Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2)

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Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2) Page 5


  The living room was dark, with a faint smell of Pops dinner. I pass by his room and hear him snoring. I decided not to stay in my old room, and took the back guest room instead. The room wasn’t in bad shape; the walls were repainted with a nice soft gray, dark wooden floors, king sized bed with a dark blue comforter and sheets. The room fit me, for now at least. Once I got into bed all I thought about were those big green eyes and that small curvy body. I closed my eyes and pictured Sandy’s warmth next me. Her naked body, wet and ready for me, my fingers guiding inside her warm wetness, and her cries of wanting me to push my cock within her sex. Fuck, it was not easy falling asleep when my mind was playing this movie over and over again. I had no choice but to jack myself off with those pictures in my head. She was taking over.

  I didn’t sleep great last night so the aroma of coffee brewing helped my sorry ass out of bed. Five fucking thirty in the morning. I might as well get a cup and head out to the gym. I pulled on my black gym shorts, shirt, and grabbed my gym bag on the way out of my room. Pops was at the dining table, drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper when I came into the kitchen.

  There was never any “good mornings” or “how did you sleep” kind of talk between me and Pop. We never used be like this, of course, but with Jake dying and my life going to hell, things shifted. I usually grab my coffee tumbler, fill it up and leave, but Pop struck up a conversation.

  “You wanna day off today? I’m thinkin’ of comin’ in.” He asked while sipping his coffee and looking at the paper.

  “Up to you Pop. I was headin’ over to the gym anyways.”

  “Miss the place.”

  Not sure what he wants me to say. “Okay, well…. gonna hit the gym.”

  “Been thinkin’ of havin’ Sandy and her boy over for dinner this weekend.”

  He stopped me in my tracks; just the mention of her name gets me hungry for her. I turn back around and face the old man.



  And that was that. He went back to his coffee and paper. That’s the way it’s been since I’ve been back to San Diego; few words, no eye contact, and living like we were strangers to one another - I fucking hated it. The last words he ever said to me, in Nevada, just before I hit bottom and started to get my life together was, “Until you get your fuckin’ life together, you are nothing to me - dead!” I couldn’t shake those harsh words out of my head. That’s when I knew I had lost everyone that ever loved me.

  I worked out for over an hour, took a shower and went next door for a protein shake. Since Pop didn’t want me around at Reds today I decided to take a cruise on my Harley. I needed to get some fuckin’ fresh air for the hellish few weeks I’ve been tied down to. The crisp winter air, drifting through my leather jacket, was perfect.

  I made a little stop down in La Jolla Cove, when I got a text from Sandy, “sick today. won’t be in work. may have the strep. i tried getting through to shawn but he didnt answer back. i got someone to cover.” I texted her back letting her know that my Pop was gonna be in for the day and I would inform him. I didn’t like knowin’ she was sick. I asked her if she was going to the doctors - she replied, “yes, at ten.” I told her I would drive her and I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I knew that would piss her off, but just seein’ the green-eyed beauty was worth it.

  Her apartment was in a pretty good neighborhood, and close by to a few schools, which was good for her son. She lived upstairs - fuckin’ hell, how does she drag her shit up here? I never liked apartments. I never rented one, even when I was dead broke, but hell, living in San Diego was no cheap city. I knocked on her door and heard her unlock the deadbolt. When she opened the door she looked so tired, but so fuckin’ beautiful and sexy as hell. She had on a tiny blue tank with matching tiny blue shorts that showed off her fine looking legs. I hadn’t seen her with anything else on other than her waitress uniform, so a change like this was mind blowing. Her dark hair was thrown into a messy bun with strays of hair framing her face. She gave me a small smile and let me in.

  “You really didn’t have to do this, Quinn. I’m a big girl and can drive myself.” She stated in a hushed tone. I could tell her throat was not feeling well by the way she was talking.

  “That may be true, Shorty, but I’m here so no complainin’.” I wanted to be near her, but she swiftly went toward the hallway.

  Something is changing inside me and I can feel my wall breaking down. She may not realize it, but she’s helping me feel affection, and respect again - a responsiveness that I haven’t had for many years.

