Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1)

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Consumed (The Breathless Series, #1) Page 13

by Toppen, Melissa

  As I make my way back to my desk, my elated state comes crashing down around me at the sight of Grayson sitting there. I try not to let him see how much he has effected me as I approach him.

  “What are you doing here?” I manage to get out through my confusion. He stands from my chair and steps around my desk to stand in front of me.

  “We had plans remember? You said you would meet me today.” He grinds out, clearly aggravated at my oversight.

  “I'm sorry Grayson, I really don't have time for this.” I breathe out, side stepping him to set the folders on my desk that I brought back with me from the meeting.

  “You look beautiful.” He says, his tone light, his face apprehensive. He's treading lightly and it's a smart move on his part. Still, the compliment leaves me feeling uneasy and I run my hands along my black wrap dress, smoothing it out to the hem. “Shall we go then?” He asks, clearly not catching how uncomfortable he's making me.

  “Uh, I really don't think that's such a good idea.” I say, nervousness riddling my voice. “I have so much work to get done. Another time maybe.” I say avoiding making contact with his eyes.

  “Please Addison. You know how extremely busy I am at work. I can't keep rescheduling meetings. You said today, I made today work.” He fidgets with his cuff links, fighting to keep his temper at bay. I have seen this countless times before.

  “Thirty minutes. That's the best I can do.” I finally cave, fearful that if I continue to give him excuses he will resort to making a scene in my office just to get me to leave with him.

  As we exit Strike Tower, Grayson holds the door open for me, his hand falling to the small of my back to guide me out. The contact sends chills all the way to my toes and not the good kind. I try to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  We walk in silence to the Starbucks a block away. We place our orders and once we have our drinks we take a seat at one of the small square tables in the far right corner. Grayson doesn't speak at first and I try not to let my impatience show.

  I take a sip of my salted caramel latte, finally deciding that it is going to have to be me to take the first step. “You said you needed to speak to me.” I say, hoping he will take this opportunity to get out whatever it is he needs to say.

  “I want you back.” He blurts out so quickly it takes me a moment to actually process what he's said.

  “I- I'm sorry?” I stammer out.

  “You heard me Addison, don't pretend you didn't. I want you back.” He says meeting my eyes for the first time. The warmness that once clouded his face has long since faded. His eyes are dark, unreadable. I can't help but wonder how long he's been this way and me never having noticed.

  A small laugh escapes from my throat. I unintentionally cock my head to one side, my face probably displaying exactly what I am thinking, that he has officially lost his mind.

  “Is there something funny about that?” He snaps, my smile fading instantly. The knot in my stomach tightens. Why did I choose to put myself in this situation?

  “I'm sorry Grayson, but that is never going to happen.” I say meeting his eyes. I don't break my lock on him, I won't back down this time.

  “How can you say that, after all the years we spent together? You're just willing to give up what we have?” His eyes burn into mine and I feel inferior under his gaze. Why do I let him make me feel less than him? I straighten my posture and for the first time in a very long time I tell him exactly how I feel.

  “Are you kidding me?” I spit, the anger apparent in my voice. “In case you have forgotten YOU were the one who threw us away. After eight years you didn't even have the decency to sit down and talk to me about how you were feeling, instead you packed my stuff and showed me the door. Now you think that I am just going to come running back the moment you ask me to?”

  “Don't be childish Addison. I was confused, I needed time. Maybe I didn't handle it the right way but it was the only way I knew how. Are you really ready to walk away from everything, from us, forever?” He asks, his tone softening.

  “What we had was over years ago. You know that as much as I do. You have always treated me like I was less than you. You controlled every aspect of my life, tried to mold me into what you wanted me to be. If you're honest with yourself then you know that I have not been right for you in a very long time. Maybe we were good in the beginning, hell we were amazing. But we have not been those people for years. We grew apart. We want different things. Honestly I'm glad that you ended things. Otherwise who knows how much time would have passed before I finally realized the truth myself.” I stop, wanting to give him a chance to say his peace. I don't know why, I should just walk away but my heart won't allow me to be that cruel, even though he deserves it.

