Spearwood Book Two

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Spearwood Book Two Page 13

by A. S. Oren

  Maverick leans on the table, resting his weight on his hands. “Are you sure about this, Lon? I mean, you’ll have to watch him raise a child that’s not yours.”

  I shrug. “It’s just something I have to deal with. I hope to have a child with each of you someday so it won’t be too painful.”

  Dante hides his face in his hands. “Je suis tellement désolé , Avalon. Je ne voulais pas tu causer de la douleur.”

  He apologised again, saying he never wanted to cause me pain.

  “Ce qui est fait est fait.” What’s done is done. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re all family. We stand as one no matter what.”


  Day Seventeen

  Paden pulls me closer as the sun peeks through a tiny opening in the curtains. He came to me around two hours ago with the Shaman crystals and had me transform back. He said he couldn't sleep and that he wanted to just hold me. So we came back to my room and passed out together. Since my two hours ended as dawn eased into the indigo sky, I never had to change back.

  I roll over in his arms and gaze at his sleeping face. So peaceful. His breaths come out heavy but even. At least he doesn't snore. His long, dark blond hair falls over his face. I smile and push it out of way. He doesn't even stir. What's on his mind? Why couldn't he sleep? Could it be about Dante and the choice I made for all of us? He never said one way or another whether or not he agrees with it. But, he gave me the control to decide, so now he has to live with what I put down as our future.

  "I love you." I stroke his cheek with the back of my knuckles.

  He stirs, pushing his face into my touch but doesn't open his eyes or fully wake up.

  Moving his hair out of the way of this neck, I kiss the area where his jaw meets his neck. With a dart of my tongue, I flick it at the sensitive skin before pulling away. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Morning."

  I grin. "Morning. I'm going to go brush my teeth now. Something tastes like it died in my mouth during the night."

  Paden chuckles. "Yeah, I think its brother died in mine. I'll follow you. How about a long shower after that?"

  I pull his arm off me and roll out of bed. "Fuck yes! I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine! Race you!" I laugh and dash across the room.

  He grabs me around the waist and pulls me up off the floor as I reach the door. He spins us around, placing himself in the bathroom before me. He grins. "I win."

  I fold my arms over my chest. "That doesn't count. You cheated."

  "It's not my fault you're so tiny and easy to pick up and move." He pats me on the head before turning on the light and grabbing the second toothbrush he keeps in here.

  I grab my own tooth brush and the cinnamon toothpaste I like. "I'm not tiny. If I was below five foot, I'd be tiny. I'm five-foot one. I'm just slightly below average."

  He spits into the sink and rinses down the excess before swishing some water around in his mouth. "Nope, you're tiny. My own tiny little piece of gold. I wouldn't want you any other way."

  I finish brushing my teeth and tongue as he goes to turn on the shower.

  "Fucking hell this thing is amazing. Why can't the other bathrooms have five shower heads that can be moved around or be turned into a stream like a waterfall." He pulls off his white sleeping shirt and kicks off his blue boxer-briefs.

  I pull my own over-sized t-shirt off and toss it into my hamper. I never wear panties to bed unless I'm on my period. "Because I'm special and get the master bathroom. I think Zaria planned for us to have a lot of orgies. Look at the size of this thing. We could fit all of us and a few more in here. And don't get me started on how this can convert to a medium pool-sized bathtub." I enter the shower and wet down my hair and body.

  Paden comes to stand behind me and runs a loofa sudsy with a blend of apple and cinnamon soap over my shoulders with slow concentration. "Speaking of orgies. We never did talk about the other day when you proposed a threesome with me and my brother.”

  My cheeks flare with heat as a shiver ripples down my spine. "Yeah that. I don't expect you to want to and you wouldn't even have to look at him or touch him, nothing like that. I just want you both at the same time. I hear it's thrilling to have a threesome with two guys."

  He laughs. "Well, now that you and Mirren aren't fighting and Bullock's around, you have more than just me and Maverick for that sort of thing. Maybe even Dante if you forgive him one day"

  I grin. "I guess. There's something oddly seductive and taboo about two brothers, though."

  He runs the loofa over my ass and down the backs of my thighs. He crouches to run it all the way down my legs to the back of my heels. "That anime you watched last year went to your head." He laughs.

  "Brothers Conflict? I guess that scene where she thought the twins were in an incestuous relationship did spark some naughty ideas in my head."

