Ugly Beautiful

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Ugly Beautiful Page 10

by Sean-Paul Thomas

  From out of nowhere, the slim figure of a blonde woman, wearing a tight black vest, black combat trousers and boots, crept menacingly from the pitch black shadows and softly approached the unconscious Jason. She took a moment to caress his bruised and bloodied face and cheeks, working her fingers gently downwards until she reached the stubble underneath his chin. Jason stirred from his unconsciousness. He groaned as the pain from his recent fall quickly engulfed his nervous system, breaking out in agonising waves all around his bruised and battered body. He opened his weary eyes to find himself seated and strapped securely to a hard wooden chair. He was bound at the wrists by a pair of tight rusty old handcuffs while his chest and mid section were tied hard to the chair with a thick rope and a thin steely wire.

  'Haley? Is that you?' said Jason wearily in a dream like trance. The blonde girl stroked at Jason's hair as if running her hands through the long soft fur of a pet dog.

  'What...? What happened to me?' continued Jason. 'Where the hell are we? What's going on?'

  The blonde girl put her finger delicately against Jason's lips and shushed him. She then leaned forward in an almost sexual and provocative manner. She kissed his forehead, then his cheeks, then his nose and then his chin. Finally she kissed him very softly upon his dry, blood stained lips.

  'What's going on here?' said Jason still dazed and greatly confused. The girl rubbed her hands up and down the sides of his upper body, then all the way down to the bottom of his legs. Jason rocked his head from right to left, then in a slow circular motion, trying to wake himself up even more.

  'What's going on? What are you doing?' continued Jason, still struggling to focus on the figure in front of him. He was so dazed and disorientated by the bright light above his head and the shining darkness all around him, that he struggled to make out the features of the blonde girl. He could just about make out that her hair was possibly blonde. And brief glimpses of her dark face only revealed dried blood stains or possibly dirt or a combination of both.

  The woman, without making a sound, disappeared from Jason's sight just as swiftly as she'd entered it. Jason closed his eyes. There was a long, drawn out silence, which was soon abruptly shattered by a loud series of banging thuds. Like the sound of someone hammering large nails into a solid wooden floor, somewhere. Jason stirred, opening his eyes wide. He tossed his head back and fourth, desperately trying to snap himself out from his sleepy daze, as a new, dull at first, then more vibrantly vicious pain introduced itself to his body - His naked feet to be exact.

  Jason became fully alert and filled with a terrifying fearful dread that something very bad was happening to him. He forced his attention down towards the dimly lit ground only to see the darkened figure of the strange blonde woman, resting on her knees with her head bent. She was casually hammering thick long rusty nails right into the fleshy pulp roof of Jason's bare bony feet and all the way through to the solid wooden floor beneath them. It took a few weary moments for the realisation of the situation to explode its way through every entire millimetre of Jason's body.

  The excruciating pain of the long sharp nails entering the tip of his skin, then exploding through the flesh and bone of his feet and finally bursting out through the soles, hit him in a breathtaking wave of hurt. Jason struggled frantically, yet he could barely move or even wiggle any parts of his rope bound body against the large wooden chair. Even the chair itself was heavily secured. It's legs embedded into the wooden floor with steel frames to prevent any movement.

  'Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ! PLEASE...please stop this, please... STOP! What the hell are you doing to me? ARRGGHHHH! STOP! PLEASE. I beg you, please, please I beg you.' cried Jason.

  His cries fell upon deaf ears. The woman continued to hammer the long rusty nails deep inside Jason's feet. Nail after nail, until there were finally five nails embedded into each foot.


  The woman stopped. She stood to her feet wearing a sadistic smile. After an agonisingly long second she spoke out in a deep, aggressive, gravelled tone.

  'Stop. Please just stop. Please just stop!' The woman cried, taunting and mimicking Jason's own voice. Jason's face was a picture of pain and anguish. With tears in his eyes he stared awkwardly up at the woman for the first time. The light was still blinding, yet he could just about make out half of her dirty blood stained face, which was mostly covered by her untidy and tangled curly blonde locks. For another brief moment he caught a small part of her sadistic, mischievous grin. The woman, still with hammer in hand, stared curiously back at him. Another anxious pause engulfed Jason. Then she jumped on top of his lap and straddled him like an exotic lap dancer. Jason could only look on petrified at what the strange, psychotic woman had in store for him next. Again, she amused herself by stroking roughly at his hair.

  'What... the fuck... is going on?' Jason gasped. His tone full of the utmost desperation. The woman exploded in a fit of rage, shoving Jason's head back with one hand while attempting to force the claw end of the hammer into his mouth with the other. He struggled wildly to fight back with his face and mouth, but the woman only pushed the claw end of the hammer further past his teeth and down into the base of his throat.

  Jason choked, as his tongue rammed further into the back of his mouth. He was suffocating. Only after another long and excruciating few seconds did the woman eventually take the hammer out from Jason's mouth and dismounted from his lap. Jason took a second to get his breath back. He coughed and spluttered out spits of blood and the taste of rusty old metal. More blood trickled from behind his lips and down his chin. Meanwhile the crazy blonde woman stood in a calm, eerie silence, caressing her blood stained hammer.


