Home > Other > COMMUNITY TERROR > Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  “I’m already ahead of you,” Anais replied. She threw her bag on her back and dashed towards Mimi’s room. She burst open Niomi’s door. "Damn, I hated that she slept so deeply. The house could be on fire or a killer could be breaking in the house and her ass would be fast asleep,” Anais said out loud to herself, “Get up!”

  “Huh,” Mimi replied in a very sleepy voice while rubbing her eyes.

  “Get up, Niomi. Pack a book bag, grab your bow and arrows, and pocket flip knife your father gave you last year for Christmas. We’re in danger and leaving this place so move fast," Anais stated.

  “Yes ma’am,” Niomi said seeing the serious look on Anais's face. She knew we had a real emergency. Niomi wasted no time to pack a little book bag and putting it on her back with her arrow holster. She grabbed her black bow after getting dressed. We all speed walked to the kitchen and into the laundry room that led to the garage.

  “We’re taking my truck,” Anais said.

  “Fine with me. I just want to get out of this place,” I replied.

  “Excuse me, can you tell me where we are running to in the middle of the night?” Niomi asked while putting on her cutie girl innocent face.

  “Let’s just say that your father was right about this place and we’re leaving,” Anais replied.

  “What about all of our things?” Niomi replied.

  "We got what really matters, our documents and each other. Fuck those other things in that house,” I replied while Anais hit the button on the sun visor.

  Chapter 9

  The garage door began to rise. When I heard the garage door go up, I looked at Anais wondering why she hadn’t reversed the truck out yet. I stared at her and could see her lips trembling in fear while she starred in the rear view mirror. Reading her vibe I knew it was something terrible. Niomi and I both turned our heads around looking to see what was behind us. I looked confused. It was the sweet eight year old girl standing behind the truck blocking our way out. She had on a pink dress just looking at us. She had her head leaned all the way to the side that looked like it was resting on her right shoulder. “Fucking creepy wired ass little girl,” I mumbled. I rolled down the passenger’s window and stuck my head out of it. I don’t understand why her parents would allow their child to be out so late. One of the many reasons why we’re leaving. “Ariel,” I shouted her name and she seemed to come out of the trance she was in, “Ariel, please get out of the way so that Anais can pull the truck out of the garage. I’ll give you more dog food in the morning," I said lying not wanting her or anyone else in the community to know we were leaving for good.

  Ariel stared at us, “You’re not going anywhere,” she said in a deep demonic voice that sent chills through our bodies. Then she started moving as if she was break dancing or her bones were breaking. Her eyes turned green then red then the skin on her face peeled off.

  "Ahhh!" Mimi screamed becoming freaked out like the rest of us.

  “What the fuck? What the fuck?” I said, repeatedly.

  Ariel's head grew five sizes bigger and her pink dress ripped off as her body grew taller and wider. Her dark skin peeled off as if it was melting. “Oh fuck this!” Anais shouted and stepped on the gas. The truck flew backwards at high speed running over Ariel and out of the driveway.

  “What the fuck was that? You just ran over that little girl,” I said.

  “What was I supposed to do? Wait until she transformed in to whatever she was turning in to? Shit, I should have stepped on the gas when that little bitch first started twitching and looking as if she was breakdancing on crack,” Anais shouted while driving full speed to the front gate. She rolled down her window with the gate card in one hand. She removed her black 3.80 and held it with her right hand.

  “Uhmm baby, I think you should hurry up,” I said while looking behind us. I guess the tone of my voice caused Niomi and Anias to turn around to see what I was staring at. Ariel had gotten up off the ground of the driveway and it looked as if she hadn’t broken a bone or scratch on her, besides the fact that she was now as tall as me. All of her skin had fallen off and her head looked like it belonged to a lizard. Her teeth had grown to the size of my fingers and her small brown colored eyes popped out on to the floor to reveal big red eyes; they were the size of golf balls. She looks just like one of the creatures I saw the other night, but there was a difference between her and the others. I just couldn’t put my finger on it at the moment as fear consumed my body. I dropped down to all fours and began to run like a dog. “Oh shit, oh shit, open the damn gate, and get us out of here!” I shouted in a panicked voice, “Keep trying!” I shouted back and I really wanted to say, “Crash through the gate."

  Anais snapped out of the trance she was in. She swiped the card over the big black scanner. The beeping noise could be heard as the light turned red, when it was supposed to turn green and the gate is supposed to open. “It’s not working!” Anais shouted in a panicked voice.

  “Keep trying!” I shouted, but the gate wouldn’t work. The gate was made of thick iron and nine feet tall that carried an electric current of more than ten thousand volts. I cocked back my pump shotgun, aimed, and squeezed the trigger as Ariel had gotten closer, running towards us like a cat that has just spotted three trapped mouse in a corner with no escape. The shotgun roared as a bright orange spark came out of the muzzle of the gun along with the buckshot pellets that flew at incredible speed. The pellets crashed into the center of her chest blowing tiny holes into it. Ariel fell looking disabled. She lifted up her head and made a long howling sound that caused us to cover our ears.

