The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 19

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  T. J. enters the ring and makes her circle before starting her course; she seems to be riding well and makes the first leg of the course with ease. Approaching the second she seems to be hunching over a little and she sees her shoulders start to tremble. Deanna edges over to be near where Jamie is standing, and she hears him talking to her, as though she were standing next to him again. She looks back at T.J., and she is sitting with her back straight and eyes front, as though she could perceive his instructions from across the arena. He never stops talking her through the course, and she appears to hear him, maybe what Katy said about them hearing him in their heads is true. T. J. is trembling as she exits the Ring. Jamie rushes up to greet her, a huge smile brightens his face as he takes her in his arms, and she’s crying and shaking all over. He holds her and tells her how wonderful she was. Irene comes running up to congratulate her as well.

  T. J. turns at the sound of her mother’s voice and puts her arms around her. Suddenly, she turns to Jamie and looks at him and stammers, “Th__Thank__y__you Jefe.”

  Stunned by these words we see both Irene and Jamie both have tears well up in their eyes as the little girl’s face brightens with a glow that would melt even the hardest of hearts.

  Father Tom breaks the tension by giving a short prayer of thanks and we all start to talk at once. Tim is taking pictures of this moment; I only hope he captured the emotion of what just took place. The announcer gives out the standings and T. J. has placed fifth, and she’s ecstatic.

  Tanner ambles over and presents to her a silver horse pin, and even he has tears in his eyes, as she hugs him and accepts his gift by saying, “Thank you.”

  “See there ain’t anything you can’t do once you set your mind to it. My babies are all winners; I told you so didn’t I?” He rambles on about how he knew she could do it, as Irene embraces him; the smile on his face is huge.

  “He smiled on her today and granted her wish. This day is truly the first step back for her toward the road to recovery, and I only hope she will handle the next trial as well.” Jamie mutters not so much for her to hear, but to himself.

  “What was that you said,” Deanna asks him after hearing him mumble.

  “Oh it was nothing, just that she has more roads to travel. Now she has the time to do it in, or something like that. I think it was part of an old Irish poem I heard once. Come let’s get ready for Katy, she’s up next in Low Hunters,” Jamie had her skip cross rails and enter in the slightly more difficult class. “I need to warm her up.” He calls Katy to come over to the practice ring and start warming up for her class.

  Watching them, she can’t help but wonder the way he gets results from these kids and the good that he’s doing. Why is it, she is always looking for the other shoe to drop? Is it because not having the answers to questions that keep bugging her, nagging at her every time she starts to get comfortable with him? Was he always like he is now, or is this just something that developed since Mary passed?

  Those were real tears in his eyes when J.T. spoke to him, he tried to hide them by stepping back and letting her mother and all the rest show their love. There seems to be a power in him not just talent and ability, a way to heal and communicate that transcends education and training, something unnatural.

  Watching him now with Katy and the way she responds to his training, is beyond anything that anyone would have believed possible just a few short weeks ago. She prays that there will be no skeletons that pop up in his closet, something that might cast a shadow over people that care so much for him. The one’s who believe that he’s who, and what he appears to be.

  Turning back toward the spectator’s section Deanna sees Steve storming over to her, with an angry face and his nostrils flaring.

  “Deanna, I need to talk to you right now, I just spoke to Rose, and she tells me that Katy has not been over to her barn for training for weeks, and that she is not registered as her trainer here today either. You better have a good excuse for this bullshit, or I’ll make you wish that you were never born, I’ll crucify you.” He threatens her and carrying on like she’s never seen him, posturing for battle in public is very unlike him.

  “Steve how nice of you to make it today I am sure Katy will be thrilled that you came.” She tries to be as pleasant as possible, so he won’t make a scene.

  “You bitch, I warned you what would happen if you interfered with me again, didn’t I? Where’s Katy, she’s leaving right now, and you’re paying for all the lessons she missed?” He demands, getting right into Deanna’s face.

  Katy is watching from the practice arena and sees her father storm up to her mother. Having learned from Jonah what he is capable of, she’s afraid for her, and it shows on her face.

