Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx

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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx Page 19

by John O'Riley

  Almost instantly, Brian’s strength increased drastically. It didn’t take much effort to block Samantha anymore. He dissolved the blocks that prevented the unconscious agents from connecting with the Global Net. Samantha tried attacking a couple more agents but Brian easily deflected her strikes.

  “You think that enhancing his strength will keep the rest of you safe?” Samantha said coolly.

  The air in the room quickly thinned and everyone took deeper breaths to compensate. Samantha’s transparent form slowly paced from one side of the room to the other.

  “With a little less oxygen, you won’t be able to fight me any longer,” Samantha said.

  Brian continued to struggle to get plenty of air but he realized he was a lot weaker now. In another moment or two, he wouldn’t be able to block her attack again even with the help of Agent Garcia who was obviously a talent enhancer. Brian wished he had some other ability that could be effective in defending against her. Samantha smiled triumphantly and he felt her energy building up as she prepared to strike. Her gaze locked onto his and he feared she’d decided he was too much of a threat. Her energy surged forward and he blocked it but his grasp was weak and she was slowly gaining ground. He couldn’t withstand her for more than a moment. Without warning, the door burst open and Morgan strode into the room.

  His eyes locked onto Samantha and abruptly the attack on Brian halted. Samantha’s form flickered for several seconds before winking out of existence. Brian immediately felt his strength returning as the air returned to normal.

  “How did you do that?” Brian asked.

  “I can detect as well as block abilities,” Morgan said.

  Brian nodded with relief.

  “Director Sorenson called me,” Morgan explained when Driscol shot him a questioning look.

  “We don’t stand a chance against her. I’m going to request military backup,” Sorenson said gravely.

  Chapter 22

  Amy smiled at Dick as she nursed her large, red paper cup filled with hazelnut latte. It was late afternoon and Roe’s Café was jam-packed with customers. Luckily, they had managed to get a booth where conversation was a tad bit easier. Derek was seated beside her with his own large chai latte.

  “I’m glad I was finally able to twist your arm so we could talk in person for a change,” Amy teased him. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were avoiding me.”

  “I’ve been working late hours. It’s been an exhausting week,” Dick said before he took a sip of his coffee. “Besides, I called you twice this week so you can’t accuse me of avoiding you.”

  “I know,” Amy said ruefully. “I guess with everything that’s been going on with Brian, I’m just worried about the family in general. It makes me jumpy. I feel like anything could happen now.”

  “Life is full of uncertainty. We just never know what’s in store for us,” Dick said.

  “Everything will be fine. Once they catch Samantha, I’m sure they’ll let him come back,” Derek said.

  “You’re being naïve. Once you’re declared a possession of the state, you’re never released,” Dick said dourly.

  “I hate it! It’s not fair!” Amy said fervently.

  The myriad of small, hanging light bulbs began to jiggle as Amy’s telekinesis sought a way to express her agitation.

  “Control yourself or we’ll be kicked out of here,” Dick said curtly.

  Amy frowned at him then her gaze rose to watch the lights. A look of intense concentration transformed her face and the lights stilled. She stared at them for a moment then her gaze dropped to Dick’s and her hazel eyes flashed with annoyance.

  “I’m always in control,” Amy bit out.

  “I would say just the opposite,” Dick said sardonically.

  Amy flinched and her gaze narrowed. “Don’t push me, Grandpa.”

  Dick’s jaw clenched and barely restrained energy crackled in the air as the two of them faced off. Tables began vibrating as though a low level earthquake rocked the café and paintings flapped as though whipped by powerful gusts of wind.

  “Come on, guys,” Derek said. “Everything will be okay somehow. We shouldn’t fight each other.”

  He pulsed a calming energy at the two of them who continued to glare at each other with undisguised hostility. Customers gazed around with confusion and some people left.

  “Your wussy boyfriend is right. I’m sorry, Amy,” Dick said gruffly.

