Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx

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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx Page 12

by John O'Riley

  “It wouldn’t change the fact that the dreams will resume as soon as we leave this place,” Teresa said. “Furthermore, this is most likely a temporary reprieve. The dreams would likely return if you stayed here.”

  “There’s only one way to know for sure,” Jason said.

  “We’re leaving right after lunch,” Teresa said firmly.

  Brian lost his appetite after finishing just half his burger and ate only a couple of onion rings. He wordlessly left the table and finished packing the few items he’d brought with him. When Teresa drove away from the compound, he looked wistfully over his shoulder. He missed Jason and knew he wouldn’t get the chance to visit him very often since the drive was so much longer where he lived. Teresa must have known that attempting conversation with Brian would proved futile because she didn’t even bother trying. Brian intermittently practiced viewing the energy links, strengthening his connection to the Global Net, and reinforcing his psionic shield. His protection was already extremely powerful after receiving the daily treatments at the wellness center and by the time he and his mother reached home, he imagined it was probably stronger than he’d ever experienced in his lifetime.

  Paul, Amy, and Derek were waiting for their return which pleased Brian. His sister gave him an effusive hug. After everyone had exchanged welcoming pleasantries, they gathered in the living room. Paul, Amy, and Derek pressed for details on how the treatments went.

  “I’m impressed by the healers’ work. Brian’s condition is completely stabilized and his shielding is stronger than it’s ever been,” Teresa said.

  “That’s great!” Paul exclaimed.

  “You should have seen that place! It was so cool! They have their own psychic network and it’s the best thing I’ve ever experienced,” Brian said.

  “What do you mean?” Amy regarded him quizzically.

  “It’s hard to explain. I’ll show you,” Brian said.

  “What do you mean? How can you show me?” Amy asked.

  “Grab my hand and I’ll share the memory,” Brian said.

  “You can do that?” A puzzled and wary expression flitted across her face as she hesitantly reached out with her right hand.

  Brian grasped it and telepathically linked with her. He showed her the memory he’d shared with his mother when she’d been linked. When he was finished, Amy gently withdrew her hand and her eyes widened with wonder.

  “That’s amazing!” Amy exclaimed.

  “Let me see,” Paul said.

  “I’ll show you,” Teresa said.

  “I want to see,” Derek piped up.

  Teresa telepathically linked with her husband while Brian shared the memory with Derek. When they finished, Brian could tell that everyone was impressed. He seized the opportunity to explain the advantages of working for Phoenix Enterprises.

  “That’s a fantastic opportunity,” Paul said and shot Teresa an appraising look. “What do you think?”

  “It bears considering,” Teresa said in a neutral tone.

  The doorbell rang before they could finish their conversation. Amy went to answer it and returned with Agents Driscol and Hurst in addition to a pale, lanky man with jet-black hair and sharp blue eyes. Driscol introduced the newcomer as Agent Larry Morgan.

  “Agent Morgan is a level ten talent detector,” she said. “He may be able to help you detect more abilities that you haven’t yet discovered.”

  Brian noticed his parents exchanged pointed looks. There was no way he could hide his connectivity psi from someone like this.

  “We should sit down and get comfortable. I imagine this may take some time,” Driscol said.

  They all took up positions on the two largest couches.

  “Tell us any new abilities you’ve discovered,” Driscol prompted.

  Brian explained about his dreams that came along with his connectivity psi. He hadn’t experimented with his psychometry yet but could sense the potential lying in wait. Sometimes, his hands tingled and he felt energy waiting to be unleashed from various objects. Driscol’s and Hurst’s attention sharpened as soon as he mentioned dreaming about his captors. They swiftly pressed for more details and he told them everything. Unfortunately, it still wasn’t enough to identify the researchers but it gave them a start. Brian sensed a peculiar emotional radiation from the two FBI agents that felt like greed. His psionic protection prevented the energy from overwhelming his empathic receivers. He also picked up that Driscol was hiding something that was related to Brian’s former captors and their research. She was protecting her thoughts from being discovered telepathically which caused her mind to turn inward which distracted her somewhat from her surroundings.

  “This is excellent news,” Driscol said as she absently tapped her DPU with her right index finger which was recording the entire conversation. “I’ve been training in a technique referred to as controlled dreaming which may help you retrieve more information. We’ll have these criminals locked away in no time.”

  “That’s good news,” Teresa interjected.

  “Have you discovered any new abilities besides those two?” Driscol asked eagerly.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  Driscol glanced at Morgan who shook his head.

  “Connectivity psi is a very useful ability with investigations,” Driscol said. “I’ve worked with a couple agents gifted with that particular talent and it’s come in quite handy.”

  “I’ll bet,” Paul said.

  “Part of the training for controlled dreaming involves hypnosis. I’d like to start immediately,” Driscol said crisply.

  “His condition has just now stabilized. You can start tomorrow,” Teresa said authoritatively.

  “This is an extremely important case. We should get started right away,” Driscol said forcefully.

  “We will start tomorrow,” Teresa said decisively.

  “All right,” Driscol said as her eyes flashed with impatience. She caught and held Brian’s gaze. “Is there anything else that we should know?”

