Sixth - Prequel to Oleander: One of Us Series

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Sixth - Prequel to Oleander: One of Us Series Page 4

by Faulks, Kim

  What the Hell was that bullshit? An ache flared as his words surfaced and Bailey lifted his head, caught my stare and gave a slow nod.

  I understood now…understood how this had played out. In a place of brotherhood and teams I was still the outsider.

  Sit somewhere else.


  I made my way for the familiar and slid into the seat. The stuff was tasteless as I chewed and swallowed. My gut clenched tight, fighting to keep the stuff down as the rest of the platoon stood, grabbed their trays and made for the door.

  Ceramic plates clinked, utensils clattered. The heavy thud of boots echoed inside the mess hall. Bailey was last to leave, standing slowly, his eyes fixed on me from across the room. There were no words needed—none that would make any fucking difference.

  I gave a nod as he gripped his tray and turned to leave.

  People hate what they didn’t know…or what they didn’t understand. I shoveled a fork filled with mash into my mouth and dropped the utensil against the plate, staring at the black marks on the inside of my wrist.

  Not even I understood it.

  And on days like today where that other part of me hovered close to the surface I wanted to hide and ride out the storm.

  Fragments came to me with the flashes. Men in white coats, probes stuck to my head. I lifted my head to the sound of boots in the hallway—if only they knew the things I’d seen.

  Things that were unexplainable. Things that made the walls bow inwards. Things that drew lightning from the sky. Things that made men shrivel and die right in front of me with just the touch of a finger…

  No, not things…kids…they were kids—we were kids.

  I pulled away from the past. The present was hard enough without adding those kinds of memories…I shoved to stand and grabbed my tray.

  They wanted me out of here, and it wasn’t just Huckle now—it was the whole damn platoon. Even Bailey…

  I swallowed the sting and stacked my plate on top of the others before I made for the door. The faint rumble of thunder echoed overhead as I pushed through the mess hall doors and out into the open. In the distance a neon white bolt of lightning severed the sky.

  Something whispered across my mind like an echo of the past, and the rhythmic thud of my heart picked up pace.

  I jerked my gaze behind me to the brightly lit hallway and then turned back.

  Just jitters, I told myself. Mom will show. Probably bring the new boyfriend…

  Movement against the doors of the barracks slowed my steps. Gready’s goon stood with arms crossed keeping watch, but not just for anyone…

  For me.

  His gaze narrowed, arms slipped from their hold, and that icy spear of warning flared deep.

  “Mossman.” I stepped close and reached for the handle to the barrack.

  He said nothing, just turned and followed as I stepped through.

  The thud of his steps resounded behind me. I dropped my gaze, watching him from the corner of my eye as I headed for my bunk.

  No one turned…no one said a word as I stared at metal springs. “What the fuck guys?”

  Bailey swallowed hard and stared at the floor.

  Fucking gutless bastard.

  I took a step, only to have Stevens break away from the others to stand in my way.

  “Move.” I tried to push past, but he stepped when I stepped, blocking the way.

  Stevens was a big guy, barrel-chested and thick-necked with arms the size of my damn thighs. He lowered his big head, dark eyes blazed as he sneered. “Looks like you’re sleeping on the springs, Jaydin.”

  I glanced at the others. “Is that how this is going to be?”


  The metal bed beside me rattled as the word raced across my mind.


  And then the damn thing shook. Every bunk in the barrack moved, trembling, rattling, sending the screech of metal against the hard floor through the air.

  “What the fuck!” Gready screamed and lunged away from the bed next to him.

  “It’s just the storm,” Mossman snarled and scanned the shadows. “Just the fucking storm.”

  “You don’t want to do this,” I murmured as something dangerous rose inside me, more powerful than ever before.

  The spark of power flared in my mind. Silver light flared in my eye. Pain mingled with rage drawing me back there…to my past…sit somewhere else…

  Words were wielded like knives. I closed my eyes and tried breathe. But steel bands of terror were wrapped around me tight, choking, squeezing…rendering me useless…

  Hurt them…the darkness whispered inside my head—it would be so easy.

