Embody (Full Circle #1)

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Embody (Full Circle #1) Page 26

by S. E. Hall

  “Aren’t you forgetting your claim on the left side of the bed?” I giggle. “Seems to be your favorite.”

  “Good thinking,” I’m rewarded with a modest kiss, “that too.”

  “Anything else?” I go up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck, letting my fingers play in his hair.

  “No,” he says in awe, eyes wide with delighted surprise. “That’s it, and you didn’t use your veto.”

  “My smart, handsome man,” I coo. “Nothing gets past you, does it? I’m gonna run our bath now, hope you like it hot. And take that drawer,” I point. “There may even be an unopened toothbrush to get ya started,” I smile, humming with contentment, and turn to start the water.

  “I think I mistook which drawer you pointed to, baby. Could ya’ turn around and maybe fill me in here, love?” His voice—a mixture of intrigue, shock…and perhaps a lilt of happiness—tells me what I don’t want to acknowledge.

  There’s no question what he found, and no chance this floor is gonna open up and swallow me. Damn.

  I have to forge a steel-grip on my pulse and breathing, deliberately taking as long as blatantly possible to turn toward him, forbidding myself to tremble. As predicted, his lips are twitching to smirk, his eyes brewing with curious, but informed, delight as he holds up the blue, disc-shaped case in his hand.

  Wrong drawer indeed. At least it’s not mortifyingly embarrassing or anything. Except that it so is.

  I glance back, praying the bathtub’s about to overflow and cause such a new catastrophe that the current one is forgotten. No such luck. Slow fucking water flow, I should complain.



  I’VE NEVER HAD a girlfriend with whom we had in-depth discussion regarding certain matters…because with no intentions of a second night—it didn’t matter. Nor have I ever hung out in a lady’s bathroom, not even my sisters’, ‘cause I knew there’d be at least ten “female type” things I did not want to see. And I’ve damn sure never been at a point with someone to even consider having sex without a condom. Never. Also…I’m not a doctor.

  But I know when I’m holding birth control pills.

  That would be now.

  My baby’s cheeks are scarlet and she’s fidgeting from foot to foot, chewing on that plump bottom lip. I’d say it was adorable, because it is, but now that I know she’s on birth control? “Adorable” has a couple new sub-meanings; including, but not limited to: sexy and fuckable. A whole different stratosphere of fuckable.

  Crude, I know; I try not to be so vulgar when thinking of my Sweet Bellamy—but damn. I’m a man…and she’s protected. That staggering nugget of knowledge does primal, primitive things to the male brain. Both of them.

  “Is there any chance you’d believe me if I said they were vitamins?” she mumbles, staring past me.

  “No,” I chuckle. “Hey, look at me.” When I gain her beautiful, jade gaze, I reassure her with a warm smile. “No need to be embarrassed, baby. I do not consider this a bad thing. I just have a couple questions.”

  Per usual, she waits in silence for me to ask them. “When did you get these?”

  I have to strain to hear her reply. “Not long after I met you.”

  “So not before you knew me?” I reiterate, because…because I’m ate up with the alpha, I confess, and I get-off on the redundancy of anything establishing her as “mine.” And yeah, smugness is unashamedly painted all over my face and my cock stirs to proud life.

  “No,” her eyes fly open wide with her gasp. “Why would I have needed them? Oh, ego,” she shakes her head, a tiny grin unhidden. “I got them after, and because of you, Jefferson. Try to hold back on the happy dance, macho man. That wouldn’t be attractive, and would kill the whole virility thing you got going on.”

  I laugh. “I’ll refrain, for you. Next question. How long before they, um, work?”

  “Seven days.” She had that one ready, firing it off pragmatically.

  I flip the lid on the disc of my dreams open so fast she giggles and do a quick count. “You’re almost out,” I sulk.

  “Yes babe, I’m aware. That’s why they make refills. You just shimmy down to the drugstore and they hand you a whole new month's worth. It’s a groundbreaking system really.”

  “Thank God,” I sigh in relief, earning another laugh from her. “You’re also well past seven,” I wink.

  “Again, aware.” She turns to shut off the bath water, then back to me. “We all done here, Dr. Seuss? Our bath’s ready.”

  “Almost. How foolproof are these magic little pills?”

