The First Act

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The First Act Page 6

by Vanessa Mulberry

  They watched the fire again in silence. The room was dark but for the orange glow of the flames, and William was glad of it. He found himself embarrassed by Richard’s words and was grateful the dark hid his red cheeks. That Richard considered him little more than a child wasn’t a surprise, but he’d hoped that wouldn’t matter. Nick was twenty years old too, and Richard had taken him to bed every night.

  No, it couldn’t have been his age, rather his lack of experience. “I’ve made a fool of myself,” he murmured.

  Richard looked across at him again, and even in the shadows, William could see he was surprised.

  “You have enticed me no end, and I never met a fool who did that. You’re young, not stupid. Nevertheless, do not take my words as inducement to continue. I would break your heart if you let me.”

  A chance of a broken heart would be a fine thing. William had been in Richard’s employ for several hours now, and already he was growing frustrated with the slow progress of their relationship. His head knew it would take time, but his cock, which was a willful beast now it finally had its chance, had its own ideas.

  “I thought there were a few times you were encouraging me,” William said, trying to make it sound more a statement of fact than an accusation.

  “I was, but that means nothing. I like playful talk. It passes the time.”

  So Richard was a tease. It was no more than William deserved. He had been leading on girls for years. “I was sure you fancied me, and because of that, I’ve let my prick lead me around. My vanity is the only problem here.”

  “You do not seem vain. And you are pleasing to my eye.”

  More teasing.

  “You were the one who said I wasn’t pretty enough.”

  Richard hummed as if he were considering his previous words, before offering, “You’re pretty enough for the stage in that dress, but prettiness has never attracted me. Right now you’re handsome. That’s more where my interest lies.”

  William felt a stirring in his loins. Despite the disappointments, despite the distrust, his body still longed for Richard, and this last confession made him forget all else. “So you do like me?” he asked hopefully.

  “I don’t dislike you.” Richard sounded less sure of his words this time. “I want you to be confident, that’s all. If circumstances were different, I would have bundled you into my bed hours ago. But I am your master, and you saw how it turned out with the last apprentice I danced in the sheets with.”

  William had no designs to visit bawds or steal. Richard’s body was the only thing he desired. With his cock aching, he knew only one way of getting what he wanted that night, and he grabbed for it.

  “I should go back to Oxford.” The words tumbled from his lips before he had time to think of the consequences.

  Richard let out a growl of exasperation. “Perhaps you should if you are going to change your mind every few minutes. You’re lucky Geoffrey is your cousin, because I would throw you out right now if he weren’t. Now, do you want to act or not?”

  That wasn’t the response William hoped for, but he persevered regardless. “I’d love to act if I am able, but I’m not here to be an actor. I came to London to get close to you.”

  “And here you are, in my room, living as my apprentice. It’s the closest I will let you get. Don’t throw away your chance in life because you want a grope with me.”

  Of course he was right, and even William’s heart agreed that in the long run it would be better to stay and wait Richard out. He wanted a love affair, but his prick wouldn’t be ignored any longer. They were both willing, both able, and the way William saw it, only Geoffrey’s interference kept them apart. He would get Richard into bed even if it ruined him.

  “That’s not why I came to London. There’s no point staying if I can’t have you. I’d rather have one good night and leave tomorrow than spend a lifetime waiting for it.”

  He expected another argument, but Richard appeared to have had enough and accepted immediately.

  “As you wish. You may go free tomorrow after the performance. You’ve done this work, so you might as well get your payment.”

  William was free again, which was a frightening thought, but he would worry about getting his apprenticeship back in the morning. Now they were no longer master and apprentice—they were just two men whom circumstances had brought together.

  He took up the tyg and downed his share of the ale. Handing the cup to Richard, he feigned a yawn. “I want to lie down. I’m ready for bed now.”

  Richard continued to stare at the fire and said nothing. He had more resolve than William allowed for, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give in when William was lying naked next to him.

  All William needed to do now was find an excuse to be in the bed. He looked first for the pallet before he realized Richard didn’t have one. “There’s only one bed.”

  There was a long pause before Richard said, “We will have to share.”

  William felt his cock twitch. This was it.

  Richard stood and followed him to the bed. William stripped off quickly while he watched him in silence. Richard didn’t look away this time and stared straight at William’s prick as it jutted out from his body, long and thick and full. Richard looked hungry for it, and in that moment, William was ridiculously proud of his manhood.

  Richard made no move to touch him. William reached out and took his hand, but Richard pulled it back.

  “I should not be doing this,” Richard said, voice hushed. “I gave Geoffrey my word that I would not touch you until I was sure.”

  “Sure of what?”

  Richard didn’t reply.

  “Please,” William said, stepping closer to him. He rested his hand on Richard’s chest and then ran it down between his legs. He felt his stiffness even beneath the padded fabric of his trunk hose.

  Richard closed his eyes. “The serpent in the Garden did not offer so much temptation,” he muttered as he picked William up and tossed him down onto the bed before climbing on with him, still fully clothed.

