Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys

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Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys Page 23

by Cameron, D. H.

  I couldn’t help it and I came with the sexy blonde dancer. Her sweet cries and insistent touch pushed me over the edge. Holy fuck, this was so naughty and exciting. I came as Candy kissed me, her warm tongue exploring my mouth. Her gyrations slowed as she let me finish and then she took my face in her hands and continued to kiss me for a moment.

  “Wow!” was all Sheila said as she stroked my thigh. I realized my hands were holding Candy’s ass for dear life.

  “That was amazing,” Candy said as she broke the kiss, “Thank you so much, Shauna.”

  “No, thank you,” I replied slightly embarrassed but incredibly turned on. Candy smiled, stood up and handed me my bustier. I began to put it on and she helped me dress. Then she kissed me again and then kissed Sheila. Sheila handed the girl a wad of cash and thanked her. Candy kissed Sheila on the cheek, thanked us again and then she was gone. I was too overwhelmed to care. In fact, I wanted to do that again.

  “Can we get another girl?” I wondered. Sheila laughed.

  “Now you see why I like playing with girls sometimes?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Damn!” I replied as I threw on my jacket.

  “I have a better idea,” Sheila said. I saw that familiar look in Sheila’s eye. We were going to get in trouble and probably a lot of it.

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked curious to find out where this might lead.

  “I’d love to give you a lap dance,” Sheila said and then pulled a small bottle of cinnamon whiskey out of her jacket. She unscrewed the top and took a swig, handed it to me and I did the same. I was drunk, or well on my way, horny and feeling kind of sexy. I didn’t know what Sheila had in mind but I wasn’t about to chicken out and turn her down.

  “We need to go,” I told her and bit my lower lip. Yeah, trouble was where we were headed and I was eager to get there. Sheila smiled and we left the VIP room and went downstairs and out of the club. We hailed a cab and Sheila gave the driver Dutch’s, address, I guess my address. The ride was a blur. I was buzzing hard and my pussy was warm and tingling. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but I didn’t care. Besides, Dutch had expressed a desire to see what I think we were about to do.

  Before I knew it, Sheila and I were upstairs in the little apartment Dutch and I shared. I was suddenly scared but it was exhilarating. Still, Sheila must have seen my worry or at least what she took for worry. “Shauna, this is just fun. Dutch won’t mind. Locke definitely won’t mind. I’m not looking to steal you away. I’m horny and I like playing with girls sometimes. I think you do too,” she told me. I wasn’t worried. I was excited to see what my best friend had in mind.

  “Shut up and get naked,” I told her as I began to strip. Sheila’s eyes flared and the next thing I know, we were making out on the bed, drinking the rest of the whiskey and generally being naughty. I remember having several, maybe more than several, orgasms and giving Sheila her fair share too. Sheila never went down on me or I on her. We simply touched one another and rubbed our naked bodies together but it was pretty fantastic and definitely naughty.

  At some point, four in the morning according to the clock, Sheila and I were lying in bed nude and talking. I was on my back and Sheila reclined on her side next to me. She traced patterns on my stomach with her fingers. It was comfortable and intimate. We were friends and enjoying each other’s touch but as Sheila had told me, it was just fun. That’s when Dutch came home.

  Sheila saw him first as he appeared at the top of the stairs and surprised me when she said, “Hi, Dutch.” I followed Sheila’s gaze and for a moment, I panicked. I should have known better than to worry.

  “Hi, daddy,” I said and then added, “You’re home early.”

  “Locke fell asleep and one of the other guys passed out. We decided to call it a night. Thanks for keeping my soon-to-be wife busy, Sheila. Looks like more fun than the bachelor party,” Dutch said plainly with a devilish smile growing on his face.

  “The booze and the strippers got the better of us,” Sheila said. Dutch sat on the bed, leaned over and kissed me.

  “You look a drunk, slutty kind of way,” Dutch said to me.

  “You’re not mad?” I asked. Sheila laughed. Dutch looked at her and then back at me.

