Monsters in the Dark

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Monsters in the Dark Page 72

by Winters, Pepper

  My heart thudded at the word. At the time, it was perfect for the slice of paradise. Now, I wished I’d named it esclave. After her.

  Tess whispered, “You named it Aviary?”

  Everything inside me was hot, boiling, exploding. Did she have a problem with everything related to wealth, or was it shock making her look at me so intensely?

  I scowled. “Yes, I own an island. Yes, I called it Volière. No, I don’t feel guilty for owning it, and no, no-one else has been.”

  Franco chuckled. “Shit, boss. She was only asking.” Grinning at Tess, he whispered, “You’ll love it. Looks exactly like the owner.” Spinning around, he slid the partition back into place, and the car rolled into motion.

  What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Just like me? The entire island was overgrown and wild.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Q,” Tess said, her eyes dancing worriedly over my face.

  Shit, I couldn’t do anything right. Not while I had so much bubbling inside. How could she know my anger was at her but not at her? It didn’t even make sense. My frustration was at her nightmares not because she had them but because she didn’t share them. My brain hurt.

  “I know, esclave. I didn’t mean to snap.” Giving her a soft smile, I added, “I’ve owned it for a while. It was one of the first things I bought when I took over the family empire.”

  “Tell me?” Her hand shot to hold onto the door handle as Franco took a corner too fast. Her slim body slid on the shiny leather reminding me yet again she was so fucking tiny. She still had a few kilos to gain before getting back the stunning sexy curves she’d had before.

  I frowned, letting my mind rewind to ten years ago. “I bought it off a floundering investor.” I shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world to own a tiny haven. “He accepted a lowball offer, then I had to fork out three hundred thousand euros to have a water purifier installed.”

  I glanced at her, making sure she remained in the car and hadn’t flown away from sheer fear. Fear of what? Money? I’d never met anyone so averse to wealth. Or not averse. Just overwhelmed.

  A small burst of happiness soothed my annoyance. At least you know she’d marry you if you were dirt poor. She wasn’t marrying me for my bank account or what I could give her.

  She’s marrying me because she loves me.

  The knowledge sucker-punched me every fucking time.

  “It’s untamed. Uninhabited. Completely impracticable, but none of my associates knows I own it and no one will find us there.” I’d protected Tess from a lot of things—things like the consequences of killing Red Wolverine and slaughtering his operation.

  That sort of stuff had large ripple effects. Payback was coming. I was sure of it.

  I didn’t need to tell her why I had the sudden urge to hide her. If I didn’t keep tabs on the need to shut the world out, I could easily become a recluse with sentries on my front door and drones flying overhead, ready to sniper anyone who came within fifty metres.

  Might not be a bad idea.

  Wolverine and his operation might be dead, but there were others. Way too many sick and twisted fucks in the world.

  “And we’re getting married there?” Tess asked. “How will that work if no one knows it exists?”

  “Franco will source a justice of the peace or a celebrant—whoever you want to marry us—and he can be our witness.”

  Tess bit her lip, thoughts parading in her eyes.

  I almost groaned or wrung her neck—either to get her to finally speak to me. “What are you thinking, esclave? You don’t like this elopement idea?”

  She smiled hurriedly, giving me reassurance I so stupidly needed. “No, I love it. I love the thought of our own private paradise. Just us. But…”

  I swiped a hand over my face. “But…” Goddammit, get to it so I can annihilate your concerns.

  “Well, not that I mind of course, but I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “You don’t need a white dress. That’s just a gimmick.”

  She laughed. “I suppose so. I’m not a girly girl, so I don’t mind not having the princess dress or the flowers or the food but...”

  I sighed heavily. “Another but.”

  Her face flushed. “I want it to just be us, but… and I don’t want my family there as they aren’t part of my life anymore—” flashing me a shy smile, she rushed “—you’re my new family. My chosen family.”

  Goddammit, she knew just how to cut me in half. Now I’d give her anything. What a clever woman. What a conniving, intelligent fucking woman. Did she know I would bow to her every command now—hearing her call me family. Shit, I’d hire out Disneyland if she wanted a princess wedding. I’d invite woodland animals and fairy godmothers if that’s what she wanted.

