Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2)

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Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2) Page 7


  Well that didn’t sound right. Why wouldn’t he care, I thought. Reds son was screwing his waitress! I’m certain he wouldn’t appreciate seeing me all flustered and knowing what we did in his house. Unlike Quinn, I felt like a sixteen year old, sneaking around.

  There he was, at the dining table, drinking his coffee and looking at the Sunday paper. I was so nervous, but held my ground. Quinn took out two coffee tumblers and filled them.

  “Good morning, Red.” I said with a smile.

  “My goodness! Sandy!” He got out of his chair, big smile on his face, and gave me the biggest hug ever.

  I got a look of shock from Quinn. That was strange. He blinked and continued putting our coffees together.

  “What a wonderful way to make my Sunday morning, sweetheart. Are ya hungry? I can snap up some pancake batter in no time.”

  “No. No, that’s okay, thank you though. I have to get going. Joey and all.”

  “Ah yes, of course.” He patted my upper arms. “I’d love to to see that boy of yours sometime. How about you two comin’ over for dinner next week!”

  Quinn handed me my coffee and urgently said, “We gotta go, Pop.”

  “Let the lady answer.” Red said, obviously irritated.

  Okay, this was awkward. The tension I was feeling was not a good one. Something was up with these two and I didn’t like the looks of it.

  “Uh, let me see what my calendar says and I’ll get back to you, okay?

  “Yes. Sure thing, my dear. Give Joey a high five for me!”

  “Of course. See you later.” Quinn quickly took hold of my arm and led me outside. It was like he couldn’t stand being in the same room with Red, and couldn’t get out fast enough.

  I yanked out of his hold and raised my voice, “What the hell, Quinn! Your dad was talking to me, if you hadn’t noticed!”

  “Get in the truck, Shorty.” He retorted back. That pissed me off.

  “Ugh, you are so damn confusing!” I huffed.

  We didn’t talk until we hit Reds parking lot. “What happened back there, Quinn?” I asked softly.

  He let out a deep breath. “Pop and I don’t get along. We haven’t for a long time.” He looked at me. I saw sadness.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  He replied back, irritant. “Of course you didn’t, Sandy. It’s a long story alright? You should go, it’s gettin’ late.”

  Wow. I felt like I had gotten slapped.

  “Yeah. See you later.” I quickly stated. I was beginning to open my door when he grabbed my hand.

  “Shorty, wait.” He whispered.

  “What, Quinn? What?” I impatiently say back. I could see the guilt on his face. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

  “Last night was the best night of my life.”

  The air got sucked out of my lungs. What a comeback that was. I wanted to tear up. I showed him a slight smile, leaned into him and devoured my lips onto his. Tongue and all. He grabbed the sides of my face and deepened the kiss. When we let go our foreheads leaned on one another. He caressed my face and returned a small smile.

  “See you soon?” I asked.

  “Hell ya.”

  He gave me one more peck before I left the truck. He watched me drive away until I was out of sight.

  Holy Moly, what a whirlwind of emotions that was. I care for this man, yet there is something so sad about him that I cannot fix. I can definitely understand what it feels to not get along with your parents. That is all way too familiar.

  After I had picked up Joey we went home and I had him take a shower. I texted Peta to ask her over for awhile. She said she would bring some Starbucks. The peppermint mocha was my favorite and I simply couldn’t turn it down.

  “So tell me, how was it last night.” Peta asked quietly, after sitting down on my couch.

  Trying to keep our conversation down from Joey hearing I replied. “It was awesome, amazing.” I couldn’t keep from smiling.

  “Yeah? Oh my God, spill it!”

  I laughed. “There’s not much to say except it was the best sex I have ever experienced.”

  “Really? Wow. Soooo how about his body? And don’t say there isn’t much to say about that!”

  “Oh believe me, there is so much about his body, it’s unreal. Friggin’ amazing chest, abs, arms, um, “ I whispered. “penis.” We both giggled like school girls.

  “Oh come now, you mean cock?”

  “Sshhh, not so loud!” I laughed.

  After much talk about hot sex with Quinn, Peta became more serious.

