Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1)

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Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1) Page 11

by Toppen, Melissa

  “Hoover dam!” I say from behind him as he kills the engine of the bike. This time I don't wait for him to help me. I slide to one side and lift my leg over the back, carefully stepping to the ground.

  I pull the helmet off and take a few steps forward taking in the scenery from afar. I have always wanted to come here, did he know this? I don't hear him approach from behind me until his arms slide around my waist and pull my backside firmly into his front. “You ready?” He breathes in my ear causing the uncontrollable ache in my belly to return full force. I nod unable to form words at the moment.

  We stand at the top of the dam talking for a good hour. He tells me all about the history of the dam. How it was built under President Roosevelt and named after President Hoover. I can't help but find myself staring at him in complete amazement. I don't know why but I never expected him to be so educated. Now not only do I find myself in awe of his appearance but of his mind as well.

  By the time we make our way back to our parking spot, the sun has begun to set. A sadness sweeps through me that the day will be over before too long. As if sensing my sadness, Liam turns to face me before I can get my helmet on. He reaches out trailing the back of his hand down my cheek.

  “This has been one of the best days of my life.” He says, his eyes burning into mine.

  “Me too.” I get out weakly. Truth is, I don't ever remember having this much fun. He didn't need to take me anywhere extravagant or buy me nice things. With him it is all about just being near him, laughing with him. He said he would change my mind about him and he was right.

  When his lips meet mine it only seals my fate. They brush so gently across mine, his tongue doing long sweet sweeps through my mouth. I cling to him with everything I have. Maybe my fear wasn't that he would hurt me. Maybe my fear was that I would fall for him so hard that being hurt would be an inevitable part of the process.

  Only yesterday I thought of him as a heartless player. A man out for only one thing. Now I see no signs of the man I thought he was. Sure, he's smooth and quick on his feet and I have no doubt has been with his fair share of women. But there is a genuineness about him. I have no reason to trust him but I do, down to my core. I trust him when he says he won't hurt me. Maybe that will turn out to be my biggest regret, but for now I have no choice but to embrace it, because walking away from him now would never be an option.

  Chapter Seventeen

  By the time we re-enter the city, the sky is black. The drive back was peaceful and I found myself wishing it had taken us longer. The city is ablaze with the lights and sounds that is only Las Vegas. Liam pulls into a parking garage and follows the curves around to the top before pulling into a spot.

  Once I am off the bike I check my cell for the time. “It's after ten.” I say not able to keep the sadness from my voice.

  “Well then that means I have less than two hours. Come.” He says reaching his hand out to take mine. There is an excitement to his walk, like he can't wait to show me what he has in store for me next.

  I walk with him in silence, turning when he turns, letting him lead the way. We take the elevator down to the ground floor and then make our way across the parking garage to another elevator that reads Service across the front.

  The doors slide open the moment we approach and I hesitantly step inside. The elevator begins to climb but I have no idea what will be on the other side of the doors when they open. Honestly I don't much care where we go, as long as I am with him.

  The doors slide open revealing a short bald man in navy coveralls. “Mr. Mason, so good to see you, right this way.” He says leading us down a short hallway to another set of elevators.

  “Thank you for doing this Carl, it means a lot.” Liam says to the man. I look at him questioningly but he just gives me a sweet smile and faces forward.

  “Of course Mr. Mason. It's no trouble at all.” The older gentleman says leading us into the next elevator, scanning his badge before hitting the button at the top of the pad. Once again I find myself traveling upwards to an unknown destination.

  Liam gives my hand a light squeeze and I glance up to see him staring at me, an excited smile plastered across his ruggedly handsome face. I notice a dark line of stubble across his jawline and can't help but think he'd be even sexier if he didn't shave for a couple of days. Even sexier? As if that would even be possible.

  When the doors slide open all I can see is sky. Liam ushers me from the elevator. The further out I step the more I can see. It doesn't take me long to realize that we are on the Eiffel Tower. I step to the rail and let the lights of Las Vegas take me in. The city is absolutely breathtaking from up here.

  “We won't be long Carl. Say an hour?” Liam says.

  “No problem at all, I will send the elevator back up for you.” Carl says just as the doors close, him still inside.

  Liam turns to face me, the playfulness that once covered his face now no where in sight. His eyes burn into mine and I can feel my stomach clench under his stare. I turn back around to face the city, needing a moment to collect myself.

  He steps behind me and slides his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. “How did you arrange this? The tower closes at eight doesn't it?” I question him, my eyes not leaving the beauty of the city at our feet.

  “I called in a favor. My uncle had a lot of connections throughout the city. There are a few that I can still call on from time to time.” He says lifting his chin from my shoulder and resting his head against mine.

  The bliss that I feel in this moment is like something from a fairy tale. A prince laying the world out at his princesses feet. A hope to win her heart and take her away from her awful existence to live happily ever after in his palace.

  While life is no where near a fairy tale, it feels good to know that moments like this can exist. Moments that render you speechless and take your breath away. Liam has done that for me. In just a few short weeks he has taken the world I thought I knew and completely molded it into a world where nothing and no one exist except for him and I.

