Spearwood Book Two

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Spearwood Book Two Page 2

by A. S. Oren

  With a pull of my arms, I take off the robe. "You're overdressed. Far too much clothing on." I smile.

  Standing, he undoes the button on his sleeves and pulls the shirt over his head. Defined abs greet me. Deep lines mark his hips, leading down under the band of his pants. I tug on them, having undone them outside. They fall to his ankles, and he kicks them off.

  His cock stands at attention through his black briefs. He pulls them off as well, before I lean forward on my knees and take the shaft into my hand. He’s a solid six inches, with a circumcised head. He keeps the brown hair trim and neat.

  Sun god, I love him.

  Pumping the base, I lick along the top of his shaft to the head, paying close attention to the underside where he gets the most pleasure. Paden grunts. He pulls at the band keeping my hair in a bun and breaks it, releasing my golden waves. His fingers run through my hair, massaging along my scalp. I look up into his eyes, moan, and take him into my mouth. The hand pumping his shaft never stops as I move the other one to gently roll his balls in my hand. My tongue swirls around and over the head, making sure to give as many sensations as possible. It took us both a while to learn what the other liked the best, but I think we've gotten it down.

  He grunts more as his fingers grip at my hair. "Gold, as much as this feels amazing, you're going to have to stop. We won't have time for a round two this morning."

  I laugh around the head before taking my mouth off of him, I keep my hands moving. "I'm ready when you are, Silver."

  Silver and Gold are nicknames we only use when we're alone. When we orgasm, our eyes shine with the hue they take on while we are in our dragon forms. I don't know who started it, but it's our thing.

  I lie back and open my thighs. He crawls onto the bed and holds himself up over me. Paden places the head of his cock at my entrance and thrusts into me with one fluid movement. I'll never get over how good it feels to have a cock in me after an amazing orgasm. My senses reawaken with the need for more. I grab onto the top of his headboard and wrap my legs around his waist. "Don't be easy on me now, I won't break."

  A grin spreads across his lips as he places his hands over mine. Bracing his body, he picks up pace and power, thrusting into me with everything he has. With every stroke, he hits my g-spot. I let out a half scream, half groan, before kissing him. He slows. I pull our hands off the headboard, and I flip us, taking the top. Tugging on his lower lip with my teeth, I release him and sit up to gyrate my hips. I brace my hands on his muscular chest.

  He growls. "Fuck yes!" His long fingers rub at my clit, urging a small orgasm to erupt through me.

  I moan, fucking him as hard as I can. I move my hands to hold the headboard— I don't want to cut him when my talons come out again. I pant. "I'm going to come!" I rock my hips back and forth, grinding my clit into his fingers.

  The big one storms through me; my inner walls spasm around his cock. He groans and thrusts upwards; his warm cum shoots into me. His eyes flash silver as I catch my breath and lean down to kiss him hard.

  I laugh as the euphoria of the orgasm overtakes my body, banishing all the pain of the curse. This will last for a day or two. When I first started having sex with them, after the battle with Jericho, I would jump them every chance I got. But now, I keep myself in check. It's wrong for me to treat them like my own personal OxyContin. I only initiate once or twice a week now. If they want more, I let them come to me; which is hard because they’ve all gotten really good at sex over the years.

  I get off his cock and lay on my side facing him.

  He pushes my hair out of my face. "Once we get back to Spearwood, we are having sex every morning."

  I take his hand in mine and kiss his knuckles. "You won't have to ask me twice.”

  A knock sounds at the door and Maverick waltzes in. "Your first class is in four, little bro."

  Paden let's go of my hand and leaps from the bed to find his clothes.

  Maverick leans on the space of wall between the end of the bed and the doorframe. Over the years, he’s cut his ebony hair shorter and shorter. The sides are now cut around his ears, his white forelock and bangs swept back out of his face. I’ll never let him cut that forelock off. I love it too much. He watches me with ocean eyes and folds his arms over his chest. I stare back, naked and spent.

  "Sounded like you two were really going at it."

  I bite at my lower lip and grin. "We were. Jealous?"

  He grins back. "Very. We should meet up later, at our special place."

  Paden sighs as he pulls his shirt on over his head. He tries to smooth out the wrinkles as he tucks it into his slacks. "You two and your special place. What the hell goes on there?"

  Maverick and I glance at him before looking at each other and laughing. "I'm not entirely sure you really want to know the answer to that, brother."

  Well, I wouldn't be against Maverick showing him what he does in our special place. But then again, I have a dirty brain, and I don't think I could get either of them to do that, ever. Not that I would ask them to. It's so taboo it's hot.

  Paden comes back to the bed to kiss me. "You two are so weird sometimes. I gotta go. Love you, Lon."

  He heads for the door. Maverick places a hand on his chest. "Oh, he loves you but not me. I see how it is!"

  Paden laughs as he exits his cabin. "Love you too, bro!"

  Maverick crawls onto the bed and hovers over me. He gives me a kiss. "I have to go, too. I have an earth class with the young ones, but you will meet me later at our place. Do you understand?"