  The woman giggled menacingly and casually backed away from him. Eventually she disappeared into the darkness from whence she came. There was another long and tense drawn out silence. The only sound heard in the cellar was from Jason's heavy breathing and thumping heartbeat. He tried desperately to regain his composure while making darting glances into the blinding darkness, looking for a glimpse or any kind of movement from the psychotic lunatic. But she was nowhere to be seen.

  '...Please…' Jason begged, restraining himself as best he could from freaking out again. '…Talk to me? Why won't you talk to me? Please, tell me what...'

  Before Jason could finish that sentence the woman burst out from the dark shadows beside him this time, in another psychotic rage. Again she jumped aggressively onto his lap and forced the hammer deep and violently into his mouth, but only for a second. Then as quickly as she'd appeared from the darkness she dismounted his lap and backed away once more, almost child like, giggling away into the surrounding shadows. Jason screamed an emotional, terrifying roar of frustration.

  'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? JESUS CHRIST! WHAT IS GOING ON? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME YOU CRAZY FUCKING FUCK.' Jason raged furiously, shaking his head, spitting more blood. He took a deep hard breath. 'Who are you? Who the hell are you? ANSWER ME?'

  But there was no answer from the darkness. An agonisingly long, dragged out silence, engulfed the dark cellar.

  'Where's Haley?' Jason whimpered with tears of pain rolling down his cheeks. 'Where the hell is Haley? What have you done with her you sick crazy FUCK?'

  The silence continued. Jason turned his attention up to the single light dangling above him for a few relieving seconds. He then glanced back out into the shadows again. After what seemed like an eternity, the woman's voice croaked out at him in a mocking tone.

  'Who are you?' Mocked the woman and giggling insanely. Jason peered with a strained glare into the darkness again, looking for a glimpse or even the slightest flicker of her presence. He was anxiously fearing another explosive attack at
any moment.

  From behind Jason the woman's figure slowly emerged from the darkness, creeping up silently from behind. Jason continued glaring anxiously around the black cellar in front of him, just waiting and waiting for the crazy woman to reappear. His breathing became more tense and erratic with every passing second that went by.

  Behind him, the woman was close. Just a few whiskers away from his chair. She raised her hammer in absolute silence, right above her head, ready to strike down at any moment. She paused for a long lingering second. Then finally she swung the hammer down upon Jason's skull. She cracked him so hard across the back of his head with an unhealthy smack, that the blow sent him into another bout unconsciousness.

  CHAPTER twelve

  With no concept of time, Jason remained bound to the large wooden and hideously uncomfortable chair inside the silent, dark and grim cellar. He was gently coming round from his deep state of exhausted unconsciousness after being left alone to recover peacefully from his recent torture.

  Curiously, a faint red glow lit up the entire left side of his face. The nervy silence which smothered the entire cellar was gradually invaded by the delicious crispy crackling of a new fire burning close at hand. After another long silence, the most horrific and hideous cries and screams echoed out from a distant part of the cellar complex that Jason was being held prisoner inside. He struggled in his seat as the agonising cries continued. They sounded like they were coming from a man, but they were so distant and distorted, it was impossible to say for sure. Whatever the hell was happening out there it wasn't good. The screams died down, then stopped all together. Soon all fell quiet again and the exhausted Jason found himself relaxing once more and gently nodding off into another welcomed sleep.

  Jason felt that he'd only drifted off for a few moments when a pouring sound could be heard, like water from a large kettle as it splashed down against the floor. From below Jason, a steamy mist began to form, filling up the surrounding air around him. Gently it rose upwards, engulfing his lower then upper body. Jason stirred in his semi conscious state, rocking his head back and forth.

  'What, What's happening?' Jason mumbled. Still not fully emerged from his sleep. Finally he opened his eyes, anxiously peering downwards through the misty air, desperately trying to glimpse the area where his feet were still nailed to the cellar floor. And just like the last time he'd awoken, an intense pain gripped his entire lower body. Only now it was accompanied by a burning sensation which flowed through his lower legs, like a gigantic tidal wave of fire.

  The woman stood firmly by Jason' side wearing another sinister grin on her face that was still well hidden by the light. She held a large steel kettle in her hands filled to the brim with steaming hot water. Casually she poured the boiling water all over Jason's feet like a keen gardener happily watering her plants

  Jason's senses fully awakened. The realisation of the extreme burning in his feet hit him hard. He howled in agony, desperately struggling with all his might for any way possible out of the solid wooden chair that he was still secured too. Frantically he yanked at his nailed feet upon the cellar floorboards, trying to tear them away from the effects of boiling water. Even ripping his feet apart would be less sufferable than this he raged to himself. But his struggles were useless. His feet were nailed to the floor too deep and too hard. The woman continued to smile with a sinister glee as she watched Jason's futile efforts of escape. Jason howled in excruciating agony as the woman poured the remainder of the kettle water over his lower legs.

