Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx

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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx Page 21

by John O'Riley

  Finally, Dick concluded that he hadn’t lost anything; therefore, Rob wasn’t an immediate threat. Dick could take his time in confronting him again. First, he would work on growing his network. He decided he would learn from the kid and expand his network with targets other than empaths since it was becoming increasingly difficult now. He had been forced to cruise nearby cities which made the exercise a lot more time consuming. Dick fervently hoped that Samantha would find and kill Brian for him. Otherwise, Dick would be forced to do so himself. In the meantime, he would need to power up as much as possible so he could carry out the task without too much risk when the time came.

  Chapter 25

  When Brian and his mother reported for work at Driscol’s office, Freeland was already waiting and Driscol radiated an air of excitement. The military operative guarding them left when Teresa came in to take over.

  “The lab has been going over the information you sent me yesterday morning and they were able to duplicate the formula that Samantha used on you and Russell. This is a huge discovery and will give us an edge against her,” Driscol said.

  “So you do plan on testing subjects?” Teresa said dispassionately.

  “Of course. They’ve already administered it to six volunteers,” Driscol said. “And before you lecture me on legalities, I assure you that we already received approval from the white house.”

  “I’m surprised they jumped on this opportunity so quickly,” Teresa said.

  “They’re worried that Samantha will start targeting them soon,” Driscol smirked. “As soon as we’re sure this formula is completely effective, we can begin mass producing multipathic FBI agents, police officers, and military operatives. Do you see what a great opportunity this is?”

  “I do,” Teresa said.

  Freeland glanced over at her nervously then returned her attention to Driscol.

  “I’m not sure the formula is completely effective. Russell and Brian may have died without treatment,” the psychologist said.

  “The FBI has wellness centers of its own and I’m sure they can duplicate the treatment process used on Brian and Russell,” Driscol said smoothly. “There is a large medical team working on this and they’re prepared for all eventualities.”

  Teresa cocked a bemused brow but didn’t remark. Brian suspected the formula would prove to be much more problematic than Driscol or the medical team predicted.

  “This achievement couldn’t have come at a better time. Three of our agents along with their guards were killed last night in their homes by Samantha,” Driscol said grimly. She leveled her gaze at Brian. “Hopefully, you’ll start getting your visions back so we can track her down and finally put an end to all this.”

  “I’m doing the best I can,” Brian said.

  “I know.” Driscol smiled reassuringly at him. “I’m not reprimanding you. You’ve done a terrific job. I’m just trying to emphasize how important it is that we catch her soon.”

  “I understand,” Brian said.

  Driscol began the same way as always by having Freeland work on healing Brian’s mind and then for him to do a hypnosis session. Brian only caught snatches of scenes and nothing that proved remotely useful. Driscol frowned as she looked over the notes she’d taken regarding the meager glimpses he’d reported. Suddenly, Samantha materialized beside Freeland who squealed in alarm and leapt out of her chair.

  “How typically predictable you’ve become.” Samantha twisted her lips reprovingly. “It’s always the exact same thing that you do every day and you expect better results.”

  “We’ll eventually apprehend you,” Driscol said.

  “Not if I kill you first,” Samantha said coolly.

  Teresa furrowed her brows as she focused her psionic shield and encompassed the room for protection. Samantha’s form faded for several seconds as she fought to remain visible then flickered out of existence.

  “You see?” Teresa said. “I can protect us from her attacks.”

  Driscol nodded in acknowledgement and Freeland slowly moved back to her seat. The door burst open and Samantha rushed into the room with a revolver clutched in her right hand. Teresa threw herself to the side as Samantha fired off two rounds that missed her. Samantha swung the gun to Driscol who swiftly ducked behind her desk. Brian threw himself behind the desk as well. Samantha leaped across the room and threw the desk up into the air with her left hand. It smashed against the wall. Teresa tackled her and they fell in a heap nearby. Brian hastily stepped back as he forced a stream of dissonant empathic energy into Samantha which briefly distracted her. Teresa smashed Samantha’s hand against the floor which released the gun. Teresa kicked the gun out of her reach just as Samantha shoved her across the room and into the opposite wall. Brian continued to shoot dissonant empathic energy and now Samantha had a crazed glimmer in her eyes. She leapt to her feet and ran out of the room with inhuman speed. Racing footsteps sounded down the hall as reinforcements came to apprehend her.

  “I called for help telepathically,” Freeland said breathlessly.

  “How did she get past security?” Driscol said heatedly.

  They saw military operatives with guns draw rushing by. One of them came in to check on them. When he made sure everyone was all right, he left.

  “We’re extremely lucky none of us were killed,” Freeland said.

  “Luck had nothing to do with it,” Driscol said grimly. “Teresa and Brian bought us just enough time for reinforcements to arrive. If you hadn’t telepathically alerted them, Samantha would have finished us all off for sure.”

  Brian’s attention honed in on the overturned desk that was thrown clear across the room. It had a large crack across the middle and papers, pens, and folders were strewn across the floor that had been lying on top of it.

