Boss Alpha: Boss #5

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Boss Alpha: Boss #5 Page 8

by Victoria Quinn

  My hand gripped her elbow, and I guided her past the bathroom and down a different hallway.

  She flashed her hostile gaze at me and argued under her breath. “Hunt, no.”

  I pulled her around the corner and pushed her against the wall. “You don’t say no to me.”

  “You bet your ass, I do—”

  My hand circled her neck, and I kissed her. The second my lips were on hers, she was silenced. Her mouth hesitated for an instant before she kissed me back, her body succumbing to the desires we’d felt all night. I knew this couldn’t last forever, not much longer than a minute or two. But I hated standing in a room with her while pretending she didn’t mean the world to me. I just wanted to kiss her, to fall into the fantasy that she really was mine.

  Her hands moved up my chest, and she wrapped her leg around my waist.

  I pinned her against the wall and gripped her thigh while holding it around me. My chest pressed her into the wall and I kissed her, pretending her back was to my mattress and I was plowing myself deep inside her. My cock was wedged right against her clit and I ground slowly, touching her in just the right place.

  She moaned into my mouth as she gripped my shoulders.

  I wanted to do this forever, but minutes had already passed. If I waited too long, I was asking for trouble. I sucked her bottom lip then kissed the corner of her mouth before I pulled away, full of remorse that I had to stop.

  She wore the same look of disappointment.

  I hated this.

  She licked her thumb then smeared it across my mouth, wiping away the lipstick stain. She kept her eyes on me as she did it, concentrating on my gaze.

  I didn’t give a damn about the lipstick.

  She lowered her leg then cleared her throat as she smoothed out her dress.

  “I’ll leave first.” My hand moved to hers, and I gave it a gentle squeeze before I walked away. I turned the corner, relieved not to see anyone in the hallway. And then I returned to the party, still hard in my slacks.

  I was surrounded by people I knew, faces that I recognized. I’d done business with these executives, partied with some, and slept with a few others. But they were just a blur of people who really meant nothing to me. I’d shared experiences with them, but that was nothing in comparison to the experiences I had with one woman.

  I didn’t care about anyone there.

  The only person I cared about wasn’t standing beside me.

  Where she belonged.

  * * *

  I saw the crowd part before I actually saw him.

  But he was a foot taller than most people, and he had a presence that made everyone else’s seem insignificant. Like a shark circling prey, he took his time getting to me, wanting my heart rate to spike just so he could listen to it in the water.

  But my pulse remained exactly the same.

  There wasn’t a single person in the world who intimidated me.

  And the one person who could get my heart rate to spike was a woman—which she did from a single look.

  He approached me with the same expression of confidence. He didn’t have a drink in his hand like everyone else, and one hand rested in the pocket of his slacks. His jaw was cleanly shaven, his eyes were dark, and he wore a subtly contentious expression. He stopped in front of me, facing me head on.

  I met his look but didn’t extend my hand.

  He didn’t initiate the gesture either.

  Everyone was too busy with their company to notice us. Only Pine was aware of the situation because he was standing beside me. He took the cue and found something else to do.

  Another minute of silence.


  Eyes full of rage.

  The standoff seemed to last forever.

  He approached me, so I refused to speak first. The last thing he ever said to me was a threat—which he executed. I wasn’t going to put my cards on the table when I didn’t know what game we were playing. Maybe he wanted to play blackjack when I was only prepared for a round of poker.

  He clenched his jaw slightly before he finally said something. “Excellent speech.”

  I wasn’t expecting a compliment—even if it was empty. “Thank you.”

  “I remember when you asked me to help you on your first speech. You were running for president of your eighth-grade class.” His eyes shifted back and forth as he looked into mine, absorbing every single expression I made. My face was a mask, but he searched for more anyway. “Diesel, do you remember that?”

  Like it was yesterday. “Yeah. I won.”

  He nodded. “Yes, you did. Because I raised a winner.”

  His words didn’t seem like a threat on the outside, but I knew everything exchanged in this conversation would be a veiled warning. I thwarted both of his plans, and he didn’t swallow that well.

  “I shouldn’t have underestimated you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  He looked me up and down, as if he were sizing me up. “I won’t make that mistake again.” He prepared to walk away.

  I kept my guard up, waiting for anything. He would never raise a fist to me or do something to draw attention to us both, but he was also unpredictable.

  He turned back to me slightly, having one more thing to say. “Tell Titan I said hello. I’m sure you’ll see her later tonight.”



  “You don’t need to walk me inside, Thorn.”

  He parked at the curb in his Ferrari and killed the engine. “I want to make sure you get inside alright.”

  “You’ve seen my right hook. I can knock some teeth out if I have to.”

  He smiled with fondness. “I know, sweetheart. But it helps me sleep better at night when I don’t leave things to chance. You’re the most important person in my life. I can’t afford to let anything bad happen to you.”

