Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1)

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Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1) Page 6

by Toppen, Melissa

As much as I don't want to go to Serendipity's, I also don't want my very best friend and roommate making another bad decision and then beating herself up for it for days after. I hit the cash out button on my machine and collect the ticket from the machine. Considering I played the same machine for two hours on twenty dollars and am walking away with almost two hundred, I would say I had a pretty successful first trip to the casino.

  Sam cashes out his machine too and the four of us head to the escalators. Just a quick visit. Get in, find Kristina, get out. How hard could it be?

  Chapter Nine

  Given the line that is waiting outside of Serendipity, I would say there is about a two hour wait. Deciding to just explain the situation to the bouncer in hopes that he will just let us in to find our friend, I head over to where a giant man with dark skin and even darker hair is standing next to the rope that chains off the entry.

  “We just need to find our friend. Can I just run in for a minute?” I ask the rather intimidating looking man.

  “No can do.” He huffs in a deep baritone voice. “Back of the line.” I falter, not having really expected to just be told no.

  “It's okay Dave, she's with me.” I hear the familiar rasp come from behind me. You have got to be kidding me. I turn to glance at Liam who doesn't look at me and then back to the bouncer who simply nods his head and unlatches the rope gesturing for us to enter.

  I nod in Liam's direction not saying anything and then gesture for Dana and the others to follow me in. Once inside I lose sight of Liam instantly. I have no idea where he went and the sea of people crowding the establishment make it impossible to look very far. Deciding to find Kristina and get the hell out of here, I make my way towards the dance floor.

  “We're gonna grab a drink.” Dana yells behind me over the roaring music. I turn to protest but she's already headed in the direction of the bar and that is one place I certainly must avoid.

  I push forward onto the crowded dance floor and proceed to search for Kristina. She's in a tight red mini and should be easy to find, or at least that was my original thought until I realize just how many women in here are dressed in very similar attire. I excuse my way through the couples pressed tightly together and continue my search but once I reach the stage area where the D.J. Is set up I have all but given up hope.

  I turn and head back in the direction of the table area but just as I reach the end of the dance floor my feet quit working. Perched on a stool not three feet in front of me is Grayson and his new girlfriend. Could this day get any worse? I mean seriously the heavens must really have it out for me. How much can one girl take?

  Hoping to catch a break, I turn to the right, praying he doesn't spot me. Just as I think I'm in the clear, his voice rings out clear. “Addison?” His tone is questioning and once again my feet stop working. I stand rooted to the spot. I can feel him behind me but I can't force myself to turn around. I have to face him, I know I do, but right now I can't help but feel like it would be easier to not.

  “Addison.” His voice is more commanding this time. Old habits die hard and I find myself turning to face him without really intending to.

  “Grayson, what a surprise.” I try to play it cool but I can't disguise the disgust in my voice.

  “Hey, about earlier...” I cut him off without hesitation, something I would have never done before.

  “Just stop. I don't want to talk to you Grayson, really, if after everything we have been through the only thing you care about is whether or not you have all your possessions in tact then I really have nothing more to say to you.” I bite out feeling confident and ready to stand my ground.

  After years of just sucking it up and keeping my mouth shut, I am done. I am done letting people walk all over me and I most certainly am done dealing with the bull shit that Grayson brings to the table.

  He takes a step back, clearly surprised by my outburst. Just when I think he's really about to give it to me, his girlfriend saves the day, approaching quietly to stand by his side. He glances down to her, his face riddled with unease.

  “I'm Addison.” I say stretching my hand out to take hers. To my surprise she lifts her hand to meet mine and gives it a weak clammy shake.

  “Katie.” She replies weakly looking to Grayson for some sort of explanation. That's when it hits me, she has no idea who I am. I burst out into a fit of laughter, unable to contain myself with all the emotion and alcohol running through me.

  “You didn't tell her about me?” I question Grayson not missing the warning in his eyes. “Priceless.”

  If the bar wasn't so loud and it wasn't so hard to hear I would give her all the dirt here and now but knowing my limits and knowing that none of this is her fault I decide to back down. I have done enough to raise some questions that good ole Grayson will have to answer for later.

  I give Grayson a devilish smile and with a dramatic spin and hair flip, I stomp off to the bar. It feels good to be the one whose walking away. I realize quickly that Dana, Charlie, and Sam are no where to be found so I turn back and scan the table area hoping to catch sight of them.

  “They are all on the dance floor.” Liam says behind me, causing me to jump.

  “My god you're everywhere aren't you?” I say turning to give him an award winning smile. If I can't beat them might as well join them and have a little fun in the process. Knowing I will regret it but not caring at this moment, I grab his hand and without a word drag him to the dance floor.

  I spot the girls almost instantly and can't help the smile that crosses my face at the sight of Kristina and Sam getting pretty freaky on the dance floor. Kristina has had a crush on Sam for a while now. Maybe tonight she will finally get to make her move.

  I stop, turning to face Liam who is staring at me with both amusement and confusion. I pull him in close and move my body against his. It's a seductive tease that makes me fully aware that I am walking a thin line. He wastes no time wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me even tighter to his hard muscular body. We don't talk, for the entirety of the song we simply lose ourselves in the moment.

