Gideon, Robin - Desire of the Phantom [Ecstasy in the Old West] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Gideon, Robin - Desire of the Phantom [Ecstasy in the Old West] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Robin Gideon

  “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,” Phantom whispered in a litany of passion as he opened Pamela’s shirt, pulling the tails out of her Levi’s, kissing the satiny flesh of her throat.

  Pamela was consumed by the desire going through her. His hands were everywhere, strong, forceful, touching her, giving her no choice but to respond. Her shirt was soon unbuttoned down to her Levi’s, and a moment later, the three ties closing her chemise were unknotted.

  “So beautiful,” Phantom whispered. “So lush and full.”

  She expected him to finally touch her breasts now that they were exposed, but instead, he took her by the shoulders and pushed her to arm’s length.

  “I’ve got to look at you,” he whispered hotly. “I’ve imagined you a thousand times. I must look. I must see your beauty to fully comprehend it.”

  Pamela felt on display, but strangely, she was not self-conscious. Rather, she was proud of the way she looked, and when Phantom eased his hands within her shirt and chemise, opening the garments to bare her breasts in the moonlight, she squared her shoulders and pushed her breasts toward him.

  Pamela watched, hardly breathing even though her heart was hammering in her chest, as Phantom slowly cupped her breasts from the underside. He hefted her breasts as though weighing them, judging their size, shape, and firmness. Then, very slowly, he bent at the waist and kissed her in the valley between her breasts.

  She held his head between her hands. The silk of his mask was against her fingertips, and for an instant, she thought of ripping it from his face. Then she watched, as though she were more an observer than a participant, as she turned her shoulders and guided her pink-tipped breast to Phantom’s mouth.

  “Ohhh.” She sighed when he captured her nipple in his mouth, putting his tongue and lips in motion against the throbbing bud.

  She had anticipated what it would feel like to have him kiss her there, but that was nothing compared to the reality. The pleasure of feeling his mouth against her bare breast was a thousandfold what she had experienced when she’d felt the heat and moisture of his mouth through her chemise.

  Pamela’s knees trembled, her breath coming in uneven gulps as she guided Phantom’s mouth to her other breast. She wanted to feel him everywhere, to know the ecstasy of his tongue, slick and yet raspy, touching her, electrifying her flesh. It seemed she was being devoured by Phantom, but miraculously, rather than being smaller because of it, she was expanding, becoming greater, more powerful.

  His hands were everywhere on her, running along the backs of her legs, her thighs, the cheeks of her ass, moving close to the core of her moist, passion-hungry pussy without ever touching her there. Shivering with ever-escalating need, Pamela thought that her Levi’s most certainly would be scorched from her body’s heat at Phantom’s touch. He was just too exciting to be with. His kisses and caresses stripped her of all common sense and propriety as surely as his hands stripped her of her clothes.

  Pamela clutched Phantom, her fingers digging into the powerful muscles of his shoulders as he feasted on her pebble-hard nipples. Wantonly, she spread her feet far apart, trembling from head to toe as a need, a ravenous desire that she was quite certain could never be fully vanquished, went through her, consuming her, burning like a forest fire out of control, devouring everything flammable.

  Deep within her, she felt superheated, moist, desperate. Her clit seemed to be aflame with wantonness. This was too much pleasure. Much too much pleasure. But even as she thought this, she knew it was not so because Phantom’s hands had once before brought her to a passionate climax. She knew from experience—the experience that Phantom had given her—that there was greater satisfaction in the future. Pamela knew in her heart that unless she felt that great, liquid, surging release of desires on this evening, she would surely lose her mind.

  “Phantom! Oh, Phantom!” she gasped, helpless against the excitement that had taken over her judgment, that consumed and controlled all her thoughts. “I must have you. Here. Tonight.” Her legs were shaking, and she wasn’t certain she could remain standing, so when Phantom stood upright, releasing her throbbing nipples from his mouth’s loving attention, she leaned into him, holding onto his shoulders, needing him for support and guidance. “Make love to me,” she said on a sob. “I’ve never let any man touch me the way you have. I’ve never wanted a man to touch me before.”