  “Who is he?” He grinds out, his teeth tightly clenched.

  “Excuse me?” I choke out, nearly spitting my coffee across the table at him.

  “The guy, who is he? Clearly you have been out whoring around. Otherwise this wouldn't be such an issue. So tell me Addison.... Who is he?” I can see his eyes grow stern, his nostrils flaring with each deep breath he takes. He's fighting to maintain control, I can read his signs. I may not love him anymore but that doesn't change the fact that I know him, even if I don't recognize the man he is today.

  “This has nothing to do with anyone but you Grayson. The way you threw me out, the way you treated me following our break up, it was repulsive. But it was what I needed. I needed you to reveal your true colors and show me the person you really are. It gave me the strength to walk away.” I say holding my own even though my insides are trembling.

  “You're a real piece of fucking work, you know that?” He spits at me, his voice grower louder.

  “Well lucky for you I am no longer your problem.” I bite back just as harshly, refusing to let him push me around.

  I stand, determined to end this conversation, but my actions are halted almost immediately when he reaches out, grabbing my wrist tightly. “Sit down Addison.” Old habits die hard and I find my body responding to his demand before my mind even has a chance to process it. His hand holds an impossibly tight grip on my forearm, his fingers imprinting in my skin.

  “Go get your things and come home.” He practically growls at me, his grip tightening to the point of pain.

  “No.” I say refusing to let him see that he's getting to me. “Now let go of me.” I say loudly trying to pull my arm from his grip. This grabs the attention of the people sitting at surrounding tables and he immediately lets go of me.

  “Stay away from me Grayson. This is what you wanted. I used to love you, god how I loved you but I don't love you anymore. It's over, please just let it go.” I say grabbing my purse off the back of my chair and draping it on my shoulder.

  He sits very still, giving me no reaction at all. “Goodbye Grayson.” I say before turning and walking away. I don't look back and I don't stop. I walk as quickly as I can back to my office. I just want to be away from this situation, away from him.

  I reach down and rub my arm which has a slight ache to it, only to see that I have deep red fingerprint marks that stretch the width of my wrist. There's no doubt in my mind that it will bruise and I can't help but wonder what Liam will say when he sees them. He freaked out over a couple little scratches on my back, I can't imagine how he will react to someone putting their hands on me.

  I enter Strike Tower in a trance, not really paying attention to anything around me. I feel someone grab my arm and I jump, fearing that it is Grayson. “Hey, it's me.” Liam says sensing my unease. “Everything okay?” He asks, halting my progression. I stop just shy of the elevators to face him. The moment his hazel eyes meet mine, I lose all sense. I grab his hand and pull him towards the stairwell. He doesn't protest and follows behind me.

  I lead him down to the basement floor and through a door that I know to be an old storage closet that sits off to the right. I file a lot of my old files down here and I know that it is rarely used. Liam steps inside, clearly
confused but he doesn't say anything. I lean past him once he clears the door to pull it closed and snap the lock into place.

  “Addison, what's going on?” Liam finally asks, his voice riddled with concern.

  “Shhh. I don't want to talk, just kiss me.” I say pushing his back against the door and wrapping my hands around the back of his head. He lets me guide his head down and the moment his lips meet mine, everything else ceases to matter.

  He kisses me back with so much force that my knees literally shake, barely able to support my weight. I break away from his mouth and instantly go for the button of his jeans. “Whoa whoa, slow down. What's going on?” Liam asks, halting my actions for the moment.

  “Please, I just need this..... Please.” I say again, desperation taking over my ability to think clearly.

