Claiming his Love: (His Love)

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Claiming his Love: (His Love) Page 3

by M. J. Perry

  “Good girl.”

  That comment would usually annoy me but the relief on his face kept me quiet. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Go home.”

  “But…” I started to protest.

  “No buts Chloe, you just agreed. Don’t break your word.” He growled.

  “I was going to say I can’t leave Lea.”

  “She’ll be fine; Caleb will get her home safely.”

  “I’m not sure she will like that.”

  “Its tough shit just like its tough shit if you think I’m letting you go home alone.”

  “Huh?” I figured he’d call me a taxi.

  “I’m taking you home and I’m staying over. It’s time we sorted things between us.”

  Now I was confused, again. “What things?”

  “Come on, let’s go.” His grip on my wrists loosened and his hand slid down to tangle with my fingers until he held my hand tight. Before I could enjoy the deliciousness of it, he was tugging me from the office, down the corridor and towards the back door. I was struggling to keep up with his long strides and when he realised he twisted suddenly, picking me up with one hand under my knees and the other supporting my back. I squealed at the shock of being lifted and he raised his brows at me as if it was normal when in fact I’d never been in a man’s arms like this. He turned and held me chest to chest and I slid down his body slowly feeling every muscle of his brushing against my sensitive body. When my feet touched the ground, I was a quivering mess and he was grinning broadly telling me he knew exactly what he did to me. What an annoying man.

  He opened the car door for me and I climbed in. I didn’t look at him; I was feeling slightly shy at my reaction. After he closed my door, I watched him walk to the driver’s side while I tried to get my body under control. When he sat in the driver’s seat, he put the key in the ignition but didn’t start the car.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I want to go back inside and rip that bastards arm off for touching you.”

  Wow. “He didn’t touch me.”

  “I watched him brush his hand over your arm like he had every right. Don’t lie to me.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t what he did. He did grip me tightly though.” I started at the growl that came from him.

  “Fuck, Chloe are you trying to make me angrier?”

  “No,” why would I want to do that?

  “He touched you when he had no right.”

  “Everyone touches in a club, people bump into each other all the time.” I didn’t know why I was defending the guy, he was a complete dick, but I didn’t understand David’s reaction.

  He shook his head. “He touched you on purpose, he wanted to fuck you and he would have come on stronger if I hadn’t stopped him.”

  “I agree, he would have but I can take care of myself.”

  “Not against men like him you can’t.”

  “We’ll agree to disagree on that. Are you driving me home or are we going to sit here all night?”

  “Smartass,” He turned the key and the engine purred to life. That was when my nerves kicked in. He was taking me home.


  Getting home took a few minutes, just long enough for me to have a complete freak out. By the time, David stopped the car and came to open my door I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

  “Chloe,” He said sharply, and I looked at him in shock. “Calm down.”

  I nodded and focused on my breathing. I’d try to calm down, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen.

  “Where are your keys?”

  I pushed a shaking hand into my bag and pulled them out, placing them in his open palm. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me to my front door. Using my keys, he let us in. David had never been here before but he seemed to know his way around. He locked the door behind us and guided me to my bedroom. I froze at the door. If I stepped in there, there was no going back. We’d make love. Was I ready for that?

  “It’ll be ok Chloe. I promise.” He sounded sincere, and I realised I was being silly. It was David. He would never hurt me. I relaxed and turned the door handle pushing the door wide open. I heard his quick intake of breath. My room was really girly with pink curtains, pink cushions, pink bed covers. The furniture was old-fashioned and I loved it.

  “Wow. Who would have thought you would have a bedroom like this? It’s so pink.”

  “I love pink.”

  “You never wear it.”

  “Well, I did when I was a young girl until I realised no one would take me seriously in a high-positioned job if I wore it.”

  “I’d like to see you in pink.”

  “I’m wearing pink underwear.” I said shyly.

  “Do you want to show me?”

  I bit my lip. “I’m not sure.”

  “Baby, despite my words earlier I didn’t mean to make you feel pressured. If you’re truly not ready, we can just go to sleep.”

  His words made my decision easier. “I’m ready.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, I was just nervous, still am a little, but I trust you.”

  “Good, you can trust me.”

  “I know.”

  “Come here.”

  For a second I hesitated, and then I shook my head at myself. Walking over to his outstretched hand, I allowed him to pull me close. His eyes never left mine as he gently tugged me closer until I was pressed up against him. I felt a shudder rack his huge body, and then he was kissing me, not roughly, as I’d expected but softly, sweetly. It was completely at odds with the tension I could feel in his body. He was holding himself tightly, but still only treating me to light caresses. I groaned because it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted him to take me; I wanted him to show me I belonged to him. His head lifted and my eyes met his. I wasn’t sure what he was searching for, but suddenly his lips were on mine and he was kissing me for all he was worth. My hands reached up to hold on to his shoulders steadying myself. He didn’t let up, he kept kissing me, making me lost to everything but him and the sensations, he was causing in my body. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  He ripped his mouth away from mine. “I wanted to go slow Chloe I really did but I can’t.”

  “It’s ok.” I said breathless.