  Pamela knew Phantom was not the type of man who would stay with her, and she accepted that without remorse. This masked man with the kisses that seared her soul was the Midnight Phantom, and he had stolen her better judgment from her. When this night was over, when the harsh light of day shone, Pamela would live with the fact that she had given her virginity to a man who would not stay with her, much less marry her. And though she’d always thought she would never give herself so intimately and so completely to any man but her husband, she took Phantom’s hand, raised it to her mouth, and kissed the back of it tenderly.

  “Make love to me, Phantom,” Pamela said softly, looking into the masked man’s eyes. “You can leave me later. I know you will. I’m not asking for a lifetime with you, only this one night. Make love to me, and then you can set me free.”

  Chapter Nine

  She’d needed a moment to think. Just a second, that was all. And thinking—at least clear, lucid thinking—was absolutely impossible when she was in Phantom’s arms, so she had insisted that he step away from her. The look he’d given her then had said he didn’t believe her, that he figured she would once again leave his passion unfulfilled.

  “Just a moment of distance. I promise, you won’t be sorry,” she said, rising on tiptoe to kiss his mouth before pushing him away.

  This was not the most romantic place for a woman to make love, Pamela decided. Especially not for the first time in her life. On the other hand, she was about to make love to the most exciting man in the world—possibly the most romantic man ever to walk the earth.

  Calm down, Pamela, she thought, angry with herself for her own passionate exaggeration. This demigod you’re creating doesn’t trust you enough to take off his mask. Tomorrow, after he’s had his fun, all you’ll be is a memory to him.

  Phantom removed his cape and spread it out on the ground near the water. The earth was sunbaked, hard as rock. He gave Pamela a faltering smile beneath his mask, as though to say his cape was as much comfort as he could provide.

  She wanted to speak, but she did not entirely trust her own voice. Still, it was easier to know what she wanted to do when she was not in Phantom’s arms.

  She shrugged out of her shirt then removed her chemise, her gaze cast down in embarrassment, bared to Phantom’s avaricious look. She glanced down and saw that her nipples were erect, her breasts pale in the moonlight. She heard his sudden intake of breath then, his long, slow exhalation, and she knew that he enjoyed looking at her. Her confidence expanded just when she needed it most, and she lifted her chin to look straight at him.

  “Don’t stop,” Phantom said, a bit too quickly.

  The strain in his voice pleased Pamela. He wasn’t as collected as he wanted to appear, and she greatly enjoyed the power she had over him.

  “If you’re going to look at me, then it’s only fair that I get to look at you,” Pamela said, shocking herself with her own boldness.

  She removed her boots, and when she was standing erect once again, she looked at Phantom. This time she was the one to suddenly suck in her breath and unconsciously hold it. He had already removed his shirt, and she saw the strength in his large biceps, broad chest, and exquisite shoulders. She watched as he removed his boots one at a time, and then, when he was naked from the waist up as she was, she looked into his face.

  “I wish I believed in my own beauty as you believe in yours,” she said quietly.

  Phantom took only a single step toward her before she motioned for him to stop. She had never before looked at a man—not really, at least, not the way she was now looking at the Midnight Phantom, and most certainly not with the s
ame feelings going through her.

  “Let me look at you,” she whispered, once again shocking herself with behavior that seemed much too wanton. “I’ve never thought there was anything”—words almost failed her—“interesting to look at in a man.”

  Phantom removed the holster from around his lean hips. There was a confident half smile upon his mouth as he set pistol and holster aside and his fingers hovered near his belt buckle.

  “And now you find something interesting?” he asked facetiously.

  “You would be an easy man to hate,” Pamela murmured. To herself, she thought, And an easier man to love!

  He turned sideways to her as he removed his trousers. At first Pamela thought he was only being modest, though this thought was soon amended when she decided that a more likely explanation was that he wanted to show himself off in profile. When he stepped out of his trousers and underclothes and turned toward her again, her mouth went dry.

