Free & Wild

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Free & Wild Page 11

by Lindsey Hart

  “Feeling up your client is part of the job?” The man growled. He whirled, the look on his face so sinister and angry that Luna quickly jerked away. Her hand burned and a vibrant, nearly painful electrical sensation buzzed up her arm. She couldn’t even pretend that her breathing was anything short of erratic.

  This man fairly exuded danger. Worse, and far more damaging, the air was heady with a primal sexual aura that was completely raw, undeniable and far more captivating than it should have been.

  “It is when I have to tattoo over it.” She stood her ground, trying to draw air into her burning lungs on a shaky inhale. “How many laser sessions?” God, if she was him she’d want that tattoo covered up too.

  “Three. They said it’s never going to be lighter than it is now. I need it covered up.”

  “And the scars?”

  “What about them? I assume you can tattoo over them?”

  “I suppose I could. Yes. It might not be pretty, but I can do it.”

  The blackness in those icy blue eyes stopped Luna’s heart mid-beat. “They said you were the best. Anyone I talked to and I’ve done my research. I’ve seen your work. Will you take me or not?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say no. She knew she shouldn’t get involved with this guy. In any capacity. The fact that her body was already heating painfully and her heart beating out a hard, double time rhythm didn’t bode well. Apparently, her body and brain weren’t on the same page. Her brain told her to stay the hell away, but her body said a big fuck you to that logic.

  “Yes. I can do it.” She winced. I’m going to get exactly what’s coming to me.

  End of Preview for Burning Touch

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  A fate worse than jail… After his third DUI in as many years, Lukas Millar is in for it. His firm has had enough. It doesn’t matter that he’s a genius lawyer or that he hasn’t lost a case in eight years. This time around he was doing means community service and lots of it. Five hundred hours at some dingy soup kitchen in a rough area. Justice is going to be served… A fortuitous chance of events lands Lukas Millar at Star Schellen’s soup kitchen. The very man who broke the heart of her best friend is at her mercy and she plans to make his stay less than comfortable. Never Say Never… The last person on earth Star would ever be interested in is Lukas. The last place on earth Lukas wants to be is at that kitchen. Despite their best intentions, sparks fly from their first encounter. She’s shocked to find that the heart of a certain lawyer isn’t as black as she thought it would be and he can’t shake the fact that he’s actually starting to care. Just as Star and Lukas find some common ground, old grudges and misunderstandings threaten to tear them apart. Can they find happiness together despite everything?


  Lukas ground his teeth in utter frustration. He went to move the crate of dirty glasses out of the way again so he could stack plates on the edge of the sink to finally clear a working space. He couldn’t even say how it happened. He just knew one second the tray of glasses was in his hand, the next his leg caught on the leg of the three-compartment sink. He overbalanced trying to right himself and nearly went down. He needed to put both hands out to catch himself which meant letting go of the tray. It went crashing to the floor. The sound of breaking glass was unmistakable.

  All around the kitchen, apron clad volunteers stopped what they were doing to stare at the giant mess.

  “Fuck!” Lukas ran a hand through his short blonde hair.

  “Please no swearing in here.” A beautiful dark-haired woman with a voice like honey and eyes as green as Jade walked calmly into the kitchen. She looked like an angel, floating right over to Lukas. Those incredible green eyes surveyed the mess. She wasn’t a small woman but she wasn’t tall either. She was mid height with a slender build, but her gently flowing curves would tempt even a saint. Her long dark hair flowed over her shoulders and cascaded down her back in a thick, shiny mass. Her lips were incredibly full and pink. High cheekbones, a dainty nose and jawline lent her flawless face an almost otherworldly air, as though she had just stepped out of some mystical realm.

  Two pink spots bloomed on her creamy skin right above her prominent cheekbones when she realized Lukas was studying her. She might have been a full foot shorter than him and slight, but the woman apparently had the courage of a lioness. Her hands planted on her slight hips.

  “No swearing,” she snapped again. “It’s our policy.” Her eyes snapped back to the broken glass.

  Lukas took that second to study her. She wore tight fitting skinny jeans that cupped a nicely rounded ass and gently curved hips. Her dark blue blouse was airy and slightly sheer. He could just make out the gorgeous swell of her breasts peeking out from the top of the black camisole she wore underneath. She’d paired the outfit, oddly enough, with a pair of high top canvas runners that looked more suited to skateboarding than anything. Strangely enough it seemed to compliment her outfit, not clash with it.

  “You could stop staring at me and clean up this mess,” the woman said firmly. Lukas’ eyes snapped away from her shapely legs and back to her face. This time he was sure the colour on her cheeks was there from annoyance, possibly even anger. Good lord, she was beautiful, even fighting down rage.