  “So really, how do you feel about him?

  I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s too soon to tell, but as of right now I’m crazy about him. There is so much that I don’t know about him. We haven’t had a chance to get into details about our past and so forth, ya know?”

  “Yeah, for sure, cuz you’re always doing the dirty deed.”

  I laugh and throw a pillow at her. “Stop!”

  “Well, he better be worth it, sweetie, cuz you my dear, are.”

  “Thanks. I believe he is….. So, to change the subject, what about you and your Cowboy?”

  Peta and I had a great time playing catch up. She was about to head out when Vivian knocked on the door.

  “Hi Viv, please, come in. You remember Peta, don’t you?”

  “Oh yes, hello dear how are you?”

  “I’m good, how about you?”

  “I’m very well, thank you.”

  “Hey, I’m gonna say bye to the little dude.” Peta said as she was walking toward Joey’s room.

  “What brings you by, Viv?”

  We take a seat at the kitchen table. Peta comes back out, we exchange hugs and she leaves.

  “Well, my daughter, Beth, has asked me to move in with her, back in Oregon. She doesn’t like me being alone anymore. And since her divorce from her husband, she’s lonely and wants me closer.”

  I should have seen this coming, but I was still surprised.

  “Wow. What have you decided?”

  “I told her I needed to talk with you first.”

  “Oh Viv, really?” “Yes, dear, because I think of you as a daughter, and I think of Joey as a grandson. The thought of leaving you two makes me very sad.”

  “I feel the same way with you, Vivian. You have been such a blessing for both me and Joey. I hate the thought of you leaving, but you need to be with your daughter. Sounds like she really misses you. I could never ask you to stay here, you know that.”

  I had tears forming in my eyes. I couldn’t believe Vivian was going to move away. She’s been such a wonderful surrogate mother and grandmother. I was heartbroken. We hugged for a couple minutes, crying. I got some Kleenex for the both of us and dried the tears.

  “So, when would you be leaving?” Dabbing my eyes.

  “In a month. I have to pack my apartment and give my three weeks notice to the supor.”

  “I’ll help you pack, okay?”

  “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

  We said our goodbye’s. I decided to take a shower before I told Joey about Vivian moving away. He was going to be so sad. I cried for him and I cried for myself. I was starting to feel so alone in this tiny apartment. Vivian had become such a big part of my life and now she was leaving. It really sucked.

  When I got out of the shower I saw that I had received a text from Quinn.

  “Im sorry if I was an ass earlier. don’t plan on wearin your apron tomorrow.”

  A little smile crept up on my face. I answered back, saying, “Thanks. yes, u were an ass but I forgive u. but whats with the “no apron” thing?”

  “Just dont wear one. X.” An X. Oh my I loved that.

  “So bossy!” I responded back.

  “Never said i wasnt, shorty.” My smile grew.

  “See you tomorrow.” I wrote.

  “I’m countin on it.”

  And so was I.

  Chapter 12


  I wasn’t
lying when I told Sandy that our night together was the best night of my life. I haven’t held a woman all night since Carla. Holding Sandy was a much different experience though. It felt honest and pure. With Carla, it was driven by lust, emptiness. Not feeling empty for the first time in my life was unrecognizable and overwhelming. I’m not sure how to go about this, but I do know that I don’t want it to stop.

  Seeing how my Pop reacted to Sandy being at the house shocked me to the fuckin’ core. I haven’t seen him that happy in God knows how long. It actually pissed me off seeing him so happy. I wanted to get the hell out of that house and acted like an asshole towards Sandy. She didn’t deserve my anger. It was my Pop that deserved it. I should be damn proud that he reacted so positive, but unfortunately I wasn’t. How I was gonna get over that, I wasn’t sure.

  I wanted to tear off Sandy’s clothes when she walked through my office door, but held off when I noticed unhappiness in her eyes. She may have had a small glimpse of a smile, but those green eyes were not sharin’ it.

  I got up from my chair and immediately put the palms of my hands on her face. I had her look up

  at me. “Shorty, somethin’s happened, what is it?”