  “You are beautiful,” she whispered. When she heard her own voice, she realized she’d spoken aloud.

  He was standing with his feet spread to shoulder’s width, his hands hanging loose at his sides. Every muscle in his body was revealed, and at the sight of the naked strength that stood ready for her, Pamela’s insides melted.

  She let her gaze caress his chest and shoulders and move down to the rippled muscles of his stomach. Then, forcing herself, she looked down at his feet and allowed her gaze to work its way slowly upward over strong calves and even more powerful thighs.

  Finally, she let herself look at Phantom’s cock.

  Once again, her breath caught in her throat. Pamela bit her bottom lip and forced her breathing to become rhythmic, regular.

  He was beautiful from head to toe. Even that part of him that was rather intimidating—his thrusting cock, which stood almost straight out from his body and throbbed visibly with passion for Pamela—was beautiful to her.

  When she finally pulled her gaze away from his fiercely rigid cock and looked into his face, she saw that he was smiling slightly.

  “You’re much too confident,” she said, feeling a bit resentful.

  Phantom shrugged, took one step toward Pamela, and then stopped. His smile broadened, and if Pamela didn’t know better, she would have sworn it was an absolutely wicked grin.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Her own confidence had vanished, and now she realized how tenuous it was, especially at a time like this and in contrast to Phantom’s rock-solid certainty in himself.

  Suddenly, he’d stretched out on his cape, clasping his hands behind his head. In this position, his cock stood up as though it was an offering of some divine kind, and the muscles in his chest and stomach looked to be a delectable treat for Pamela to nibble on at her leisure.

  “The last time I asked you, you refused. I’ll ask you again, Pamela. Take your clothes off for me. Then come to me.”

  “You really are much too confident and far too demanding,” she whispered. She was glad though that he was giving her another chance to show spine under exactly the same circumstances as when her courage had failed her.

  Feeling on display and yet enjoying the sensation of having Phantom watching her every move, Pamela unfastened her belt then very slowly undid the buttons of her Levi’s. As she worked the denim material past the curves of her hips, she wondered if Phantom thought it hideously manly of her to wear trousers. She’d heard most men thought it terrible that she wore them, though none dared say as much to her face.

  When she stepped out of her Levi’s and the old cotton drawers, washed so many times they were thin as paper and frayed at the edges, Pamela was suddenly aware of two entirely different and conflicting emotions. Naked, outside at night under the stars, she felt free, completely natural, and at ease in her environment, and at the same time, she felt utterly vulnerable and exposed to Phantom.

  She desperately wanted to look into his eyes and see the desire he had for her, but at that moment, she could not find the courage to do so. What if he thought her shoulders were too wide, as some men did? What if he thought her thighs were too well developed and muscular from the hours she’d spent on horseback? What if—

  “If you do not come to me immediately, I will be forced to come to you,” Phantom said in a voice hoarse with passion. “My darling Pamela, I have been exercising as much control over my desire for you as I am capable of. Do not tempt me further, or I’ll not be able to answer for my actions.”

  Pamela looked at him. He was on his side, his long, muscular body knotted with suppressed desire, his cock jutting forth intimidatingly—an entity, a part of Phantom yet independent of him. She knew she should go to him, but her feet seemed rooted in place.

  He had not been joking. When Pamela hesitated, he suddenly exploded to his feet and rushed across the brief span that separated them.

  “Temptress,” he hissed, taking her into his arms, crushing her naked body against his own as his mouth slanted down hard over hers.

  The impact upon her senses was stunning. Phantom’s naked chest against her breasts was supremely exciting, warming her blood, electrifying her in a thousand different ways.

  She leaned into him, forcing her breasts to compress slightly as she pressed them firmly against him. His hands cupped the cheeks of her ass, squeezing her, very nearly lifting her. When his tongue ceased its exploration of her mouth, she explored his mouth, kissing him deeply, thrusting her tongue between his lips just as he had taught her to.

