Dancing with the Duke

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Dancing with the Duke Page 3

by Suzanna Medeiros

  “Are you ready to go?” she asked.

  “You go downstairs,” Lucy said. “Alex is still home, and there’s a chance you may run into him. Alex needs to see you tonight, and it would be better if you were alone when he does.”

  “Perhaps I should barge into his study.” Charlotte didn’t bother to hide her annoyance with Lucy’s brother.

  Lucy grasped her hands and have them a slight squeeze. “Alex told Mama this afternoon that he would escort us tonight.”

  Charlotte’s stomach did a funny little flip as the import of that revelation sunk in. “Do you think…?”

  Lucy nodded, her own curls bobbing with the movement. “I do believe my dear brother may be worried about Lord Haversham.”

  The very last thing Charlotte needed was to have her hopes raised, only find them dashed again at Alex’s feet. But despite her resolve not to see romantic interest where none existed, she couldn’t contain the bubble of anticipation that expanded within her as she descended the stairs. When she turned into the drawing room, she found Alex was alone in the room. He stood before the fireplace, looking down into the flames, with his hands clasped behind his back. And he was clad in black evening clothes. She paused in the doorway, her heart turning over as she took in his straight posture and broad shoulders. He was turned away from her, but she could see one side of his face. She ached to reach out and smooth her hand along his tense jaw.

  “Good evening, Alex,” she said after several seconds had passed.

  He turned at the sound of her voice. His eyes moved down her body before returning to her face. She didn’t miss the flare of appreciation in them.

  “You look lovely this evening, Charlotte. But then, you usually do.”

  The compliment pleased her, and it took great effort on her part not to show it.

  “Your mother and Lucy should be down shortly.” She paused briefly before asking, “Is it true you’ll be attending the ball this evening?”

  He shrugged, the movement casual. “It seems everyone will be there tonight. There is little point in going to the club when all my friends will be elsewhere.”

  Somehow she kept her disappointment from showing.

  “Is that the only reason you’re attending?”

  He hesitated a moment before admitting, “I was thinking about what we discussed this morning.”

  “You were?”

  “All this talk of marriage had me thinking that I can’t put off the inevitable forever. I was thinking…”

  He moved a step closer to her.

  “Yes?” she prodded, her voice the merest hint of a whisper.

  “Perhaps we can look out for one another.”

  His words confused her. “Look out for one another?”

  “Yes. I can help you choose between the men who show interest in you. There are things I may know, or be able to discover about them that you wouldn’t learn until it was too late. And in return, you can do the same for me. Let me know if you think I am encouraging the wrong woman.”

  Her heart sank. Along with her faint hope, she temporarily lost the ability to speak.

  “Oh, don’t fear that I’m likely to rush into anything,” he continued, misreading her silence. “I won’t be making any rash decisions.”

  “You want my help in finding someone for you to marry.” The words sounded hollow to her ears.

  “I know you haven’t been in town that long, but I am sure you’ve met many of the same women at the events you’ve attended. And if not, you can ask Lucy about them. But please,” he said, his expression pleading, “don’t tell her what I’ve said.”

  She was having trouble thinking beyond her need to escape his presence and their current conversation. “Why?”

  “You don’t have any siblings,” he said, pulling a face of dismay, “but she would make my life a living hell if she knew I was even considering the notion of marrying. I suffer enough of her teasing already.”

  At that moment, Charlotte wanted nothing more than to unleash some of that hell onto Alex herself. But instead, she pasted a false smile on her face and said, “That sounds like a very practical arrangement.”

  “Good,” Alex said, a large smile spreading across his face. “Ah, I think I hear my mother and sister now.”

  He gave her his arm. She hesitated only a moment before taking it.

  * * *

  Alex found himself in the tedious position of having to dance with one simpering girl after another. Perhaps if at least one of them was more like Charlotte — direct and sure of themselves — he might have been moved to try to learn more about them. But despite what he’d told Charlotte, he had no intention of paying court to anyone. He’d used that excuse so she wouldn’t suspect the real reason for his attendance at Lady Weston’s ball that evening.

  For some reason he couldn’t begin to understand, he felt compelled to look out for Charlotte Grant. To keep her safe from the wolves that circled her. Her beauty drew a lot of attention. That, together with the fact that her dowry was modest and her absent father untitled, meant there would be more than a few men who would see her as nothing more than a brief conquest. And once they’d had her, they would show no hesitation in tossing her aside. He’d seen it happen to more than one hopeful debutante over the years, but he wouldn’t allow the same fate to befall Charlotte.

  It was all he could do to pay attention to whichever girl he was partnering at any given moment. He wanted to drag Charlotte away from all the men who were dancing attendance on her, not one of whom deserved her. Instead, he was forced to watch over her from a distance.

  It was with relief that he finally spotted the Earl of Kerrick and the Marquess of Overlea. After returning his dance partner to her mother, he escaped the expectant group of young women waiting to see if he would ask one of them to dance with him next. He made his way over to where his friends were standing at the edge of the dance floor, watching him with unconcealed amusement.