  You’re my family.

  I forced my heart to stop hammering and glowered. “You stopped what you were going to say. Spill.”

  She sucked in a breath. “I would’ve liked Suzette to be there.” Her eyes flickered away almost guiltily. “And…it doesn’t matter.”

  “What doesn’t matter?”

  Taking another deep breath, she set her jaw. “Brax was the one who gave me any sense of self-worth. I never loved him more than a friend—not the way I love you, but he is a friend and the only one from my past who I would’ve liked to share you with.” Ducking her head, she breathed, “I’m so proud of you. So amazed and stupefied and happy. I want to show you off. I want one moment where I’m on your arm. To show off how stupendously lucky I am to be worthy of loving you.”

  Fuck. Me.

  My brain split her words into two categories—she loved me and wanted to show me off which made my heart chug harder with joy. But all I could focus on was one word: Brax.

  The ex. The boy who spent years with her before me.

  I couldn’t look at her. My voice dropped to a deadly whisper, “No fucking chance in ever-living hell is that boy going to be at my goddamn wedding.”

  Tess froze.

  My heart took on a life of its own, thundering like a bloody mess. I rubbed my temple, easing away the sudden headache. “You think I’d let your ex spend time with you? You want to show me off—throw me into his face and say what, Tess? That I’m the one in your bed now? That you didn’t fuck him before I claimed you?” My voice was barely a whisper but icicles could’ve formed on the car windows it was so cold. “You want me to say the most important words of my life in front of a twerp who let you get kidnapped in Mexico?”

  He may have let her be taken in Cancun, but she was stolen from your fucking office. You have things in common.

  Fucking hell, that comparison had to die. And fast. I’d turn into a monster if I started comparing myself to a boy from Tess’s past.

  I needed out of this car. I needed to get away from her to calm my temper.

  Tess’s soft touch landed on the back of my hand. “I get it, Q. I’m sorry. I should’ve thought it through. I wouldn’t want your ex-girlfriends there either. Can you forget I said anything?”

  Breathing hard through my nose, I said, “You’re forgetting I don’t have any ex-girlfriends.” Only whores. Shit, we both had baggage. I had no right to be so high and fucking mighty. Sighing, I forced my muscles to relax. “Sorry, esclave. That was out of line.” Giving her a half-smile, I added, “Jealousy is a new demon I’m trying to understand.”

  The limousine went around a corner, sending Tess sliding over the leather. Her body nudged against me. The instant her shoulder touched mine, everything that’d been pulled tight snapped back into its rightful place inside. Who was I kidding? I’d give her anything. I wanted to give her everything. She deserved everything.

  But that twat still wasn’t coming.

  “You have nothing to be jealous of.” Tess smiled. “I was just thinking aloud. They aren’t deal breakers.”

  “Deal breakers?” My eyes narrowed. “What you’re saying is, you don’t want to get married unless those conditions are met?” I couldn’t believe t
his. My stomach twisted. It meant yet more time not having her as my wife. More time not having the commitment and piece of paper I needed.

  Tess’s lips parted. “What? No! I have no conditions, Q. None at all. Marrying you is already one dream come true. I don’t need any others.”

  Then what did that make me? A heartless bastard who was rushing her into accepting me, all because this was how I wanted it? I wasn’t being fair.

  You won’t change your mind, though.

  Nope. I was so close to having her sign her soul to me. I ached to hear her say the vows. I bled to sink inside her hot body the night she became Mrs. Mercer. I may want to change my selfish ways, but I wouldn’t.

  “Good. Because I’m not stalling or changing.” I couldn’t manage anymore. I didn’t want to admit if she asked right now to give her time, I’d buckle and give her anything. I needed this more than her. I was the weakest—wanting to marry her my fucking way.

  Tess nodded; happiness painted her face with a healthy glow. A few minutes passed as she looked out the window, watching passing motorists, colourful buildings, and sunburned tourists. She turned to face me. “Where exactly are we?”

