The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 30

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Hello, yes I do how you are. Is your mother alright?” He asks with sudden concern in his voice.

  “Well that’s what I’m calling you about, I have been trying to get a hold of her since yesterday and there has been no answer at her house. I can’t even get Hanna, it’s very odd, and I’m worried.” She tells him.

  “I have not heard from her, since I saw her at last Sunday’s service, she and Hanna seemed to be in good spirits. I’ll drive over there right away and check on them if you like,” Reverend Small offers.

  “Yes Reverend, if you wouldn’t mind I’m getting very worried. Please call me on my cell phone, or I can call you later if you would prefer.” He asks her to wait while he gets something to write with.

  He comes back on and Deanna gives him her cell number. He promises to call her, as soon as he gets back. He doesn’t have a cell phone either.

  “Thank you Reverend, I will await your call….Goodbye.”

  Deanna takes her dress up stairs and put’s it on the bed, she strips down and starts to get her under things ready. Trying to tell herself that all is well in Virginia, She doesn’t want to worry Katy. Deanna picks up the phone and calls Jamie’s cell phone, but he doesn’t answer, she just gets his voice mail. Deanna doesn’t bother to leave him a message.

  She looks at the clock and sees that it’s almost six o’clock they have to be there between seven and seven thirty. Deanna starts to put on her make up and get dressed hoping this feeling of dread goes away. She looks at herself in the mirror and finds it hard to believe that it’s her. Calling out to Katy to see if she needs anything, “No Mother, I’m fine be out in a minute.” Telling her to meet her downstairs, she goes to let Angel out before they go. When suddenly she realizes that they had completely forgotten to feed and water the horses.

  Deanna is startled by a knock on the back door and wonders who it could be and why Angel is not barking her head off. Turning on the back light she’s relieved to see Esteban standing there.

  Deanna opens the door quickly and asks, “Esteban is something wrong. What are you doing here?”

  “Nothing is wrong Senora the Patron tells me this morning to come here tonight and take care of the horses for you. I knock before but no one answer so I go and do. The dog she comes and gets me, so I know you must be home.” He smiles as he holds his hat in his hands.

  “Thank you, do you want to come in, we are just getting ready to go to the Banquet; Katy will be down in a minute.

  Esteban could do me a favor and take our picture if you wouldn’t mind?” He nods She goes over and grabs her camera, stepping back into the kitchen Deanna shows him what to do.

  Esteban looks at the camera and tells her he understands.

  “Si Senora, you look like the princess.”

  Katy comes down and is surprised to see him. “Hola, Esteban what are you doing here?”

  “He came to help with the stock, a good thing he did, we both forgot when we came home. Come on Katy stand over by the fireplace, Esteban is going to take our picture.” Deanna tells her.

  Pulling up to the country club, Deanna and Katy step out of the car and hand the valet the keys. “Well are you ready” She looks at Katy and squares her shoulders.

  “Yep, let’s go,” she says, and they link arms and march up the stairs. Arriving at the front entrance Deanna shows their invitations to the head steward, and he directs them to the Banquet Room.

  Upon entering the banquet area Deanna hands the Concierge their invitations, as he reads them, she looks around to see if Mel and John have arrived yet. The Concierge tells them which table to find them at and asks one of the ushers to escort Katy and Deanna to their tables.

  “Mother, I want to sit with the rancho’s table can’t you ask him to sit me over there?”

  “Sir, My daughter is supposed to be sitting at the Rancho de Los Angeles table, there must be a mistake, and could you check it out please.”

  He checks his seating arrangement and apologizes for his mistake; they follow him over to the table and Katy breaths much easier. “See you are right next to Tia and Dyon, they have not arrived as yet.”

  She notices that the table is set for nine with T. J. and Marianna on either side of Jamie. She was hoping he had put her name on the seating arrangement to sit at his table, but see’s that he hasn’t.

  Deanna sees Mel and John coming in and over to greet them. “Hi, you two look incredible, John you do dress up nicely.” Deanna compliments them both, as John gives her a huge smile.

