  Jamie steps up to Raul asking him for the microphone, “Ladies and Gentleman may I have your attention, please excuse me. I need your indulgence for just a moment. I must leave you and attend a mare that’s giving birth, but I’ll leave you in Deanna Gaynor’s capable hands. Please feel free to enjoy what’s left of the evening. I’ll see each of you again very soon, I bid you good night and thank you so much for coming this evening.” He turns and goes to find Dyon.

  Deanna circulates among those guests that still remain. She finds they are very sympathetic to the situation and ask her to let them know the outcome as they are equestrian people as well. Soon the remaining guests make their goodbyes, and she then makes her way to the barn.

  Deanna finds Jamie and Tanner in the stall with a very agitated mare that is kicking and biting at them both.

  “Jamie I’m telling you, we got to give her something to calm her down, she gonna strangle that baby inside her if we don’t!” Tanner exclaims.

  “Tanner, please step out and leave her to me, I’ll get her to calm down.” Jamie says trying to sooth the mare.

  “You are crazy boy, she is wild with pain, and she’ll kill you for sure. I’m a calling the Doc.”

  Have Dyon go call, I will need you here as soon as I can get her to calm down!”

  “Dyon you go and call him and tell him we need him now, you hear me!” He yells to Dyon, who’s been standing white faced and terrified.

  “Easy girl I won’t hurt you, you know me, just let me touch you, and you’ll feel better.” She is starting to stand spread legged and sweating, Jamie steps up to her and places his hands on her neck, much like he did with Legion out on the gully wall. She calms down and he gently strokes down her back communicating to her all the time. She seems to sense that he is trying to help her with the pain and begins to calm herself.

  “Tanner, hold her head, I’m going to try and turn the foal we can’t wait for the vet any longer.” Jamie moves to the rear of the mare, the most hazardo
us place for him to be. If she starts to kick, he will have nowhere to get away from those flailing hoofs that could cut him to pieces in such a confined area.

  Reaching his arm into her, he starts to turn the foal getting the head in the position to drop, the mare is starting to fidget and the foal is kicking. You can see her sides jump every time it does, Penny’s in intense pain. Jamie has his arm inserted into her now and has a hold of the baby.

  “I’ve got a hold of it, and its turning, just a bit more, and I think we’ll make it.” With that Penny lashes out with her hind leg catching Jamie in the lower stomach and knocking him down.

  Getting to his feet he motions for us to stay back. “I’m alright, hold her head, I almost got it that time, just one more time, and we’ll make it.” He instructs Tanner.

  I notice that he is bleeding on his side just below the belt, and it seems to be quite a lot, I am about to say something when He cries out “Here it comes!” The baby emerges sack and all. Jamie is unable to get out of the way and the foal drops on him including the afterbirth.

  Jamie sits back with the foal on his lap and removes the birth sack. Penny turns and starts to lick them both. He looks up at them and begins to laugh, lightening the intenseness of the recent situation.

  “I’ll bet she thinks I came out with the baby.” We all laugh and breathe a sigh of relief as the moment of danger is past. Dyon comes up crying, saying she couldn’t get the vet. She sees Jamie and the foal on the floor of the stall, and she throws her arms around them both.

  Jamie takes a towel from Tanner and wipes himself down; he notices the blood and tries to cover it with the towel.

  “Let me look at that,” Deanna tells him, trying to pull his shirt up and undo his pants to get a better look at the injury.

  “No,” he tells her curtly. “I’ll be alright, it is just an old injury that opened up, I will have it fixed up right away I know what to do.” He turns and walks away toward the house before she can say anything.

  Deanna doesn’t understand what he’s trying to hide. However, he did not what her to see his wound. Is he ashamed of it or what? She’s watched him do what no Vet would have without the aid of tranquilizers; he did it with the touch of his hands. Where did he learn to care for animals like that? He seems to have a type of comforting healing touch.

  “Tanner, he’s hurt and bleeding pretty badly, we should take him to the hospital or at least put a bandage on it.” Deanna begs Tanner to go after him.

  “Missy he will take care of it, he always does, this isn’t the first time he busted it open. Someday maybe it will heal, when the Good Lord thinks he has suffered enough I guess. Don’t you be pressing him on it though; he’ll be fine you’ll see?” Tanner immediately diverts the conversation to Dyon.

  “Tanner look it’s a colt, and he’s a red palomino with flaxen mane and tail.” Dyon exclaims as Jonah looks on completely dumbfounded and unable to say a word about what he has just witnessed.

  “Yes darling, you got yourself a fine looking colt. Whatcha gonna call it?” Tanner asks her.

  “I’ll call him Magic, that’s your name little one.” Dyon coo’s at him as Penny looks on maternally protective, but patient of her humans touching and making a fuss over the precious baby.

  “I think that’s a good name as it took all my magic to get him out.” Jamie laughs walking down the aisle to the stall, cleaned up and wearing a new shirt without any signs of blood.

  “Are you ok, you gave me quite a fright with all that blood, you could have been killed do you realize that?” Deanna’s yelling at him, mainly from a sense of relief seeing that he’s alright.