  “No, I asked Sheila to do it. She eagerly agreed. Did you think because we were getting married we’d stop getting you into trouble?” he told me. I shook my head. I should have seen it.

  “I’m just scratching the surface here, aren’t I?” I asked them both wondering just how much trouble these two were going to get me in. I couldn’t deny that I hoped it was a lot.

  “Wait until we hit Sturgis,” Sheila said.

  “You’re going with us?” I asked excitedly.

  “Well, Locke and I were going anyway, but yeah,” she replied. I couldn’t wait to see what might happen at that party with Locke and Sheila in tow.

  “Should I leave and let you two get back to whatever it was you were doing?” Dutch asked. I giggled.

  “I think we’re done. Besides, we should get some sleep. Tomorrow night, tonight I guess, is going to be rowdy,” I said.

  “Hey, someone’s got to be responsible around here, right Dutch?” Sheila said.

  “Yeah, maybe I should call her mommy instead of her calling me daddy,” he said. Were they serious? It was almost dawn and they thought I was being a stick in the mud for wanting to get a few hours of sleep?

  “Really? You’re not tired?” I asked them.

  “Yeah, of course we are. We’re just fucking with you,” Sheila said and then asked, “Mind if I stay? I’m too drunk to go home.” Dutch got a big grin on his face.

  “No threesomes on our wedding day,” I said playfully.

  “So someday we can have one?” he asked as he pulled his boots off.

  “Oh my God!” was all I said and he and Sheila laughed at me. Dutch wedged himself between us, still in his jeans and t-shirt, after he turned off the bedside lamp. I curled up next to him and found the whole evening strange but incredibly fun. What was I getting myself into? Something special, I decided. Dutch was already snoring between us as I pondered this exciting new life I was about to dive into. I could barely see Sheila as she turned to me and whispered, “Night, Shauna,” and then winked.

  “Good night, Sheila,” I whispered back and smiled to myself. I wasn’t frightened anymore. Life, like riding behind Dutch on his motorcycle, had gone from scary to exhilarating and suddenly I couldn’t get enough.


  This may not have been how I envisioned my wedding day when I was growing up but I wouldn’t have had it any other way now. Sheila and I were in the ladies room, finishing getting ready. We had teased our hair bigger than usual, wore far too much make up and were helping each other get dressed. Our dresses, maybe costumes was a better term, were complex but sexy as hell. Sheila was in red and I was in white. Each of us had on a lacy bra, panties and garter belt set, stockings with seams up the back and matching lace fingerless gloves that went to our elbows.

  Over that, we secured two leather dresses, mine white and Sheila’s red, that in no way covered our stocking tops or hid our cleavage. The leather high-heeled thigh boots that matched the dresses completed our outfits, but that’s where Sheila took over. She had me draped in shiny chains, wound around my body and locked in place with padlocks. She had a white dog collar around my neck and would lead me out to the main bar on a leash. The judge was in on her plan and would present Dutch the keys to my chains after the ceremony.

  It was all in fun but my parents, especially my mom, were going to die. They were nice enough when I introduced them to Dutch earlier but I could tell they were hesitant and even more put off by the venue. I knew I was going to get a lecture at some point but I hoped Dutch and I could sneak out of the reception before she had the chance to corner me today. On the other hand, Dutch’s mom was a sweet woman, not that my mom wasn’t sweet or my dad wasn’t a good guy, but she was a lot more accepting. She thought the whole id
ea of getting married at The Oasis was a fun idea.

  A knock came at the door and Dutch’s mom, Suzie, poked her head in. “We’re ready if you are. Oh, my goodness, you both look so beautiful. Is that a collar and leash?” she announced.

  “Yeah, like it?” I asked her.

  “This is so much fun,” she replied and then asked, “Should I tell them five minutes?”

