To my idols Dr. Lara Briden, Dr. Jolene Brighten, Dr. Carrie Jones, Dr. Chistiane Northrup, and Alisa Vitti for teaching me everything and paving the way for information surrounding female hormone health to be accessible to everyone. Thank you for encouraging women to take their health matters into their own hands, for educating and for offering alternative approaches to women’s health matters.
To everyone at Blue Star Press, thank you for believing in me and making this book possible. To Brenna, for being so understanding, compassionate, and helpful throughout the whole process—I will never forget the day I read your email about becoming an author! To Laura Lee for being an amazing editor, and to Alicia, Amy, Amanda, and Peter for bringing everything to life.
The index links provided will take you to the beginning of the corresponding page of the print edition. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.
A, vitamin (Beta Carotene), c04.1, c05.1
and B12 vitamin
estrogen as cause of, c11.1, c12.1, c12.2
as PMS symptom, fm2.1, fm2.2
treatments for, fm2.1, fm2.2, fm2.3, c05.1, c05.2, c12.1
adrenal fatigue. see HPA Axis Dysregulation
adrenal glands
and cortisol levels, fm2.1, c01.1, c06.1
explanation of, c01.1, c01.2
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
alcohol, c01.4, c02.1, c06.1, c12.1, c12.2
Aloe Avocado Face Mask
Aloe Hair Mask (DIY)
amenorrhea, c03.1, c04.1, c05.1
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, website for, c01.5
amino acids, c04.2, c04.3, c06.2
annovulation, c03.2, c04.4, c11.1, c11.2
anxiety, c01.7, c03.3, c05.2
Anxiety Relief Essential Oil Blend
Aphrodisiac Essential Oil Blend
apple cider vinegar, c10.1, c10.2, c12.4
complete list of
for measurement of nutrient intake, c05.1, res.1
for moon cycles, c08.1, res.1
for tracking periods and fertility, c07.1, res.1
Apricot Pistachio No-Bake Breakfast Bars
artificial sweeteners
Arugula Fennel Salad
attraction, sexual, c03.1, c03.2, c11.3, c11.4, c11.5. see also libido
Autumn Essential Oil Blends
Autumn Face and Hair Masks (DIY)
Autumn Food Chart
autumn season, c12.4. see Phase Four: Luteal (waning moon/autumn)
Avocado Aloe Face Mask
avocados, c04.1, c10.1, c11.6
Ayurvedic practices
Baking Soda Hair Scrub, Clarifying, c12.5
Balancing Banana Mask
Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
of cycle’s four phases, 9.2, c10.2, c11.7, c12.7
explanation of, c03.1, c07.1
during ovulation, c07.1, c11.1, c11.2
BBQ Black Bean Burgers
beauty products, c02.1, c06.1, res.1
Berry Smoothie
choices for, c06.1, c12.1
recipes for
smoothies/shakes, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
birth control, hormonal methods for
IUDs, c03.1, c11.1
pills as “miracle cure,” fm2.1, fm2.2, c03.1
pill’s function in body
pill’s side effects, c03.1, c03.2, c11.1
sexual attraction and
transition to non-hormonal methods
birth control, natural methods for, c03.1, c11.1
Black Bean Tofu Scramble
bleeding, menstrual. see also menstruation
blemishes. see acne
blog (The Glowing Fridge), fm2.1, res.1
blood sugar (blood glucose)
importance of balance in, c06.1, c12.1
management of
signs of imbalance of
supplements and herbs for
body awareness
of birth control’s effects (see birth control, hormonal methods for)
of endocrine system (see endocrine system)
of food choices (see plant-based nutrition)
period as fifth vital sign for, c03.1, c03.2
of supplement choices (see supplements and herbs)
of toxic substances (see detoxification)
body washes
books, suggested
bowls, recipes for, c09.1, c09.2, c10.1, c10.2, c11.1
BPA (bisphenol-a), c02.1, c06.1, c06.2
hypothalamus in, c01.1, c04.1, c09.1, c11.1
supplements and herbs for
brain fog, c01.1, c06.1, c12.1
Brazil Nut Probiotic Yogurt Bowl
breakfast, recipes for, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
breast health, c03.1, c05.1, c11.1, c11.2, c12.1
Broccoli Zoodle Bowl with Lemon Basil Pesto Sauce
Brussel Sprouts, Cheesy
burgers, c04.1, c09.1
butters (nut and seed), c04.1, c10.1, c10.2
B vitamins
B1 (Thiamine), c04.1, c05.1
B2 (Riboflavin), c04.1, c05.1
B3 (Niacin), c04.1, c05.1
B5 (Pantothenic Acid), c04.1, c05.1
B6 (Pyridoxine), c04.1, c05.1
B7 (Biotin), c04.1, c05.1
B9 (Folate/Folic Acid), c04.1, c05.1
B12 (Methylcobalamin), c04.1, c05.1
benefits of, c05.1, c12.1
daily recommendations, chart of
C, vitamin (Ascorbic Acid), c04.1, c05.1, c09.1, c10.1
caffeine, c02.1, c06.1, c12.1, c12.2
calcium, c04.1, c05.1
CALM Magnesium Bedtime Tea, c05.1, c05.2, c12.1