  “I’ve told you everything,” he said.

  “Thank you for your assistance, young man.” Driscol shot to her feet and smiled at him. She breezed toward the door with her two companions following behind her. “We’ll be here tomorrow afternoon at three.”

  “Alright,” Brian acknowledged.

  “Something doesn’t feel right,” Paul said after the FBI agents had left.

  “I don’t trust them,” Amy said emphatically.

  “Unfortunately, we do have to cooperate with them,” Teresa said.

  Brian informed them of what he’d perceived from Driscol.

  “That’s very disturbing,” Paul said. “I hope that Driscol isn’t involved with the research directly. It sounds like she could be. However, when you sense emotions, there aren’t any definitive answers. There are many likely reasons for what you picked up such as Driscol is most likely privy to high-level clearance and isn’t able to share what she knows.”

  “That is the probable scenario,” Teresa said. “However, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious. Never trust her implicitly. If she tries to isolate you, be sure to notify your father immediately as well as any friends.”

  “Where will you be?” Amy asked.

  “I am still in the middle of an important assignment and was only allowed a temporary reprieve. I must leave tonight,” Teresa said.

  “What if I’m not given the opportunity to contact anyone?” Brian asked.

  “Use your telepathy,” Teresa said. “Now that you’re a level ten telepath, you can contact any of your family and friends within the county and possibly farther away.”

  “Right,” Brian said. “I keep forgetting I can do that.”

  “You’ll want to practice,” Teresa said.

  “Mom, there’s something that’s been bothering me for a few days now,” Brian said as he slipped into his second sight to watch the energy dance around him.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “You have some energy tra
nsference links to you and one is rather large. I’d like to sever them,” Brian said.

  They all started at this declaration except for Teresa who merely eyed him calmly while considering his request.

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she finally asked.

  “Yes, that’s one facet of my connectivity psi I’m completely trained in,” Brian said.

  He scrutinized the energy spheres and their connections that glimmered in the inky blackness. Amy’s flared a brilliant gold while Derek’s was an emerald green. Brian noticed that a large muddy orange link intersected with his sister’s energy matrix. He would deal with that later. His mother was leaving tonight and he wished to purge the unhealthy links from her while she remained accessible. Paul’s sphere of emerald light was bright but a lot less intense than the others as he wasn’t a level ten.

  “All right. You may proceed,” Teresa said at last.

  Brian made quick work of the smaller links but the large one couldn’t be eliminated in one session. However, he weakened it as much as possible before placing a block that would prevent any energy leakage. Teresa’s psionic shielding was so powerful that only a trickle of leakage could be pulled but the block would prevent any activity for days. It was a trick that Melissa had taught him. Brian opened his eyes and advised her on the progress he’d made.

  “I feel somewhat lighter but it is a subtle feeling,” Teresa said and smiled. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter 13

  Dick hesitantly approached Lorraine’s small, beige house as he struggled with indecision. He’d never imagined he would exchange information with another energy transference psi or to socialize with one. He had confirmed that the three individuals on the list were indeed level ten empaths and had already formed a temporary connection with them all. It would take about a week before the links could become permanent. Brian continued to undermine him. He’d somehow blocked the link that he’d formed with Teresa many years ago. It hadn’t provided much energy but the lack of sustenance was definitely missed. The new temporary links that Lorraine had provided would more than make up for the losses once they became permanent.

  When Dick rang the doorbell, Lorraine answered almost immediately. She smiled warmly and invited him inside. The two of them seated themselves on the plush, red couch in her living room. A large entertainment center occupied the wall facing the couch and an assortment of scenic, nature paintings decorated the room. Two other plush, red armchairs were positioned on either end of the couch. Lorraine wore a turquoise, silk blouse and a matching skirt.

  “I’m so glad that you agreed to meet with me. I trust you’ve already confirmed the list I gave you?” Lorraine asked.

  “Yes, and I’ve formed temporary links with them,” Dick said.

  “Already?” Lorraine blinked at him with surprise. “That’s very fast.”

  “How long does it take you?” Dick asked.

  “It takes me several days and then another couple of weeks to become permanent,” Lorraine said. “I’m very interested in seeing the memory of how you formed those links.”

  “Sure,” Dick said.

  He telepathically linked with her and replayed the memory in his mind as accurately as possible. When he finished, Lorraine requested several more memories which he readily shared with her.

  “Thank you,” Lorraine said gratefully when he’d finished. “That was remarkable.”

  “Did you learn anything from them?” Dick asked curiously.

  “Yes, you have a subtle technique for forming temporary links that I didn’t realize was possible. I’m anxious to try it out later,” Lorraine said. “Would you care for a drink? I’ve got red wine and white wine.”

  “I’d like some red wine, please,” Dick said.

  Lorraine left the room briefly and returned with two, cobalt blue wine glasses. She handed the one filled with red wine to Dick. She took a sip of hers after seating herself beside him.

  “There’s something about you that seems different than other people,” Lorraine said thoughtfully. “You seem older than your appearance somehow.”