  “No, we're ready,” I told her. I was nervous but it was more excitement than trepidation. I was so thrilled to be doing this, so excited to become Mrs. Harold “Dutch” Van Der Burg. I was shaking and felt as if I might explode. We heard the guitars begin to play the Wedding March. It was time to go. “You better be ready to catch me if I pass out,” I told Sheila.

  “You’ll be fine, Shauna,” she told me and then we hugged. After a moment, we parted and she tugged my leash. “Let’s go freak your mom out,” Sheila said. I laughed and it took the edge off slightly but I was still shaking.

  “I need a drink,” I said. Sheila smiled and out we went. The live band paused and then began the Wedding March again as I appeared out of the hallway. This time they played louder and with much more feeling. Sheila nodded at me and began to walk down the narrow isle created by our guests. The bar smelled of whisky and leather. I loved it.

  Dutch and Locke were both in full leathers, their boots polished and both in black t-shirts and leather vests covered in embroidered patches. I was almost disappointed Dutch didn’t have a half-naked woman on his t-shirt but later I found out he did. She was on the back. The judge, a fellow biker, was dressed in a similar fashion, but he wore a white button down with a bow tie under his leather vest.

  Dutch grinned as I followed Sheila and he saw the leash. Locke’s eyes went big and he began to laugh. The guests murmured and cameras flashed off around us. My mom closed her eyes and shook her head. For some reason that made me smile. As we approached Dutch at the makeshift altar, a folding table with a red and white checkered tablecloth, Sheila handed the leash to my surprised father. He took it after a moment but he looked a little uncomfortable. I smiled at him as we took our places.

  “It’s all in fun, dad,” I said.

  “OK, you look beautiful. Strange, but beautiful,” he said.

  “Thanks!” I replied and then hugged him. The judge cleared his throat as we parted.

  “Dearly beloved...,” he started off. I didn’t hear half of it. I clearly remember the judge asking who was giving me away and my dad replying before awkwardly handing the leash to Dutch. I took my place next to my soon-to-be husband and don’t remember much else beyond exchanging rings and saying, “I do.” It was a blur but a pleasant blur.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the judge said and then handed Dutch the key, “You may kiss and then unlock your bride.” Dutch laughed and I giggled. Sheila was crying and I think Locke shed a tear too. Dutch kissed me and brought me out of the blissful haze. Was I really married? Oh my God, this was not what I had dreamed of as a girl but it was still perfect. The judge asked us to face the crowd.

  “I’m thrilled to present Dutch and his old lady, Shauna,” the judge said loudly and the guests cheered. My mom was shaking her head again but my dad seemed to be getting into the spirit of things. He hugged me and my mom followed his lead though she seemed distant. Whatever. I wasn’t living my life to please Becky anymore and I wasn’t going to worry about pleasing my mom either. She’d have to get over it. Besides, we were just having fun.

  We drank, ate barbeque and danced. I even got Dutch to dance with me, though he was awkward at best. My dad danced with me and he told me my mom was happy for me but was having a hard time showing it. I guess I knew that but what was the big deal? On the other hand, Dutch’s mom, Suzie, was much more relaxed. She danced with anyone and everyone, including me and several leather-clad bikers.

  “I wish Dutch’s dad could have been here,” I told her as we danced.

  “He is. In spirit. He was always proud of Dutch and he would have loved you,” she said. I hugged Suzie.

  “Thank you. If only my mom was as accepting,” I said.

  “Don’t worry, after you and Dutch leave, I’ll work on her,” Suzie told me.

  “You have fun with that,” I replied and we both laughed. We passed on much of the traditional reception activities preferring to just hang out, drink, eat and dance. Everyone was having fun but this was for the guests. Dutch and I had our own celebration planned. We were just going home but I felt like Dutch had some kind of surprise for me.

  “You might want to go soon. You should warn your mom too,” Sheila said.

  “Body shots?” I stated as much as asked.

  “At the least. I don’t want you getting too drunk at your own reception. Dutch has plans for you,” Sheila told me. I wanted to do it all, stay and get drunk, do body shots, whatever, but I also was eager to be alone with my new husband. I could party with our friends anytime. I was also curious about what Dutch had planned.