carbohydrates (carbs), c01.1, c06.1, c11.1, c12.1. see also complex carbohydrates (macronutrient); grains
carbon water filter
Cashew Coconut Smoothie
Cauliflower “Steak” with Kale Pesto
Caya diaphragm
cervical cap
cervical mucus
in cycle’s four phases, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
tracking, c03.1, c03.2, c07.1
cheese-eating, environmental impact of
Chia Protein Pudding
Chickpea Salad, Mashed
chlorella/liquid chlorophyll, c09.1, c09.2
chocolate cravings
Chocolate Stuffed Raspberries
cholesterol and fatty acids
cinnamon, c05.1, c06.1, c12.1, c12.2
Clarifying Baking Soda Hair Scrub
Clean Fifteen (produce), c04.1, c06.1
cleaning supplies
cleansing, menstruation as time for, c03.1, c09.1
Cleansing Arugula Fennel Salad
clothing brands, eco-friendly
Coconut Cashew Smoothie
Coconut Milk Reparative Moisture Hair Mask
coconut oil, c04.1, c04.2
cognition, support for
collagen (for skin), c05.1, c11.1, c12.1
color of menstrual blood, c09.1, c12.1
communication, timing for
complex carbohydrates (macronutrient)
overview and sources of, c04.1, c06.1
benefits of, c06.1, c12.1
contraceptive gel
Cookie Dough, Edible
cooking at home
cooking oil, temperatures for
copper (IUDs)
copper (mineral)
copulins (pheromones)
corpus luteum, c09.1, c11.1, c12.1, c12.2
adrenal glands and, fm2.1, c01.1, c06.1
explanation of
gut microbiome and
and HPA Axis Dysregulation, c01.1, c04.1
low and high levels of, c01.1, c01.2, c06.1
stress reduction and
testing of, c01.1, c01.2
cosmetics, non-toxic, c02.1, c06.1
Cozy Sweater Essential Oil Blend
cramps, period
cravings, food, c01.1, c12.1, c12.2
Creamy Chococado Pudding
Crisp Fall Air Essential Oil Blend
cycle, four-phase. see also Happy Hormone Method; specific phases of cycle
overview of four phases of
duration of each phase of, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, 12.1
journaling process for, c07.1, c09.1, c09.2
living in harmony with, fm2.1, c04.1, c06.1, c07.1, c07.2
lunar moon cycle and, c08.1, c08.2
Phase One: Menstrual (new moon/winter), c08.1, c09.1
Phase Two: Follicular (waxing moon/spring), c08.1, c10.1
Phase Three: Ovulatory (full moon/summer), c08.1, c11.1
Phase Four: Luteal (waning moon/autumn), c08.1, 12.1
regulating rhythm of
seed-cycling with, c04.1, bm1.1
temperature fluctuations with phases of, c07.1, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, 12.1
tracking, c07.1, c09.1
D, vitamin (Cholecalciferol), c04.1, c05.1
daily choices. see also lifestyle action steps
daily recommendations for vitamins and minerals, c04.1, c05.1
dandelion tea, c05.1, c06.1, c11.1, c12.1
Daysy Fertility Monitor
Deconstructed Mermaid Sushi Nori Bowls (or wraps)
Deep Conditioning Aloe Hair Mask (DIY)
Deep Relaxation Essential Oil Blend
deodorants, c02.1, c02.2
depression, c01.1, c03.1, c03.2, c05.1
desserts, recipes for, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1, bm1.1
by avoiding plastic
with beauty and skincare products, c02.1, c06.1
with digestion and elimination systems, c02.1, c12.1
of food and water
with home and cleaning supplies
importance of, c02.1, c06.1
with supplements and herbs
at work and public places
DHA omega-3 fatty acids, c04.1, c05.1
diffusion of essential oils. see essential oils
digestion, c01.1, c02.1, c02.2, c05.1, c06.1, c12.1
digestive enzymes
dinner, recipes for, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
Dirty Dozen (produce), c04.1, c06.1
DIY face and hair masks, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
DIY fruit and veggie wash
dried blood spot testing, c01.1, c01.2
Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH test), c01.1, c01.2
dry brushing of skin
dry phase of cycle, c08.1, c09.1, c10.1
E, vitamin (Tocopherols)
Early Riser Essential Oil Blend
eating, healthy routines for, c02.1, c06.1
eating for phases of cycle, c04.1, c06.1, c07.1, c07.2. see also plant-based nutrition
EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals), c02.1, c04.1, c06.1, c12.1
Edible Cookie Dough
eggs (in ovulation), c03.1, c03.2, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
Electrolyte Drink, Homemade
elimination (body system), c01.1, c02.1, c06.1, c12.1
hormonal effect on, c01.1, c12.1
menstruation and release of, c03.1, c09.1
endocrine gland, c11.1, 12.1, c12.2
endocrine system. see also hormones; HPA Axis Dysregulation; thyroid gland
overview of
and birth control pills
blood sugar and
endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in, c02.1, c04.1, c06.1, c12.1 (see also detoxification)