  William reached for Richard’s doublet and began to unfasten it—no easy task as his hands trembled quite violently now it was finally happening. He was a mixture of nerves and excitement, and he couldn’t stop himself shaking.

  His lover gentled him, taking one hand in his own and reaching out to feel his shoulder with the other. “Are you cold?” Richard asked, concerned.

  For Richard to think of his comfort at a time like this had to be a good sign. “Not a bit,” William promised. “I’m feverish right now, and you must be hot too. We should get you out of these clothes.”

  Richard’s brow furrowed, and he pulled away slightly. “You’re trembling. Are you afraid?”

  “I love you,” William whispered, “and I’m in your bed. I’ve nothing to fear.”

  With that confession, Richard let go of him abruptly. “I’m cold. I think I’ll go and sit by the fire some more.” His voice carried a forced gentility, but William could hear the tension in it.

  “Did I do something wrong?” He grabbed hold of Richard so he could not leave. “Show me what to do.”

  Softly, Richard pushed him away. “It is your youth, that’s all. You’ve done nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m untouched. Any mistake I made can be put right if you teach me. You see how I need your mastery?”

  Looking down at William’s cock, which remained stubbornly hard, Richard said, “I see it, all right, but I’ve let myself toy with you enough. You played your part perfectly, and soon, when you’ve done with wanting me, you will be making men unbelievably happy. Only a fool would refuse you.”

  Richard left the room in a hurry, leaving William alone in the bed.

  That was it, his one chance, and he had ruined it. Tomorrow afternoon he would have no position, no lover, and he would have to walk back to Oxford, work the farm, and, when the time came, find a wife. It was over.

  William curled into a ball. He didn’t cry—he liked to think
he was tougher than that—but he did feel very sorry for himself.

  Chapter Six

  DOWNSTAIRS AMONG the crowd of drinkers in the inn, Richard found himself looking around for Bennett. A mixture of anger at his old master and a need to find a bed for the night drove him.

  He knew how it would go. Bennett would accept his complaints, maybe apologize if his mood was right, and then welcome him into his arms. Richard wouldn’t need to work for it, pay for it, or feel guilty about it afterward. Yes, Bennett would be most welcome, for once.

  But he wasn’t there, so Richard sat in the corner and drank himself into oblivion.

  When he awoke the next morning, he found he was in his bed. William slept next to him, still naked beneath the sheets. A quick check confirmed he was still clothed, although his doublet and shoes had been removed.

  Richard dragged himself from the bed, went to the privy and then the bar, and returned with a jug of watery ale and some breakfast. There was a thin smear of honey on William’s bread, and Richard eyed it queasily, having the stomach for naught but dry toast and the weak drink. He set it out on the table and waited for William to wake before eating.

  When the lad roused, he looked surprised to see Richard there with the spread.

  “I didn’t think you’d be up before noon,” William muttered, rubbing his eyes.

  If only they had that luxury. “We’ll need to be at the theater long before then for rehearsals.”

  William left the bed and dressed silently. He wasn’t concerned about hiding his body, but there was no seduction in his nudity either. He approached the table and sat in front of Richard without comment.

  Richard asked the question he had been dreading. “What happened last night?”

  Glaring down at the food, unable to even look at him, William replied, “You came to the room swine-drunk, were sick out the window—which you left open, by the way—and then climbed into bed. You were asleep moments later.”

  “I’m sorry,” Richard said, and he meant it. He could have handled the whole evening a lot better.

  “What have you got to be sorry about? It’s your bed.”

  “I should have controlled myself. It’s not a comfortable night next to a drunk. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it does. I won’t be here tonight.”

  Richard had accepted William’s talk of leaving the previous evening because he hadn’t honestly believed William would go. He was good at spotting a play, and he was sure the lad was making one. It suited them both to pretend William was leaving, and even when they were on the bed, Richard never intended for him to quit.

  “You don’t have to go,” he offered. “We can put last night behind us.”

  “There’s no reason for me to stay.” William picked up his bread and took a bite. He jolted as he tasted the dab of honey and inspected it closely before taking another mouthful. “Thank you for breakfast,” he said quietly.

  Richard only managed a few morsels before he passed his toasted bread over to William. Watching him eat, he thought upon the things he could do to win the young man’s good favor again. He must find a way to make William stay. If he didn’t, Geoffrey would be angry, Bennett smug, and worst of all, he would feel guilty that William had thrown away such a valuable opportunity over him.

  But William wasn’t comfortable making conversation or even looking him in the eye right then. Richard let him think. He might feel different when it came time to go.

  They walked to the theater with Geoffrey and his apprentice, Thomas. Their partnership was based purely on business, but they seemed to like each other well enough. Thomas was rarely around when they weren’t performing or rehearsing, kept to his curfew most nights, and caused no trouble for his master. It was the perfect working relationship. Richard couldn’t help feeling slightly envious of them.

  In spite of that, when he compared the two apprentices, he knew whose company he would prefer. William might be hard work, but Richard was finding him increasingly irresistible. Beyond his looks and his country manner, he was a reminder of Richard’s youth. That was undeniably attractive.