  “What do you know about it?” I asked suspiciously. After her little surprise last night on Dutch’s behalf who knew what Dutch had planned and what part Sheila had in it.

  “Nothing, I swear,” she said but I wasn’t sure she was being genuine. It didn’t matter. Sheila was my best friend besides Dutch.

  “I am anxious to be alone with my husband...God, I love saying that,” I told Sheila.

  “You go gather him up and I’ll let everyone know you’re out of here,” Sheila said and then reminded me, “And warn your mom. I don’t want her death from shock on my hands.” I smiled and did as she said. I told my mom and dad that things were likely to get rowdy and I was leaving anyway and then I grabbed Dutch.

  “It’s time, daddy,” I told Dutch as he was talking with a few buddies.

  “I’d love to stay and talk, but...,” Dutch told his friends. They nodded knowingly and before we left them, Dutch introduced me, as if I’d remember all the people I’d met at the reception. They wished us well and then we made ready to leave. There were seemingly a million people to hug on the way out but finally Dutch and I made it outside and to his waiting Chevelle. It was too cold to ride the bike, well for me anyway.

  The guests showered us with birdseed as we dashed to the car and before I knew it, we were on the highway. My new husband and I were alone. Dutch reached over and took my hand, something he couldn’t do on his Softail. I missed holding on to him as we rode and the wind in my face, but in my wedding outfit I would have frozen to death.

  “Mrs. Van Der Burg,” Dutch said.

  “I like that. I’m so happy, Dutch. Thank you for not giving up on me,” I said.

  “That would be impossible. I couldn’t if I wanted to. You’re everything to me. You’ve made me complete,” Dutch said. I tried really hard not to cry, especially with the heavy makeup I was wearing.

  “I love you, Mr. Van Der Burg,” I replied unable to say much more.

  “I love you too, Shauna,” he said and squeezed my hand. We drove the rest of the way home and when we got there, Dutch insisted on carrying me over his threshold. I wanted to stop him, but I resisted the urge. I wasn’t that big and he was more than strong enough. Inside the office, he set me down and took my hand. He led me through the office but instead of taking me upstairs, he turned towards the shop. “I need to show you something,” he told me.

  “What?” I asked excitedly. Dutch led me into the shop and flipped on the lights. There sat a bike I’d never seen before. I managed the shop now and I knew what bikes we had in the shop. “What is that?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Your wedding gift,” Dutch told me.

  “ did you...where did it come from?” I stammered.

  “I’ve been stashing the parts at Locke and Sheila’s place for the last few weeks as they came in. The bachelor party was more of a build party. Sheila kept you plenty busy so we could build it and bring it over here this morning,” Dutch said.

  “So, that's what you meant when you said she was keeping
me busy last night?” I asked.

  “You liked it didn’t you?” Dutch replied.

  “Um...yeah...a lot,” I said and then went to the bike, “It’s beautiful!” I walked around the motorcycle admiring the craftsmanship and all the hard work. It was a Softail like Dutch’s bike but I could see the motor wasn’t as big. In fact, the whole bike was smaller like Sheila’s was. The gas and oil tanks were a sparkling purple with pink pin striping. The frame was a deep purple, the bike was covered in chrome parts and the seat was rich brown leather with exquisite stitching including my name. In short, it was a work of art.

  “Thank you, you’re so sweet. You really stayed up all night building this?” I asked and Dutch nodded. I climbed on the bike and it felt perfect. “But I don’t know how to ride,” I said.

  “We’ll teach you,” Dutch said and came to me. I threw my leg over the gas tank and sat sidesaddle. Dutch knelt after pulling the key to my chains from his jeans and unlocked me. I could have easily slipped out of the small chains, but that wasn’t the point. Dutch set the padlocks aside and then unchained me. “You don’t have a chastity belt under there do you?” he teased as he set the chains on the ground.


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