  “That’s a comforting thought,” Freeland said shakily.

  Driscol shrugged carelessly and turned to regard the mess. They helped her move the desk back and she picked up the papers. She had almost finished reorganizing it when her cell phone rang. She spoke briefly before disconnecting.

  “That was security. Samantha made herself look like one of the agents who work here. Apparently she’s gotten her hands on one of our pass cards which allowed her to gain access past the locked doors, too,” Driscol said. “She’s very resourceful.”

  “In spite of her abilities, she took a great risk attacking us in a secure building,” Freeland said. “As I predicted, she’s engaging in riskier behavior.”

  “Security is altering its arrangements and repositioning the military operatives to throw Samantha off. They’ve already been rotating security patrols of the building so that she can’t predict when they’ll pass through each area. I don’t know how much more innovative they can be,” Driscol said grimly.

  Freeland folded her arms defensively across her chest as she regarded Brian warily.

  “I can’t believe you attacked her like that,” she said.

  “It feels very wrong and it hurts like hell but it saved us,” Brian said.

  “He’s right. The fear caught her off guard and she no longer felt in control. It definitely slowed her down,” Teresa said.

  Driscol nodded sharply in agreement. “Good work, Brian.”

  “It felt awful. I can see why empaths don’t use their abilities as weapons,” Freeland said.

  “We’re all going to take a break. When we meet back here, I want you to work on recommendations and predictions for Samantha’s psychological profile. Brian, you will do another hypnosis session. Hopefully, she’s still shaken up and won’t be able to block you this time,” Driscol said.

  Brian and Teresa went to the break room. They meditated and boosted their psionic protection in silence. Brian realized the importance of keeping his abilities in check so he used all of his spare time and didn’t try to talk to his mother about the uncertainties that nibbled at the back of his mind. When everyone met back at Driscol’s office, Brian turned on his personal DPU and activated another hypnosis session. He
didn’t receive any visions at all about anyone. When his session ended and he opened his eyes, Driscol was intently reading something on her computer screen. She looked up and scooted away from her computer as she realized he was finished.

  “Did you see anything?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” he said regretfully.

  “We’ll get something eventually,” Driscol said. “I received a disturbing report while you were under. One of the teams that was searching for Samantha was killed a short while ago.”

  “I’m afraid I have more troubling news,” Freeland said.

  “What do you mean?” Driscol asked.

  “From what I sensed telepathically and empathically from Samantha during and after the attack, she came to the conclusion that she needs help. Her PSA psi makes her want to attack but she also wants to minimize her risk. She has a backup plan for getting more support but I don’t know what it is,” Freeland said.

  “How can she possibly get anyone to help her?” Driscol said with incredulous disbelief.

  “I don’t know. I sensed it has something to do with research and theories she came up with previously.” Freeland’s brows furrowed as she puzzled through it. “Unfortunately, that’s all I have for right now.”

  “We need to look at what she’s done previously,” Driscol said. “It’s all classified but I have clearance to read it. Unfortunately, none of you do so I’m on my own as far as that goes. Several of the agents on our teams are already looking at her earlier work to see if she has anyone she might contact for support but I’ll let them know what you told me. I’m also going to put in a request to get your help in this.” She typed rapidly into her computer and then sighed. “All right, it’s time for another healing session and then a hypnosis session while I work on this.”

  “Of course,” Freeland murmured.

  She had only just started when the door knocked.

  “Come in,” Driscol said reluctantly.

  Director Sorenson followed by Lin and two redheads entered the room. Lin and the redheads wore identical uniforms consisting of dark blue suit jackets over white dress shirts and dark blue, crisp pants with black polished shoes. One of the redheads was a man in his mid twenties and the woman looked to be the same age. They both had a smattering of freckles on their faces and arms along with hazel eyes and aquiline noses. Everyone was stunned speechless at their arrival and not just because they recognized Lin from Phoenix Enterprises but there was a powerful and disconcerting power emanating from the redheads.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt but Brian is no longer working for us directly,” Sorenson said regretfully.

  “What do you mean?” Driscol asked with confusion.

  “Apparently, Brian visited their technology campus and was interview informally. Lin is here with two security escorts from her company to offer Brian protection and a job at Phoenix Enterprises. She’s received approval for the job offer and if Brian accepts, he is no longer a property of the state,” Sorenson said.

  Driscol shot up to her feet and her jaw clenched.

  “You didn’t think there was any chance this could happen?” Brian telepathically asked his mother.

  “I am as astounded as everyone else here. It looks like Phoenix Enterprises has some pull with the government,” Teresa thought back with wry amusement.

  “They can’t offer the protection that the bureau can,” Driscol said swiftly as Lin handed the paperwork for Brian to look over.

  “Thank you,” Brian said gratefully.

  “Please read the documents carefully. You have the time,” Lin said reassuringly.

  Brian began reading through it even though he had no intention of refusing the offer even if it demanded he give up his first born.

  “Samantha will attack you mercilessly,” Driscol said in a warning tone.