  “What? How can you tell?”

  “I’ve become used to these eyes bein’ on fire. The fire is not showin’. Tell me.” I brought her over to my chair and had her sit on my lap. She wrapped her arm around my neck while I held her waist.

  “My neighbor, Vivian, is moving to Oregon to live with her daughter. She’s been a very good friend to me and Joey in these past seven years. Taking care of him for me has been such a blessing. I’m just really sad about it and going to miss her terribly.”

  “That’s too bad, babe. What can I do?”

  “Nothing. Just you being here with me, like this, is enough. Thank you.”

  I invite her mouth to meet mine and give her a warm kiss.

  “Mmmm that was nice.” She murmurred.

  “I like makin’ you feel good.”

  “I like you making me feel good.” She giggles.

  “There’s my Shorty. I love the sound of you laughin’.” We kiss one more time. A little more heavy than was anticipated, but a knock at the door led us to break apart.

  “Fuck.” I said under my breath. “Yeah, what is it?”

  Sandy mouthed to me to be nice, but I roll my eyes. I do not deserve this woman. She’s too good for me.

  Shawn came in to tell me something about some shipment that was being delivered today. He knew something was up with me and Sandy, when he saw her next to me, but he was smart not to say anything.

  “Before you leave, I need a word with you and Sandy.”

  “Sure what’s up?”

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Sandy repeated.

  “I need you to show her the ropes. She’s now a manager in trainin’.”

  “Oh, my God, seriously?!” That smile on her face brought back the fire in her eyes. I’d do anything to see that on a regular basis.

  “Yeah, Shorty, seriously.” I couldn’t contain my smile.

  “Uh, yeah sure, but how come I wasn’t aware of this happening sooner?” Shawn asked in a tone I didn’t like.

  “Does it matter? She starts today. Now. You gotta problem with that?” I clipped back.

  “I guess not. You follow me around for the night, yeah?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.” Sandy was beaming. “I’ll be out there in a couple minutes.”

  As Shawn was leaving he muttered to himself. I didn’t give a fuckin’ crap how he was feeling at the moment. Just seein’ my Shorty smile, and happy was all that mattered.

  As the door shut, Sandy jumped up into my arms and hugged me, and smothered me with kisses.

  “Oh my goodness, thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me!”

  “I think I do, Shorty.” I huskily said.

  By the end of the week, Sandy was actin’ like a pro. I was damn proud. We hadn’t had much time together except making out in the office once in awhile. I missed her like I couldn’t believe. I never thought I would miss someone this much. My life has turned upside down since I’ve met her.

  My Pop was determined to get her over for dinner, but she wasn’t sure if Joey should join us because of me. I didn’t like that. She knew it upset me.

  She had just gotten done for the day and was ready to head home.

  “You told me you would be patient, Quinn.”

  “Hell yeah, but this is at my Pops house and he’s inviting both you and Joey. I just happen to live there. You don’t have to make a big deal over us, Sandy. I’m not plannin’ on doing anything inappropriate around your boy.”

  “I know. I know!” She groaned.

  “It’s just dinner, Shorty, not a wedding.”

  She exhaled. “You’re right. I’m such a weirdo aren’t I?”

  I moved towards her, and surrounded myself around her small body. “You’re not a weirdo. You’re just bein’ a good mother.”

  “I’m so protective of him. He’s all I have, ya know?”

  “You should be protective, but meetin’ me is not gonna hurt him.”

  “I know, but once you meet him you’ll fall in love with him. Trust me. I’m just so afraid of him getting hurt if you and I don’t work out.”

  “It kills me hearin’ you say that.” I release her and sit on the edge of the desk.

  “I’m sorry. I should be more considerate of your feelings. This is a new thing for me, Quinn. I’m just not sure how to go about it.

  I cross my arms. “Yeah, well, it’s new for me too, babe.” Sandy comes up to me and caresses my face. I close my eyes and feel the softness of her palm.

  “Sorry. We have a good thing going on and I can’t imagine screwing it up over this. I want more than anything for you to meet Joey. He’s special. And I know you’ll love him.”