  “I’m gonna get dressed.”

  I nod my head. “Yeah. I’ll be right here.”

  As she was getting dressed I scanned the apartment; it was small, but she made it warm and livable. She had pictures of her son on the wall, drawings he did were on the fridge, toys were placed in a basket near a corner and a bookshelf lined with books. She must be a big reader because I also saw a book on her coffee table with a bookmark placed inside. I picked up the book to see what type of genre she was interested in - “The Hunger Games.” - never heard of it. I started reading the backside of the book when Sandy came out. She gave me a funny look, thinking I was probably crazy for snooping, but I held up the book and asked, “Hunger Games huh? Any good?”

  “Uh, yeah. You read?”

  I chuckled. “Ah, no. Not much of a reader. I’m more of a bike magazine type of guy.”

  I put the book back on the table and watched her grab a soda, then her purse. She handed me her keys, knowin’ I hadn’t brought a car. I couldn’t help but watch her walk down the stairs. Her ass was inches away from my hand and I so badly wanted to grab it - she’s fuckin’ sick and all I could think about was pushing myself inside her. I couldn’t help it - every time I was around her I became more drawn to her.

  The drive over to the doctors was pretty quiet. She had her eyes closed most of the time, due to not feeling well. “Do you have a fever?” Her cheeks were flushed and she was bundled in her small sweatshirt.

  “Yeah, but it’s not too high. Took some meds to help.”

  I just nodded my head and said, “Good.”

  I waited in the waiting room as she was seen by her doctor. Not much to do in a tiny room so I got out my phone and scrolled through it. Looked at some text messages about my business back in Nevada. Lots of people asking when I was gonna be back. Good fuckin’ question. But one message stuck out; someone I have been avoiding for quite some time now - my ex-wife. I was a drunken mess when I got hitched. Her name is Carla, but she goes by the name of Cookie - her stripper name. She and I met in Vegas. Me being an ass, gambling, drinking, goin’ to strip clubs - we fell hard for another one night and eloped. Of course all good things come to an end when the woman you thought you loved fucked another guy and leaves you for him. Now she’s crawlin’ her sorry ass back to me and I wanted nothin’ to do with her. She made her whore bed, so she could just go back to it and fuck in it for all I care. I keep wantin’ to change my cell number, but then all my customers wouldn’t be able to contact me. So I just need to keep avoiding Carla as long as I can.

  Carla quickly leaves my mind when Sandy comes out with a prescription in her hand. Yeah, she quickly makes me forget those dark days. She gives me a small grin as I stand up, guiding her out of the waiting room. We go downstairs and fill her prescription. She told me she had to take a strep test, but just in case it was positive the doctor gave her somethin’ to help. We, again, drove in silence back to her place. Not much to say when you feel like shit.

  “Thanks for taking me.” She said to me after we got back to her place. She bunched herself up with a blanket, sat on the couch, and brought her knees up.

  “Not a problem.” I was standing behind the couch, lookin’ down on her. “You need anything else?”

  “Not this second no, but you can sit down if you’d like.”

  I liked the sound of that, and I took a seat next to her. “You wanna turn on the tv or something?” />
  “No. I just want to talk.”

  “Talk huh? Okay.”

  She takes a deep breath and leans her head back on the sofa cushion. She’s looking at me with her big green eyes; looking incredibly beautiful with no makeup on, and a blanket covering her body - a body that I know I want.

  She chuckles, “Us talking. I find that a bit funny considering we have barely talked since we’ve met.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve been a bit distracted, Shorty. You put up a good fight.”

  “Hmmm, if you say so. I haven’t ever met anyone who I needed to put up a fight with. Not like you, anyway.

  I chuckle. “I never said I was an easy guy to get along with.”

  “And why is that?”

  She got me there. I scratch my face. “Well, I’ve just never been good workin’ with other people. I’m used to being on my own. Dealin’ with myself.” As I was talking to her, her eyes were beginning to get sleepy - droopy.

  “What were you doing before? Before you started howling at people?”

  I laughed. “Howling? Is that what I’ve been doin’?”