  Mel gives her a peck on the cheek as does John. “Deanna you look ravishing in that gown, the color and the flowers are perfect for you.” John pays her one of his rare compliments.

  Mel did John have flowers sent to the house for me today.

  “No, he didn’t, in actuality; I had to order my own because somebody forgot to.” Mel says a little peeved. Deanna notices that John becomes beet red, looking at the floor, like some errant school boy. “Maybe Jamie sent them.”

  “I thought he might have also, but the flowers they ordered, came from a different florist in Loxahatchee. This came with a bunch of yellow roses also.” Deanna explains to them.

  “We’ll see once Roger and Ken get here who sent them, no big mystery.” Mel states dismissing the subject as she looks toward the banquet hall entrance.

  Deanna looks up and sees Rosa shepherding everyone in, and she looks spectacular, so many eyes turn and stare at them. She looks regal and Eduardo looks just as grand in his tuxedo, next come Dyon and Jonah, who make and an elegant couple, her hair is swept long falling to her waist. She is wearing a red gown, and she appears every inch a woman. She doesn’t see Jamie with them and assumes he must be coming soon.

  Getting up she walks over to greet them all and tells the girls how wonderful they all look. “Rosa you and Eduardo have made quite an impression you all look as though you stepped right out of a fashion magazine. Did you see all the flash bulbs going off as you came in? Is Jamie with you?” Deanna notices Rosa gives Eduardo a look of concern.

  “He didn’t make it back to the hacienda before we left, but Tanner says he will dispatch him as soon as he gets there. We haven’t heard from him since he left this morning, and he was not answering his phone.” Rosa says with concern on her face.

  Deanna is just about to reply to her when her cell phone rings, taking it out of her purse, she sees it’s Reverend Small. “Excuse me Rosa, I have to answer this. Hello Reverend what did you find out.” She answers, concern showing in her voice.

  He tells her that he went over to the house and no one was there, but some lights were left on, and the car was not in the garage. He then went to the next door neighbor to see if Mrs. Foster had seen them. She said they left sometime early this morning, and they had bags with them. Apologizing that he could not be of more help, but at least now she knows there was not an emergency.

  “Thank you, Reverend Small, I just can’t imagine where they might be off too, but it’s a load off my mind to know. I’m sure they will contact me soon. Thank you again, sorry to have bothered you.” Deanna says to him feeling silly for having been such an alarmist.

  Turning back toward Rosa, Deanna is about to speak when she takes her by the arm and walks Deanna away from the table. “Senora, please, I do not want to upset the girls, but Eduardo thinks he may not be coming, I do not know why; please for their sake make no fuss about it.” Rosa pleads with her.

  “I understand they will be very disappointed if he doesn’t show, I just don’t understand why he would do something like this, and it’s so out of character for him.” Deanna is very confused, she feels as though a heavy weight has descended upon her.

  Looking at Deanna, Rosa says, “I have said many prayers today for all our sakes, we will talk later.” Rosa turns and heads back toward the girls and Eduardo.

  Deanna starts back toward her table not quite comprehending what Rosa has just told her, when she sees a sight that makes her knees go weak. Standing next to John is
her Mother and Hanna with Ed Haskell. Rushing over she almost knocks them over, Deanna can’t believe her eyes that they’ve come.

  “Glad to see you too, sweetheart.” Her mother says sarcastically.

  “Why don’t we all sit down and calm down before you both ruin your makeup,” suggests Ed.

  “You better start to explain Mother, but first give me a big hug.” Deanna throws her arms around her and Hanna again, now that her initial shock is over.

  “Well we decided after we got your letter, but having only come once I was not sure how to go about making the arrangements. So I got hold of Ed, and he booked us the flight to get us here tonight, but it landed in Orlando at three thirty. Our problem was how to get here from there in time for the Banquet. We wanted to surprise you.” Jenifer explains to her

  “So how did you get here from Orlando?”Asks Deanna

  “Ed was postponed in Washington on business, and couldn’t be there to pick us up when the plane landed. He had your friend Jamie, who came and picked us up. He’s a very nice man, and I can see why you would be interested in him. He drove us and got us to our hotel. He waited until we got dressed, than proceeded to bring us here.” Her mother replies.