  I kiss her palm. “Yeah.”

  “One thing though. Um, Joey has High Functioning Autism.”

  That caught me off guard. I’ve read about it, but never met anyone with it. Not that I know of, that is.

  “You know what that is?”

  “Yeah. I’ve read articles about it. It’s not a fuckin’ big deal to me, Shorty. You amaze me though.”


  “The obstacles you’ve had to hurdle. Havin’ to learn how to raise a boy, on your own, who has a unique challenge. You amaze me.” Before she gave me another word I drag her into my arms and kiss her.

  It was pouring rain outside before Sandy arrived. I didn’t feel comfortable knowin’ she was driving in it. I was fidgety, pacing back and forth, waitin’ for her and Joey to show up.

  “Will you stop pacing and help me get the table set!” Pop yammered.

  “It’s comin’ down like crazy. I’m fuckin’ worried about her!” I took the plates from the cupboard and set the table.

  “You’re really smitten by her, aren’t you?”

  “Since when do you care, Pop?” I blurted.

  “This is Sandy we’re talkin’ about!!” It didn’t matter if I was a few inches taller than my Pop, he still stood up to me and shouted in my face, poking at my chest. “I told ya I care about that gal and I only want the best for her.”

  “And you don’t think I’m good enough for her?” I angrily replied.

  “Goddamn it! Don’t put words in my mouth!” He shouted.

  The doorbell rang before I had a chance to respond. I quickly left my Pops space and opened the door. The rain was comin’ down pretty hard when Sandy and Joey walked through the door.

  “Gosh it’s crazy out there! Sorry we’re late, the rain did wonders to the traffic.”

  “It’s okay, Shorty, I’m just glad you made it safely. Let me take your coat for ya.”

  “Thanks. Joey, wipe your feet, honey. I don’t want dirty shoe marks everywhere on the floor.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  I couldn’t get over how beautiful Sandy looked. She had on a sexy ass purple blouse; the sleeves w
ere open under the shoulders, exposing her skin, a drawstring tie gathered below the waist, allowing the top portion to drape over; she had on a pair super tight, blue skinny jeans and some black heeled boots. Mighty fine indeed.

  “Purple makes your eyes stand out. Love the top, babe.” I whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you.” She whispered back.

  “Sandy, so glad you made it, sweetheart!” Pop squeezed in to give her a hug.

  “Me too, Red. The rain is madness out there.”

  “It sure is! Where’s Joey?”

  “On the couch.” Sandy said, pointing towards her son. “You ready to meet him?” She asked.

  “You bet.” I have to admit I was a bit nervous. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

  “My goodness that is some gadget you got there, son.” Red pointed out.

  “It’s a 3DS.” Joey told him.

  “Ah, I see.”

  “Hey, Mr. J there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Sandy had a hold on my hand. “Can you put down the DS, please?”

  “It’s a 3DS, not DS.” Joey corrected.

  “Yeah, well, whatever it’s called, can you please put it down for a sec?”

  Joey did what he was asked and put the 3DS down. One look into his eyes and I saw his mother. He had bright blue eyes that spoke of joy and shaggy blonde hair. He was a good lookin’ kid.

  “I’d like you to meet my good friend, Quinn. Quinn, this is Joey.”

  Joey held out his hand for me. I did the same and said, “Hey, bud, nice to meet you.”

  “Thanks! Nice to meet you too!” He was all smiles. “By the way, you’re really tall!”

  I chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “And my mom is really short! I’m almost as tall as she is!” That got a laugh out of everyone.

  “Why, gee, thanks son.” Sandy chuckled.

  “It’s true, look!” Joey stood up and measured himself next to Sandy. I had to laugh again.

  “Yes, Joey, I know I’m short, and one day you’re going to tower over me.”

  “Maybe next year I will!”

  “Ha ha, maybe.” Sandy smiled, and hugged her son.

  I stood there smiling at her. I was seein’ a whole different side of Sandy that I hadn’t seen before. I saw tenderness, love, passion. He was her rock that kept her grounded. This woman was astonishing.


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