  “I’ll get a broom and clean it up,” Lukas ground out. “Right after you tell the idiot who piled everything into all the sinks and didn’t scrape any of the dishes, that there is a proper procedure for a dish pit. I have no idea what it is, I’ll freely admit that, but I’m sure as hell that this isn’t it.” His eyes scanned the kitchen. The two older women cooking whatever it was they were planning on serving for lunch, narrowed their eyes. One younger woman, probably in her early twenties, glanced away quickly. The kitchen was empty save for those three and the woman before him.

  “That would be me,” she finally shoot out. “I’m the idiot who stacked all the dishes in the sink. We were terribly short of people to help clean up breakfast. I thought that even a child could deal with it but I must have been wrong.” She raised a brow in challenge.

  End of Preview for Against His Will

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  Available in the kindle store HERE

  Cameron Spade is used to making it on his own. He built his entire empire from nothing and earned the reputation of being a black hearted devil for ruthlessly dealing with anyone who got in his way. His only soft spot is his younger sister, Veronica, who is all he has left in this world. Cameron would do anything to protect her … even if it implies striking back by kidnapping the sister of the man blackmailing Veronica.

  The deal was fair. Sarah Redden in return for those racy pictures of his sister.

  What was supposed to be even easier was keeping his little prisoner captive on his private island. What he never expected was to have a wildcat bent on escaping at each and every turn.

  And what was even worst was that he could not resist her. The more she battled him, the more attracted he was with his fiery little prisoner. But she was so off-limits … he did not sympathise with the enemy. EVER.

  Preview of HER CAPTOR

  Cam froze. He noticed a small figure in a short black dress picking her way through the sand. She stooped and bent, clearly intent on picking something up or arranging something. Cam wanted to tear his eyes away. He wanted to climb back into that bed and forget all about his annoying guest, but he couldn’t. His gaze remained locked on Sarah Redden.

  Whatever she was doing, she was hard at it. He wondered what she could be dragging, what she could be laying out.

  Then it came to him. She’s building a signal on the beach.

  “Oh no. No fucking way. Not today.” Cam stormed away from the window, raced t
hrough the large bungalow and outside. There was no chance in hell that Sarah Redden was getting off his island until he said so. No chance in hell.

  He ran out onto the beach, sand flying up and scattering every time his bare feet dug in. Sarah saw him coming. She froze and dared to stare him down.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Cam demanded angrily. He was panting, not from his rapid fire sprint out of the house but from the potency of his rage.

  Sarah’s eyes narrowed. The sun illuminated the gold flecks in them and played over her ash blonde hair like a halo. The fact that he noticed both of those things only added to his rage.

  “I was dragging palm fronds onto the beach. Thought I would spell out a word for myself,” Sarah spat.

  “SOS? What the fuck are you thinking!” Cam stalked round the beach, kicking at the carefully laid out fronds. When he was finished he whirled, chest heaving.

  But what he hadn’t expected was to have Sarah launch herself at him like a spitting wildcat.

  She knocked him to the sand, screaming obscenities and beating his chest furiously. Cam was so shocked at the force of her anger that all he could do was lay there and take the pounding. Most of her blows glanced off him harmlessly but when she landed one to his jaw that stung so bad, he let out a low, menacing growl and grabbed her wrists in his hands. He held her fast and that only turned the burning rage in her eyes to an inferno.

  “Let me go! Let me go asshole!” She screamed. He held her fast, waiting for her to calm down so he could speak to her rationally. With his own rage riding high, he doubted that either of them would be able to form a coherent sentence for quite some time.

  Sarah finally stilled, realizing that fighting him was futile. As both of them calmed down, Cam realized that she was straddling his waist and her little black dress she’d worn to the club where his men had found her the night before, had ridden way up exposing a delicate set of black lace panties.

  She seemed to realize the precarious position she was in at the same time he did. She froze. Her mouth parted slightly before she slammed her lips closed. Her tongue darted out to moisten them and the action sent a jolt of pure, raging desire right to Cam’s groin.

  Before she could notice what she’d just done to him, he lifted a leg and sent her sprawling into the sand beside him. He quickly clamored to his knees and rose to his feet.

  When she’d recovered from that shock she glared up at him. “You are a pig Cameron Spade,” she screamed. She picked up a handful of sand and threw it towards his face.

  Cam turned away at the last second. He was almost glad to see Sarah so unnerved. He didn’t like the calm, collected way she’d looked at him after she’d woken earlier that afternoon. No, he liked to see her ruffled and out of control.

  He liked it far too much.

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  Available in the kindle store HERE


  I had the perfect job. Life was headed in just the right direction, but then I found out that my boss was retiring. He was handing over the company to his son, and once I met Jake Manon, I knew that things would never be the same.




  Those were the words I would use to describe Jake. It was hate at first sight. Or was it really?


  Jen was beautiful, and I admired her dedication to her job.

  But I hated that I was attracted to her.

  I hated even more that she ignored me without even realizing the sizzling attraction between us.