  “I’m fine; she just tagged me on an old scar and busted it open. I fixed it already and it stopped bleeding, just looked worse than it was really. Well let’s take a look at our new family member, his legs are straight and eyes look clear, How about his breathing Tanner?”

  “There you go again telling me my business. You think this was the first baby I ever helped drop, he’s as clear as new fallen snow. Look he loves her already even before his Mama.” Tanner smiles down at Dyon pretending to be cross with all of them. Deanna senses that the old man is relieved that the birth is past.

  Jamie steps over to her and speaks to her in a whisper, “How about a dance before you have to head home. I think I have some music that would go very nice right about now.” And he takes her by the hand and heads toward the rear patio of the house.

  “I think you were a huge success tonight. The guests expressed to me how very impressed they were with you and every aspect of the ranch. You should be very proud of yourself.”

  “I was very proud of everyone here tonight, I felt good with you standing by my side Deanna. It seemed kind of natural, the two of us greeting everyone and entertaining if you don’t mind me saying so.”

  “Jamie, there are things that you and I have to talk about before I can finish the story. They are about your past, and what you did before coming to Florida. I will have to know that before I can think of us being anything more than friends.”

  “I will tell you everything before you go to print, but first the Horse Show. Second I have to take Dyon up to Virginia to look at a college that’s offered her a scholarship. When I return, I will answer all your questions.

  I’m asking you to trust me, just for a little while longer. You won’t be disappointed, I promise you. All I can tell you now is that your faith and trust will be tested and more than one future will depend on its outcome.

  “Jamie why can’t you tell me now is it that bad.”

  “Please don’t press me right now, I can’t explain, but I will. For the time being please don’t take this the wrong way, but until I am no longer Katy’s trainer what has been happening between us must be put on hold, as it wouldn’t look right. I hope you understand.”

  “Yes your right of course, I must still try to stay objective, but we could still be friends couldn’t we?

  “Of course we will remain friends, good friends.” Jamie reassures her.

  Deanna wants to trust him, but down deep she is afraid to give that much trust to anyone.

  “I will give it a little more time for Katy’s sake and for the other’s. Jamie if I find out that you have deceived me, or anyone else I will blow the lid off of it for sure,” She warns him.

  “Fair enough,” he tells her with confidence in his voice, and turns to get her a drink.

  “Here’s your drink and the music is on, remember you owe me a dance, we never finished the one from before.” He takes her in his arms, and she’s torn three ways between being a woman, a mother and her job. To which one does she owe her first loyalty? Deanna wants to believe him in the worst way, but still can’t shake this feeling of doom that seems to surround him at times.

  It’s the mystique that surrounds him, Deanna is almost afraid to learn what the past is, what it hides or reveals. Will she still feel the same way about him as she does now? Is this what John was warning her about? Is she still being objective? What does she do about Jonah and Katy? The web is tightening in ever closer circles, to what end, she wonders? Questions, all she keeps coming up with are more questions with no answers.

  She closes her eyes and feels the rhythm of the music and the comfort of his arms. The moon is bright and the stars are twinkling, as his hand moves gently through her hair, she listens to the whisper of the wind letting herself succumb to the moment .


  “The Horse Show”

  The show is today and Katy is so excited she can’t keep it in any longer about the Horse Show. She’s up before five o’clock rattling around the kitchen and making noise so everyone will get up. They have practiced for two weeks now and Jamie thinks she’s ready to compete. Deanna only hopes she does as well as Jamie thinks she will.

  She wishes she had more confidence in Katy, but having seen how she is when she panics, Deanna is apprehensive. She also has not spoken to Steve as yet; he still thinks she will be riding under his
friend Rose’s barn colors. Deanna will have to speak to him at the show grounds, but is not looking forward to it. She only hopes he doesn’t make a scene or anything that will upset Katy.

  “Mother, are you awake.” She hears Katy call to her from the hall.

  “Yes honey, how could I not be, what with the racquet you’ve been making in the kitchen?” She opens the door and runs in and jumps on her bed.

  “I will be great today, I mean I will be ok and everything, Uncle Jamie says not to worry about pinning or anything just making a good ride. I love the way he trains us, it’s not all about winning. He claims the important thing is that we have fun and do our best, but he always says “look good”. It is about equitation, is that what your Dad used to say to you,” She asks her mother?

  “Yes your grandfather was a stickler for that too; he said more ribbons are won with good equitation and a smile than talent alone. He used to have me ride for an hour posting and walking just to improve my seat. He was a great trainer too, Jamie reminds me of him very much.” The more time she spends around him, the more she sees her father in him. They don’t look so much alike in physical appearances, just some of the mannerisms. In size and their first impressions, they are very similar. Dad was dark haired with brown eyes, but he gazed into you like Jamie does. They say a woman is always drawn to a man because he reminds her of her father.

  “Are you all set, I mean your clothes and trunk are ready to load into the truck?” She asks Katy just to check.

  “Yes Mother, we packed it four times, I’m so happy for tons of reasons, I may not have to go back to that wacko doctor anymore, and not having had an attack in three weeks. I also have real friends, and we aren’t fighting any more. All these things happened because you got the job, and we met Uncle Jamie. Oh, by the way, what did Daddy say when you told him I wasn’t training anymore at Rose’s?”


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