  I smile. "Yes, master."

  I can't wait.

  Amr and I sit across from Edgar in the basement. It's the only place we can get some privacy in the house whilst lunch happens. Foot falls thunder overhead as people move about the kitchen, getting their food.

  Edgar sighs as he stares up at the ceiling before looking at us. "As you both know, I've theorised for some time now that you can do more than one element. I've seen you, Avalon, use air by accident a few times now, and Amr, you had control over the water at the lake the other day. I think this is due to you both bein' hybrids and bein' in tune with your angel side. Because you are out of high school, I think this would be the perfect time to train you in the other elements. So I've brought in some of your peers, known for being the top of your class in their element, to teach you."

  "So even more elemental training? I thought we were going to college to become better dragon shifters." I sigh. Elemental training, regardless if it's fire or not, takes up so much time. I’d rather just be proficient in my one element.

  "Yes. Don't argue, Avalon. I want you two to be the best you can be, since you're the only ones of your kind." He stands, his knees and back cracking at the same time. He really needs to retire before he gets too old to have fun with Zaria. "C'mon I want to introduce you to your tutors for the rest of the summer. They arrived this morning."

  I stand as well. "If they are our peers, how much did you have to pay them in order to get them to agree to this?"

  Edgar grunts as he ascends the stairs. "That's none of your concern. I'm the one that runs this business, not you."

  We move onto the porch where two guys are talking on the grass to Jakki, their backs toward me. Another stands off to the side, reading a book.

  "Bullock?" I step off the porch and onto the grass barefoot. I make sure to keep an arm’s length between us.

  He looks up from his book. "Hello."

  It's been years, and I have yet to discover how to get close to him. We aren't distant anymore— we talk, but he always seems to shut up if I get too near to him. "What are you doing here?"

  "I was hired to teach you and your brother air. I don't see how it's possible to do that, seeing as no one has ever mastered more than one element, but it seemed too interesting to pass up." He pushes his hipster glasses up his nose as he stares down at me.

  "Oh." So he's one of the tutors?

  "Sweetie!" Jakki rushes over. Bullock takes few steps back as he
gets too close. "I'm going to be teaching you earth! Isn't that amazeballs?"

  I smile. "I couldn't have picked a better earth user, just don't let Maverick know that." I peer around Jakki. If Bullock’s teaching me air, and Jakki is here for earth, then who are the other two? One must be fire for Amr and water for the both of us. I rack my brain with who they could be. I know I wasn't the top of my class for fire. "Shit."

  Mirren turns to look at me the second I realise it's him.

  Edgar clears his throat. "Some of you know each other, that's good to see. I've only talked to you over the phone though, so who's Lusk Mirren, Rian Gaimen, and Derren Bullock?"

  Jakki folds his arms over his chest. "You don't want to know me?"

  Edgar sighs. "I already know who you are, Mr. Larus."

  An average height guy with dark skin and piercing blue eyes steps forward. He's stunning. "I'm Rian Gaimen, the water tutor."

  Amr nudges me and leans into my ear. "He's one of mine. You can stop drooling."

  I blink. "Wait, yours? How do you know? You never said anything about finding another one of your Fold."

  "I bumped into him this morning, the sparks flew. Now I just have to figure out a way to see if he likes me."

  Mirren and Bullock each introduce themselves.

  "Besides,” he continues, “you have two Fold members right there you have yet to complete your bond with. That tattoo on your back isn't going to finish itself."

  I shake my head. "It's never going to happen with one of them, and I'm not sure if the other one will ever let me get close enough to him to allow anything more than a handshake."

  "Never say never, big sis."

  "These four will be teachin' you both in all the elements. Includin' the ones you already know."

  My eyes widen. "You can't be serious, Ed. I've already mastered Fire. I'm not letting him teach me anything." I motion to Mirren.

  Edgar shakes his head. "You aren't a master, Avalon. You still can't even summon a fire bug, let alone anything bigger."

  My cheeks flush with heat.

  Mirren laughs and lifts his hand up to cup his palm, within seconds an image of a rose blooming in a fire ball forms. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me then, don't I?"

  I clench my hands into fists. "Fuck off!" I look to Edgar. "You've fucking lost it if you think I'll ever work with this waste of space."


  "I can't believe he has that asshole here to teach me. He's heard the horror stories of our fights. Remember that time in sparring class just before we graduated? I would've thrown him through the wall if the teacher hadn't stopped me." I pace the cave lit by torches, Maverick and my special place. "Not to mention how he calls me Princess in that tone of voice when he wants to piss me off. Who does he think he is? I hate him so much!" I throw a fireball at the wall.

  Maverick sits on a long, flat rock table that rises a good three feet in the air. "Are you done?"

  I look to him and huff. "Yes."

  He folds his arms over his chest. "Mirren is a part of your Fold, right? Maybe you should take this time to get to know him. We aren't teenagers anymore, not really. You can't ignore what the Fates want forever. Eventually they will force you two together, one way or another."