  He turns his head inwards trailing light kisses down the side of my neck. The fire I feel beneath his touch radiates through my entire body. I turn to face him, my arms stretching up to wrap around his neck. I don't hesitate, pulling his face down to meet mine, I gently press my lips to his. He deepens the kiss, plunging his tongue into my mouth with less gentleness and more urgency than before.

  My body instinctively responds, melting into the kiss, going limp in his arms. He pulls me tightly around the waist, securing my body to his. I can feel the hardness of his muscles, his pulsing erection digging into my stomach. He breaks away from my mouth trailing kisses down my face to my neck, leaving a trail of fire in his path. His hands slide to the hem of my shirt and I lift my arms to help him remove the article of clothing.

  He tosses it to the floor next to us before rejoining our lips, his hands traveling across my bare torso, my covered breasts, and eventually making his way to the button of my jeans. My breath hitches as he pops them open and slowly slides the zipper downward.

  His hand slides under the material, lightly caressing the top of my pubic bone with his finger tips. A quiet moan escapes my lips as the raging fire inside me engulfs everything there is until the only thing left is want and need.

  He withdraws his hand to work my jeans over my hips and allows them to fall to my feet. I instinctively step out of them, kicking them to the side. As I stand here in nothing but my matching pale pink bra and panties, I pay no attention to the fact that I am almost completely naked above a city of millions of people. I'm safe here, I know that Liam probably took every precaution to ensure we were not interrupted again.

  Which means he would have planned for this to happen, or he was at least hoping it would. That thought alone causes my heart to pick up speed. There is no way to describe what it feels like to be wanted by a man like Liam. His very presence is enough to scramble my brain, what he does to my body is a completely different story.
  I can feel every breath, every light brush of his finger tips, my entire body hyper aware and to the point of exploding into a trillion pieces. He pulls my right breast out from my bra and lowers his mouth to it. The minute the warmth of his tongue rolls over my nipple, I know that I am past the point of no return. I barely register that he has removed his shirt and with no coaxing from him, I make fast work of removing his pants.

  A low growl escapes his throat as he takes my mouth once more, backing me against the metal that separates us from a four hundred feet drop to the earth. His kisses become more urgent, his touch riddled with need. But he doesn't lose his gentleness.

  Breaking away from my mouth, he scoops me up into his arms and gently lays me on the hard floor. The cold metal feels like ice against my burning skin. The contrast in temperatures only making my body that more sensitive to Liam's hands as he slowly removes the last of my clothing.

  I'm lying on a cold metal floor, hundreds of feet in the sky, my entire body bared to the man that I am so willingly giving myself to. I want this, I want him. He pushes himself to his feet, now standing in nothing but black boxer briefs, his eyes trailing the length of my body.

  This gives me the first look at his body and while I knew he had a nice body, nothing would have prepared me for the god like physique standing before me. His chest muscular and rounded, his abs cut and tight, a perfect V leading to where his boxers still cover from my eyes.

  He hitches his thumbs into the band of his boxers and pulls them off, kicking them to the side. His entire body now in perfect view. I blush when I meet his eyes. The way they sparkle in knowing. I do another take at his body as he lowers himself to me. Not missing his enormous male region and the nervousness that bubbles in my stomach at the sight of him.

  He rests his body against mine, his hips snugly between my thighs, his weight supported on his hands that are on either side of my head. He lowers his face so slowly to mine. “I want you so bad it hurts.” He says rubbing his erection between my thighs. “As much as I want to throw you up against a wall and take you hard and fast, I don't want you for one second to feel like you are just another girl. You're different than the others and I want you to feel that.” He says, his eyes burning into mine.

  I reach up and pull his lips back down to mine. Any reservations I had, any insecurities have just been washed away. I don't feel like just another notch in his bed post. Right now, in this moment, I feel treasured, I feel adored, and most importantly I feel like I matter.

  I nudge my bottom up, urging him forward, afraid that if I don't feel him in me right now, my body is going to shred from the anticipation. Without breaking away from my lips he positions his hips so that his erection is toying with my entrance. I buck forward, my patience at a breaking point.

  He breaks away from my mouth, his breathing ragged. I can tell he's fighting to maintain control. The second his eyes meet mine, I feel him begin to gently enter me. I involuntarily gasp as I am stretched beyond full. I have never felt anything like it before, like he is touching every inch of me from the inside.

  His movements are slow and controlled as he begins a slow steady rhythm, my body instinctively rising and falling to meet each plunge. His kisses are everywhere. My lips, my face, my neck, my hair. This isn't just sex, this is passion. Something I am sad to say that I have never experienced before.

  It was never like this with Grayson. I never felt the power behind it, or the build that is gradually growing inside of me. Liam gives another growl low in his throat. “You feel so amazing.” He pants, only bringing me closer. “I can't go much longer.”

  “Me too.” I breathe out. “I'm on birth control.” I reassure him so that he knows that he doesn't have to stop. Maybe it's foolish of me to let him come inside of me with no protection but for whatever reason, I trust him. I trust that he wouldn't go through with it if I had anything to worry about. Maybe that's my first mistake but right now I am too overtaken with pleasure to talk myself into being rational. I just want him, all of him.