  White walls closed in around me. No…I said no…

  Still that hunger waited and sharpened its claws—a hunger that was more than flesh and blood.

  Muscles flared along the chiseled jaw as the mountain of flesh in front of me glared. I clenched my fist, meeting Steven’s gaze head on as he smirked.

  He thought he had me, thought I’d cower and whimper. Thought like everyone else I was weak because I was alone. But unlike them I was used to this…And my hold on the darkness slipped.

  A tendril of power slid free and overhead the fluorescent bulbs went out, plunging us into darkness.

  There was a second…one perfect second, where there was nothing but that other part of me as I cocked my fist and unleashed…

  And this sniper found his perfect mark.

  The oof was brutal as the mountain toppled and two hundred and twenty pounds hit the barrack floor.

  But I didn’t stop, striding toward the other side in the dark. Harsh woolen blankets sank under my fingers as I gripped the side of the mattress and heaved.

  Four steps was all I needed as I cut across the barracks in the dark and heaved the mattress on top of the springs before I heaved myself into the bunk. Red emergency lights flicked on as outside the generator grumbled to life.

  A whimper, mingled with a grunt, came from the crumbled heap on the ground. Gready spun and then lowered his gaze as Stevens clutched his groin and rolled around.

  “What the fuck?” Gready snarled and lifted his gaze to me.

  I crossed my arms under my head. The hunger was still there…still pulsing with a taste of life.

  “What the fuck just happened?” the ring-leader barked as the others stared.

  Hate flashed in Bailey’s eyes as he glanced at the exposed springs in his own bunk now…and then turned his head toward me.

  I wanted him to make a move…I wanted them all to make a move. I wanted nothing more in this moment than to show them just how much of a freak I really was…how it wasn’t just a flicker of the lights that would darken their world.

  I’d bring it down…we’d bring it all down…every one of us who were teased and hurt because we were different. Every one who bore numbers like scars on the inside of our wrists.

  Mossman curled his top lip and glared at me before he made a move, breaking away from the pack before Bailey stopped him with an arm across his chest. “Don’t. He ain’t worth it.”

  Ain’t worth it…a smile ghosted my lips as the overhead lights flicked and surged with the generator.

  Stevens shoved against the ground and worked his way to hands and knees.

  “You good, Stevens?” Gready growled.

  The mountain cut me a glare as he rose to his feet. “Yeah…yeah I’m good.”

  And that darkness inside whispered…fight…fight…fight.

  “The rest of you ladies okay?” Master Sergeant strode into the barracks and glanced around. “Power’s out to this side of the camp.”

  I shoved against the mattress, deflecting my focus as the Master Sergeant stepped inside and glanced at the others. “Everything good here?”

  Stevens gripped his balls and nodded, while Gready answered for them all. “Yes Sir.”

  But the Master Sergeant still stared, cutting his gaze across the room. “I’ll be on patrol tonight…all damn night. I
don’t want any problems here. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Sir, yes Sir!” The others roared.

  “Get to sleep recruits,” Master Sergeant growled and turned on his heel. “Tomorrow’s an important day.”

  The lights ebbed and surged with the generator as the screen door swung shut with a bang, until with a click they went out altogether.

  Silence settled into the barrack—cold, uncomfortable silence where every creak was a screech and every sigh a roar, until slowly one by one Gready and his goons fell asleep.

  The bedsprings howled and twanged as Bailey climbed onto his bed. He just lay there and stared as the bitter tang of fear filled the air.

  Shh, they’ll hear us…a child’s voice filled my head, and that stifling scent of fear returned. Fear that cloaked my memories. Fear that kept the monsters at bay.

  Don’t be afraid…the little boy whispered…you’re one of us.

  Cold metal trembled under my hand.