  “Damn stop!” Niomi shouted.

  “Shut that bitch up,” Anais shouted.

  The howling sound felt as if it was going to bust our ear drums. I uncovered my eyes and felt as if I wanted to cry. I stuck my shotgun out of the passenger window along with half of my body. I concentrated and then squeezed the trigger sending pellets slamming into her face and neck. “Damn,” I said in relief as her body went limp to the ground. The howling noise had stopped, but the ringing noise was still in all our ears. “Damn, I wish I was closer. The pellets from the shotgun would have blown off her head completely,” I said out loud.

  “Oh now, you want to hurt the eight year old monster that wanted to kill us, but a minute ago I was the bad guy for running her little evil ass over," Anais said, sarcastically.

  “Can you just focus on getting the gate open? Please, so we can get the hell out of here! There’s no words or way I can explain what the hell we have just been through,” I replied getting frustrated.

  “Uhmm you guys, uhmm you guys," Niomi said in her little voice. We paid her no mind. “Guys turn around,” Niomi shouted. I turned around ready to beat her wondering who the hell she thought she was yelling at. Black parents don’t play that disrespect, but instead of looking at her when Anais and I turned around. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing for the second time tonight. Ariel was still moving, not only moving, but she was healing. The pellets from the shotgun were pushing out of her body and her wounds were closing.

  “Fuck this little monster bitch! Think she’s Wolverine, oh hell no,” Anais shouted, but she didn’t see the worst part yet.

  'Only me and Niomi noticed right away that all that howling Ariel was doing wasn’t because she was in pain,' I thought to myself. As I seen her and more red glowing eyes, on the side of our home and on the roof. I counted twenty-three pairs of eyes and more were coming. That little bitch wasn’t howling in pain. She was calling for back up so that they could try to jump us.

  “There’s no such thing as a fair fight anymore,” says Anais cocking her 3.80 handgun making a bullet jump in the chamber. She threw the truck in reverse, “I’m not going to wait until they surround us and we have nowhere to go. Hell no, if they want us, they gone have to put in that work,” Anais said.

  I turned my head and looked at her. She sounded as if she was born in New York. She can be so sweet sometimes that I forget she came from College Park,
Georgia, the hood. So, I shouldn’t be shocked that she was fast to react and hold her damn self. Ariel seen the car reverse fast and heading for her once more. I guess she learned her lesson from the first time that Anais wouldn’t hesitate to make sure she tasted the rubber of the back tires. Ariel jumped up in the air, higher than I’ve ever seen anything jump. A huge thumping sound could be heard on the roof of the truck. I looked up and squeezed the trigger of the shotgun sending buckshot pellets through the roof. I know I had her. I could hear her mouth letting a weird sound out letting me know she was in pain.

  Anais spend the truck around and took off. She stuck her gun out of the driver’s side window and squeezed the trigger, while five of the creatures ran in the street towards us like giant lions. The first bullet slammed into the left eye of one of the creatures. It hollered in pain and held its eye, when it looked up all he could see was the Benz as Anais ran over him. “Take that mother fucker,” she said while running over it as if the creature was nothing more than a speed bump in the road. I hung half my body out of the window and squeezed the trigger repeatedly. The shotgun roared, pellets flew and ripped off the right arm of one of the creatures running towards us, as it fell on its chin. Anais squeezed the trigger to her gun, a 3.80 bullet, slammed into the skull of one of the other creatures.

  I was stuck staring at it as we rode past it. For some strange reason, the creature wasn’t healing like the others and looked dead. Not moving at all, I didn’t have time to think long about it. As three creatures stood up straight on their hind legs, they stood taller than six feet, one of their heads was the size of two of mines. Their claws were long and sharp like a knife. “Everybody hold on,” Anais shouted and I stuck my body back in the truck knowing she was going to do something crazy. She cut the steering wheel at the last second making the back and the side of the truck hit three creatures. They went flying backwards up in the air and before they could fall on they ass. I squeezed the trigger repeatedly blowing off one of the creatures head in the process sending brain matter, tissue, and bones flying everywhere. I squeezed the trigger again blowing off the lower half of the next creature. It hit the ground hollering in pain, but still crawling after us.

  The third creature landed on all fours as if the hit from the truck barely fazed him. “Oh shit,” I said in shock as an arrow slammed into his chest hitting his heart. I think they were both surprised. The creature pulled the arrow out and tossed it to the ground. I didn’t think that it was possible for the creatures to get any uglier and scary looking, but I was wrong. It looked pissed as it snarled at us showing off his razor sharp teeth. It started to jog towards us then it stopped before it could pick up speed, an arrow slammed deep into his skull and was hanging out the back of his head. The creature stood frozen with a dumb look on its face and fell backwards dead.

  “That’s it. We have to shoot them in the head. That’s the only way to kill them. If we shoot them anywhere else, they won’t die. They will just hurt for a short while then heal," I said out loud. Then I looked back at Niomi, hanging out of the passenger window with her black bow in her hand. “Nice shooting, baby girl. That practicing is coming in handy.”