  I knew I was not good enough for a woman like her. I knew I should stay well clear of this feisty little red head.

  But then I kissed her.



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  “Yes, I should hire someone … Like my personal assistant.”

  When she suggested the idea, Kate never thought she would actually be the one ending up having to play the fake fiancé to her boss. But here she was, flying back to Greece on the arms of her hot steamy Greek boss, Nikos Callis.

  Between juggling her new role as Nick’s fiancé and fighting to keep her true feelings under wrapped, would her boss actually end up viewing her as more than his very efficient PA?


  Buzz... Buzz...

  “Damn it,” Kate cursed, digging in her black Chanel purse for the cell phone. She knew who it was – Nick, calling again with some new demand she was probably going to be expected to meet in about three point five seconds.

  Her boss was great, for the most part – actually, he was more than great. He was the most amazing man Kate had ever met (not that she would ever admit that to anyone). But boy, was the guy a perfectionist. He liked things done a certain way, and he liked them done right away. Kate had been his personal assistant for almost three years now, and had gotten pretty good at recognizing his demands and meeting them – which was saying something, since he was always throwing new ones out there.

  But knowing what he wanted was part of what had made Nickos Callis so successful at the young age of thirty. Sure, the fact that he had been born into the family business of art dealing was a part of his success, but Nick also understood the value of working hard towards a specifically crafted dream.

  That's what Kate reminded herself on days like this one, anyway – a day when she was out scouring half of Manhattan for a specific kind of rose that Nick just had to have for his business meeting later that afternoon. For some reason little things like that were important to him. Hey, whatever – she was just the assistant, so who was she to question things?

  “He needs to go ahead and hire a second assistant,” she said to the old florist standing in front of her. “Because this shit is too much for one person to handle.”

  The Asian man stared solemnly at her. Kate wondered if he even spoke English. Finally, she found the phone, buried deep at the bottom of her purse.


  “Did you find the Double Delights?” Nick's thick Greek accent slid through the line, sending warm chills down Kate's back.

  She sighed. “No, but I'll keep looking.”

  “Right. The clients will be here in two hours.”

  Click. Not even a goodbye.

  Why did she put up with him? Oh yeah, that's right – because she was in love with him. She had been since the first moment she'd laid eyes on him. And even though she had never admitted her feelings, and he had never shown signs of reciprocating them, she just couldn't pull herself away from the man.

  “Do you have Double Delight roses?” she asked the florist, who was still standing in the middle of the tiny, heat-drenched shop staring at her. The man's face lit up with a smile and he nodded his head vigorously.

  “Yes, yes. Double Delight. Right way, here.”

  “Yesss!” Kate punched her fist into the air in celebration. She had done it. She was going to meet yet another ridiculous demand from her ridiculous boss.

  She knew that what she put up with was more than most personal assistants would take – what with the late night runs to corner delis to get non-dairy butter (not easy to find at all) and the sometimes sixteen-hour days she put in working with Nick at the office. But Kate got satisfaction from it all. Maybe it wasn't a healthy satisfaction, true, but in Kate's kind of life – one where you'd barely even touched a man in almost two years – pleasing the boss had a funny way of meaning everything.

  “Those are beautiful,” Nick said, watching Kate place the vase of pink and white roses on the boardroom table. “Where did you find them?”

  “This little place in Chinatown.” She finished arranging the roses. “Would you like anything else?”

  “Yes, actually - ”

  He was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Glancing down
at the screen, he frowned.

  “Geia Sas,” he said, answering the phone. Kate felt her cheeks heat up. She'd only heard him speak in Greek a few times, and damn did she like it.

  He continued talking, turning his back to Kate and walking to the floor length windows that overlooked East Central Park. Kate had no idea what he was saying or who he was talking with, but he had been about to ask her to do something else before the phone rang, so she figured she'd better stay put.

  She glanced at her reflection in the nearest window. Her blonde bangs had gotten a little wind-swept while she'd been running around looking for the roses. She smoothed them down, then noticed her pink and slightly chipped nails. She could use another manicure. She needed a new place to go to, though. She hadn't liked the one on ninth that she'd gone to the last time. The wait had been too long, even though the place was slow, and their water not warm enough.

  “This is not good.”

  Kate started, looking up from her hands. Was he talking to her now?

  “Sorry?” she asked.

  Nick rubbed a palm across his square jaw, brushing against the stubble there. The five o'clock shadow he sported twenty-four seven was Kate's favorite physical attribute of his – well, that and his olive toned skin... and his black, wavy hair... and his broad shoulders... and his dark, chocolate eyes... and a hundred other things about him.

  He sighed, looking at her. Silence.

  Slowly, he went and sat down at the head of the long, mahogany board table. He looked up at her, a sad-looking smile on his face. “You fix so much for me, Kate. I wish you could fix this.”


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