  She began to wind her arms around his shoulders, but Phantom suddenly took her wrists then moved a half step away so that their bodies were no longer pressed tightly together.

  He then brought Pamela’s hands down, guiding them to his cock. She felt the heat of it against her fingertips, and though she was wildly curious, she could not look down at it.

  “Touch me,” Phantom whispered, still holding lightly onto her wrists, as though cautious she might suddenly become so fearful she would leap away.

  Very tentatively, Pamela curled her fingers around the broad shaft of his cock. She squeezed him lightly at first then more firmly as she gained confidence. When Phantom sighed, his lips parting slightly, she knew she was pleasing him. But could she please him as thoroughly as he had pleased her? She doubted it. He was simply much too experienced. He knew exactly what he was doing with a woman when he wanted to arouse her. Pamela didn’t know what was expected of her. He had taken her to uncharted territories she’d never before traveled.

  She looked down at the cock that filled her hands. It was warm, solid, pulsing with virility, trembling with desire. As she moved a fist over the throbbing shaft, Phantom sighed his approval.

  “I’ve never…before,” she said in a whisper.

  “It will be beautiful,” he replied.

  “I’ve heard that it hurts.”

  She looked into his eyes, expecting him to lie, to deny what she knew was true.

  “Sometimes it does. I’ll be careful, but sometimes…”

  Part of her wished that he’d lied. She knew it was not good for her to think too highly of this man. Had he lied, had he told her that losing her virginity to him couldn’t possibly cause her any pain, she would have been able to think less of him, to see him as an opportunist, a seductive liar.

  Pamela whispered, “I know you will.”

  Phantom removed her hands from him, and then he brought her to his cape on the ground. He sat on it, turning so that he faced Pamela, a hand raised to her. She looked down at him, not entirely certain what he expected. She had always thought a woman would be on the bottom, pinned against the ground, helpless against a man’s greater strength. But the light in Phantom’s eyes suggested something else entirely as the moonlight played over his naked body.

  She took his hand and let him pull her down so that she knelt near his hip. .

  “The ground is hard,” he said, reading Pamela’s look. “If you’re on top, you can move as you want. This time, this first time, perhaps it is best
if you’re in control of our movements.”

  Pamela took a lock of Phantom’s ebony hair and smoothed it back, tucking it into the top of his mask, near his temple.

  “You are a mystery to me,” she whispered, feeling a warm nighttime breeze playing over her naked body. “You tear a button off my shirt to get my clothes off then you worry about my comfort so much you’re willing to sacrifice your own pleasure.”

  Pamela kissed Phantom’s mouth softly, closing her eyes, letting her senses feast upon the moment. She felt his hands on her naked body, and she allowed him to guide her until she slipped a knee over his thighs to straddle his prone body.

  “Mmmm,” she purred as she kissed him, half-sitting upon him now, still rather uncertain of what precisely was expected of her.

  Phantom placed his hands on her hips and pulled her down so that her weight was on him, the firmness of the cheeks of her ass warm and exciting against his lower abdomen. Then he played his hands over her bottom, touching and squeezing, feeling her responding to his caresses hesitantly. He could tell that, despite the pleasure she felt and the hunger for completion that compelled her to go forward, Pamela was still afraid that the first penetration would cause her pain.

  “Take your time,” he whispered when their tender kiss had finally ended. “I’ll let you do everything yourself. Just take your time, and it will be perfect.”

  “A woman could fall in love with you,” Pamela whispered.

  It surprised her that she’d said the words, but she had already said so many things to Phantom, done so many things with him, that her openness was no longer shocking to her.

  Phantom had no idea of how to respond to what she had just said. He brought his right hand to her mouth, brushing the pad of his thumb over her lips. He could kiss those full, sensual lips forever without ever completely satisfying his hunger for them. When she kissed his thumb then let the tip of her tongue dart out briefly, he groaned with desire, and his expanding cock throbbed.


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