  Forcing my body to shed the remaining jealousy, I said, “The Canary Islands.”

  Tess laughed quietly. “I can’t believe before I met you I’d never travelled apart from one family holiday to Bali. Now the world is open to me. Not that I’m counting Mexico and Brazil as part of my travels.”

  The pain in my heart made me gasp. Goddamn, her flippancy. Her strength to make jokes would’ve made me fall to my knees if I wasn’t sitting down.

  “I’ll take you wherever you want to go, esclave.” I would spend the rest of my life creating new memories for her to suffocate the ones living inside her.

  We fell silent as Franco drove us through congested streets of weathered locals and quaint shops. Buildings favoured plasterwork and pastel colours. The Spanish archipelago had never been a favourite destination of mine, but it’d proven to be a worthwhile investment with a few developments and one mid-size hotel.

  It also had a low tolerance on sex slaves, unlike the rampant mess and disgusting trade done in Spain. In fact, I’d only accepted one girl from the Canary Islands in turn for a bribe on a condominium, which was nothing compared to the fifteen from Spain.

  The sun beamed through the windows, making my skin prickle with heat. Tess unwrapped her scarf, and shrugged out of her cardigan, before settling back wearing a white singlet top.

  She didn’t do it coyly or to get my attention, her focus remained outside, but my eyes locked onto her chest. The contours of her lacy bra indenting the cotton made my mouth go dry.

  I’d never get used to the need I had for her, or the joy at knowing she could withstand my unconventional needs. My fingertips ached to stroke her flawless skin; my cock throbbed at the thought of her touching me. I wanted her hot slick mouth between my legs.

  I clenched my jaw. “You have no thought for my sanity do you, esclave? J'ai tellement envie d’être à l’intérieur de toi.” I need to be inside you so fucking bad.

  Her head whipped around, blue eyes blazing with sudden lust. Her nipples hardened beneath the cotton, reacting to the desire in my voice, perfectly programmed to me.

  Her mouth parted, but she didn’t speak.

  I didn’t move. If I did, I’d end up stripping her and forcing her to sink down on my straining erection. Looking away, I muttered, “Next time I touch you, you won’t freeze up on me. I’ll guarantee it.” I’d guarantee it because I’d make her so fucking wet she’d pant and gasp and beg for me to fill her. I’d bind her and stroke her and worship her in every way I knew how.

  A second ticked past before she cleared her throat. The thick tension simmering between us sat heavy and unresolved. Her lips twisted, asking, “So, how big is this island?”

  I chuckled as she raised her eyebrow in a lewd way, deliberately making an ass out of herself. The power she had over me was crushing. How could she make me laugh when all I wanted to do was shake her and tumble all her sadness away? How could she make me care so fucking much even while pissing me off?

  Her gaze locked with mine, darkening with desire. I lashed out, grabbing her hand, giving her a hard smile. Ever so slowly, never taking my eyes from hers, I pinched her forefinger and slid it into my mouth. Inch by inch, I sucked, tasting her, cursing the fucking need in my blood.

  Her eyes snapped closed, shuddering as I swirled my tongue around her finger. I intoxicated myself on her subtle feminine taste. A hint of orange remained from the fruit she had for breakfast on the plane.

  Just as slowly, I withdrew her digit from my mouth, murmuring, “Big enough.” I smiled, but there wasn’t anything jovial in my face. I transmitted a warning—a message that the moment I had her alone, I was taking her. The monstrous craving in my blood was a ticking time-bomb ready to explode at any moment.

  Awareness and intensity fogged the interior. I couldn’t breathe without dragging her into my lungs. I couldn’t think without her being centre place in my mind.

  My eyes fell to the bandage on her neck—the tiny piece of protection hiding the brand from others eyes. I wanted people to know she was mine now, not when it was healed. I needed to see it, so the urge to bite and consume would stay dormant.

  I released Tess’s hand. Franco took another corner at hyper speed, and we jerked to a stop at our destination. Thank God we were there because another few minutes in the limo and I would’ve locked the doors and not cared if violent rocking gave us away.