  “First Almack’s and now Lady Weston’s ball?” Kerrick said. “If you’re not careful, people will start believing those rumors that the ever elusive Duke of Clarington is searching for a bride.”

  Alex shook off the teasing and aimed for a levity he was far from feeling. “You’re here as well.”

  “Yes, but I am not the catch of the season. A duke will always garner more attention than a mere earl. Next to you and Overlea, I’m practically invisible.”

  Overlea grimaced. “I fear he has the right of it, which is why I can’t help but wonder at your presence here tonight. Unless the rumors are correct…”

  “Of course not,” he said, but he couldn’t stop his gaze from drifting back to Charlotte. He was aware of the speculative expressions on his friends’ faces, but ignored them.

  Charlotte had already danced with Haversham, so he scowled when he saw the young viscount approach her again. That scowl turned to a barely suppressed curse when he saw Charlotte place her hand on his arm and allow him to lead her out to the gardens.

  Overlea and Kerrick had followed his gaze and also witnessed the pair’s exit, but a quick glance around the room showed him that most of the guests hadn’t taken note of their departure. He didn’t bother to take leave of his friends when he started to follow. They could think what they would. His primary concern was Charlotte and making sure nothing would happen to ruin her reputation.

  Somehow he kept his pace normal to avoid drawing attention to himself as he made his way to the garden doors. It was a warm evening, and so the doors stood open. He took two steps onto the long balcony and stopped short, relief pounding through his veins, when he saw that Charlotte and Haversham were standing on the other side of the balcony. Well within the range of propriety.

  At his intrusion, they both turned to face him. Charlotte blushed, a reaction that set Alex’s nerves on edge. Surely she wouldn’t be embarrassed if the conversation had been an innocent one. He ground his teeth together to keep from saying something rash.

  Charlotte spoke first. �
�Is something the matter, Your Grace?”

  He knew he was being ridiculous, but the fact that she hadn’t called him by his Christian name annoyed him. Given the length of their acquaintance and how close she was with his sister, there was no need to hide their familiarity from Haversham.

  “I didn’t expect to find the two of you here. Without a chaperone.” He glared at the man who stood only a step away from Charlotte.

  “Now see here, Clarington,” he said, “we’re just outside the doors and were only talking. There’s no reason to act like a protective mother.”

  Alex spoke slowly to avoid showing just how angry he was. “I think you had best go back inside.”

  Haversham looked as though he was about to argue, but must have thought better of it. He turned to Charlotte, but Alex cut him off before he could speak.

  “Alone,” Alex said. “I would like a few words with Miss Grant.”

  His anger grew when the other man, as though Alex hadn’t spoken, said, “I will escort you inside if you wish.”

  Charlotte had been watching their exchange in silence, her expression neutral. She now smiled at Haversham, and Alex found himself actually hating the man.

  “You go ahead. I will be in shortly.”

  Haversham nodded. Alex didn’t speak again until the man had returned to the ballroom. Slowly, his steps measured, he approached Charlotte.

  “We need to talk,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She stood her ground. “You may proceed.”

  Alex shook his head. He reached for her hand, and ignoring the spark of awareness that flashed through him at the contact, drew her down the steps and into the garden. He didn’t stop until they were behind a shrub, out of sight from anyone who might walk out onto the balcony. He released her hand and turned to face her.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked. Somehow, he managed to keep from shouting.

  “I think I am being dragged away from the ball by a madman.”

  “Don’t try to be amusing now. This is serious. What if Haversham had decided to take liberties? Your reputation might have been compromised and you’d be forced to marry him. Or is that what you’d hoped for?”

  She tilted her head in that infuriating manner that told him she was wondering at his behavior.

  “We were only a few feet from the garden door. The open door. No one would have believed anything untoward was happening.”

  Her calm response came close to making him lose the fragile control he held over his temper. Why could she not concede that it simply wasn’t wise for a young woman to allow a man to take her away from a ball?

  “You could have no way of knowing what he intended when you left with him. It would have been very easy for him to take you somewhere more secluded.”

  “Like you did?” she asked, her amusement clear.

  Her voice was low, and Alex became acutely aware of the fact that they were now, the two of them, very much alone. Music drifted through the open balcony door, but the ball and all the people inside Lady Weston’s house could have been a thousand miles away.

  Weariness crossed her face, and Alex felt an odd pang somewhere around the vicinity of his heart.

  “This situation cannot continue. I fear you were merely being polite yesterday when you said my presence in your house wasn’t unwelcome. I cannot help but think you want me gone.”


  Charlotte stood closer to him than she’d realized. From this distance, she could see that his blue eyes had flecks of silver in them. She was unable to tear her gaze away from his as she waited for his confirmation of her worst fears.

  “No,” he said when he finally spoke. “I do not wish you gone.”

  Being this close to Alex, she was finding it hard to breath. “What do you want?” she whispered.