  “She may try but we have very advanced defenses. I brought Caleb and Lauren with me to make sure we get to the campus safely,” Lin said serenely.

  “What kind of protection can you possibly have to stop her?” Driscol demanded.

  “Most of our defenses are top clearance. You understand the need for secrecy. I can say that we have many variant talents that offer unusual and powerful capabilities,” Lin said smoothly. “The FBI has contracted us to locate and help apprehend Samantha. We have a team of specialists who have already begun tracking her.”

  “I see,” Driscol said. “What about those two? They don’t look like they offer much in defensive or offensive capabilities. Samantha is inhumanly strong and fast and comes with more talents than we ever thought possible for one person.”

  “She has very impressive abilities; however, she wouldn’t stand a chance against these two. They’re both multipaths with NSA psi. Additionally, Caleb is a remote viewer and Lauren is an IMP psi,” Lin said conversationally.

  “I haven’t heard of those variant abilities,” Driscol said guardedly.

  “NSA psi allow individuals to temporarily neutralize all of someone’s psychic abilities and IMP psi can force someone into a fugue state almost instantly,” Lin explained.

  “That’s impressive.”

  Brian finished skimming the documents and signed on the appropriate lines.

  “Excellent!” Lin said pleasantly. “I look forward to working with you, Brian.”

  Driscol narrowed her eyes at Lin then turned her attention back to Sorenson who was in political mode.

  “It’s always a pleasure working with Phoenix Enterprises,” he said.

  “Likewise, Director Sorenson,” Lin said pleasantly.

  Brian followed Lin, Caleb, and Lauren toward the door and noticed his mother wasn’t following. He turned and shot her a questioning look.

  “I’m sorry but my assignment is here,” Teresa said apologetically. “I didn’t expect Phoenix Enterprises to succeed but I’m certain you will be safer and happier with them until Samantha can be apprehended.”

  “I’ll miss you,” Brian said.

  “I’ll miss you, too,” Teresa thought back.

  Brian followed his new colleagues out the door and they left the building. They piled into a blue sedan. Lin drove with Brian in the front passenger seat while Caleb and Lauren in the back.

  “That was so cool!” Brian said.

  “What is that?” Lin asked curiously as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “The way you pulled the rug out from under Driscol,” Brian said.

  “Phoenix Enterprises has a lot of political pull. Our leaders make sure of that,” Lin said serenely.

  “Are you two siblings?” Brian asked the redheads.

  “We’re fraternal twins,” Caleb said.

  “You have a kind of strange vibe.”

  “It’s their variant ability that gives off the unusual energy signature. There are some exotic variant talents that radiate a similar signal,” Lin said.

  “Are we going to the airport?” Brian asked curiously.

  “Yes. We want to get back to campus as quickly as possible to get you integrated within the Zen Network and to get settled in before you start your new job assignment. Part of it will be helping to assist with our team that is tracking Samantha.”

  “I haven’t had much success with my connectivity psi or remote viewing,” Brian said.

  “Don’t worry. We have different ways of helping to push abilities in the right direction,” Lin said.

  “What kind of work will I be doing for Phoenix Enterprises once we’re finished with Samantha?” Brian asked curiously.

  “You will be given a variety of assignments. Your connectivity psi will prove the most valuable talent. You will need further training but once that is completed, you will do a lot of help with maintaining the Zen Network and assisting with miscellaneous group research projects,” Lin said conversationally.

  “How will I be able to help with group projects?”

  “Among scientific and medical researchers, there are many aggregate intuitives and TEM psi. There are a lot of egos in that
line of work and it brings out the worst those people. Connectivity psi can create a temporary link at the workplace to help keep individuals focused and in tune with each other’s thoughts and ideas. It’s an amazing feeling and you’ll be able to help those groups reach breakthroughs that they may not have discovered on their own. An added benefit is your empathy which can further enhance the temporary link,” Lin said. “It’s a very rewarding experience for connectivity psi.”

  “I don’t have a science background,” Brian said dubiously.

  “You don’t need one. You’re job will be to harmonize the group. Melissa loves it and she’ll be the one training you on how to do that. I’ve assigned her to be your mentor. She’ll be helping you with the Samantha Reynolds case as well,” Lin said.

  When they arrived at the airport, they dropped off the rental, boarded the plane and were soon at the Seattle airport. Lin’s blue SUV was waiting in the parking lot. When they arrived at Phoenix Enterprises technology campus, Lin dropped Brian off at his grandfather’s dome home.

  “I look forward to working with you,” Lin said cheerfully.

  “Me, too,” Brian said.

  Lin waived and drove off. Brian stepped up to the front door but didn’t have to knock because it immediately opened. Jason stood there smiling warmly at him.

  “It’s good to see you again. Come in,” Jason said.

  Brian gaped at his grandfather in shock. Jason wore jeans, a blue tee shirt, and white socks. His skin was a lot smoother with no more liver spots and noticeably less wrinkles. His gray hair had large brown roots which was the most shocking change.


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