  “Really dad, I don’t think this is the time for compliments. I’m scared out of my mind. My hands are shaking so much I didn’t even think I’d hit the thing. I feel as if I’m stuck in hell,” Niomi said while pulling her head back in the truck.

  I opened the box of hunter arrowheads and screwed them on. “Four more,” I wanted to say fuck everything and run, but we will fight our fear and run when we can. “This community is huge, there has to be a way out of here, we will fight our way out,” I said and stopped talking.

  Chapter 10

  “Holy shit! Holy shit!” I screamed. The creature’s bodies we had killed were surrounded by three or four other creatures ripping them to shreds, eating them, and fighting over their guts and different body parts.

  Anais drove like a mad woman losing most of the creatures that were chasing us, but we had seven on our trail running at top speed keeping up with us. Niomi climbed to the back of the truck. She opened the back window and kneeled on her knees. I watched her take deep breaths while drawing her bow string back, then exhaled sending an arrow flying, cutting through the air. The arrow entered one of the creatures mouth while it was growling and running. The creature collapsed dead in its tracks. Two of the other creatures stopped chasing us and decided to eat it. These things can think, but when they smell blood they turn in to non-thinking animals like every other predator.

  Niomi pulled back the string on her bow and fired again. This time missing her target as Anais made a sharp left turn. “Hold it still, please. It’s hard shooting while moving,” Niomi said.

  “Fuck that, I’m trying to get as far away from these things as possible,” Anais shouted while turning another corner. Niomi sighed and took her time, aimed, and then fired sending an arrow flying and it slamming in one of the creature's head. The last one didn’t stop to eat the dead one. “He’s still chasing us,” she said surprised.

  “That’s because he has a taste for dark meat and that’s us,” I stated. Then I stuck my head out of the window and fired, but the creature dodged the pellets. I fired again and this time the creature leaped over the pellets and smiled at me. “Is this mother fucker smiling at me, as if I’m the next meal? Oh hell, no,” I said out loud.

  “Yep, it’s smiling at you,” Niomi replied.

  “Niomi, you know what to do.”

  Niomi nodded her head in agreement and read my mind. We had practiced many different ways of hitting a target. I fired as the shotgun roared to life. The creature grinned then jumped into a arrow that went through his chest and ripped through his back. Before he could holler in pain, another arrow crashed into his head and his body hit the concrete hard in an awkward angle.

  “Yes, we’re finally clear. We need to get somewhere and hide before they find us,” Anais said then screamed, "AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Me and Niomi screamed with her as a large hand reached from the roof and grabbed her arm. It only took me a second to register what was taking place. “We never shook Ariel off the roof of the truck. She has been up there the whole time!” I shouted and screamed, "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" as Anais lost control of the truck from the big hand that continued to shake her arm. The truck jumped the sidewalk and went straight into a green house. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" I shouted before I lost consciousness and my world went dark. Beeeeepppppp! Beeeeeppppp! I could only hear the sounds of the horn and then Niomi, “Get up, they're coming. They're coming," Niomi said. Then the sound of her bow string being released over and over again.

  I opened my eyes weakly and turned my head to see Anais laid out on the steering wheel with blood leaking out of her forehead. I couldn’t move, but smiled seeing Anais get up and hop out of the truck. The sound of her shotgun echoed through the night. I heard the back door of the truck open and knew Niomi was outside. I lifted up my head to see the front of the truck smashed in from hitting the house and the radiator was busted leaking dark grey smoke.

  “Daddy, get up please, help us, help us!” I could hear Niomi scream, but my body still seemed not to move. I turned my head to see Anais firing wildly, bullets slamming into one of the creature's face, blowing it half off, but it kept coming.

  She squeezed again blowing the creature's face completely off, just as another one charged towards her. Anais squeezed the trigger, but heard a clicking sound. She dropped the shotgun and reached for her 3.80 on her shoulder holster. Her heart began to race because she knew she wasn’t going to pull it out in time. As the creature leaped up in the air, her eyes grew wide. The creature's mouth opened wide enough to swallow her whole head. All she could see were rows and rows of razor sharp teeth covered in saliva. Anais closed her eyes, then opened them when she heard the creature make a whimpering noise.

  “Get away from my mommy!” Niomi yelled while drawing her bow back sending an arrow crashing into the creature's neck.

  The creature fe
ll out of the air sideways hurt trying to pull the arrow out. Niomi ran toward Anais firing at three creatures on her tail ready to sink their teeth into her. “Leave my mother alone,” pulling out another arrow from the holster strapped across her back then fired it sending an arrow into the creature's rib cage. Then she sent an arrow flying into his left and right hand. The creature tried to move, but was pinned to the ground by Niomi's arrows. The creature, Anais, and I both looked at Niomi, who really seemed pissed off, she walked up to the creature with no fear in her eyes or body. The weird thing was the creature was scared as she drew back her bow and aimed it down at its huge head. “Nooooo!” it shouted in a deep demonic tone as Niomi released the arrow, it spiraled and drilled into his skull.


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