Claiming his Love: (His Love)

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Claiming his Love: (His Love) Page 8

by M. J. Perry

  “Holy cow it’s beautiful.” Callie gasped as she got a look at it.

  “Yeah, it’s a princess dress.” Lea said.

  “You need to try it on then you need shoes, underwear, jewellery and a veil.” Callie ordered.

  “I don’t think I want to wear a veil.” I said.

  “With that dress, you have to.”

  “Ok, we’ll see.” I zipped the bag up and Callie led me by the arm out of the room. She all but dragged me up the stairs and into her and Alex’s bedroom. It felt odd being in such a private room when I didn’t really know either of them very well but she didn’t have a problem. “Strip,” She ordered with a grin.

  “I’m not going to do that in front of you two.”

  “Fine, sorry, I’m a bit excited.” she grimaced. “We can wait outside.”

  When the door closed behind them, I took my clothes off, laying them down on the end of the bed. Opening the bag again, I took the dress out gently and slipped it off the hanger. Undoing the zip at the back, I stepped into the dress. I hadn’t even pulled it all the way up yet and I already felt like a princess. The material was silky soft against my skin. I put my arms through the straps and tugged it up. There was no way I could reach the zip to close it myself so I called Callie and Lea back in. With my back to the door I waited until Lea had closed the zip, then I turned to face her.

  “Holy shit,” This came from Lea. “you look amazing, beautiful, like a princess.” She whispered.

  “I feel like it too.”

  It fit like a glove. I walked to the mirror and stared in shock. It was perfect, the dress moulded to my body, the flowers along the neckline glittered subtly and the way it fell around my legs looked like a waterfall. “I love it; I can’t believe how well it fits.”

  “It looks like it was made for you. You’ll need shoes and this.” This was a veil in a very expensive looking box. “It can be your something new.” Callie said as she took it out and came to stand next to me. “Trust me.”

  I nodded and bowed my head so she could place it in my hair. “There.”

  “Oh my, Chloe, you have to wear it.”

  I looked at my hair, the way the veil brushed the tops of my shoulders and I had to agree. “I will, I love it. Thank you, Callie.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, shoes, we can go to the shops in town. Do you want to do that now? I’m going to put Alex in charge of a few things before we go.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. David wants me to stay here.”

  “You’re right. I’ll have some brought over to us so you can pick. Any colour you’d like?”

  “Pink.” I said without hesitation.

  “Pink it is. Take your dress off and meet us in the kitchen.” She ordered.

  Lea kissed my cheek. “David won’t know what’s hit him when he gets a look at you. You’re gorgeous Chloe.”

  “Thanks. I hope he likes it. I’m a lucky girl.” I sighed.

  “No, he’s a lucky man. Just ask him and he’ll tell you that.”

  I smiled a little teary, and she left following a suddenly very bossy Callie. She was on a mission to make my wedding day special and I loved her for it. I was a stranger really, and she was going out of her way to help me. That made her special to me. No wonder David liked her so much. I could hear her giving Alex his orders and I laughed quietly. It was something I did to David, and I knew he’d never let anyone else get away with, just like I knew Alex would never take orders from anyone but Callie.

  I reluctantly took my dress off and hung it back into the bag, rubbing my hands along the material one last time. I sighed in bliss. Earlier I would never have dared to dream I might wear my perfect dress but not only did I have it, I had a venue and a veil. Now we just had to sort out everything else...


  It was nine o’clock and I’d just managed to sneak out of Callie’s house. I pushed one leg out swinging myself on the garden swing.


  I turned to see David walking down the path towards me. “Hey yourself,” I looked him over worriedly but he looked ok. He looked tired though. I stopped the swing so he could sit beside me; linking his hand in mine he lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of it.

  “How’s your day been?” I thought for a minute, “It’s been eye opening.”

  “How so?”

  “Callie and Alex have a lot of power, they’ve organised our wedding from the person marrying us down to my underwear.”

  He laughed. “I hope you got your dress?”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve got my dress. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned except for this ring.” I held up my hand.

  “Only the best for you Chloe,” he kissed my head.

  I leaned my head on his shoulder. “Tell me about your day.”

  He sighed. “It’s been busy.”

  “Did you get answers?”


  “And you don’t want to talk about it?”


  “Ok but answer me this, are you in danger?”

  “No, and neither are you.”

  “That’s good to know. We’re still getting married on Saturday?”

  “Damn right we are. Alex told me you want to get married here.”

  I nodded. “There is so much love in this house.”

  “Yes, baby, just like our house except we haven’t filled the nursery yet.”

  “But we will.” I was glad he understood. “Can we go home?”

  “Yes, of course. There is nothing I want more than to have you all to myself.” He stood and pulled me up gathering me into his arms. I snuggled into his warmth. The t-shirt he wore was soft. Rubbing my cheek against his beating heart, I sighed in relief.

  “I’ve been so worried about you. The girls have kept me busy with all the arrangements, but I couldn’t fully concentrate.” I admitted.