  I smiled at his words, touched by his heart. Thorn didn’t behave this way to the woman he bedded, at least, not to the best of my knowledge. They seemed like cold and meaningless relationships, not the kind I had with Hunt. Thorn didn’t see the same woman twice, always looking for new entertainment. But when he spoke to me that way, it made me wonder if he was wasting his potential.

  We got out of the car and headed into the building.


  “Hmm?” He hit the button and waited for the elevator to arrive.

  “You’re really sweet, you know that?”

  He regarded me with a confused expression. “I’m only like that to you.”

  “It makes me wonder if you’d be happier being sweet to someone else…someone you’re in love with.”

  The doors opened and he stepped inside. “What are you getting at, Titan?”

  I followed him inside, and the doors shut. “Are you sure you don’t want to fall in love with someone? Give a relationship a chance? Because you have the potential to be a great man for the right woman.”

  He smirked like I’d said something funny and shrugged it off. “I’m sure.”

  “Have you thought about it?”

  “I’m incapable of love,” he said simply. “I’m sweet to you because I respect you. I’m sweet to you because I trust you. You’re family to me. But everyone else out there…they mean nothing to me. I’ve never met a woman I’ve ever given a damn about. That’s not how I view women. They’re just objects to me. You can think less of me all you want, but that’s the cold truth.” He shook his head and stared at the buttons on the wall. The floor numbers lit up as we moved. “I have the perfect life. Why would I want to change it?”

  I stared at his handsome face, seeing the truth in his eyes. “First of all, I don’t think less of you.”

  He smiled again. “That’s why I love you.”

  “I just want to make sure I’m not taking something away from you.”

  “Trust me, you aren’t. I’ve never loved a woman, and I never will. And that’s not because I won’t allow myself to. I just don’t care. One day when we’re old, I
won’t be able to pick up women anymore. But that’s fine because I’ll have you. We’ll love each other, have our kids, and have our success. How could I possibly want anything more than that?”

  The doors opened and we stepped inside.

  Hunt was sitting on the couch in the living room, a glass of scotch on the table. His bow tie was undone, and his shoes were kicked off. He must have come here straight after the charity gala, one goal on his mind.

  Thorn turned to him, his carefree attitude evaporating. “Good night, Titan.”

  “Good night.”

  He stepped back into the elevator and returned to the lobby.

  I set my clutch on the table and slipped my heels off. My feet practically screamed the second they were flat again.

  Hunt rose from the couch and walked toward me, his feet bare against the hardwood floor. He crowded my personal space immediately and grabbed me like he hadn’t touched me in months. His hand cupped the back of my head, and he kissed me hard on the mouth, escalating our kiss the second we touched.

  My hand moved to his wrist, and I kissed him back, my mouth opening with his and closing again. He gave me his tongue, and I took it greedily. I could taste champagne on his tongue, along with the distinct hint of whiskey.

  His mouth broke from mine, and he trailed kisses down my jawline until he reached my neck. He buried his face in my skin and lavished me with intense kisses, his hands gripping and squeezing me.

  I didn’t find kissing as erotic as other things, but make-out sessions with Hunt were the biggest turn-on I’d ever had. Every time our lips moved together, I trembled. When his tongue swiped against mine, I turned to mush.

  He turned me around and pressed his face directly into the back of my updo. His hands squeezed my biceps as he smelled my hair, a slight growl coming from his throat. He tilted his head down and pressed a kiss to the top of my spine. It was a wet kiss with a little tongue. Then slowly he moved down, trailing over my bare skin until he moved to his knees on the floor. His mouth moved all the way down to the top of my ass.

  I closed my eyes and moaned.

  He ran his mouth all the way back to my neck then pushed the thin straps off my shoulders. The gown slid off my body until it hit the floor, revealing me standing in a black thong. I heard his clothes drop a moment later, and then his arms were wrapped around me again, his bare chest pressed against me. His chest was warm and hard, like leaning against a slab of concrete that was hot from sitting in the sun all day.

  We moved to my bedroom next, and my back hit the soft sheets. Hunt pulled my thong off then positioned himself between my thighs. He didn’t appear to be in charge, and I didn’t want to be. Right now, we were just a man and a woman.

  He folded me underneath him until I was as small as possible. He had a perfect angle, and he sank me into the mattress as he covered me like clouds covered the sun. He tilted my body then slid into me, pushing his thick cock deep inside me. It was a soft thrust, but it was packed with determination.

  My arms wrapped around his neck, and my fingers dug into the back of his hair. “Diesel…” His strands were soft and thick, the same color as his dark eyes. I was stretched wide apart, stuffed with his enormous dick, and I’d never felt more like a woman. I looked into his eyes and found a connection with the dark irises that hinted of danger. He was dark, beautiful, and enormous. I widened my legs farther and pulled him harder into me, enjoying the sensation I’d been looking forward to all evening.

  He moaned as his cock twitched inside me.

  I’d had to stare at Hunt from across the room all night. I’d had to see his muscular shoulders in his crisp tuxedo, wishing my hands were gripping them. I had to watch him smile at his colleagues, seeing the slightest boyish charm that he possessed. I had to observe women touch him inappropriately on the arm when a handshake would have sufficed. I remained by Thorn’s side, the exact place I belonged, and I had to pretend the love of my life wasn’t standing in that same room.