  For the child’s voice wasn’t mine.

  Not mine…not mine. I held onto to the steel as the question surfaced…if it wasn’t my voice, then who’s was it?

  And outside the storm raged, sending a snarl across the dark sky.

  Flashes of lightning grew brighter, filling the dark barrack with strike after blinding strike.

  Chapter Five

  “You ready for this, son?” Master Sergeant Searle glanced at the long line of parents heading our way.

  “Yes, Sir,” I murmured and followed his stare.

  I gazed across the sleek Audis and brand new Jeeps in the parking lot, searching for mom’s old Corolla. A tiny bead of sweat broke out along the nape of my neck and raced for the edge of my collar.

  Run, the word filled me…get out of here and never look back.

  Underneath the razor-creased trousers and shining buttons was a panicked mess.

  My stomach clenched and clenched again. I inhaled hard and fought the need to rub the sting from my eyes.

  Unfamiliar faces crowded in as the rest of my platoon straightened up and surged forward. We moved as one, one platoon, one perfect fighting machine. The heavy thud of polished boots rang out as we filed through the open double doors to the applause of those we loved.

  I tried not to panic, tried to keep my focus on Mossman in front of me, but inside my heart was racing. A shudder broke out as that bead of sweat itched.

  Still I stepped when they stepped, arms straight, fingers curled, my thumb aligned with the crease of my pants as we stopped, waited for command, and then broke away.

  Smiles and laughter—that’s all I saw. The other recruits found their loved ones…even Bailey blushed as his Mom raced toward him with open arms. He turned his head, cutting me a look filled with fear and apprehension, and then turned back to her.

  I waited to hear my name…waited to see Mom’s sad smile as she broke away from the others to race toward me. I scanned the crowd as the rest filtered in through the open doors, and then slowly I stopped looking.

  She wasn’t here.

  Not with the boyfriend.

  Not on her own.

  And that ache in the middle of my chest flared.

  “Good on you, son,” a man gushed beside me, and reached for my hand. “Your family must be so proud.”

  His grip tightened around mine. Blue eyes sparkled with pride. The moment was a bitter pill rammed down my throat. I had more love from a stranger than my own flesh and blood.

  My lips twitched at the edges with a tortured smile, but I was hollow on the inside as the words slipped free. “Thank you, Sir.”

  The stranger gave a nod, dropped my hand and then left. Just as they always did, and I was lost in that ache of loneliness. Lost while the world turned on its axis around me and I stood utterly alone.

  A roar of laughter cut through the drone of excitement. I lifted my head to see Gready surrounded by family in a picture-perfect embrace. Others fussed around them, a photographer stood to the side to capture the moment.

  His mother beamed on one side, and his father stood straight and proud on the other, with a hand around his son’s neck, pulling the recruit in close.

  There was something about the way he held him. Something about the way his hand gripped Gready’s neck tight.

  Trapped like a rabbit in a snare.

  Unable to get away…

  Unable to move…

  Hold still now son…The words surfaced.

  This won’t hurt at all.

  My heart picked up pace. The collar of my shirt too tight…

  I couldn’t catch my breath.

  Fingers trembled as I tugged the tie and that rough, guttural laughter filled the room once more. I’d heard it before. In a place filled with white walls. A place where things happened.

  Terrible things…cruel things…and they happened to me.

  Gready’s father cast a glance across the room. My breath stilled at the outline of his face. Dark eyes shone as he lifted his gaze to mine.

  Dark eyes I’d seen in my dreams.

  Dark eyes that glistened with excitement as he leaned close to whisper…hold still now son…this won’t hurt at all…

  Heat burned along my throat as a cry tore free. I stumbled backwards, smacking into one person and then another.

  “Hey,” someone snarled behind me. But I couldn’t turn…I was trapped now, just as I had been all those years ago.

  Confusion flared in Gready’s father. One glance at my wrist, and I knew then…knew he recognized me…just as I recognized him.