  Derek regarded him with bemusement but Amy quickly calmed down. Derek continued to flow calming energy at the two of them.

  “Have you talked to Brian at all this week?” Amy asked hopefully.

  “No, why?” Dick asked.

  “The FBI will only let him call me. They have his cell phone fixed so that all calls are routed to an agent and they take a message. They’re restricting how often and how long he calls people. He hasn’t returned any of my messages for several days. Dad’s phone is the same way. Dad says as long as he stays with Brian, he’s under the same restrictions. He’ll be coming home in a few days. I was hoping maybe you’d been able to talk to him.”

  “No, sorry,” Dick said and took a sip of his coffee.

  “I wonder if something’s happened,” Amy fretted.

  “I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon,” Derek said soothingly.

  “It’s really creepy to find out that we’ve been brainwashed all these years,” Amy said.

  “I know. I was shocked when you told me about it,” Dick said.

  “Agent Hurst will be stopping by to purge your house of any brainwashing psychometric energy,” Amy said.

  “Did he say when?” Dick asked sharply.

  “No, he just said he’d by there sometime within the next couple of days. He already checked out Jason’s house and found it full of the same programming as ours,” she said.

  Amy gazed at Dick pensively as she took another sip of her latte.

  “Why are you pinning me?” he said warily.

  “You seem different,” Amy said. Her gaze widened with surprise and she straightened in her seat. “Oh my God! You have a few gray hairs!”

  “What?” Derek said sharply and looked more carefully at Dick’s head.

  “No one lives forever,” Dick said casually but his face flushed.

  “But you’re a self-regeneration psi. You don’t age,” Amy said.

  “That’s a fallacy. Some of us just age very slowly. It depends on the individual,” Dick said.

  “Wow! I’m just really shocked!” Amy exclaimed.

  “Why don’t we play some pool? You’re so distracted by everything that I’ll probably wipe the floor with you,” Dick goaded.

  “We’ll see about that,” Amy said.

  Dick strategically allowed Amy to beat him but he put on an excellent show of trying to win. She flailed her arms and cheered.

  “I kicked your butt!” Amy exclaimed.

  She jumped up and down several times and cheered again. Dick had intended on bowing out after just one game as he had important plans but seeing her taking such pleasure out of winning gave him an almost overpowering urge to see her lose miserably.

  “You were just lucky. Let’s see how you do in the next round,” Dick said.

  “I’ll keep score,” Derek said hastily.

  Dick didn’t even spare him a glance as Derek’s lack of competitiveness was beyond comprehension. Dick played fiercely and even cheated a few times when he thought he could get away with it. Still, Amy beat him again and crowed for several moments before she’d settle down enough to start another game. Dick knew he wasn’t playing his best as he was distracted over his deteriorating physical condition. He glanced at Derek and saw the empath gazing at him curiously. Realizing his emotions would attract Derek’s unwanted attention, Dick shoved aside all thoughts and therefore all emotions pertaining to his aging problem. He focused on the game and managed to beat Amy this time. They played for hours and Dick enjoyed himself in spite of his predicament.

t was a lot of fun,” Dick said.

  “Yes, it was. It’s nice being the winner,” Amy said as they strolled out of the café.

  “Don’t get used to it,” Dick said flippantly.

  “Did you want to go somewhere for a bite to eat?” Amy asked.

  “I’m exhausted. We’ll meet again soon,” Dick said.

  “All right. I’ll see you later,” Amy said.

  “Bye,” Derek said.

  Dick waived at them as he retreated to his sedan with a sense of great relief. It had been good to see Amy and her boyfriend again but he still needed to acquire as many empaths and others as possible. Dick had managed to find two new empaths every day and to create temporary links to them. He’d had to call in sick to work a couple of times this week so he could concentrate on maintaining the links while he continued to establish new ones but it was important for his survival. He’d already added eight new empaths and in another week he would add fourteen more. Dick had never experienced so much power flowing into him continuously. Every day, he checked the mirror to check on his gray hair and for any other signs of aging. Hopefully, when he added enough empaths to his personal network then his aging would reverse and he’d go back to the way he was before he’d lost his connection with Jason.