  Katy turns to Jamie and says, “Oh my God, that’s my father, and he’s angry at my Mother, for taking me out of Rose’s program and letting me train with you. What am I going to do Uncle Jamie?” Katy is starting to go into a panic attack, her color is draining from her face and her hands are starting to shake.

  “I’ll take care of this, you just walk Legion, so he won’t get nervous, and everything will be alright. Go on, I’ll talk to him, it’ll be ok.” Jamie reassures her and she quiets down a little.

  Walking over unnoticed by either Deanna or her ex-husband, Jamie excuses himself and intercedes. “Excuse me, is there a problem here? You must be Mr. Gaynor, how are you? I’m James Doyle your daughter’s new trainer.” Before Steve can speak, Jamie cuts him down. “You know your voice has carried out to the ring where I am warming up a horse and rider. I would appreciate if you would either take this somewhere else or kindly be quiet.” Steve turns toward Jamie with hatred glaring from his eyes.

  “That was not a request Mr. Gaynor, it’s an order. Let me point out to you that as custodial parent, Deanna has the right to engage anyone that she sees fit to train her Daughter. That sir happens to be me. If you interfere with that training you will be in violation of Equine law in Palm Beach County. As a member of the Florida Bar you must be aware of that. That’s the first thing, the second is I will take it very badly, and you don’t want me to do that.” Jamie gets up to Steve’s nose and Deanna’s afraid that Steve will try to hit him.

  “Listen you son-of-a-bitch, I’ll slap you silly if you get in my way.” With that said Steve tries to punch Jamie, but suddenly finds his wrist in a vise like grip that’s twisting him to his knees in submission.

  Jamie whispers to him as he falls to his knees. “The mistake you just made is that you thought this is my first time at the rodeo, it isn’t. I’ll break your arm if you ever try that again, with me or Deanna. Go home Mr. Gaynor I don’t wish to see you ever again. I’ll spare you the embarrassment of a beating you justly deserve, but only for your daughter’s sake. I won’t be so forgiving next time, Go away!” Having given him evidence to his exact intentions, Jamie releases him as Steve grovels in the dust. Steve slowly gets to his feet, and she sees the same fear in his eyes as the day Angel chased him to his car.

  Jamie then takes Deanna’s arm and escorts her to a seat in the spectator’s box. “I’m sorry, but there seemed no other way around that situation, I hope you’ll not think too badly of me. I could not have him upset Katy or threaten you much more.” He apologizes to her then says, “I have to get out to Katy now and try to get her mind ready for this class, excuse me.”

  Jamie strides off to the ring with everyone just staring after him not saying a word. She can hear whispers saying they never saw anything like that in their lives. How quick he was and how easily he put Steve on his knees. Mostly, it was the look in his eyes that they focused on. Jamie’s eyes went from an azure color to cold ice blue in the blink of an eye. His look put a chill in the otherwise tropical air, and that whispered threat, rasped against their nerves, a sense of fear they all felt. The fear that Steve felt was what they experienced. A few began talking to her, saying how sorry they were, that. Steve was such a jerk. Some of the women actually were titillated by how Jamie just took command and
took down an obvious bully. One or two knew who Jamie is; all were impressed.

  She now knows there’s no backup in him at all, if it comes to a fight, he will fight for what he believes or feels he must protect.

  The judges are calling off the list of riders and Katy is scheduled to ride second. Her color has not come back yet, and Deanna knows that Katy’s still worked up by her Father’s behavior. She’s afraid on how it will affect her ride, will she blow up and suffer embarrassment in front of all these people, Deanna trembles at that thought. She closes her eyes and prays, “Please, don’t let her lose it out there, it will destroy her.”

  Jamie is talking to her and tries to get her ready by keeping her focused on the girl that is riding in front of her. Pointing out what she has to concentrate on.

  “Katy you have to listen to me, you’re going to be fine, sometimes adults make fools of themselves, and it has nothing to do with you. Your job today is to take Legion out there and show everyone how good he and you really are. Just think about all the things I have told you, and that you know. You’ll be just fine.