  “Mother was he going home to change after he brought you here,” Deanna asks?

  Hanna speaks up for the first time. “No that’s what seemed odd, he said he had to go somewhere first, and he might see us later. I thought he meant he was going home to change, but now I don’t think so.”

  Jonah comes over with Katy and Dyon upon seeing his Grandmother and Hanna.

  “Grandmother, Auntie Hanna why didn’t you call? It doesn’t matter let me introduce you, Dyon this is my Grandmother and my Great Aunt Hanna.” He proudly introduces them.

  “I am really not his Auntie, I have been with Miz Jennifer since his Mama was born, and I changed his diaper a time or two.” Hanna tells her, smiling and feeling proud that he would introduce her as his aunt.

  “We are pleased to meet you my dear,” Deanna’s mother says to her. ”Hanna, and I have been friends for fifty years, even before Deanna was born, we’re family. I have heard much about you from Ed. It sounds like he’s mighty proud of you and all you have accomplished.” Deanna’s mother explains as she gives Dyon a kiss. Ed Haskell is smiling as he watches his old friend hugging the young woman that he looks upon as a grand daughter. “You know we all lived in the same town in Virginia a long time ago and were like family, it’s good to be together once again.” My mother tells Dyon.

  Dyon asks Deanna’s mother, “Madam my uncle, he didn’t come in with you?”

  “No child he didn’t, he said he had somewhere he had to go first.” She answers, seeing anxiety in Dyon’s face.

  It’s the first time Deanna has heard her refer to Jamie as her uncle. She asks Dyon where he might be going, and she said she wasn’t sure. “He might be going to check on Tanner and then get dressed.”

  “Did he pick up his tux for the Banquet?” Deanna asks her hoping to get a clue.

  Dyon replies, “He has his own, so he wouldn’t have to pick one up, come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing it out, and that wouldn’t be like him.”

  “I am going to try calling him once more on his cell, this is ridiculous, why wouldn’t he be here with all of you,” Deanna says to her and failing to raise him on the cell, she finally attempts the house phone.

  “Hello, this is Tanner.” She hears his familiar voice.

  “Tanner, this is Deanna have you seen Jamie?”

  “No, Missy I ain’t, I figured he was with you at that fancy place. You mean to tell me he ain’t shown yet?” Tanner asks.

  “No, he picked up my mother and dropped her off, and said he had somewhere to go first. I’m worried Tanner, this is not like him.” Deanna tries to convey her fears to him.

  He tells her he’ll find him and not to worry.

  “Dian Cecht, the great healer of the Clan Tuatha De Danann, awaits permission to enter the underground city of his father, King Dagda, I’m here to seek an audience with the Dagda, tell him it’s about our kinsman.” He tells the king’s chamberlain.

  The chamberlain returns and tells him he may enter the Kings Chambers. “Lord Cecht, the King will see you now.” The old retainer opens the portal to the king’s chamber.

  “Welcome my son, I’m told you have news of the Redeemer.”

  “Aye father, I have watched as you degreed, and he has completed his tasks. The people are leaving as we speak; the gea’s has been absolved, we are free, my lord.”

  “It has been a long time waiting for the curse to be lifted, and we can now seek peace. Our kinsman has done well; does he join with us for the journey?”

  “No Father, the Prophesy said that the Celtic Angel upon the completion of his task will have the right to stay or go. I believe he will stay here on middle earth, his penitence is now done, and he has found, and restores the Children of Danu, they live once more.”

  “Shall you be traveling with us on the journey Lord Cecht?”

  “Not yet my lord, first I must leave one more message for him and there is a spirit that will accompany me. Mary wants to see him one more time, when that is done we will come to you and cross over.”

  “Lord Cecht, the Tuatha owes you and your kinsman our eternal gratitude; we will await you at the crossover”…..


  Rubin and Tanner drive a ranch jeep out over the rolling grass land toward the one spot Tanner believes Jamie will be. Tanner sees a lone figure highlighted in the glare of the headlights and tells Rubin to stop. They have arrived at the private cemetery, called Fiona’s Acre.