  His pale lips twitched before they parted. Panic reared, punching through my chest as I wrenched my gaze away and spun. Silver flared in my mind, humming like a live wire exposed in the dark.

  “Move…please move.” I grasped the arm of a woman in front of me and shoved. “Get out of the way…”

  She stumbled. High heels clacking against the hard floor as she cried out. Acid burned in my throat, rising higher and higher as I pushed past and ran for the door.

  Cries cut through the room behind me as I stumbled and ran.

  Acid clawed along my throat.

  And with the burning, the darkness inside grew.

  Hold still now son…this won’t hurt a bit.

  White walls closed in as the past came alive. I could feel them now…the ones who hurt me. Fingers clenched around my arms holding me down…holding me still while they…

  Mom! I want my Mom!

  The words ripped through my mind.

  And that terror returned, dragging me back there.

  To the past.

  Cold…so cold in that cell. So cold on that chair.

  A shudder tore through me as I searched for a way out. I couldn’t cry now…I couldn’t scream as my nightmares came to life inside my head.

  Agony flared across my side as the terror returned. The steel chair dug into my back, heavy hands gripped me tight…hold still now, son.

  Fight! The roar filled my head—fight him! He’ll take you back there…take you back there with the blood and the screaming and to boom…boom…boom.

  Bare feet pistoned as I kicked and thrashed on that chair. I was so small then, so thin, so weak. Needles pierced my skin…my arms…my neck…

  Not real…not here. Not anymore.

  Be a good boy, the man in my nightmare murmured. And then you can go back with the others.

  The others…

  The others…

  Boys and girls screaming as they hold them down, one after another.

  Boys and girls like me.

  I tried to pull away from the terror. Fingers slipped against sweat-slick skin as I yanked on my collar, yanked and yanked, until a button came free with a pop and flew through the air.

  But I was already running, slamming the polished boots into the ground as I raced to the barracks. The hinges howled as I punched through the doors and raced for safety.

  But it wasn’t my bed I needed. It was the corner…the corner where I could see them come for me…t
he corner where the monsters weren’t at my back.

  Purple hair…purple hair…I searched for the one connection that could ease my pain. “Please.” I whimpered, but white walls closed in…white walls and images flashing over and over.

  My knees buckled at the end of the bunks. Fabric tore as I hit the ground and then scrambled forward, until I turned with my back against the wall.

  Savage breaths tore from my chest. Flashes filled me…white hot light…screams filled my head…over and over.

  I slammed my hands against my ears. But like always the sound was within, until I was snatched from their terror, and cast through the quiet darkness of my mind to an open field…a field so vast it consumed everything.

  A cool breeze blew against my face, I turned my head into the glare of a warm sun and held out my hand. Tall grass brushed my fingers, tiny seeds spawned against my skin.

  There was a desperation inside me, an ache filled with love. I turned my gaze, catching a glimmer in the sky. Energy danced across my mind, snatches of power…and love.

  I knew then…

  There were others here…others just like me.

  I could sense them, just as I sensed the target at the edge of the field.

  Their energy…their strengths.

  Heat danced across my skin. I sucked in a breath as the sensation of another neared…a male—hot, like fire dancing along my skin. And then another neared…darkness…cold licked the heat away as the warm sun overhead dimmed. Darkness waited with him…darkness and shadows.

  Flashes came again, their energy filling me up…the ground trembled…the sky danced. We were so powerful…so utterly powerful.

  And out of the surge of strength a voice filled my head, like a TV searching for channels…

  Senator Leah Williams is calling for a greater transparency within our own Government. She claims that certain factions of top-level classified divisions sworn to protect us have tortured hundreds of children for many years. Children born here on US soil. She claims that President Johnathan Harper has not only sanctioned this abuse, but claims he was present when the team of scientists performed these horrendous acts.

  President Johnathan Harper…the name filled my head.

  Energy came again…only this power was very different to the one before.


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