(1941) Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief

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(1941) Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief Page 6

by James Hadley Chase

  Benny said between his teeth, “Would you do something for me? Somethin' for me right now?”

  Sadie looked at him. “Go on,” she said.

  “Will you shut up? Will you shut up before you say something that nothin' you'll ever say after can make any difference?”

  She shook her head. “No,” she said, “I guess not. I guess I'm finished with that stuff. I'm going on talking until I've said my piece. I've waited long enough.”

  Benny reached for a cigarette. He lit it, noting that his hands shook a little.

  Sadie hugged her knees, looking over the top of them at him.

  There was a long pause, then she went on: “I've kidded myself until I just can't kid myself any longer. I 25

  Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief

  thought you were a great guy, Benny, honest I did. I thought the world of you. It's not your fault, it's just that I've been kidding myself. You're not a great guy. You'll never be a great guy. You've got something that's stopping you. You want things. You work hard for them, and then you throw them away. You haven't got any feeling for something you've won, only for something you're winning. You got me. I know you didn't have to work hard. I met you halfway. I wanted you too. But I wanted you in a way that you didn't understand. I wanted you to keep. I wanted you in the morning as well as at night. I wanted to go places with you. I wanted you to eat with, to talk with, and to laugh with; but not you, Benny. You didn't want that.”

  Benny said between his teeth, “I think you'd better stop.”

  But she went on, as if he hadn't spoken. “Do you think it's fun for me to hear all about the other dames?

  Don't I keep myself nice? At first, it hurt. Then I got thinking, wondering why I couldn't hold you. I looked at myself. I gave you everything I had. I even did things you wanted me to because I thought you'd be satisfied, but you weren't. When you wanted me, I got to wondering if you were using me and thinking of some other woman you'd seen in the street on the way home. All women are alike in the dark, aren't they, Benny? Well, I'm sick of it. I'm not doing it any more. Go out and have them, Benny, go out and have them.”

  Benny said, “Have you finished?”

  She shrugged. “Don't get mad. It doesn't do any good. Let's face it. One day you'll want to make a move.

  One day when I'm not nice any more. Then you'll make a move. You won't just look and talk, you'll sneak off and do things. I'm not waiting for that, Benny. I want the break to come now, not when I can't fight it.”

  Benny got slowly to his feet. “Well, you've had your say, an' I hope you liked it. I'm through. From now on we'll follow our own set of rails. I hope you'll like it. Maybe, after you've done some work, you'll be glad to come back. Anyway, go and try. I'm spending the night somewhere else.” He picked up his hat and without looking back, he went out, shutting the door violently behind him.

  Sadie sat very still for some time, then she began to cry.


  Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief


  June 5th, midnight.

  MENDETTA NODDED to the guard as he passed into the hallway. It gave him a sense of power and security to have guards patrolling the building all night. Not that he took Raven seriously. He didn't. He regarded Raven as a small−town gangster with a trigger itch. The idea that Raven even had the nerve to threaten him made him laugh. All the same, he took precautions, but it was seldom during the day he remembered that Raven had promised to get him.

  He took the elevator to the sixth floor and walked heavily to his apartment. He let himself in and was surprised to find the place in darkness. For a moment he hesitated, and his hand groped for a gun he no longer carried. Then he swore softly and turned on the light.

  The room was empty.

  He walked over to the settee and took off his hat and light dust−coat. He felt annoyed with himself for being momentarily scared. It was a long time ago since he carried a gun. The time when he had been Legs Diamond's bodyguard. A lot of water had gone under the bridge since then. Now he paid other guys to carry guns for him.

  He was also irritated that Jean wasn't in. He felt like amusing himself with Jean tonight. He wondered where the hell she had got to. Wandering into each empty room in turn and not finding her, he turned to the living−room, sulkily. He'd got to ring Grantham, anyway. By the time he was through she'd turn up.

  He sat down by the telephone and dialled Grantham's number.

  Grantham came on the line almost immediately.