  His hands travel up my sides and back down to rest on my hips causing my body to involuntarily jerk. Another reaction that I know he hasn't missed. As the song winds down to something a little slower and more seductive, Liam leans down to speak.

  “You are driving me absolutely mad woman.” He hisses in my ear causing my lower belly to clench something fierce. He pulls back to stare into my eyes. The same undeniable pull and tension returns from earlier today. In this moment everyone else seems to melt away until the only two people that remain are us.

  I relish in the moment, even if I know it can't last, I just want to enjoy what it feels like to be here with him like this. He lowers his face slowly, so slowly that I feel like I might burst apart from the anticipation. Deciding not to let him have all the power, I push to my tip toes and meet him half way, crushing my lips to his, everything around me falling silent.

  He consumes me instantly. My body, in flames, burning deep in my belly and spreading throughout the rest of me. This is bad, so bad, and yet it is so very good. So good in fact that I think I could stay this way forever.

  He parts his lips and I follow allowing his tongue access to my mouth. We continue our sweet seductive dance with our tongues, consuming each other, and assuming by the erection pressing firmly into my belly, both of us wanting more.

  I am so lost in the moment that I forget about the people surrounding us. My friends who I am sure are getting quite a show, poor Sam who is probably seething mad, and then of course there's Grayson, someone I am sure I would have forgotten about if it wasn't his voice that breaks my blissful moment with an earsplitting roar.

  “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” He screams. The kiss ends in an instant and suddenly reality comes crashing back. I look to Liam and then to the raging beast that is Grayson standing directly beside us.

  “Last time I checked it's none of your business.” I scream back pushing
my way out of Liam's arms. He lets me go but stands protectively close, his eyes not leaving Grayson.

  “I always knew you were a little whore. You are embarrassing yourself Addison, go home.”

  “Fuck you.” I spit not missing the shock that is written all over Grayson's face.

  “Excuse me?” He sputters out.

  “Do you need me to repeat it... FUCK YOU!” I scream again only this time it carries and it is clear that our little display is drawing quite a crowd but I don't care.

  “You little bitch.” He screams back at me. His temper is boiling over and I know that once it does, I stand no chance against him.

  Liam instantly pushes me back and stands in front of me, shielding me from the verbal attack that I know is coming. The next set of events happen so quickly I can't process them until it's all already happened.

  One minute Liam is in front of me, the next his fist collides with Grayson's face, knocking him clean off his feet to where he now sitting on the floor, blood spouting from his nose. The big dark bouncer appears within seconds giving Liam a nod before grabbing Grayson under the arms, hoisting him to his feet and promptly escorting him from the bar.

  Liam turns to face me, his face riddled with worry. “Are you okay?” He asks, placing his hands on both sides of my face and studying me intently.

  “I'm fine.” I bark, not losing my aggression from my show down with Grayson. “I'm sorry, I have to go.” I stutter out, pushing his hands away from me, I take off in a full sprint out of the bar. I reach the exit but don't stop there. I keep up my pace until I exit the casino and am standing outside breathing in the cool night air.

  How did I let it go this far? I should have left the moment I saw Grayson. I should have never danced with Liam. This is all my fault. I have made such a mess of things and what's worse, I am making the wrong people pay the price.

  I don't feel like waiting for the others and luckily am able to hail a cab before any of them emerge from the Casino. I slide into the back seat and give the driver my address without even looking in his direction. Once the car sets off down the strip, I stare out the window and watch the night life of Vegas pass around me.

  My fingers reach up to trail my lips where the fire still burns the deepest. I should have never let myself give in to Liam. Now that I have tasted him, it will be that much more impossible to stay away from him. I can't let myself get involved with him, deep down I just know it will turn out badly in the end. “He's not for you Addison, he's not for you.” I whisper to myself.

  Grayson had the power to hurt me, Liam will no doubt have the power to shatter me to pieces. I would never survive a break that severe, not when I already feel so drawn to him. Where will I be if I actually let myself give in to the temptation of being consumed by a man so gorgeous the sight of him makes my belly ache and causes every nerve to stand to attention? Every touch makes my skin burn, every smile makes me melt. He holds so much power over me already.

  One thing is certain. I can't let something like what happened tonight happen again. If I do, I'm afraid that I will never recover.

  Chapter Ten

  I spent Sunday holed up in my room and Monday diving head first into the Bella Vita project which is proving to be even more work than I had originally anticipated. Kristina has drilled me about Liam every second we have alone but I have managed to dodge giving her a real answer up to this point.

  I worked well into the night last night and so far Tuesday seems to hold the same fate for me. There's no way two people could have handled this project. The work load I have taken on alone is enough to make someone crazy. No matter how hard I know the next few weeks will be, I still could not be happier about being given this opportunity and I sure as hell am not going to waste it.

  I am over my head in projection sheets when a small voice pulls me from my work. “Addison.” I look up to see Michelle standing directly in front of my desk, a huge bouquet of Gardenias in her hands.