  Dick began his typical routine of cruising the grocery stores even though he knew he had to program a bunch of objects at his house so Agent Hurst would find that he too was under the influence of the mysterious psychometrist who plagued the family. He wouldn’t get much sleep tonight. He still hadn’t added anyone new to his network today and he was determined to add two more. It took him three hours before he found the first target which was a brown-haired man in his early twenties. He was dressed in jeans and a ratty gray tee shirt and looked exhausted which was common for empaths. Dick sighed impatiently as the man drove around to various stores and wondered when he was going home. Of course, now that his personal network had grown, he’d discovered that it took less time to create a temporary connection. He should have been aggressive about expanding his power base years ago. He’d always been so afraid of discovery that he’d squandered his gift.

  Finally, the empath drove to his apartment and Dick waited until he’d been inside for a bit before he stepped outside the room and sent out a tendril. It didn’t take long to establish the new link but it was now past midnight. Dick yawned as he went back to his car and stared out at the apartment complex as he considered whether or not he should continue searching for another empath. He really needed his sleep as he got up too early to stay out after midnight and had already called in sick twice this week. Dick’s hands clutched the steering wheel as he was struck with indecision. Finally, he decided to call it a night. It was almost the weekend and the grocery stores were always busier. Maybe he could manage to add three empaths on Saturday or Sunday to make up for today. His thoughts went back to Amy and the power she’d produced at the café. Their tempers had flared but they hadn’t unleashed their telekinetic energy and hers had been so potent. He wished he could tap into it like he could do to empaths. Maybe in time he could. That thought cheered him up.

  Chapter 23

  When the military operatives arrived, the teams broke up into smaller groups. Brian was pleased that his mother had been assigned to his group with Driscol and Freeland. The four of them gathered in Driscol’s office and took up their usual seats while Teresa chose to remain standing off to the side.

  “We’ve dug up a lot of information on Samantha Reynolds,” Driscol said. She tapped a few keys on her DPA and a holographic display of the blond scientist’s face flickered into existence above the desk and several feet in front of it. “She studied variant psychic abilities extensively and was considered a prodigy in the field of genetics. She made some remarkable discoveries and also made some wild theories. She’s had high level clearance for just about fourteen years. We suspect she’s been involved in illegal experiments before Project Onyx. The computer files in her home were deleted but we managed to recover some information. Because of what she may have learned through earlier research as well as the extensive studies she performed on the use of variant psychic abilities, she has mastered her new talents with remarkable ease.

  “It’s hard to say how much longer she’d continue to develop new ones. We’ve never come across anything like it. If we can discover the formula for the retrovirus she used, it would be a great asset to national security,” Driscol said.

  “It is valuable knowledge but not something we can rely on for predictable results. Brandon showed signs of deterioration from the genetic manipulations. Ashley’s condition was deteriorating rapidly so she probably would have died as well. Norman didn’t survive the transformation. The test subjects, Russell and Brian, may not have survived if they hadn’t received treatment from specialized wellness centers,” Freeland said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “That’s true. The retrovirus would need to be tested on volunteers in the military in order to determine its viability,” Driscol said. “It would help if we had the formula now because it would give us an edge in fighting Samantha. We’re not sure if the military operatives’ defenses will be adequate against her assaults.”

  “I’m reasonably sure that we’ll be able to handle her,” Teresa said dispassionately.

  “And what makes you so sure of that? There was a room filled with high level talents who were unable to withstand her assaults,” Driscol said.

  “We are trained in various high level security defensive techniques,” Teresa said. “I’ve had arduous and extensive training in psionic shielding.”