  “I thought this is where he’d be, pull right up here Rubin, and you help me out than you can leave, comprende.” Rubin nods and smiles as he brings the truck to a stop, He then gets out and pulls the wheel chair out of the back of the truck for Tanner.

  “What are you doing here you crazy old man?” Jamie hollers at him as Rubin wheels him up to the small cemetery. “I would yell at Rubin, but I know it is not his fault, are you trying to kill yourself.” He runs up and takes the chair from Rubin.

  “What I want to know is, why you’re here when you’re supposed to be at that their dinner thing, they all waiting on you boy. Don’t you care anything for them gals or Missy?” Tanner says to Jamie in that level tone he uses only when he’s really pissed.

  “Tanner, I was just telling her how I felt, and asking if it was alright with her. Did you know that Mary and Deanna were sisters, her mother told me today? Now I know why I felt as close to her as I did, I was seeing Mary in her. It wasn’t love of her; it was Mary that stirred those old feelings.” Jamie falls on his knees and laments to the old man.

  “That’s crap and you know it, you fell for that gal the minute you set eyes on her, it’s your dam guilt that makes you talk nonsense. That gal ain’t my Missy, she’s a woman in her own right, and she loves you more than Mary ever did.”

  “What are you talking about you old fool, no one could have loved me more than Mary!” Jamie yells at Tanner, anger rising in his voice. It’s the first time in thirty years he’s spoken harshly to his oldest friend.

  “Mary needed you for her strength, and because it was your cross to bear. You know she loved you, but it was a different kind of love, you kept her alive and for her, you were the sun, and she bathed in your warmth. Don’t you see you don’t have to protect Deanna? All you got to do is love her and begin living again. Mary sent that gal here for you so you could live again, and finish what you had to do. Your debt is paid, you’ve set them free and in so doing, you’ve set yourself free.”

  Jamie stands looking down at Mary’s grave when Tanner exclaims, “What’s that growing next to the headstone,” and he shines a light.

  Jamie looks at where he is playing the light, and he sees a yellow rose, a single yellow rose growing where it shouldn’t be.

  “What more proof did you need, ain’t nothing but daffodils been planted here. She’s tellin
g you, go get that yellow rose, and don’t let it wilt none. My Missy, she’s telling you to go find that happiness. She made you promise you would, I was there. Now she is sending you a sign.”

  Jamie stands there looking at that rose, just the one. “Tanner let’s go, we’re going to a party, if she’ll still have this old man!” Jamie says excitedly.

  “I can’t go with you, I’m not dressed for a fancy party, besides, I would embarrass my babies showing up dressed like some stable tramp.” Tanner says sadly.

  “Then you will get dressed and so will I. You have that dark suit I bought for you when Mary passed, you’ll wear that.” He calls ahead to have Theresa put out the necessary clothes and get his electric razor ready for Tanner.

  Jamie takes the stairs two at a time and rushes to his room, Theresa has laid out his clothes and pressed a dress shirt. He dresses with an urgency that he never had before, when suddenly he thinks. “What if she won’t have me, what if she thinks the age difference is too much, or maybe she’s met someone else that she’s fallen for?” With a shrug of his shoulders he decides to take his chances.

  Running down stairs he yells to see if Tanner is ready. Reaching the bottom he sees Rubin, and he is all smiles, pushing out a spit and polished man he hardly recognizes.

  “What kept you, we’ve been waiting for some time, are we going, or not?” Tanner chuckles.

  “Come on old man, were burning moonlight.” Tanner nods and smiles and Jamie notices, he’s put his teeth in….

  Driving up to Country Club Jamie throws the valet his keys as he helps Tanner from the vehicle. Entering the main lobby Jamie walks up to the concierge desk and asks for directions to the banquet room. The young man at the desk tells them that dinner has been served and the entertainment is about to start. Jamie asks him who is providing the entertainment tonight, and he tells him it’s Raul’s band.

  Jamie tells Tanner to wait by the door and asks the man where Raul’s group is. The Concierge says back stage, and gives Jamie’s directions.


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