  Even though Dick only looked to be in his early twenties, he was still sensitive about his age. He cringed inside as he wondered what she would think of him if she knew he was well in his seventies.

  “I’m older than I look by quite a few years. My aging process has slowed,” Dick said.

  “That’s fascinating! You’ve learned to slow your progression of age somehow?” Lorraine’s green eyes flashed with greed.

  “Yes,” Dick lied smoothly.

  His hand tingled as he picked up something strange from the wineglass in his right hand. He opened his psychometric senses and instantly saw a memory of Lorraine pouring a powder of some sort into his drink and mixing it. The knowledge came to him that she did this on a regular basis. More memories slipped into his mind of many different men and women falling unconscious after drinking the wine. They were a jumble and he couldn’t make out the details unless he lowered his psionic shielding which would make him vulnerable.

  “Would you share that memory with me?” Lorraine asked.

  “What?” Dick asked with puzzlement.

  “Would you share the memory of how you slow down your aging process?” Lorraine asked.

  “I’d be happy to show you after we meet a few more times. It took me quite some time to learn and I’d like to know you a little better first before we share something like that,” Dick said.

  “Of course,” Lorraine murmured as she took another sip of her wine. “I suggest we make a trade. We can meet in a few days and I’ll give you a list of three more high level empaths in exchange for some more memories. You don’t have to share the aging process one. After we meet a few more times and you know me better, I’d look forward to learning that new skill from you.”

  “Certainly,” Dick said. “We could even hang out with some of your friends at a bar sometime.”

  “Of course,” Lorraine said and smiled warmly at him. “Aren’t you going to drink your wine?”

  “I don’t think so.” Dick set the glass down on the coffee table. “My stomach has been giving me problems today and I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Lorraine’s smile froze and her green eyes registered disappointment. She took another sip of her wine.

  “Are you sure? It’s excellent quality and gets top ratings,” she said.

  “Thank you but I’m fine,” Dick said.

  He saw movement out of the corner of his eyes and turned to see two men stalk into the room. One of them was medium set with black hair and blue eyes while the other was short and stocky with brown hair and a large bald spot. Both of them were wearing jeans and tee shirts. Lorraine carefully set down her wine glass and gracefully rose from the couch. Dick stood up and felt three tendrils burrow into his psionic shielding. It would take only a moment for them to break through. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he realized he didn’t stand a chance against them with his energy transference psi. However, most people only had one secondary ability so it was likely that he was the only one in the room who possessed multiple abilities. Dick unleashed a powerful burst of telekinetic energy into the medium set man first. His body sailed through the air and smashed into the wall. Dick immediately launched the same telekinetic attack on the other man. Both men were knocked unconscious.

  Lorraine had temporarily stopped her assault on him but must have regained her wits because he felt her tendril burrowing against his psionic shielding again. Dick turned and reached out telekinetically for her neck. It took a lot longer to focus on one area but he was certain he would have ample opportunity. Lorraine’s green eyes widened with terror when she felt the pressure around her neck but she didn’t slow down her psychic assault. It took a moment for Dick to tighten his hold around her neck into a viselike grip that cut off her air supply. Lorraine’s mouth dropped open as she struggled to breathe.

  Her tendril managed to bur
row past his shield and she half-heartily sucked some of his energy before her strength gave out. Her psychic tendril wilted and slipped out of him. Dick burrowed his own tendril into her as she lost consciousness and drained as much energy as he could before killing her. He drained the other two men before suffocating them with a plastic bag. Dick’s body radiated with energy as he stood in the center of the room and closed his eyes for a moment to savor the sensation. He’d never drawn so much power all at once before in his entire life. It was an intoxicating rush. Dick didn’t feel a shred of remorse over what he’d done because they had deserved it. He searched Lorraine’s house for a list of names, hoping to find more level ten empaths. She had a computer but it was password protected.

  Finally, he gave up on the search and carefully removed all psychic traces of his personal energy from the house so no one would pick up on his identity or what had occurred. Dick hummed cheerfully to himself as he left the house behind. As he slipped behind the wheel of his car, his thoughts became troubled as he realized he had unconsciously reestablished a temporary connection to Brian. Dick hoped that Brian would sever the connection as he had done repeatedly before. If he didn’t, it would be necessary to kill him. Dick couldn’t risk remaining linked to Brian now that he possessed connectivity psi. Even if he did sever the link, he may still dream about Dick and discover the truth about him. Dick may not have a choice but to kill his nephew. He should probably pay him a visit to make sure he didn’t suspect anything and that he hadn’t had any more dreams about him.

  When Dick drove by Paul’s and Teresa’s house, he recognized Agent Driscol’s car parked in the driveway. It was risky to spend time with the FBI agents as they were level tens and now that Brian was helping them with their investigation, they may pull in other agents with differing abilities that might enable them to pick up Dick’s ability.

  He drove to his home and called Amy.

  “How’s my favorite niece?” Dick said cheerfully.

  “I’m fine,” Amy said sardonically. “How are you doing?”

  “It feels like my get up and go has got up and left. I wanted to make sure you and Brian were okay though. I would have stopped by to visit if I wasn’t so tired,” Dick said.


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