glands in
monthly fluctuations of, fm2.1, fm2.2, c04.1, c08.1 (see also cycle, four-phase)
endometriosis, c01.1, c09.1
endometrium (uterine lining), c09.1, c10.1, c12.1
Energizing Essential Oil Blend
Energizing Spring Break Shake
energy and mood in cycle’s four phases, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
Energy Balls, Seed Cycling
environmental impacts of food choices, c04.1, c04.2
Environmental Working Group (EWG), website for
EPA omega-3 fatty acids, c04.1, c05.1
Epsom salt baths, c01.1, c02.1, c06.1
Essence of Summer Essential Oil Blend
essential oils
benefits of, c01.1, c05.1, c06.1, c06.2, c06.3
blends for cycle’s four phases, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
essential vitamins and minerals, c04.1, c05.1
estradiol (“happy hormone”)
estrobolome (bacteria)
blood’s color as indicator of
for bone health
chemical imitators of
cyclical foods for, c06.1, c10.1, c11.1
cyclical levels of, c04.1, c10.1, c11.1, c11.2, c11.3, c12.1, c12.2, c12.3
EDC’s effect on
excess of, c12.1, c12.2
gut microbiome and, c02.1, c06.1
minerals for, c05.1, c05.2
pill’s effect on
seed cycling for, c04.1, bm1.1
skin’s reaction to, c11.1, c12.1, c12.2
and soy products
timing for testing of
for blood sugar balance
in cycle’s four phases, c06.1, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
for lymphatic system
with p.volve videos, c01.1, c12.1
with rebounding, c02.1, c12.1
with YouTube channels, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1
exfoliation of skin, c11.1, c12.1, c12.2
face masks, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
Fall Essential Oil Blends
Fall Mornings Essential Oil Blend
fallopian tubes
FAQs about Happy Hormone Method
fashion and clothing brands, eco-friendly
fat (macronutrient)
overview and sources of
for blood sugar balance
follicular phase need for, c10.1
fatigue, c01.1, c06.1, c06.2. see also HPA Axis Dysregulation
fatty acids, c04.1, c05.1
Feminine Power Essential Oil Blend
Fennel Arugula Salad
fennel tea, c12.1, c12.2
fermented foods, c06.3, c10.2
fertile mucus, c03.2, c03.3, c03.4, c10.3, c11.2
boosting with supplements, c05.2, c12.3
during ovulation, c03.1, c08.1, c11.1
rate of
tracking, c07.1, res.1
Fertility Awareness Method
fiber in diet
for blood sugar stability
for elimination system, c02.1, c04.1
for healthy liver
sources for, c02.1, c04.1, c12.1
fibroids, c01.1, c09.1
fifth vital sign of body, c03.1, c03.2
“fight or flight” response
filters, household, c06.1, c06.2, c06.3
flax seeds and ground flaxseed, c04.1, c04.2, c04.3, c05.1, c09.1, c10.1, bm1.1
Floliving Women’s Health Testing Kit (Everlywell)
flour, alternatives to white
follicles, c09.1, c10.1, c11.1
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), c01.1, c10.1, c12.1
Follicular Phase. see Phase Two: Follicular (waxing moon/spring)
food sources. see also plant-based nutrition
for cycle’s four phases (charts), c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
for essential minerals
for essential vitamins
for protein, fats, and carbohydrates
freezer staples
fruit and veggie wash
fruit juices
fruits for cycle’s four phases (charts), c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), c01.1, c10.1, c12.1
Fudge Flourless Feel-Better-Brownies
full moon, women’s cycles during
full moon phase. see Phase Three: Ovulatory (full moon/summer)
functional medicine practitioners, c01.1, c01.2, c11.1
Ginger Lime “Mocktail,”
glands in endocrine system
Glowing Fridge, The (blog), fm2.1, res.1
gluten-free options, c04.1, c06.1, c09.1, c09.2, c09.3
Golden Glow Summery Lentil Soup
Golden Turmeric Latte
grains for cycle’s four phases (charts), c09.1, c09.2, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
greens, leafy, c06.1, c10.1, c12.1, c12.2
Groundedness Essential Oil Blend
Grounding Sweet Beet Smoothie
“grounding” with earth
gut microbiome
helpful foods for, c02.1, c06.1, c10.1
and hormones, c02.1, c05.1, c06.1, c12.1
pill’s disruption of, c03.1, c03.2
probiotics for, c01.1, c02.1, c05.1, c06.1, c10.1, c12.1
supplements and herbs for, c05.1, c06.1
symptoms of imbalance in
hair, problems with
hair masks (DIY), c09.1, c10.1, c11.1, c12.1
Happy Hormone Detox Smoothie
Happy Hormone Method. see also body awareness; cycle, four-phase; lifestyle action steps; specific phases of cycle
birth control pills with, c03.1, c03.2
with cycle’s four phases, fm2.1, c04.1, c06.1, c07.1, c08.1
for depression
The Happy Hormone Guide Page 19