  His lips caress my right ass cheek. I shiver and turn around, putting my back against the wall. He kisses the top of my pussy before he nudges my legs apart to run his tongue over my slit.

  I swallow hard and close my eyes. Getting eaten out after just waking up makes any morning perfect.

  A knock thuds over the roar of the shower's spray. Paden pulls his tongue away, and I groan. "No!" I open the shower door and throw a towel on. I open the door. "What? Someone better be injured."

  Bullock stands on the other side of the door. Fuck! He rubs at the side of his cheek but doesn't shy away. "Sorry to bother you, but there's a guy downstairs. The one you brought back to life during that survivor challenge."

  I shake my head. "You're not bothering me. It's barely past dawn though."

  He shrugs. "I tried to tell him you were asleep still, but he came in anyway."

  "Ava! Wakey, wakey, I brought doughnuts for everyone!"

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. Why? Just why? Mercutio walks into my room through the door Bullock must've left open.

  "Hi, Mercutio. It's not even," I look at the clock on my bedside table, "it's not even seven in the morning. We weren't planning on starting the barbecue until around two."

  Mercutio grins and reaches into the doughnut box in his hand. He takes out a sugar coated one out and holds it out to me. "I want to spend time with you and the guys. I miss hanging out with you all."

  Bullock moves to leave, but I grab onto his hand as I take the doughnut. He then hands one to Bullock as Paden turns off the shower and comes to stand on my other side with a towel around his waist.

  "What's up man! Good to see you! Have a doughnut." He hands both Paden and Bullock chocolate ones.

  Bullock looks at it. "Thank you."

  Mercutio nods. "Of course. Bullock, right? I remember seeing you around school. Fancy seeing you here, too. Let's go wake up the others."

  So most of the morning went by in a flash of Mercutio telling us what went on at the camp during my absence, even though Jakki, Paden, and Maverick all still work there and have told me all about what goes on.

  The entire day, he tries to sit as close to me as I'll allow. But he hasn't touched me or done anything that would warrant him getting kicked out by one of the guys. I just feel bad for him. I wish he could find a nice girlfriend and settle down.

  We tolerate his presence simply because he wouldn't go unless we forced him, and I don't have the heart to have the guys throw him out when he wouldn't hurt a fly.

  We stand in the backyard as Paden fires up the grill. I set the table outside with a bright yellow tablecloth, paper plates, and utensils.

  Jakki stands not too far away, chatting with Mercutio. I swear the man could make friends with anyone. Probably helps that I haven’t seen him without a drink since he woke up. I can’t believe he can still stand. At least he's keeping Mercutio from talking to me.

  "See, Ed. I told you they were all back here!" Zaria comes around the bend of the house, a neon green bowl in her hands. She wears a striking yellow sundress with short, black heels.

  I put down the plates in
my hands and go to her. "Welcome, and I'm sorry! I guess we didn't hear the doorbell from back here." I give her a side hug, and she kisses me on the cheek.

  "No worries. Edgar will be along in a second.” She holds up the bowl. "I brought potato salad, your favourite kind with the red onion bits."

  I grin. "Oh thank you! You sure do know what I love. You can put it in the ice chest over there. The meat is going to take a bit to be done."

  Edgar comes around the corner. He shuffles his legs, a cane in his hand. I just saw him a few days ago, and he didn't look this bad. I hug him as he comes to a stop in front of me. He peers up at the house he had built for us. "I never realised just exactly how big this place is until I had to walk around it."

  I try to keep the frown off my lips. At this rate, the curse will kill him before he can have that vacation or even see his son again.

  Maverick comes up to us. "Hey, Ed. How you feeling?"

  Edgar chuckles. "Oh, I've been better, but I can't complain with Zaria by my side."

  Maverick pats him on the shoulder. "Well that's good!" He glances at me with a slight frown. He's as worried as I am for Edgar.

  I motion to the table. "Why don't you go sit down? Those chairs are super comfy. Zaria did an awesome job. We have mead, beer, or wine if you want something alcoholic? If not, there’s sun tea and soda."

  Maverick puffs out his chest. "I have some Irish whiskey, too, if you want something like that."

  Edgar laughs and shakes his head. "I forgot what it is like to be young and excited to drink. I'll have some whiskey over ice."

  Maverick grins from ear to ear. "Be right back!" He sprints into the house.

  Edgar looks around before motioning me to come closer. The wind moves around us before a black bag appears, hanging from his arm. Why was he concealing that whilst so weak?