  “There’s nothing to worry about now. We caught the big boss and everything is fine.”

  There was something in his voice telling me he was holding something back, I looked up and he shook his head. “Not now Chloe.” I nodded in acceptance. He’d tell me in his own time. “Let’s go and tell the others were leaving then. Tomorrow we can come back to finish off the details and I can get more Madeline cuddles.”

  “First,” he said as he pulled away and cupped my face. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  His lips teased mine. “I can’t wait until you are my wife. Maybe we should get married sooner.”

  “No!” I screeched at him. “I am not changing anything now. Besides, I think Callie will kill you.”

  “Why would I kill him?” Callie asked from behind us.

  “David wants to get married sooner.”

  “No!” she screeched. “Not happening.”

  “Exactly what I said,” I laughed.

  “Good. Are you staying for coffee?”

  David shook his head. “We’re going home.”

  “I figured you would be. Caleb has taken Lea just now. She said she’d call you tomorrow bright and early.”

  “Awesome.” I grinned. “I’ll be back with her tomorrow to go over things.”

  “I think we have everything under control. Why don’t you spend the day getting to know your fiancé more?”

  I blushed. “I think we know each other well enough.”

  Callie laughed delightedly when she caught sight of David’s grin. “Go, I don’t want to see you here tomorrow.”

  “Where’s Alex? I’d like to thank him.” I asked her.

  “He doesn’t need thanks, besides I think you’ve told him enough times how amazing he is. You’ll have created a monster. I’ll have to live with his giant ego.”

  David laughed, “Callie, you’ve always had to do that.”

  “I know but usually the praise he gets is from me. He’ll think he’s the bee’s knees now.”

  I shook my head. “Say goodbye for us then. I just need to grab my h

  “Here, I’ve got it.” Alex said as he walked towards the door.

  “Thanks.” I said as I took it from him.

  “There she goes again saying thank you.” He grinned.

  “Fine, I won’t say it again.”

  “Yes you will, but not to them.” David whispered in my ear and I grew hot at the promise his voice held.

  “And on that note, we’ll see you later.”

  David led me down the steps and to his car. “Bye.” I called as Alex and Callie gave us a wave before closing the front door. David helped me into the car then walked to his side. When he climbed in, he leaned over and kissed me, a chaste kiss that was over before it began. “What was that for?” I asked.

  “For being you,”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  He smirked. “I wonder how many times I can get you to say thank you tonight.”

  “Probably a lot,” I grinned



  “What?” I asked still breathless.

  “I managed to get six thank-you's out of you. You screamed the last one.”

  “Oh, god,” I groaned.

  “You said that a few times too.”

  I tapped his shoulder. I would have done it harder, but I had no energy left. David had just spent the last three hours driving me out of my mind with pleasure. Half the things he did to me I’d never dreamed of and I’ve read many romance books.

  “Chloe,” I looked at him. “You’re not still worried about how fast the wedding is happening are you?”

  I shook my head. “Things are happening the way they should.”

  “You mean that?”

  “Yes. I am marrying a bossy man, I might as well get used to things moving fast.”

  “I’m glad because I have something to tell you.”

  “Should I be alarmed?”

  He took a breath. “I put all your furniture into storage.”


  “Just ok?” he asked warily.

  “I figured you’d do something like that.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  I shook my head. “What would be the point? If I demanded that you put all my belongings back you wouldn’t do it, would you?”

  “Nope, you live here with me now. Today, with how close you came to real danger it made me realise that life is too short. I don’t want to waste time.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him I still was not changing the date, but he put his finger over my lips. “Saturday is ok; I don’t want you to change it.”

  I licked his finger, and he grinned before moving it away. “What are you keeping from me?” I asked him turning serious.

  He grimaced. “We have the big guy, it turns out he is well known to the police, but no one had realised he’d moved up the ranks.”

  “Ok, he’s been arrested so we’re out of danger and no more children will be held for ransom. What else?”

  “Randy Tom was spewing a lot of vulgar things about you. I would have killed him if Ryder hadn’t talked me down.”

  That was a little shocking. “I heard him spout a lot of nasty stuff when I was hiding, but he never got to do those things.”

  “What if someone else tries to hurt you?”

  “Is that what’s worrying you? David, even if we weren’t getting married, just being your assistant could put me in danger.”

  “I know, Ryder said the same thing but I don’t want that to happen.”

  “It won’t.” His eyes narrowed on me. “Ok, it could happen but we won’t let it. Baby, we can’t go through life scared of what ifs.”

  “Maybe not, but I need to find a way of being in control of the danger you could be in.”

  So he felt out of control. Definitely not something he was used to. “I’ve worked with you for over a year. In all that time I’ve been in danger once.” I pointed out.

  “Yes, and that’s because we are together now.” He said stubbornly.

  “Does Randy Tom know we are together?”

  He shrugged. “No.”

  “Then he only came after me because I’m your assistant.”