  Anytime you start to get into trouble, you will hear me talking you through it. I will be right here if you think of me, and you’ll hear me.” Jamie places his hand on hers and gives her hand a little squeeze, Katy tries to give him a smile, but manages only a weak one.

  It’s time for Katy to enter the ring, and she makes a tight circle, not a big one then heads for the first jump in line riding a little stiff. I look and Jamie is talking again as though she were right beside him, each stride he tells her how good she’s doing. Taking the second jump a little long, but she recovers and goes on to the third. Katy looks up and sees Jamie as she crosses to the center heading back toward us. Katy nods her head, as if she hears his instructions and goes on to the rest of the jumps. She finishes a good round except for the start and the long jump. Exiting the Ring she comes to a halt in front of Jamie.

  “Well how do you think you did?” He asks her holding Legions head as Katy pats his neck.

  “I think I did well except for my entrance and the second jump, but, I could hear you as I rode around, every stride, I could hear your voice. Will it always be like that?” She asks, her voice cracking a little.

  “Only for as long as you need to.”

  Deanna walks over after giving Katy and Jamie a few moments like her mother used to when she exited the ring. Her father as her trainer would always come over after she finished her class and discuss the ride with her for a few minutes.

  Deanna now walks over and Jamie takes Legion out of the way and looses his girth. Katy runs over and gives her a big hug. “Mother I think I’m going to be fine, from this point on, thanks for hanging in there for me. I hope Uncle Jamie doesn’t think I’m mad at him for what happened with Daddy. I saw it even though he tried to send me over to the other end of the ring. Daddy tried to hit him didn’t he?”

  “Yes Honey, I think he would have, but Jamie handled it like a gentleman and persuaded him to leave without causing anymore trouble. Everything will be alright from here on out.” Deanna tries to explain to her, so she doesn’t feel more embarrassed than she already does.

  She looks down at the ground and whispers, that she wishes her father was more like Uncle Jamie. Deanna wishes he had been to, but you could also wish for pigs to fly.

  The judges have finished tallying up the scores and Katy got a third, she is elated and all the girls are patting her on the back and already start planning for the spring shows. Dyon takes Katy’s ribbon and pins it on Legion’s headstall, and he seems to be very pleased with it also.

  The rest of the girls did well in all their classes, and we go to celebrate with some of Rosa’s wonderful food as the vaqueros take care of the horses, parading them around for all the others see.

  “Why are they doing that, Rosa” Deanna asks.

  “They are proud of the Senoritas and the horses, so they are showing off. It is a thing of pride for them and a way to show their Rancho to the others. It will make them jealous and cause some bad feeling, but they will get over it. The vaqueros take their jobs very seriously. They feel that they have won too.

  They did do well, two Grand’s, two Reserves and nothing more than fifth, it was a very good day. Dyon won all of her classes against many rated riders and very expensive horses. The Rancho did well and that will give them much pride.

  “Do you not feel the pride as they do? Senorita Katy won more than just a ribbon today, no?” Rosa says.

  “Yes Rosa, I have not felt this way, since I was a little girl riding for my Father, I feel like I belong.” She says to her longingly, remembering back to when she was Katy’s age, and what it felt like to be part of something that she loved.

  “The Patron made a choice for you today and maybe a bad enemy as well. He as I once said to you, is the rock upon which we stand” Rosa reminds her.

  Turning to look at the girls sitting, chatting and laughing with Eduardo playing his guitar and Jamie singing, she’s reminded of a time in her own past. Deanna takes a moment to reflect before returning to the afternoon’s holiday fare and party atmosphere. She can’t help but want for this to go on forever, not just for her children, but herself as well.


  “A Mother’s Secret”

  “Hello Mom, how are you?” Deanna says to her, as soon as she picks up the phone.

  “Deanna, is everything alright, the kids ok.”