  “Whatever happens, I’ll be gentle.”

  Suddenly I was lying on the bed and he was climbing over me. His hands pinned mine above my head and my eyes searched his. I wiggled my hands and his grip tightened slightly before he let go and cupped my face in his palms. I lifted up towards him, letting him know I wanted his kiss and he didn’t make me wait. His lips touched mine and, again, I was lost. My fingers lifted to his shirt, and I opened the buttons one by one running my fingers through the rough hair on his chest and over his rock hard abs. My breath caught as I opened the last button and I saw the trail of hair that went into his jeans. His hands stopped me from undoing the button, they gripped mine pushing them aside. Bewildered, I raised my eyes to his.

  “You can’t touch me yet baby; it’s your turn first.”


  “I’m going to taste you everywhere. First though, I need to take your clothes off.”

  Chapter Four


  Fuck, I didn’t know where to start. She was beautiful, like an angel. I felt like I was defiling her just by my dirty thoughts. Imagining taking her virginity has kept me on edge for a long time. I knew I should give her time, she’d been freaked out when we’d pulled up to her house and the scene at the club hadn’t helped, but she needed to understand that just because some prick was afraid of me, it didn’t make me a danger to her. I would never hurt her; it was time to show her. I shrugged my shirt off my body was overheating. I let Chloe take her fill her eyes widening in wonder and I was a little proud of myself right then.

  “You’re turn.”

  Her eyes lifted to mine and her desire was plain to see even if a bit of fear still lurked there.

  My fingers gripped
the bottom of her dress and I pull it up and over her head. I heard her startled breath when I threw it to the floor with my shirt. She stood wearing a pink lacy bra and knickers that matched and fuck if it didn’t nearly make me come in my jeans. “You look like a virgin sacrifice.” She blushed a light pink, and I followed the flush all the way to her perfect breasts. “The first one is for you.”

  Confusion spread across her face and I grinned at how cute she looked. She had no idea what I was talking about. I trailed my hands from her shoulders down her arms to her hands, gripping them; I brought them to my hips. “Keep them there.” I ordered. Her nipples peaked through the material of her bra making my mouth water. I reached behind her and undid the clasp loving the shocked gasp that left her as I pulled the bra away. I bent and closed my mouth around one tight bud sucking and her taste explodes on my tongue. Fuck, my cock was as hard as a steel pipe. I needed relief, it was almost painful, but I wasn’t lying when I said this one was for her. Her hands had left my hips to grip my shoulders and the sharp points of her nails digging into me remind me of how new she was to the feelings I was arousing in her. I swapped to her other nipple using my tongue to rub over it. Her gasp told me she liked it. My hands ran down her body, down to her knickers and I let my fingers drift along the waistband gently before I hooked it and pulled them down her legs. As I bent down, my hair brushed against the curls between her legs and I caught her rich, musky scent. It was nearly my undoing. “I can’t wait to taste you.” I groaned.

  “Taste me, you mean down there? David, I don’t want… I mean, you can’t.”

  “Oh, baby, yes I can.” I could see she was embarrassed but nothing was going to stop me from having her essence on my tongue. “Lie back on the bed, Chloe.” I made my voice as gentle as I could.

  She hesitated for a second but did as I asked. Her hands fisted at her sides and her nails dug into her palms. I wanted to feel them in my hair. I kissed her lips first, trying to decide if I wanted to go straight to the heart of her or if I should take my time. I kissed my way down her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. She tensed and I knew it was because she was worried about what was to come. I put her out of her misery and let my lips drift down to her open thighs using my tongue; I teased and caressed her until she was squirming. My mouth settled on her opening and I pushed my tongue in gently, she rewarded me with a gush of wetness. I lapped it up, loving her flavour and wanting more. Her hands settled in my hair and her nails dug into my scalp just like I had wanted. She arched into my mouth and I slipped my hands under her ass lifting her to me. My tongue found her clit, and I rubbed it, teasing her with gentle then hard strokes until she was a quivering mess, when she whispered my name in a hoarse voice I took pity on her and made her come. The noise she made was one of the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard. While she was recovering, I positioned myself ready to enter her tight heat. I waited until she locked eyes with me and then I entered her in one thrust knowing she was wet enough to gain only pleasure. Her eyes closed in ecstasy and I let her have her moment before I started to move.

  “Look at me.” I ordered.

  She opened her eyes slowly peaking at me through her lashes. “Now you belong to me.”

  “Just because you gave me an orgasm doesn’t mean I belong to you.” She said breathless.

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “Fine, I belong to you.”

  “By the time I’ve finished with you Chloe, you will have had more than one orgasm.”

  Her eyes widened, and I grinned at the anticipation I could see.

  “Give me your hands.” I ordered.

  She held them out between us and I took her wrists one by one placing them above her head. I slipped my hands into hers holding her still. We were touching from top to toe and we couldn’t get any closer if we tried.