  Backstage at the theater, they changed into their costumes, and Richard painted William’s face. He was delicate with the makeup again, mindful of its value. He just softened the edges as he’d done the day before and let William’s long hair hang about his face.

  All the while, William remained quiet, eyes down, speaking only when he had to. Richard began to worry as the time approached, but when they stepped out onto the stage, William was confident, and he acted his part well. That he was playing an angry, rejected lover might have helped.

  Their two characters moved swiftly to a happy ending. Through the course of two hours, among the other twists and turns of the plot, they came to a position where they might be alone together. That was when Richard was supposed to steal his kiss and win back the fair lady’s heart.

  In rehearsal he had been chaste, but that would not do now. William needed a reason to stay, and as Richard looked across the stage at him, he realized what it was. He approached swiftly, snatched William into his arms, and kissed him full on the mouth.

  William’s whole body stiffened in surprise, but then he relaxed and took the kiss willingly, opening his lips to let Richard delicately explore with his tongue. He tasted of the sweet honey and ale he’d breakfasted on, but his faint moan of pleasure made him truly delicious.

  Richard kissed him deeply but not passionately, mindful it was his first time and they were on stage in front of a crowd. It could not last forever. Releasing William, Richard stepped back and looked at him, waiting for his line.

  William didn’t speak. Instead, he licked his lower lip and then, narrowing his eyes, slapped Richard hard.

  The blow was bad enough for being unexpected, but the force behind it was astonishing. Richard stumbled backward, clutching his hand to his face.

  William grabbed hold of him and kissed him again, more forcefully than the last time. Now William was in control, and Richard could do nothing but accept the intensity of it. He felt himself stirring. If the lad had done that last night, Richard wouldn’t have left him alone.

  The crowd was cheering and laughing when William finally let go of him. The actors took their bows and walked off the stage.

  “I need to teach you how we do that without actually making contact,” Richard said, rubbing his cheek as they stepped out of view and into the back of the theater. “That’s more like it, though. You gave me passion, all right.”

  “That’s just what I was thinking,” William said, his eyes alert, cheer in his voice for the first time that day.

  Whether it was the thrill of performing or the kiss didn’t matter. He looked happy. Richard would have to be careful now.

  “I’m pleased you let your character respond, but did mine honestly deserve the slap?” he asked, thinking that after that kiss, he probably did.

  William grinned at him. “You should have kissed me like that last night instead of saving it for the stage.”

  “I could have done, but then you would have expected more, and your character wouldn’t have been so surprised. I wanted her to bite, and she did not disappoint.”

  “You want bite?” William asked and turned to shove him. Richard stumbled back into Geoffrey, who was walking behind.

  Richard didn’t ask what that was for. That time, he was certain he deserved it.

  “That is for assuming you can play with me now,” William growled as he walked away.

  Geoffrey propped Richard upright, chuckling at them. “You were brilliant, William,” he said. “Did you put on a lot of plays while I was gone?”

  William ignored the question and snatched up a jug. He wet a rag to remove the paint from his face.

  “William?” Geoffrey asked again. He looked concerned.

  Richard would have some explaining to do. “Let me speak to him.”

  “I’ll not have everyone know our business,” Willia
m muttered. “We’ll talk in your room before I leave for home.”

  “All right.” Richard relented. He spent the rest of their time at the theater trying to avoid Geoffrey’s scowl.

  BACK IN their room at the inn, Richard sat on the bed and patted the space next to him, but William hung by the door, not tempted by the position. Perhaps he was serious about leaving, after all.

  “I don’t expect you to go,” Richard said simply. “You have talent. You could make a good job of this if you stay. I must confess also that I enjoyed being on stage with you this afternoon.”

  That was as much as he could safely say without lying to William or leading him on.

  William bit his lip, but he didn’t move even a step. “Will I remain your apprentice?”

  “Yes, for a few years. When that is done, if you have the means, you can buy a share in the company, and you might become a moneyed man. It would be unfair not to remind you this is your best hope to make something of yourself. You’re too old to apprentice elsewhere, and no one else will take you for free.”

  William stared at the floor and appeared to consider Richard’s words. Then he approached slowly and sat next to him on the bed. “You’re right; staying is the sensible thing to do, but my heart has no sense at all, and I must think of that too. The kiss on the stage… it was nothing like I was expecting. For a moment, I thought that…. You have to tell me, will there ever be night work?”

  Richard couldn’t help himself, and he chuckled. “I’ll not pay you any more than I paid Nick, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  William remained deadly serious. “Do not mock me. I need to know if there will ever be more between us, even if it’s just kisses.”

  There might be more, one day, if William’s heart cooled or Richard’s grew warmer, but how could Richard explain that to him? Better to keep William’s expectations low and avoid disappointment. “There will be plenty of kisses every day on the stage for the next few months, if you want them.”

  “Want them? Have I not risked enough to show you? I have been in love with you for more than a year. I’d wait all season for you to arrive, and every time I saw you, I loved you a little more. I’ll stay for the kisses, but I want to rehearse them in your bed.”


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