  “Well, I fixed it,” Mendetta told him. “There ain't goin' to be any trouble.”

  “No? Well, I'm mighty glad to hear it. Ellinger was in last night, snooping around. I got one of my boys to look after him. He went out with Rogers; then this morning he went round to that screwy little punk Fletcher.

  Do you remember him?”

  Mendetta was faintly bored with all this. “No,” he said, “I don't, but it doesn't matter. I'm telling you”

  “Listen, Tootsie, it does matter,” Grantham broke in. “Fletcher was the guy who caused that spot of trouble at the Club a while back about his sister.”

  Mendetta's hard eyes narrowed. “I thought you got rid of that guy,” he said angrily. “You say Ellinger's been to see him?”


  “Well, what about it?”

  “Nothing. I thought I'd tell you.”

  “You thought you'd tell me!” Mendetta sneered. “Don't you ever use your head? Must I tell you what to do?”

  There was a pause, then Grantham said, “Okay, I'll see to it. Poison's fixed, is he?”

  “You've got to get rid of Hamsley. Poison didn't know I was interested in the Club. I've got one or two things on Poison.” Mendetta smiled into the black mouthpiece.

  “Suppose Fletcher told Ellinger something?”

  “What if he did? Ellinger's working for Poison, ain't he? Poison will tell him to lay off. I've fixed that.”

  “Are you sure it's all right?” Grantham insisted anxiously.

  “Of course I'm sure. Now forget it, but see that Fletcher is looked after. That guy's been around too long now.”

  “I'll fix him,” Grantham said viciously, and hung up.

  Mendetta glanced over at the clock. It was twelve−fifteen. Where the hell was Jean? He got up and took off his coat, going into the bedroom for his silk dressing−gown. When he had fastened the cord about his thick middle he went back to the living−room and fixed himself a drink. He didn't know why, but he felt uneasy and restless.

  Wandering over to the card−table, he picked up the deck of cards and shuffled them slowly. His mind wasn't on patience. He stood there, brooding, letting the cards slide through his fingers. He became aware that 27

  Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief

  he was listening intently for any unusual sound. He could hear the faint whine of the elevator and the click of the grille as it moved between floors. The sharp sound of a car hooter and the steady beat of traffic outside suddenly became real to him instead of a background of unconscious noise.

  “What the hell's the matter with me tonight?” he growled irritably, throwing down the pack of cards. He walked over to the window and threw it wide open.

  The night was hot and still. The full moon, floating just above the distant roof−tops, flooded the street below with a silvery light. He stood watching the traffic for several minutes, letting the hot air fan his face.

  Then, just as he was about to return to the room, he paused. He leant far forward, looking into the street. His eyes tried to probe the shadows. Except for an occasional car the street was deserted. The guard, who should have been standing by the entrance, was no longer there. Mendetta couldn't believe his eyes. For three months now the guard had stood there, his hand on his gun, watching those who entered the block of apartments. No one could go in who roused his suspicions. For three months Mendetta could look down on him, and smile to himself, confident in his safety. This came as a great shock to him.

  He turned b
ack to the room hurriedly. His first thought was to ring Grantham and tell him to send one of the mob over fast to investigate, then he hesitated. It wouldn't do for Grantham to think that he was getting soft. He tried to remember if he had a gun in the place. It was such a long time since he had had a gun. Maybe Jean had one.

  He crushed down the little panic that was beginning to form in his brain. This wouldn't do, he thought angrily; the guy down there maybe was standing inside the hall where he couldn't see him. The best thing would be to ring down to the hall porter and find out.

  As he went over to the house phone he heard a key turn in the front−door lock. He stiffened, and stood waiting. He was furious with himself to find that his mouth had gone very dry.

  The door opened and Jean came in. She was wearing a smartly cut black two−piece suit. She came in slowly, as if she were tired.

  Her presence reassured Mendetta, who said angrily, “Where the devil have you been?”

  Jean didn't say anything. She stood looking at him, her eyes very scared, and her face thin and bony.