  The intimacy wasn’t lost on me; I’ve never made love before, always a quick lay and never with the same woman twice. With Chloe it would always be making love though, it didn’t matter if I took her softly like this, or bent her over and took her roughly from behind. I moved then, faster than before making sure to hit her sweet spot every time. Her eyes were nearly rolling back into her head at the pleasure. Fuck, she was so tight she had a grip on me, which was hard to fight, I could easily give in and come but I wanted to make sure she came with me. I bent and grazed my lips against her neck and shoulder before biting her gently. She tensed and her whole body arched into mine before she screamed my name. That was all it took to push me over the edge. I groaned loud losing myself for a minute. After I felt slightly recovered, I whispered her name. She grumbled something that sounded like tired, then her breathing changed. She’d fallen asleep with me still inside her, still holding me tight, and fuck, if that didn’t make me proud.

  Chapter Five


  Waking up, I rolled over to get away from the light shining through my open curtains. I wondered why I hadn’t closed them last night, and then I remembered. I jack-knifed up suddenly aware I wasn’t alone. I was sure last night hadn’t just been an erotic dream. Just when I was starting to feel worried that he’d left without saying goodbye, he walked in my door half dressed. He smiled at me then came over to the bed, and cupping my face in his hands, he laid a hot, wet kiss on my lips before grabbing my hand and literally yanking me out of bed. “I’ve got breakfast ready and your coffee is getting cold lazy bones.”

  And I was worried it would be awkward. “I can’t go like this.” I pointed to my naked body.

  “Why not, it’s only the two of us?”

  “What if someone comes to the door?”

  “Good point, no one sees you naked but me. Get dressed and do it fast baby. Please.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him off for being bossy but the politely tacked on, please stopped me. He knew he’d saved himself because he grinned.

  “I’ll be quick but only because I need coffee.” I told him. Thank god I’d set up the coffee machine before going out last night because David could not make coffee, it tasted terrible.

  “Whatever you say,” He walked out of my bedroom whistling, I’d never seen him so carefree and it filled me with pride that I’d done that. I made sure he had definitely gone before I jumped up and down in happiness, I didn’t squeal like I wanted to do though because he’d hear that. Finally, I had David to myself, I could have been with him sooner if I’d known he’d wanted that too. I think it worked out better this way though; I’ve had time to get used to him. If he’d tried to bulldoze me like he just has, I would have ran the other way.

  I still couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin. I hadn’t even felt any pain. I should probably feel embarrassed I’d waited so long but I wasn’t in the slightest. David being my first was supposed to be. I shook myself out of my thoughts, slipped on David’s discarded shirt pulling clean knickers on and a pair of shorts I went in search of him. I didn’t know how he expected me to concentrate on eating when the sight of his ripped body was on show but I’d give it a go. He was standing at the sink when I walked in and I took a minute to appreciate his back, lord was it sexy, and strong. My eyes drifted down to his bum, and I sighed in pleasure. He really was perfection. He grinned as he turned and caught me checking him out. “Are you ready for coffee?”

  “I’m always ready for coffee, you know that.”

  “You need something to eat as well; you’re going to need your strength. I have a year of pent up desire to use up, we’re going to be busy.”

  I bit my lip. “I’m so turned on right now.” I admitted. David wanting me was a turn on in itself, but for him to remind me how long he’d waited for me, that got me going big style.

  “Coffee can wait then, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  I opened my mouth to agree, but I didn’t get chance. He grabbed me and pulled me to him crashing his mouth on to mine. Instantly my hand reached down to his jeans button and I open them, tugging them down his legs until they fell to his ankles.

  He gripped his
shirt and pulled it off me throwing it to the floor. I turned my head from his to take a breath. He gripped my knickers and ripped them off me making me gasp.

  “You shouldn’t wear knickers.”

  “I can’t go outside without them, what if people can tell?”

  “You’re right. Wear them out but be prepared for me to rip them off when we’re alone.”

  I should complain but I found it sexy. “Ok.” I agreed.

  He suddenly lifted me up and before I knew what was happening my legs were around him and he was inside me. I groaned at the feel of him.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No.” I whispered. “You feel so good.”

  “So do you baby, you feel really fucking good.”

  His jeans hampered him but he still managed to walk to the wall and lean me back against it and when he moved this time, he felt much deeper inside me.

  “I’ve never felt so good.” I groaned.

  “It’s about to get better. Hold on tight.”

  I gripped him tightly around the neck and held on just as he said. He reared up, moving faster, and I saw stars, it was a fight to catch my breath and when my orgasm hit, I felt blind. Everything in me was focused on David, and what he was doing to my body. He groaned my name and rested his head in my neck. I could feel little puffs of air hitting my skin, tickling me.

  “I’ve never done it in a kitchen before.” I giggled.

  “There are many places you haven’t done it yet.”

  “I know, we could write a list.”

  “You and your lists baby,” He laughed. “And just so you know, I’ve never made love in a kitchen either.”


  “Really, I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I do you. When I saw you wearing my shirt, all I wanted to do was rip it off you and bare your gorgeous body to my eyes.”

  “Well, you didn’t rip it off, but you definitely showed me who is boss.” I grinned. I loved the forceful side to David. It didn’t give me a chance to feel embarrassed. Given that he was still inside me, holding me up against the wall it was a good thing too.


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