  “Yes everyone is ok, sorry, I know I always call you after seven, but I needed some advice….. And I needed to talk to you; do you have a few minutes?” Deanna asks her.

  “Of course I do. What’s the problem; you’re not getting back with Steve are you?”

  “No, this is more like, letting me sound off to you and then seeing if I sound crazy or what. I have had the most incredible four weeks of my life.

  “What are you prattling about?”

  Before you say anything or ask me questions could you please just listen and let me talk, ok? The last time I spoke to you, I told you about the new job and the story that I was working on. Well, the gentleman that owns the ranch has become Katy’s coach and therapist. He has done more for her in this short period of time than you could imagine.

  You were on that Thanksgiving cruise with the church when Katy had her first show. She placed third, if you had seen the way he handled her, you would have thought it was a miracle, she rode perfectly on Legion. All the girls did wonderfully, and it was an electrifying weekend. You see all the girls except one he teaches, have some kind of crisis or emotional problem. He’s so much like Daddy its unreal.

  “You are beating around the bush, what’s the problem, are you falling for this guy or what?” Her mother sounds like she’s a little peevish with her.

  “Mom, please let me get to what I want to talk to you about, can you do that just once, please?”

  “Ok, go ahead. Is this going to be one of those Mother Daughters things again?” Her mother answers and asks her, a little petulant again.

  “Well yes, remember Mary Haskell? She was Daddy’s favorite student; her Mom was killed in that jumping incident during the fox hunt.” Her mother is silent about what she has just said; it seems to be a long time.

  “Hello Mom, are you there,” She asks?

  “Yes, um, I was just fixing the phone cord.” Answering her, but sounding like a little distant.

  “Jamie, that’s Katy’s trainer, that’s his name, Jamie Doyle, you’re not going to believe this, but he was married to her, and she passed away from cancer. I’ve had this feeling that he knows me, or we’ve met before, but I don’t know where. He knows what I like, right down to the clothes that I would prefer, flowers, even the wine I like. I keep getting this feeling of Dejevue any time I am with him. He’s tall, rather good looking, very gentle and patient. I know he’s a man who if pushed will fight for what he believes in and is very devoted to his principles. He loves his family with a love that reminds me of Daddy, his friends
would also die for him like Daddy’s.

  He and Steve got into it at the Show Grounds and Steve was getting really ugly. He even tried to hit Jamie, but instead, Jamie almost broke his arm, he never lost control, nor raised his voice. He told Steve that if he caused Katy or me anymore grief, then he would deal with him and sent him packing. I saw strength in him that I never thought I would see again. He seems to have a power that makes you feel safe, protected, it emanates from him. I have tried to stay objective about him for the story’s sake. I am so confused about how I feel about him. He’s kissed me a couple of times, but not since he became Katy’s teacher and therapist. I think I’m falling in love with him, but I have this feeling that he hides a terrible secret.

  The magazine research department could not find anything about him prior to twenty years ago. Mr. Ellsworth seems to think he may have been a government agent you know what they call a spook or is in the witness protection program. He’s very wealthy, but you would never know it by meeting him or talking with him. He just possesses so many unnatural qualities that sometimes I think he will vanish if I blink my eyes.

  Mother, I’m very confused as to how I feel about him. Do I keep on with the story or do I ask Ellsworth to assign someone else?”

  Deanna’s mother is listening to her go on about this mystery man, and how wonderful he is, but her mind stopped when she mentioned Mary. That was so long ago, and then she disappeared after her mother was killed and Ed left right after that too. She never heard from either one again. Moina was her best friend, they grew up together in Virginia, and both went to college getting jobs as interns in Washington. That’s how she met Robert. He was working for the Kennedy’s, and Moina got the job working for Ed Haskell when he was in congress. My God, she can’t tell her after all these years that Mary was not Ed’s child; she was her father’s first child. When Moina was killed that day neither Mary nor Robert were ever the same or her either. Now the past is coming back to haunt them again. Deanna is falling in love with her dead sister’s husband. Does he know, is that why he knows so much about her, does she tell her and how?---------


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