  “Is there a card?” I ask not really expecting one and honestly a bit pissed off that whoever sent the flowers the first time had the nerve to send them again.

  “There is.” She says in a weak voice causing me to give her more attention than I normally would. Her eyes are swollen and her normally tight pony is a knotted mess of auburn curls.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, feeling suddenly very guilty that I didn't notice her appearance first thing.

  “I'm fine. Men.” She sighs loudly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen from her pony tail.

  “Do you need to talk about it?” I ask, mostly because I feel awful for her but also because I know what it's like to have men troubles.

  “No, it's nothing.” She blows me off, leaning over to sit the flowers that are displayed in a large crystal vase on my desk. Without another word she walks away, leaving me more than a little curious about what exactly is going on with her and her so called men troubles.

  Remembering the flowers, I twist in my chair and grab the card from the bouquet. Yet again there is no indication of who they are from. Just two words,

  Forgive me

  My stomach twists in knots. I was so sure the last time that they weren't from Grayson but now I am not so sure. I mean it makes sense right? We get into a huge fight and then two days later I get a bouquet of flowers with the message, forgive me, in the card.

  I waste no time gathering up the flowers and dropping them in the trash can next to my desk. I brush off my hands feeling quite proud of myself and resume my place in front of my computer.

  The next few hours fly by and before I know it I am well into the evening. My stomach grumbles loudly and I realize I have not eaten since my bagel this morning. As much as I want to keep going I know that I am no good to anyone if I work myself to death. I decide to call it a night and turn my attention back to my computer to save the documents I was working on.

  I power off my computer and grab my purse from the back of my desk. I realize very quickly that I am the only person still here. An uneasy feeling sets in and I quickly make my way to the elevator. I can't help glancing around making one hundred percent certain that I am in fact alone. There is something so eery about being here this late especially without the normal hustle and bustle that is usually going on around me.

  The elevator pings and the doors slide open. For a moment I think that I am hallucinating and that Liam standing in front of me is a figment of my imagination but I soon realize that he is in fact here and not only that but he seems oddly hesitant.

  “What, what are you doing here?” I manage to choke out through my confusion. He steps to the side and gestures for me to get in. I step inside and push my back against the far wall of the elevator, determined to keep as much distance between us as possible.

  He waits for the doors to close before he turns back to me and speaks. “I wanted to apologize for the other night. I know it was out of line for me to get involved but I don't for one second, regret punching that jackass in the face.” He says on a smirk as if remembering the moment.

  “It's fine really.” I reassure him. I shake my head as if trying to shake myself into reality. Is this really happening? Is he really here?

  “Anyways, I was hoping that I could take you to dinner.” He says catching me off guard. I look up to meet his eyes and instantly all air leaves my body. What is it about this man that completely consumes every ounce of me in his presence?

  “I already ate.” I lie. Even though I am starving, the last thing I need right now is to let whatever this is go any further.

  “How about tomorrow?” He asks as the elevator reaches the bottom floor and the doors slide open.

  “Sorry I can't, busy.” I say squeezing past him to escape the small confines of the elevator. He quickly follows.

  “Thursday?” He asks, and this time I catch the laughter in his voice. I spin around to find him staring at me, humor all over his face. “Let me guess, you're busy.” He says taking two long strides forward until he is
standing directly in front of me. I nod, unable to speak. He reaches out and slowly traces down my jawline with the back of his hand causing my entire body to tense.

  “Fine, Friday.” He says, his hand now traveling down my arm at a tortuously slow pace. When he reaches my hand, he slowly circles my knuckles with his thumb. It's seductive and even though it's such an innocent act, I can't help but feel like he knows exactly what he's doing to me.

  I jerk my hand away. “I'm sorry, I just can't.” I say backing away. He grips my hand tightly eliminating my ability to walk away. I look from his hand to his face and see that the playfulness is now gone.

  “One dinner Addison, that's all I'm asking.” He says almost pleading. My heart kicks into overdrive. “If you never want to see me again after that then that's fine. But please, don't deny me the chance to know you.” He releases my hand and makes his way towards the exit. I stand there for a moment completely confused. He's just going to walk away, just like that?

  “I will see you Friday.” He says turning to give me a wink before exiting the revolving doors, leaving me no chance to protest.

  What the hell was that? I quickly exit Strike Tower and immediately scan the side walk for any sign that Liam is still near by. There are only a handful of people that I can see and none of them are him. He played that just right and I know without a doubt that was his intention all along. He knew I would refuse so he ended it without letting me do so.

  I pull out my cell phone and quickly check my messages as I make my way to the parking garage. There is one from my mom, a couple from Dana asking how the project was going, and then one from a number that I don't recognize.

  I click the message open just as I reach my car and then instantly freeze.

  Seven O'clock- I'll pick you up in the lobby.

  I instantly look around, half expecting him to walk out of the shadows with another surprise appearance. What is with this man? He seems to be everywhere I am. And how did he get my cell phone number? As much as I want to ignore the message, I can't do it. I climb into Moesha, start her up, and snap my seat belt in place before turning my attention back to my phone.


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