  Franco jumped out, coming to open the door for Tess. Bright island sunshine beamed into the shady car no longer inhibited by the tinted windows. The heat scorched my skin, making me wish I’d worn something cooler. Coming here had been impulsive. After Tess’s nightmare, all I wanted to do was run. Run far away from evil, madness, and responsibilities.

  I wanted to be happy, but I couldn’t snap out of my mood. It wasn’t just Brax being mentioned but a combination of things. And just like Tess wouldn’t share things with me, I couldn’t share my worries with her.

  She’s about to become mine for eternity. She loved me. So why did I sense something awful coming?

  I hadn’t been to Volière in years. The last time was when my house was a convalescent home to five saved slaves all of who were mentally destroyed. I did what I could—hired what therapists were available but then had to leave. Hearing their screams down the corridors or their sobbing while trying to work proved too similar to listening to my father torture his harem in the east wing when I was a boy. I’d been a fucking pussy and run to Volière where I stayed until they were well enough to return home.

  “Looking forward to seeing paradise?” Franco asked Tess. His muscular form was crisp and professional in his black suit and no doubt sweating his fucking balls off. I lost sight of them as they walked around the back of the car. The familiar burn of rage of another man touching the most precious thing in my life reminded me Tess might have issues to work through, but so did I. I trusted Franco with my life. I had no reason to be jealous. Try telling that to your fists.

  Quickly exciting the car, I glowered at Franco until he dropped Tess’s hand. He grinned. “Should I wait here, boss? Or do I get a ticket to utopia, too?”

  “You’re coming.” Never again would I go without a man with reflexes like Franco’s and a license to carry concealed weapons. Frederick, my business partner and the man I left in charge, was right. On our daily phone calls discussing property projections and what the future meant for Moineau Holdings, I knew I’d painted a bull’s-eye on my back. More would come for me, and I had no intention of being unprepared.

  A loud bang sounded from a piece of rigging along the pier. Such an everyday innocent noise but Tess fucking leapt like a gazelle. Her curls flurried as her head turned to the noise; her eyes round and terrified.


  I knew she struggled with loud noises or surprises. I watched her jump and freeze if Suzet
te dropped something in the kitchen or Franco slammed the front door too loudly.

  “Tout va bien, personne ne peut te faire de mal ici” It’s okay. Nothing can hurt you here. I stalked toward her, jerking her close. Whispering in her ear, I said, “Stop letting it have power over you.”

  She pulled away, a slight flush on her cheeks. “Sorry. I’m just tired. My reactions are a little jumpy.” She smiled, cupping my cheek. “Truly. I’m fine.” Her eyes dropped, hiding her lies.

  Lies had a scent. The stench of decay and terror. I hated when she told untruths—she undermined me every time.

  “Tess, what did I—”

  “Bloody hell, I’m hot,” Franco said loudly. I looked up to snarl at him for interrupting, but his eyes pierced mine. They blatantly said ‘you’re in public with a lot of people milling around. Let’s get on the fucking plane where we’re safer.’

  As much as I wanted to brush off his warning, he was right.

  Swallowing my frustration, I let the tension between Tess and I disperse. Stepping backward, I nonchalantly looked around. Everyone was a suspect. It was time to get somewhere less populated. Just in case.

  “Wish I’d packed a pair of shorts,” Franco grumbled. “I’m bloody steaming in this suit.”

  Tess chuckled. “I agree. Q dragged me out of bed so fast this morning, I have no idea what I packed. I’m hating these jeans with a passion. I’d give anything for a skirt.”

  My mind instantly thought of how convenient a skirt would be. A skirt would let me touch her, finger her, all while she remained hidden and dressed. It seemed I couldn’t think about Tess without getting fucking hard. The incessant need to fill her built behind my eyes. The churning in my gut filled with darkness as my ears roared needing to hear her cries. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting her—all of her—her blood, her tears, her desires.

  But then the need rushed to another part of my body.

  My heart throbbed with tenderness plaiting with the ugliness of my soul. I wanted her symphony of screams, but not as much as I wanted the glittering sounds of her laughter. My body filled with terrifying softness and warmth.


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