  “Psionic shielding offered none of us any protection,” Driscol said.

  “There are ways to expand the shielding to encompass a room and to shift energy frequencies to protect against abilities that normally can’t be screened,” Teresa explained. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got you covered.”

  “I see.” Driscol’s eyes flashed with ire but she flashed a phony smile. “I appreciate your assistance in this matter.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Driscol tapped a series of keys and Samantha’s image was replaced with a list of psychic abilities printed in red.

  “These are the talents that we know for sure she possesses,” Driscol said.

  “Interesting,” Teresa said.

  “Yes, it’s very unusual for the combination to exist. It’s unheard of for aggregate intuitives to also display PSA psi,” Driscol said.

  “Every PSA psi that exists except for Samantha, is a low level telepath with no other secondary abilities. It’s one of those abilities that’s tied into an individual’s interests. PSA psi are almost always athletes of one sort or another,” Freeland said.

  “We’re not sure how skilled she is with her strength, speed, and agility but Brian saw a couple of impressive feats she performed,” Driscol said.

  “The disturbing thing is that she probably has half a dozen talents we don’t even know about,” Freeland said. “Her abilities have to stop expanding at some point. The human physiology can only adapt to a limited set of psionic talents.”

  “According to her psychological profile, she’s always been careful, precise, and cautious as far as confrontations go. Have you been able to come up with a revised profile that we can use to predict her behavior?”

  “Yes, she’s going to remain smart, focused, and precise but she will tend to take risks now because of her PSA psi which has changed her physiology. We can expect her to become increasingly aggressive since she has already succumbed to that typical PSA psi profile,” Freeland said. “I’m still working on more precise details. I’ll send them to you as soon as I’ve finished.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Driscol said briskly. “I’d like for you to work with Brian again on another psychological healing session and then we’ll see if he can pick up any information on Samantha’s whereabouts.”

  Brian forced himself to relax as Dr. Freeland’s empathic healing energy washed over him and
soothed his mind. He didn’t feel damaged or brainwashed and that made the violation even worse. Someone had manipulated him for years just to tap into his energy. The family didn’t have too many casual friends. Every time he tried to make a list in his mind and try to figure out who it could be, something distracted him and he ended up thinking about something else. It was the brainwashing programming that redirected his mind but it didn’t help Brian to focus. Freeland was right when she said the programming had imbedded deep in his subconscious.

  When the psychologist finished her work, Brian placed the ear buds into his ear and switched the DPU hypnosis session on. As usual, he quickly lost all sense of timing. When the vision coalesced in his mind’s eye, he was no longer completely lucid. Samantha was standing in a medium sized living room with orange painted walls and brown carpeting. Two large couches faced a white plastic entertainment system sporting a television with surround sound speakers and a CD player. A smattering of dried blood was barely discernable by one of the couches due to the coloring of the carpet. Samantha was crouched about eight feet in front of the couches with a dagger clutched in her right hand. She swiftly threw the dagger and it embedded in the wall across the room next to two other daggers which were already planted deep in the wall. She back flipped into the air and landed gracefully behind the left couch about twenty feet behind her. She stood up to her full height and her gaze roved the room until they fixed on the point where Brian viewed the scene. Her cold blue eyes leveled to his and the scene wavered then went completely black.

  Adrenaline pumped through Brian’s body and his heart thudded wildly with panic as if she could somehow reach out and grab him. He rose awkwardly to his feet and took stock of his surroundings to make sure she hadn’t follow him into the room with her new talents. He wouldn’t put it past her to appear as an illusion and start attacking them like she had before.

  “What did you see?” Driscol asked sharply.

  Teresa’s blue eyes conveyed concern but she kept her expression carefully neutral. Brian couldn’t sense her emotions at all which meant she was entrenched in the Quiet. Driscol didn’t share the same type of emotional control as she radiated a mixture of emotional residue unknowingly and sent sharp jabs of pain into Brian’s body.


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