  Sensing my urgency he doesn't say more. Instead he spins me around and pins me to the door, his mouth finding mine again. I moan into the kiss and arch my back into him so that my stomach rubs up against his erection. I reach my hands back down and this time successfully undo his pants. I slip my hand into his boxers and moan again at the enormous size of his rigid erection. He twitches in my hand, his breath labored as he takes my mouth more urgently.

  “Now.” I pant breaking away from his lips. He doesn't hesitate. Pulling my dress to my waist, Liam hoists me up, my legs wrapping around him. He takes my mouth again as he carries me a couple of feet to an old desk against the side wall. He gently lays me across the desk and quickly removes my panties before positioning himself between my legs.

  Sensing my urgency, he plunges in me with one, hard, deep thrust. I cry out, overcome with the pleasure of having him inside of me. He picks up a quick rhythm, pounding in and out of me so hard that my back scoots up and down on the top of the desk. I can feel my orgasm building within seconds, his relentless thrusts bringing me to the edge almost immediately.

  I don't fight it. Instead I let the explosion take me on a loud cry as I spasm around his dick still buried deep inside me. He pulls me into a sitting position and takes my mouth with his, giving me two more deep thrusts before he climaxes. I can feel his whole body tighten around me, his heart beating against my chest hard and fast.

  Once he has a moment to compose himself, he pulls back to look into my eyes. The worry written all over his face is apparent. “What was that all about?” He breathes out, still panting from our quick romp on the desk.

  “I've had a really bad morning.” I say on a little laugh. “It has gotten surprisingly better now.” I say, kissing him playfully on the tip of his nose. His smile is bright but I can sense the apprehension on his face.

  “You want to talk about it?” He asks, his voice so gentle it makes me want to burst into tears. I shake my head and pull him to me, his arms going tightly around my back to hold me close. I grip my hands around his neck and inhale deeply. He smells divine, a mixture of body wash and cologne. It's enough to make me want to go in for another round, but unfortunately I know I am out of time.

  “I have to get back to work.” I say, releasing my hold on him. He takes a step back as I slip off the desk and reposition my underwear. I push myself up on my tip toes and give him a quick peck on the corner of his mouth. “Will I see you later?” I ask as he re-buttons his pants.

  “As if you could keep me away.” He says, smiling brightly at me. My heart melts instantly and it is here in this moment that I realize just how deep I have fallen and so quickly. I turn without another word and leave him standing in the storage closet.

  I make my way back to my desk in record speed, thankful to have no messages waiting for me. I know Grayson, and I know he won't let this go without a fight. None of that matters now. All that matters is Liam and how he makes me feel. What happened today is so very out of character for me, to the point that I feel a bit ashamed. But I couldn't stop it. The moment I saw him, I knew I had to have him.

  I wanted to forget about my horrible conversation with Grayson, I wanted to lose myself in Liam's touch. Before I saw him, I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin. Now, I feel calm, at peace. Like being with him is all I would ever need to make me feel better. The hold he has on my body is undeniable. It's the hold that he has on my heart that terrifies me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I don't see Liam Tuesday and have to settle for a phone conversation on Wednesday. With the Bella Vita project coming up quickly I find myself having very little free time. As I wrap up early on Thursday, I decide to take a drive over to Serendipity to surprise him.

  It's just after seven and while I don't know his schedule, I am hopeful that he will be there. I walk through the casino paying very little attention to my surroundings. It's busy which I guess shouldn't surprise me. Is there ever a time casinos aren't busy in Las Vegas? I make my way down the escalator and realize quickly that I have never been here this early before. For a moment I wonder if they are even open. The usual bouncers that flock the door are no where to be found.

  I walk in to find a few people scattered throughout the room. The music is soft and blends into the background, which is completely different from what I am used to. I search the area but don't see Liam anywhere.

  I make my way to the main bar and wait for the bartender to finish his conversation with a couple young girls before he makes his way over to me. I don't remember seeing him here before. He's a nice looking guy. I would guess in his early thirties with messy spiked blonde hair and eyes so light blue they almost look white. His face is covered in a light stubble and his sleeved tattoos complete the look.