  His answer this time was immediate, surprising her. He raised a hand to her cheek, and his thumb brushed along the spray of freckles she hadn’t powdered.

  “You. I want you.”

  Without conscious thought, she swayed even closer to him. He wrapped his fingers around her upper arms and dragged her against him. Sensations she had never felt before swept over her, culminating in intense pleasure when he brought his mouth down over hers.

  The contact was soft at first as he brushed his lips against hers. She sighed and reached up to twine her hands around his neck. Her movement seemed to encourage him, for the pressure increased. He brushed his tongue against her lips and she opened them in surprise. The first movement of his tongue into her mouth surprised her, but that surprise was soon replaced by pleasure. With caution she touched her own tongue to his and he groaned. His hands moved to her back, then down to her hips, and he pressed her fully against him as he deepened their kiss. She may have been inexperienced, but having been raised in the country, she knew exactly what she was feeling pressed against her, just above her womb.

  She couldn’t believe this was happening. Alex was actually kissing her.

  All too soon, though, he pulled away and looked down at her. His eyes had darkened, and the heated expression in them sent another shiver of excitement through her.

  “We need to stop,” he said, his breathing as ragged as her own. But he didn’t release her.

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to. I have waited so long for this. Years. Please, no more waiting.”

  Her admission surprised him and a small corner of her brain, the only part still capable of rational thought, chastised herself for betraying her feelings so easily. The rest of her, however, simply didn’t care. Alex was attracted to her, wanted her as a man wanted a woman, and absolutely nothing else mattered at that moment.

  She didn’t have to exert much pressure to coax his head back down and they were kissing again. He cupped her breast in one hand and she arched into the caress, a whimper of need rising in the back of her throat.

  He pushed her away with a curse and turned away, his harsh breathing sounding like a condemnation of her wantonness. She wasn’t quite able to steady her own breathing. Feeling bereft without his touch, she wrapped her arms around herself and waited.

  “I apologize,” he said. “I don’t know what came over me. Here I was, warning you about another man when it appears you have more to fear from me.”

  When he turned to face her again, she could see that the mask of composure he normally wore was back in place.

  “You should return to the ball. I’m sure the last thing you want is to find yourself forced to marry me.”

  His words were like a knife to her heart, and she had no doubt that Alex’s true concern was that he not find himself forced to marry her. She nodded and without another word turned and made her way back to the ballroom.

  Chapter Four

  Alex was in hell. For the rest of the night, as he watched Charlotte laugh and dance almost every set, he couldn’t stop remembering her stricken expression when she’d left him. He’d hurt her feelings. That small, stupid voice inside him, the one whose ears had perked up when she’d told him she’d been waiting years for him, hoped she’d been hurt because he’d pushed her away. The more practical side of him, however, knew she’d been upset by his deplorable lack of self-control.

  He’d sent away his valet when he returned and was now waiting. He had to apologize to her. He knew he should wait until morning, but he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t do so right away. Charlotte had gone with his sister to Lucy’s bedroom after their return from the ball and stayed with her for some time. But she had to go past his bedroom to reach hers, which she’d done only moments before. He had to see her and somehow assure her that she was in no danger from him. He only wished he could assure himself of that same thing.

  The house was quiet when he made his way to her room and knocked on the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see him.

  “I know you were expecting your maid,” he began, “but I needed to apologize.”

  Now it was his turn to be surprised when she open
ed her door to allow him to enter. He hesitated, but since her maid was likely to appear at any moment to help her undress, he decided there would be no harm in having this conversation in private. He entered and she closed the door after him.

  “What are you apologizing for, Alex?”

  He frowned. She was in a very strange mood. It didn’t help that he was feeling more than a little cast adrift. He was in her bedroom and the door was closed. It was all he could do not to draw her back into his arms and take her in that bed that seemed to dominate the room. He turned his back to the prominent piece of furniture and tried to concentrate on what he’d come to do.

  “For my forward behavior earlier this evening, of course.”

  She sighed and looked away. He waited for a reply, but none came.


  “I don’t want an apology from you,” she said. “Not for that.”

  Her words confused him. “If not for that, then for what?”

  She met his gaze again, and he hated seeing the hurt and disappointment reflected in her eyes. She seemed to be waiting for something from him, but he could no longer think straight. It was with great difficulty that he kept his eyes from drifting back to the bed.

  Where was that damned maid?

  “You have no idea, do you?” she said.

  He knew he should leave. Logic was telling him to leave now and to continue this conversation with her on the morrow, during the light of day. He seemed incapable, however, of moving.

  She took a step toward him. “When I was younger, I was infatuated with you.”

  His throat was thick, but he managed to reply, “I know.”

  “Did you also know,” she said, taking another step, “that I still am?”

  She was inches from him and it took all of his willpower not to reach for her. Her green eyes were glittering up at him, taunting him. She reached out and placed a hand on his chest. His heart began to pound, as though it were trying to reach out of his chest and connect with her.


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