  “Yes, howling.” She said chuckling. “Seriously, though, what were you doing before?” She asked as she yawned.

  “Fixin’ up old bikes. It was a great business. Loved every second of it.”

  “Yeah, I can see you doing something like that. Pretty impressive.” She yawns again. “But why would you leave that and take over for Red?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Cuz he’s a stubborn ole mule who wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  She laughs. “Like father like son.”

  I couldn’t respond to that. I don’t like admitting that I’m a lot like my old man.

  After Sandy’s laughter died down her eyes closed, and her breathing became deeper. I knew she had fallen asleep. I was thinking maybe I should just leave and let her rest, but seein’ her sick and helpless.. ……...something made me want to stick around. For once someone should be taking care of her. I quietly raided her cupboards and found a couple cans of soup. This should be good for her when she wakes up.

  Chapter 9


  I must have dozed off because the smell of chicken soup filled my apartment and made my stomach growl. My throat was still on fire, but I needed something to eat.

  “Hey Shorty, heard you stirrin’. You hungry? Made you soup.”

  Oh, gosh I forgot Quinn was still here. He made me soup? So sweet!

  “Yeah, sounds good.” He brought the bowl of soup over to the couch. “Thanks. I appreciate this, Quinn.”

  “Anytime.” He sat back down next to me.

  The soup hit the spot, and the heat rushing down my throat felt great. I was halfway finished when I whispered, “So, what exactly is happening between us, Quinn?”

  “What do you want to happen?”

  “Um...well, I like this for starters - talking, getting to know one another.”

  “I like it too.”

  “Does this mean we’re going to take this a step further? Date?” I asked, hoping things would go further - and yet I was nervous about kicking it up a notch.

  “I don’t really do the dating thing, Shorty. Usually once I find that woman who takes control of my head, I dive right in and claim her as mine.”

  I whispered, “You want me to be yours?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He quickly said.

  “Wow…...so no dates? No going out to eat or going to the movies?”

  “Since I want you to be mine, I’d fuckin’ love to take you out….question is, do you want to be with me?”

  I couldn’t believe I was going to say this, but I replied, “Yes.”

  “Good answer.”

  Yes, good answer indeed, because he made my life feel exciting - hot - something i’ve been missing for quite some time.

  I noticed the time - one forty-five. Joey would be getting out of school soon. I couldn’t have him come home to find me with Quinn. I needed to prepare him and talk with him before he met Quinn.

  I put the bowl on the coffee table. “Um, Joey is going to be home soon so it might be best if you leave.”

  “Don’t I get to meet him?”

  “Not today, Quinn. I’m sorry. It’s just not the right time.

  He nodded his head, stood up and said, “I understand, Shorty.”

  “You’ll meet him, just not today. Give me time, Quinn.”

  He got up, swooped me into his arms and sat me down onto his lap. He then gave me a kiss on the forehead. “ Like I said, I understand. Don’t worry, i’ll be patient, Shorty.” He promised.

  I sighed. “Okay, good.”

  A few days days past and I was finally feeling a lot better. I had taken the week off and needed the money so I decided to work for Peta on Saturday night. I had arranged for Joey to spend the night at a friends house so at least I didn’t feel guilty for going in. Quinn and I texted back and forth during the days I wasn’t working. It was mostly, “How are you today?” “Are you getting enough rest?” “Hope you’re not going to get sick next” that sort of thing. When I mentioned I was going to work on Saturday he said he’ll be there until I got off. I got butterflies just thinking about him being there, watching me. His dark, intense stares give me goosebumps.

  There’s nothing quite like working at Reds on a Saturday night. Lots of men getting drunk at the bar, getting hit on by the drunken men, and watching the guys girlfriends or wives reactions when they start to hit on me. On occasion I’ve had to remove their hand from my ass and try to laugh it off. So far nothing but a wink or a touch to the shoulder is all I’ve received tonight. And thank goodness Quinn wasn’t around during those times of butt patting, because If i’m correct, I think he would throw them across the room.