  “What can I get ya?” He asks, his voice smooth yet commanding.

  “Actually I was looking for Liam.” I say. “Does he work today?”

  “I think he's in the casino. Do you want a drink?” He asks, grabbing a towel from behind the bar and proceeding to wipe up the remains of a spilled drink to my left.

  “No, I'm good, thanks.” I say pushing away from the bar. I start to make my way towards the exit, trying to decide if I want to try my luck at finding him in the casino when someone steps into my line of sight, halting my progression.

  I recognize her immediately, the girl who walked in on me and Liam the last time I was here. Her blonde hair is tied up in a loose pony and she looks rather pissed. Not really sure what else to do I continue forward, intending to avoid her. Unfortunately it would appear as though she is waiting for me and when I turn towards the exit she follows me out.

  I no more than get two steps from the escalator when I hear her voice call out. “Hey.” She says from behind me. I turn to see her advancing quickly on me. “We need to talk.” She spits out, sending me into utter confusion. I have no doubt this has everything to do with Liam, I'm just not sure why.

  “O-k-a-y.” I stretch out, making my confusion clear. She walks past me, past the escalators, into a hallway that sits just behind them. Not really sure of what else to do, I follow her but stop just inside the hallway entrance. It's dimly lit and appears to be an alternate route in and out of the bar area. I can see a red exit sign glowing at the end, directly above a set of double doors.

  “I just want to tell you, woman to woman, that I don't appreciate whatever it is you are doing with Liam. Him and I are back together now and while I am sure you had your fun, it's time to back off.” She rambles out causing my head to spin and my insides to seize up.

  “I'm sorry, and you are?” I ask, not allowing her to see how much I am bothered by her words.

  “Jill.” She says, giving her pony tail a twist with her fingers. “Liam's girlfriend.” She clarifies.

  “I'm sorry but I wasn't aware that he had a girlfriend.” I stumble out completely mortified. As much as I want to believe she is just some jealous girl trying to scare me off, I can't help but think that maybe she's telling me the truth. He did, after all, leave me that night to be with her. I never questioned him about it. He swooped in and swept me off my feet so quickly honestly I really kind of forgot about it.

split up for a while, and I am aware of his indiscretions during that time, you being one of them. But the past is the past and we have decided we are best for each other. When I saw you here I knew you were looking for him. I figured it was the perfect time to clear the air.” She says, cattiness lacing her voice.

  I don't know if it's the information that she's giving me or just her very presence but I have the overwhelming urge to punch her square in the face right here and now.

  “Well I will wait for Liam to tell me that himself.” I say, not missing the anger that flashes across her face at my words. “Now if you will excuse me.” I say spinning on my heel and stomping off, leaving her standing, gawking at me from behind.

  I don't try to find Liam. My only thought is getting the hell away from here and whatever crazy is going to come at me next. Her words replay in my head over and over on the drive home. Is what she said true? Did they recently get back together? Was I something to just fill his time? The thought rips me apart and only confirms why I never wanted to get involved with him in the first place.

  In such a short period of time, I have given him so much power. He has no idea that he holds my happiness in his hands. Should he walk away from me now the pain would be more than I could bare. So much so that just the thought of it is crippling.

  I enter my apartment in a haze, still a bit shaken up over my less than pleasant encounter with a blonde beauty. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. He and I never made sense. He is completely out of my league, in a category all his own. He belongs with someone like Jill, who probably has guys falling at her feet on a daily basis.

  “Addison, is that you?” I hear Kristina call down the hall as I toss my keys on the kitchen counter.

  “Yeah.” I call back, making my way to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. She emerges from her room looking like she has a very special evening planned for herself. Her blonde bob is smooth, not a hair out of place. Her makeup is done beautifully and really makes her blue eyes pop. And the dress, well, the dress speaks for itself. A short black racy number. Halter style with a low scoop that leaves very little to the imagination.


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