  Mendetta repeated, “Where have you been? Did you know the guard ain't on the door? Was he there when you came up?”

  Jean shook her head. “No.”

  “Well, where is he? What's all this about? You look as if you were expecting someone to die.”

  She looked at him in horror. “Don't say that,” she said fearfully.

  He took a quick step towards her, but she got out of his way and half ran round the settee. He stood very still, staring at her. “Well, tell me,” he said between his teeth, “where have you been?”

  She said, “Iran into an old pal of yours. He insisted onseeing you.” She waved her hand towards the door.

  Mendetta turned his head slowly. A cold chill ran down his back. Raven stood in the doorway, his cold face expressionless. A limp cigarette dangled from the side of his mouth, and in his right hand he held a long−barrelled gun.

  Mendetta shivered with the shock. His big white hands fluttered, imploring Raven to go away. “What do you want?” he whispered.

  Raven jerked the gun. “Sit down, Tootsie,” he said, “we got things to talk about.”

  Mendetta sat by the card−table. He folded his twitching hands on the green cloth. From where he sat he could see Jean, kneeling on the floor. She had covered her head with her arms. Her attitude reminded Mendetta of a woman who is witnessing an unavoidable head−on collision, and turns away in horror before the crash. He suddenly felt very sick.

  Raven continued to lean against the doorway. “It's taken time to get around to you, Tootsie,” he said, “but I've done it. I said I'd do it, didn't I?” He jerked his head to Jean. “She ratted on you, Tootsie. Don't trust women, they always let you down. She got the guard to go away. She let me up here, just because she was tired of sleeping with you.”

  Mendetta's face twitched, but he didn't say anything. Jean got suddenly to her feet and ran into the bedroom, shutting the door violently behind her.

  Raven shrugged. “She thinks I'm goin' to look after her. You don't have to worry about that. I don't trust 28

  Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief

  her, an' I wouldn't want anythin' you've had your hands on. No, I guess she'll be sorry for what she's done.”

  Mendetta said in a whisper, “You want this territory, don't you, Raven? Well, you can have it; I'm through.”

  Raven nodded. “Yeah, you're through all right.”

  “Listen, let me get out of town. I'll sign it all over to you. You wouldn't want to kill me if I gave it all over to you?”

  Raven shook his head. “I don't want to kill anyone. Why should I?”

  Mendetta searched the cold face to try to find some comfort for himself there. He could read nothing in the cold, blank eyes. “I'll sign anythin',” he said eagerly. “What do you want?”

  Raven pointed to a pad of paper on the table. “Just write saying that you're giving me your share of the Club. That's all I'll need. Grantham won't make any trouble.”

  Mendetta hesitated. “I can go if I do that?” he said. “You'll let me leave the town?”

  Raven looked at him. “Why should I want to stop you?” he asked.

  The two men looked at each other. Mendetta, fat, well dressed, but terrified; and Raven, cold, thin and shabby.

  Raven said, “I can't stay here all night.”

  Already Mendetta's brain was formulating a scheme. His signature on a bit of paper would mean nothing.

  He would give the signal as soon as Raven had left to have him killed. My God! He'd been a fool not to have got rid of him before. He reached out and pulled the pad towards him. With a hand that no longer trembled he wrote, handing his share of the 22nd Club over to Raven. He signed it with a flourish.

  “Give me until tomorrow,” he said, throwing the pad across the table. “I'll get out by tomorrow.”

  Raven stretched out his hand and took the pad; he glanced at the writing and then put the pad in his pocket.

  “You don't have to go, Tootsie,” he said quietly. “You'll be better off here.”

  Mendetta suddenly went cold. He got slowly to his feet. “Listen, Raven,” he said feverishly, “this is on the level. I've done what you wanted” He broke off as he saw the vicious gleam in Raven's eye. With a whimper of terror, Mendetta turned and ran blindly across the room and began to pound on Jean's door. “Don't let him kill me... Jean! Stop him! Stop him! Jean, you wouldn't let him kill”

  Moving softly, Raven stepped behind him and shot him through the head. The gun only made a little hissing sound.