  He hands it to me. "These are the birthday presents for Maverick and Paden. There's also a ring in there for Jericho. It's my family's patriarch ring."

  I peer into the bag. His Metallica records fill it along with the old pocket watch Paden has always admired. I try to hand it back to him. "Edgar, you should be giving these to them. Their birthdays are in a few days. As for Jericho, you'll see him soon. I have no doubt." My heart thuds hard in my chest. Does he feel so close to death that he doesn't think he'll make it to next week?

  He shakes his head and pushes the bag back to me. "Zaria and I are closin’ camp early and goin’ on vacation in two days. We won't be here for the birthday party."

  I blink fast to keep the tears at bay. "What about Jericho?"

  Edgar looks to the ground. "You'll see him before I do. Please let him know how sorry I am and that I wish things could have been different." He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. "Give him this and speak the dragon words to return his memories. I won't be strong enough to do it for him. The potion should work in my place. But if somethin’ goes wrong, go to Agnita, the Sea Witch. Her shop’s in China town. She’ll be able to help him." He hands me a corked vial with a foggy white liquid swirling inside. I gently place it in the bag.

  The tears fall. Hot, stinging ones roll down my cheeks. "Ed. Stop talking like this. You're ripping my heart out."

  He moves his cane to the other hand and pulls me into a hug. "Shhh, Avalon. I'll be okay. Don't you worry." He kisses the top of my head.

  I hold onto him tighter, feeling like a child again. "I love you, Ed. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad."

  He clears his throat and kisses the top of my head again before letting me go. Maverick comes back with two tumblers of Irish whiskey. "What's wrong?"

  I wipe the tears away and shake my head. "Nothing."

  Edgar takes the whiskey glass and clinks it with Maverick's. He takes a sip. "Tastes pretty good, Son. You did a good job picking this one out."

  Maverick stands straighter and grins. "Thank you. Come sit. Paden should be done with the first round of burgers any moment now."

  Edgar follows Maverick to the table. My eyes fall on the bag in my hands. I'll take it inside to make sure it stays safe. I step onto the porch, not far from where Paden stands at the grill with Rian and Mirren.

  A sense of dread fills my gut. I stop in my tracks. Why do I feel like the world's going to end all of a sudden? Minos pulls at my mind, forcing me from the waking world. I fall back as my vision gives over to darkness.

  I come to seeing through Minos's eyes, but we aren't in the in-between, how did he pull me here? Rosemen looms over us, his hand around Minos's throat. We gasp for air as we try to get the monster to let go.

  Rosemen's toad like eyes peer into our own. "You thought you could get rid of me? You're a bunch of foolish children. You belong to me and will do my bidding. That's all you're good for. Pawns for my army!"

  Something hard hits Rosemen from behind, stunning him enough to let us go. We take the chance to scramble away. Jericho stands behind Rosemen. He's taller; his copper hair sticks out every which way. Black lines cover his arms and one of his eyes looks to be in its dragon form.

  "The other's have the equipment and the leftover serum. The bombs are laid. We only have a few minutes to get out of here!"

  We run beside him. Rosemen roars from behind, but we don't look back. Sun god, let them get out of this unscathed, please.

  We stumble, slowing down behind Jericho. We gasp for air. Why can't Minos keep up?

  Jericho slows and looks back. He frowns, turning back to the doors ahead of us. He then peers back again, before running to us side. Rosemen grabs at our shirt, just as Jericho reaches ups and grabs our arm. He pulls and puts us on his back all in the same motion. He sprints. We look back; Rosemen and his grotesquely oversized legs can't keep up.

  We head for the massive metal doors as booms erupt from behind us, shaking the ground and making metal fall from the ceiling.

  Jericho holds up a band around his wrist to the doors. They open. The booms grow closer. Rosemen screams with anguish. The cold night air crashes into our face as we exit through the doors. Heat explodes at our back as our hearing turns into nothing more than a high pitched ring, and we fall to the ground with Jericho.

  I sit up with a gasp. Everyone stands over me. My back ignites with a pain I've never felt before. I want to scream, but no sound will come out my mouth.

  "What's wrong, Lon? Tell me." Paden kneels down next to me.

  "My back." I gasp out. I grab at my shirt but can't pull it up.

  He lifts my shirt and everyone sucks in their breath.

  Paden shakes. "Lon, your back, it's burned, chard. How?"

  I grunt through the pain. "Minos and Jericho. They've escaped." I can't hold on to my consciousness any longer. I fall back into his arms.

  To be continued….

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