  He nips at the flesh of my neck, his urgency becoming stronger. I know he's getting close. I dig my nails into his shoulders, securing my body as closely as possible to his, wanting to feel every inch of him. I can feel the build and this time it doesn't stop. It's the most incredible thing I have ever felt. Like a massive explosion of pleasure.

  “Liam.” I cry out as my orgasm rips through me like a tidal wave. I shake and quiver under him as I ride out the pleasure pulsating through my body. I can feel his body tense over me. He crashes his lips to mine in a rough demanding way. I accept his kiss, returning it just as forcefully as he moans out on his release.

  His movements ease and slow until he stops completely, his hard, sweaty body collapsing on mine. I can feel his heartbeat through his chest. His rapid breathing slowly returning to normal. He shifts to my side, removing his weight from me, and then leans in placing a slow sensual kiss to my lips which now feel swollen from his assault. I love the feeling.

  “Did I hurt you?” He breathes against my mouth before placing another small kiss to my bottom lip. I shake my head, running my hands slowly through the back of his hair. He plants a small playful kiss to the tip of my nose before pulling himself up off of the cold metal floor. He reaches his hands down to me and I take them, allowing him to pull me to my feet. He collects my clothing from the floor and slowly dresses me, kissing every part of my body as he covers it.

  The elevator pings open behind us and I realize that our hour must be up. “I wish I could stay up here with you forever.” He says, pulling on his jeans and shirt.

  “Can we stay up here, just for another minute?” I ask turning away from him to peer out over the city. In the after glow of the best experience of my life, I just want to stay in this bubble with him, just for another moment.

  “Of course.” He says stepping behind me to wrap his arms around my chest. He kisses the top of my head and peers out over the city with me. “It really is breathtaking, isn't it?”

  “It is.” I agree, running my hand along his forearm. I take one last look out at the beautiful lights and then turn to face Liam. “Is it always like this?” I ask hoping he understands what I am asking without having to actually say it.

  “No.” He breathes against my lips. “You, this, is unlike anything I have ever experienced.” He whispers before gently taking my mouth with his.

  I melt into his kiss once more reeling in the thought that maybe just maybe I wasn't just a quest for him, a game he was determined to win. Maybe I am more. It also warms me that he understood my intent with the question. I was wondering if sex was always this amazing because it was never like this with Grayson. He told me what I needed to hear, that no it isn't always like this and that what we have is somehow more meaningful and more passionate than the average. I just hope that he's not just saying that for my benefit.

  I know my inexperience, in the sense that I have only been with one man, well until now anyways. I would be lying if I said that a good part of my reservations were not because I worried I simply would not be good enough for him. That worry faded the moment his lips met mine. I could see the want in his eyes, feel the passion in his kiss, the love in his embrace.

  He wanted me as much as I wanted him and the chemistry we share is indescribable. No matter what happens from here I know that nothing will keep me from being with this man. If he will have me, I am his.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I wake the next morning with a start. Memories of the night before come flooding back like a tidal wave. My day with Liam, the Eiffel Tower, the way he kissed me before we parted as if he was fearful he would never see me again. It's all so much to take in and yet I want it and so very much more.

  I take my time getting ready for the day. With no real plans I shower and dress in a pair of Kristina's yoga paints and a pale pink t-shirt. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and am surprised to find Kristina already awake. Her tall, lean frame pressed against the k
itchen counter, a cup of coffee in her hands.

  “Well good morning.” She chimes when she sees me enter.

  “Don't good morning me.” I snap out playfully. “Thanks to you I had to spend my entire Saturday with the man of my dreams.” I smile widely at the last part.

  She catches it immediately, a squeal coming for her lips as she sits her coffee mug on the counter and skips happily to where I am standing just three feet away. “I knew it, I knew it!” She sings, pulling me in for hug. “So you had fun then?” She asks dropping her hold of me.

  “Fun doesn't even begin to describe it.” I say, the smile on my face growing wider.

  “Oh no, you didn't.” She fakes mockery. “You slept with him. You did, didn't you?”

  “If you mean had the most intense passionate sex of my life on top of the Eiffel Tower, than yes, I guess I did.” I joke watching her eyes widen with my confession.

  “The Eiffel Tower? How in the hell did you manage that?” She gasps in complete jealousy.

  “Not really sure. Someone Liam knows. They let us up after it was closed. Oh Kristina, it was like a fairy tale.” I say dreamily, for a moment losing myself to the memory.

  “Let's go grab some breakfast. We have no food and I want to hear every dirty detail.” She laughs, dumping her coffee into the sink and grabbing her purse. I follow, slipping on my tennis shoes before we exit.

  I spend the rest of the morning tucked away in a little family diner called Mimi's Cafe filling Kristina in on everything that took place yesterday. She was so excited for me she could barely contain herself and I have to admit it felt really good to have a girlfriend to share these kinds of things with.

  By the time we exit, it's late morning. The sun is scorching and I immediately wish I had gone with shorts instead of pants. Kristina and I say our goodbyes as she has plans to go shopping with her mom and I make my way back to our apartment, determined to spend the day lounging in front of the television.


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