  Mendetta was opening the door as he fell. The door swung open violently and he sprawled into the room.

  Jean crouched against the wall and screamed.

  Raven looked at her and raised his gun. She saw the little black hole of the barrel pointing at her, and she hid her face in her hands. The heavy .45 bullet smashed two of her fingers before it blew the top of her head off. She fell first on her knees with a thud that shook the room, and then straightened out, her head hitting the carpet with another muffled thud.

  Across the passage, Sadie sat up in bed. She thought she had heard a scream in her sleep, but she knew that she had heard the sound of someone falling.

  She listened intently, suddenly wishing Benny was by her side. She could hear nothing, but the scream was so real that she got out of bed and hurriedly put on a wrap. She went out of the bedroom into the little hallway.

  It was all very dark and silent. Putting on the hall light, she went to the front door and raised the letter−box flap. She could see Mendetta's front door, and the gleam of light coming from under it. Seeing the light warned her that she too was showing light, and she turned off the switch, then she resumed her watch on the opposite door.

  She was conscious of her heart beating rapidly, and she felt frightened and alone. A presentiment told her that something was going on in Mendetta's apartment, and she stayed there watching for some time. Then, just when she had decided that she had made a mistake, she saw the door opposite opening silently.

  Raven stepped out, a bundle of papers under his arm, and his long−barrelled gun in his hand. He looked up and down the passage and then, shutting the apartment door softly, walked swiftly away.

  His ruthless look and his gun scared Sadie badly. She lowered the flap softly and ran into her bedroom. She dived into bed and hurriedly pulled up the sheet. She lay shivering, seeing Raven's cold, wolfish face, and wishing that Benny would come back to her.


  Miss Callaghan Comes To Grief


  June 5th, midnight.

  JAY PUSHED open Henry's door and strode in. Henry was just going home. He was putting on his hat and admiring himself in the mirror. He looked over his shoulder and scowled at Jay.

  “No more tonight,” he said firmly. “Look at the time. I ought to have been home hours ago.”

  Jay sat down in the arm−chair and lit a cigarette. “I got something to tell you,
” he said; “you'll be interested.”

  “Yeah? Well, I've got something to tell you. You can forget about the 22nd Club. Poison's just been through.”

  Jay shook his head. “Oh no,” he said. “I've got somethin' on that Club that's goin' to make headlines.”

  Henry looked at him keenly. “What is it?” he said.

  “Grantham's mixed up in a Slave Ring. He uses the Club for immoral purposes.”

  “You're crazy. Where did you get that stuff?”

  Jay grinned. “That's what I thought,” he said. “But I've got a guy who's seen and heard things. I'm inclined to believe him. The place wants watching, and maybe we'll find somethin' out.”

  Henry sat down. “Poison told me to lay off the Club. He's seen Mendetta and they've had a little talk.

  Mendetta's got an interest in the Club, so Poison doesn't want to do or say anything to upset him.”

  Jay sneered. “Maybe Poison doesn't know about this Slave angle. It'll make a grand story.”

  Henry hesitated and then he reached out for the phone. “Shall I see what he says?”

  Jay hesitated, then he shook his head. “Will you come with me and meet this guy first? Once you've had a talk with him you'll understand why I'm interested.”

  “What, now?” Henry demanded. “I can't come now.”

  Jay got to his feet. “What's the matter with you, Chief? This is goin' to be a big story. We're right in it on the ground floor. I've been waiting a chance to pin somethin' on Mendetta for the last two years. Slavin' is a fine club to beat that heel with. Come on, let's go.”

  Henry followed him into the elevator. “You're goin' to get somewhere one of these days, Ellinger,” he said.

  “I don't know where, but you'll get there all right.”

  Jay grinned. “I ain't sentimental, but that guy certainly made me think when he talked about his sister. You gotta daughter, ain't you? I've seen her; she's cute.”

  Henry looked at him from under the brim of his hat. “What's my daughter got to do with it?”


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