  “Yes, ok he didn’t know, but it doesn’t change anything. I want you to quit your job.”

  “Ok.” I agreed instantly, touched by his outburst.

  “Just like that, you agree?” He asked in disbelief.

  “I will quit as your assistant when I have our first baby.”

  He looked stunned for a second. “You will quit when you’re pregnant.”

  He looked so worried. It didn’t seem right for David to be like that. I definitely didn’t want to know the things Randy had said if they'd wound David up this much. “Ok, I will quit when I’m pregnant.”

  “We’ll need to find your replacement pretty quick.”


  “I plan on having you pregnant by the end of the month.”

  “That’s so fast.”

  “You could already be now. I didn’t use protection Chloe.”

  “Yes I know, but I’m on the pill.” I reminded him.

  “When was the last time you took it?”

  “Crap.” I cursed. “You needn’t look so smug about it David.” I chastised him.

  “Why not, it’s what we both want isn’t it.” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement.

  “Yes, it’s what we both want.” I agreed.

  He bent over me and pressed his lips to my stomach. “I can’t wait to see you all rounded carrying my child under your heart. The thought excites me.”

  “I can tell.” I said as I moved my body into his making sure my thigh brushed against his erection.

  He groaned.

  “I wonder how many times I can get you to say thank you.” I grinned.

  David moved, so he was lay flat on his back, his cock standing proud. I licked my lips. “Have at it, baby.” He crossed his arms behind his head and winked.

  “God, I love you.” I whispered.

  “Prove it.” He whispered back.

  So, I did.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The last few days have been a blur. Callie and Lea have been with me every step of the way planning the wedding while David and Alex have been spending a lot of time at David’s office making sure all the evidence against the child kidnapping ring was all there. No one wanted the boss to get off on a technicality. Detective Ashen had been swallowed into David’s alpha bad asses and he could quite well end up working with them. He said he’d had enough of working undercover, of not being able to have a life without danger. David was all too happy to offer him a job, and he was now an usher at our wedding, which was nice.

  I’ve just spent the morning getting myself ready for our wedding day and pinching myself every two minutes to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. Holy cow I was getting married today! A knock at the door made me jump a little. “Come in.” I called.

  “Hey sweetheart,”

  “Mum.” I whispered.

  “Now don’t cry you’ll smudge your make up.”

  “I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

  “You’re crying because it’s the happiest day of your life.” She said with a smile.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “I wanted to give you this.” She held out her hand. “Your grandmother gave this to me on my wedding day. Tuck it into your left shoe for luck.”

  “A lucky sixpence, thanks mum.” I reached to hug her, “you know, I don’t think I need luck, but I’ll wear it all the same.”

  “Knowing David I don’t think you’ll need it either, but it’s a tradition and it will be like a part of your Nan is with you.”

  “I like to think she’s looking down over us all. She’d like David, don’t you think?”

  “She would love him, just like we do.”

  I blinked away tears. “Where’s dad?”

  “Pacing outside,” She grinned.

  “He’s nervous?”

  “Yes, but on
ce he sees you he’ll calm down. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, I hope David thinks so.”

  “I bet he won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

  “I’ll send Lea and Callie in and tell your dad you’re ready.” She looked at her watch. “You have five minutes before its time. The bride should be late but I doubt you’ll want to be.”

  I shook my head. “I’d go now if it was acceptable.” I’d been ready for hours. Last night I’d stayed at Callie’s because the groom shouldn’t see the bride before the wedding but it had been awful sleeping alone. It was stupid really as I’ve been sleeping alone a lot longer than I’ve been sleeping next to David but in the short time I’d become so used to his arms around me and his quiet breaths in my ear. I hadn’t wanted to rush our wedding, but now I couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle and become his wife. I couldn’t wait to see him in his suit, to wear his ring on my finger but most of all I couldn’t wait for our first kiss as husband and wife.

  My dad knocked on the door before popping his head round. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” I nodded. Picking up my pink posy bouquet, I walked to the door laughing in delight.

  “What’s so funny?” Lea asked looking at me as if I’d lost my mind.

  “She’s happy.” Callie answered for me.

  My dad put his arm out and I slipped mine into his. “You look gorgeous baby.”

  “Thanks dad.” I smiled. My tummy dipped and my hands started shaking. I was really doing this, I was about to walk down the aisle and marry David.

  Lea and Callie took positions in front of me, we’d agreed they would walk first and I would follow with my dad. I watched as they walked slowly down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I heard the music start as they walked outside. My dad squeezed my hand. “Are you ready?” he whispered.


  “David is a lucky man.”

  “You’re my dad, you have to think that.”

  “No, I mean it. You’re going to have a wonderful life together and I can stop worrying so much because I know he will look after you.”

  “He always has.”

  “Yes, he always has.”

  We were silent as we made our way down the stairs. Caleb stood by the door and when he saw us, he gave a nod to someone and the wedding march started to play. My heart started beating a mile a minute, and I took a deep breath. I was just about to walk into the rest of my life and I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more.


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