  For the first time Jason noticed the far left corner of the dark cellar. A reasonably sized coal fire, the source of the dim red glow, raged and burned while another steel kettle boiled angrily away above it's fiery flames. He tried to calm himself but the burning sensation from the boiling water continued to rage throughout his entire lower body. It was like his feet were basking in a pool of molten lava.

  'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS YOU MAD FUCKING BITCH? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?' raged Jason in a mixture of aggressive and agonising sobs. 'Why the fuck are you doing this to me? WHY?'

  'Why? Why? Why are you doing this? Why?' The crazy woman taunted back at him like some demented, wicked parrot. She let out an evil, hideous cackle as she turned back towards the raging fire and the other kettle bubbling furiously away above it.

  'No. Please…' Jason protested, still sobbing. The woman casually placed the empty first kettle down beside the fireplace and then to Jason's sheer relief, she walked right on past the main fire where the other kettle was boiling and bubbling away. Instead she headed towards a huge white box lying against the far wall. Through the red glowing darkness, the large white box appeared to be some kind of storage freezer. Immediately Jason remembered Haley's dream about the two little girls, down in the cellar, finding the dead babies in the freezer. Could this be the same place she was referring too?

  Jason felt so confused. None of it made any sense. The woman opened the lid and pulled out another large steel kettle, this time full of ice cold water. Casually, she walked back towards Jason again who was still in a mixed state of delirious shock and agony. Then teasingly she poured the ice-cold water over every inch of Jason's scolded, peeled and blistered feet. He scrunched his face, groaning in an almost sadistic pleasure as the ice cold pain relief spread over his lower legs, ankles and feet.

  The woman poured the last few drops of freezing water over Jason and returned back to the raging fireplace. She put the second empty kettle down beside the first. Jason continued to groan in a painful ecstasy while half watching the woman's every move. For the first time the entire grim cellar was within his vision due to the radiant red glow from the burning fire. Jason watched anxiously as the woman walked casually to the opposite side of the cellar, disappearing through a dark, hidden doorway at the end of it.

  Jason peeled his eyes away from the hidden door, returning his attention back to the sinister looking fire. Its beautiful, radiant, evil flames, glowing vibrantly like a welcoming window to hell.

  Abruptly the woman remerged through the doorway, bizarrely pushing what seemed to be at first glance, a sheeted figure sat inside an old rickety wheelchair. The woman parked the wheelchair directly opposite Jason. His facial expression turned to one of both terror and curiosity at the new arrival who had a dirtied old white bed sheet covering its upper body.

  The blonde woman took no time in peeling away the bed sheet, like she were revealing some grizzly grim work of sculptured art for her off stage audience. Instead of a beautiful sculpture though, and to Jason's unrelenting horror, she unveiled a severely disfigured, bloodstained vision of some pathetic, piss poor excuse for a human being. A reflected image and visual reminder of what lay in store for him in the not too distant future perhaps. Jason whimpered, gently shaking his head at the mere thought. His heart froze inside his chest when he discovered something even more shocking. As far as Jason could make out, the disfigured creature in the wheelchair before him... Well it appeared to be in fact a woman. Only because the hideous creature was wearing what remained of a flowery, knee length summer dress, beneath its horrendous stains of blood.

  Even more gruesome, Jason noticed, from the area of her lower thighs and below, the new woman had completely no legs and only one still in-tact arm left upon her entire body. Yet upon this remaining arm her hand bared only three of her five fingers - The one between pinkie and thumb. The other two had been severed off and quite recently too, from just below the knuckles. Jason, mortified and ready to vomit, turned his attention towards the creature's face which better resembled a ghastly mess of splattered road kill. Almost half the skin on the right side, cheeks and lips, had been peeled, carved or chewed off. And through the remaining hole in her cheek, Jason could clearly see that some, but not all of her teeth were missing. Yet most horrifying of all, a large portion of hair was missing from her head, having been completely scalped by something very, very blunt.

  Jason could do nothing but gaze in shear disgust and terror at this poor, pitiful, def
ormed and ghastly sight in front of him. Was this the doomed and grotesque future outcome that lay in wait for him? How could he handle such a torture? He'd rather die, right now, right that very second. Just a quick slice of his throat and have it all done with.

  'What is this?' Jason gawped in a sickly tone. 'What the fuck is this?' he pitifully sobbed. The woman chuckled hideously as she walked back towards the fireplace. She lifted the next boiling kettle filled with steaming hot water from above the roaring fire. Jason's heart skipped a beat when she returned to him and his new companion. Without even a second thought she stood over the hideously bound wheelchair she-freak and poured the entire contents of the roasting kettle all over her face and upper body. The disfigured woman, who hadn't even made a single movement up until that point, stirred violently from her dormant like slumber to let out the most horrendous and heinous, squealing moans. Jason could do little else but turn his head away as he puked all over his shoulder. When he finally glanced back the crazy woman was yawning out sleepily.


  The woman ignored him.


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