  I had to squeeze my thighs together as I sat because I kept picturing this moment.

  One hand fisted into my hair, exactly where it belonged. He tugged on me aggressively and started to thrust, fucking me deep into my bed. His chest rubbed against my nipples as he moved, chafing them after a few strokes.

  I already wanted to come. “Diesel.” I’d already said his name once, but I didn’t want to stop. He’d kissed me in the hallway where anyone could have seen us, but neither one of us seemed to give a damn. We just had to have each other. It didn’t matter what the consequences were. “I’m so in love with you…” It was a thought that didn’t come from my heart. It came from my soul. Every part of my body was hopelessly in love with this man. I was on my back with my legs spread, taking in as much of him as I could. I wanted this to last forever, to experience this beautiful high with him.

  He looked into my eyes without a hint of surprise. He didn’t smile or gloat, taking in the words like he’d expected to hear them all night. He continued to fuck me at the regular pace, giving it to me deep and good, but not fast and harsh. “Baby, I’m in love with you.”

  * * *

  We faced each other in my bed, both of us naked and slightly covered by the sheets. Hunt always seemed to be warm, so the sheets only partially covered him. I usually had them pulled up to my shoulders.

  His eyes were on me, etched in hardness. He stared at me like he usually did, but he seemed to be thinking of something else. It was something I’d never seen before. Ordinarily, when his eyes were on me, it meant I had his complete focus.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  His eyes shifted slightly as he returned to me. “The charity gala.”

  “Are you replaying your speech? Trust me, it was great.”

  He didn’t crack a smile. “Not my speech.”

  Now I couldn’t deny the annoyance on his face. “What’s on your mind?”

  “My father.”

  I’d assumed they would ignore each other like they usually did. But perhaps they’d had an interaction I didn’t notice. “What happened?”

  “He complimented my speech.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad…”

  “Then he reminded me of the time he helped me prepare my speech in eighth grade. I was running for president of the student body, and he spent an entire Saturday helping me work through draft after draft until it was perfect.”

  I imagined a younger version of Hunt, with the same dark hair and dark eyes. Except he possessed the happiness of a young boy, someone who only cared about his friends, sports, and school crushes. “Did you win?”

  “I did.”

  “Then it looks like you guys made a good team.”


  “Anything else happen?”

  Hunt paused for a long time, his eyes shifting away from mine altogether. “He knows we’re sleeping together.”

  The charming story of Hunt and his father turned into old news. “What? He said that?”


  “But how would he know?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling. “But if anyone really pays attention, it’s obvious. He probably sees the way I look at you, the way you look at me. I haven’t been photographed with anyone in months. He’s seen the way I bend over backward for you… It’s not that surprising.”

  “Do you think we need to worry about it?”

  He rested his hand on my chest. “He doesn’t care about my personal life. He’s more interested in ruining my business life. That’s what matters to him.”

  “You’re sure about that? Because that interview you gave was pretty personal.”

  He took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t know.”

  Now the terror started to seep into my chest. Vincent Hunt was a loose cannon with a need for revenge. There was no way to know what he might do.

  “I know he respects you.”

  “Why do you say that?”
br />   “He told me he didn’t understand how I earned the love of an incredible woman like you.”

  My entire body softened.

  “He thinks highly of you. I don’t think he would do something to hurt you. You didn’t do anything to him.”

  “I didn’t take that deal.”

  “He knows that isn’t personal.”

  “I took Kyle.”

  “He knows I’m the one who interfered with that.”

  Maybe there was nothing to worry about. Maybe there was.

  “I think he just said that to get under my skin. I was standing in a room full of people who have no idea what’s going on right under their noses. My father just wants me to know he’s not stupid like everyone else.”

  “Maybe…” My hand moved to his chest, and I massaged his hardness.

  Hunt turned silent, done with the subject.

  I scooted closer to him and rested my face on his shoulder. My hair dragged across his skin, and I hooked my arm around his waist. “I don’t think your father hates you.”

  Hunt turned his head in my direction, his lips resting against my forehead. “Then you must be confused.”

  “The only reason why he’s doing this is because you told the public he’s a terrible father.”

  “Because he is.”

  “But that’s just one sliver of him. Maybe he did treat Brett badly, but your father always loved you. He spent years before that doing everything for you.”

  Hunt tensed visibly underneath me. “You’re defending him?”

  “No. Just explaining his point of view.”

  Hunt suddenly sat up, causing me to abruptly slide off and back onto the mattress. “Well, maybe you should stop.” He faced the window, his muscular back strong and rigid.

  I sat up and pulled the sheet over my chest, knowing this was tricky territory. “I think your father is just hurt and doesn’t understand what to do with those emotions.”

  “And I think you’re wrong,” he said coldly.

  “Why else would he bring up that story?”

  “What does it matter?” He got out of bed and immediately pulled on his boxers.


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