  "Fuck the Fates, all they do is pick the wrong people." I sigh. "I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't trade you, Den, or D for anything. You know that, right?" I go to him.

  He hops off the table and cups my cheeks with his warm hands; his thumb rubs overs the scar made by Jericho. "I know, Lon. Things hardly ever play out like we plan.”

  I grasp at his Bleach anime t-shirt. He's less formal than Paden. He has no patience for button up shirts or slacks. I press the side of my face into his chest. "I know."

  "Will you at least give the tutoring with Mirren a shot? Trust me. If he tries anything violent with you, I'll take care of him. I don't think he will, though." His voice hums in my ear.

  Pulling back, I stare up into his face. "You make it sound as if you two talk, as if you're friends."

  He glances off to the side. "I wouldn't say we’re friends. We've talked in a civil manner. He likes anime and manga, too. I ran into him in the manga section of the fiction library a few times."

  An image of them making out in the library flashes through my mind. Heat coats my cheeks and travels down to my chest. I can't believe I just thought of Mirren in a sexual context. I shake my head. No, that's not a good thing. I pull all the way out of his arms.

  Maverick leans against the table again. "What's wrong? Are you mad I talked to him?"

  "No. I don't care. I'm the one that doesn't like him. I can't force you to side with me just because he’s an unforgiving asshole." He doesn't need to know I had a brief fantasy of him kissing another guy. I turn my back to him to hide the blush currently travelling down my body. The image grows; their kissing becomes hungry, each fighting for dominance. Maverick strokes the side of his face where I marked him with the four scars.

  "Avalon, look at me." The tone of his voice makes me turn. It isn't asking.

  He stares at me with those ocean eyes. "You're all flushed. What were you thinking about just now?”

  My eyes look around the cave to anywhere but his face. Vines hang down from the ceiling over the stone table. On one of the closer walls stands several shelves made out of rock. Sex toys of all kinds fill the shelves. They lie in clear cases to protect them from the elements.

  Maverick found this cave one day when we were kids and hunting together. At first, it was a place for us to hang out. Then, it became something more, so much more.

  "Answer me, Avalon. What were you thinking about? Be honest."

  The heat all over my body grows even hotter. I force myself to look at him. "I was imaging you making out with Mirren in the library."

  He raises a black eyebrow and stands from the table. "Really? I know boy love turns you on, but this is the first time you've ever brought up having a fantasy about one of us. Have you had others?"

  I shake my head. "Not with you guys in them, just fictional characters. You and Den are brothers, and I don't sense sexual chemistry between either of you and D, so it's never come up before." My fingers twist about each other. I can't believe I'm admitting this to him, but it's just how we are. Here, in this cave or at our room in the Cabin, I'm submissive to him. Outside these walls, he would never have such power over me, but I trust him.

  He laughs. "And you sense it with Mirren and I?"

  I sigh. "Of course not, it's not like I've seen you two talking. I have no idea about what kind of chemistry you have. I'm just telling you where my brain took the image of you two talking in the library."

  He steps over to me. "Well, if we ever find a guy in your Fold that I have chemistry with, I promise to make out with him in front of you."

  I push out my lower lip. "Only make out?"

  Maverick grins. "We'll see." He pulls me to him and kisses me. His boner pushes into me through his jeans. Did my fantasy turn him on? He picks me up and turns to place me on the table. "I doubt we'll need it but tell me the safe word."

  I smile. "Oatmeal." We chose that because even if he gags me, he can still tell that I'm saying it. I've never had to use it, but he wants it in place in case he ever takes it too far or I need to stop.

  "Very good." He leans forward to kiss me and tug lightly on my lower lip with his teeth. His hands come to rest over mine, and he raises my arms over my head. “Don’t move.” He releases me, and with a motion of both hands, two vines come to wrap themselves around each of my arms, stopping just before my elbows.

  They pull me into the air as he shifts the table of rock around to stand more like a long-back, tilted chair. Watching his earth magic always fills my pussy with heat. He has such control over it now, so much more than he did when we were kids.

  Lowering me into the chair, two more vines come up to wrap around my ankles and the middle of my thighs, spreading apart my legs. My white sundress slips back on my
thighs. I twist my wrists inside the vines' grasp. I love not being able to have control.

  Maverick grins at me as he pulls off his shirt and pants. I tug at the vines, wanting to touch him.

  "Patience, Pet." He walks over to the shelves and pulls down a container. I can't tell what’s inside from this angle, but I know it will be something that will take me to the edges of my sanity.

  He comes back, his cock pushing against the constraints of his grey boxer-briefs. I still can't tell what he's holding. With a lift of his hand, a rock rises from the ground to become a table and another becomes a chair. The container goes on the table. Circling around to the back of my chair, he stands behind my left shoulder. An emerald-green talon cuts the straps of my dress. I knew I was coming here, so I didn't wear anything I like. We both like it when he cuts off my clothes.


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