  As I finished serving my last table of the night, I felt chills run up my spine. I knew he was there. I suddenly felt my cheeks rise with heat, and knew they were turning red. I turned around and sure enough, Quinn was sitting at the bar, staring at me with a small smile on his face. He looked scrumptious - seated on the stool, wearing a black long sleeved henley shirt, slightly rolled, arms crossed, black jeans, feet were placed toward the bottom of the stool and legs tilting out. Holy crap, my eyes went towards that one spot and my mouth just watered. What the hell is this guy doing to me? I knew the minute I laid eyes on him he would be trouble. Oh, my goodness how could I not want that man?

  I think my face got even more red when he shouted, “Shorty! My office!” My customers gave me the ‘sorry’ face, thinking I was in trouble. Even some of my co-workers were giving me the look. Ha, if only they knew what really was going on. I’m sure some of them did, but other than that I haven’t told anyone about me and Quinn. Peta was the only one that did.

  I followed Quinn into his office, shut the door and said, “You can’t yell at me like that in front of my customers, Quinn!” Before I knew it I was shoved against the door, big strong hands taking off my apron, untucking my shirt, arms straight up in the air and shirt over my head. His mouth came straight for mine while his amazing touch squeezed my breasts. I couldn’t breathe I was so hot for him. I rubbed my fingers all down his toned back, down to his toned ass. When I squeezed his very appealing rump he grunted and lifted me up around his waist and placed me on his desk. Mind you he had the desk all cleaned off since I had a feeling he knew what he was going to do to me. My legs were still tightly wrapped while he glided his tongue along my stomach, which made me gasp.

  “You like that don’t ya, baby.” He said in a husky voice. I could barely talk it felt so good. I whimpered a yes to him. His hot breath was all over me then came back over my mouth and sucked me good. I was starting to move within his hardness. I felt him rocking with me, wanting to take me.

  “Please, Quinn, I want you.” I took hold of his shirt, tore it up over his head, sat up and unbuckled his belt. We were both breathing heavily, looking into eachothers eyes. He unclasped my bra and quickly took it off. His eyes were scorching when he saw my
breasts. He took a hold of one with his big hand and sucked my nipple. My head went back from the pleasure. It’s been so long since someone has touched me or sucked me. I needed more. “Take off my pants. Please, hurry.”

  “My pleasure.” He happily replied. It didn’t take long for him take off my shoes and then the jeans. I don’t know how he got them off so fast, but he did. My panties were the last for him to rip away; I felt so exposed when those were gone. “Fucking beautiful.” Legs were spread and waiting.

  “Hurry, Quinn.” I grabbed his bulge, which made him wince, which made his cock even bigger. He seethed through his teeth while I rubbed his sensitive sex. “I need you inside me.” From his back pocket he took out a condom, and ripped it open with his teeth. I slid his pants down along with his briefs and boy what a sight I witnessed. How on earth was he going to fit inside my aching folds? My Lord it was a beautiful length and thickness; I wanted to rub it up and down, but I couldn’t wait any longer. He placed the condom on his cock and brought my legs back around his waist, while my butt rested inches away from the edge and slowly entered my need. Oh sweet Jesus I think I have died and gone to heaven.

  “You’re so fucking tight. Feel so hot and so good, Shorty. My fuckin’ God.” Quinn grunted.

  I could feel my wetness spreading all around his sweetness while we rocked back and forth. I felt the tingles making their way to the surface. I didn’t want to come so fast, but I couldn’t’ hold back. I bit below his collarbone with a little scream. I just hope to God no one hears that because hot damn it was simply the most wonderful orgasm I’ve ever felt. “Oh God Quinn come for me. You feel so amazing.” His grunting was low and sexy. He brought me back down onto the desk and pumped me faster and faster. Our sweating chests, gliding along one another, hands wrapped tightly around each others waist and back. My nails digging into his backbone was all I could do to hold on. His body went rigid above mine while I felt him reach his climax. It was truly an amazing sound. Our hearts were beating rapidly together. He kissed the side of my neck, then slowly sucked my mouth, more of my tits. He slid himself out and I nearly cried out from not wanting him to leave my body. He softly rubbed my sensitive clit and put a finger inside. I wanted so badly to come again, but his teasing stopped.


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