  She tilts her head and sets both her expression and voice to saucy. “The doctor said they’re up to ninety-nine percent effective, if taken correctly. I’ve been putting the pill in my mouth, then swallowing, so I think I’m doing it right.”

  Smart-ass. “It can’t be that simple or they wouldn’t even say it. Gotta be a catch.”

  “There is, I was just being funny. You can’t skip or miss a dose, especially the first active pill; gotta take one every day. Which I have. And if I get sick and have to take meds or antibiotics, that messes up their potency. Haven’t taken any meds. So…” she hitches both shoulders, “pretty sure I’m good. Why?” Her eyes narrow suspiciously, but it’s an act—there’s a sparkle of aware anticipation in them she can’t conceal.

  “Just want to be educated, informed.” I put up my hands in faux innocence. “No hidden agenda.”

  “You lying straight to my face, Kendrick?” she asks.

  “Never. Come ‘ere, baby,” I crook my finger and add a lopsided grin; what I happen to know is an irresistible combination for her.

  She shivers, muted puffs of air feathering past her parted lips as she comes to stand before me. The light from the bedroom more than enough, I flip off the one in the bathroom; a small attempt at romance.

  “Forgot one condition earlier,” my aroused whisper fills the dimly lit room as I start to remove her top. “I get to undress you.”

  “Veto,” the silky softness in her voice does nothing to cushion the punch to my gut. But she’s too damn sweet to prolong my suffering, quick to rescue me with a sensuous taunt curling her lips. “Only if I get to undress you too.”

  She’s full of surprises, each one more thrilling than the last, keeping me forever looking forward to the next moment with her. There’s no doubt—Bellamy Morgan will be the slow, sexy, delectable death of me.

  “Baby girl, you’ve got yourself a deal. And because I’m a gentleman, I’ll even let you choose who goes first.”

  The tip of her tongue works feverishly over her lips, her eyes darting from one part of me to the next in a lustful frenzy. “I get to go first,” she purrs, pulling up on the hem of my shirt. I raise my arms and bend my knees to help her, and when she’s got it off, she doesn’t hurry toward my pants—already having other plans.

  She takes her time touching every inch of my torso, a hint of nails raking along my skin as she lets her hands roam over me hungrily. “You’re gorgeous,” her whisper holds a lilt of awe, fingers now tracing the grooves of my obliques, teasing at the waistband on my jeans. “And these, so sexy.”

  Her fingertips never lose contact with my skin as she slowly walks around me. Now at my back, her hands begin to play there. No muscle or spot left untouched, every caress followed up by the sizzling brand of her sweet lips.

  My breathing grows ragged, patience all but gone as my body coils tightly from her unhurried perusal. Dark bathroom, bath waiting, woman of my dreams, on birth control, circling me like her very willing prey…does not a tranquil man make.

  “Bellamy,” I growl in more a rough plea, “I love the feel of your hands on me and the fact you seem to approve of my body. But if you don’t hurry up and get my pants off, I’m ripping the motherfuckers off myself.”

  “Jefferson,” she kisses my shoulder, “this exact moment, the first time we do this,” getting closer to where I want her, she licks my bicep, “will only happen once. I want to che
rish it.”

  She’s in front of me again, laying open-mouth, sucking tastes on my pecs, her fingers back to exploring the indentations at my hips.

  My cock’s so fucking hard it’s painful, but I give her what she wants—time—and ball my hands into fists at my sides.

  “Thank you,” she says in a breathy little moan. I look down at her and almost sigh in relief; her eyes are filled with desire and flutter shut as she inhales deeply—she’s at the brink too.

  “You’re welcome, baby. But just so you know, I will not be going this slow when it’s my turn.”

  Her answering laugh is melodious. “I figured, which is fine. You let me do things my way, I let you do the same. I happen to love you and your ways, so I don’t see a problem. Do you?”

  “Yes,” I grunt. “My pants are still on. Now, Bellamy. Take. Them. Off.”

  She peers up at me through hooded eyes and long lashes, then whispers in the tone of sex, “You gonna watch?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I groan in brutish need.

  Her trembling hands move to my fly and struggle with the zipper. When she’s got it down, her resolve breaks and my abs clench as she rips my jeans open in one bold tug.


  She’s visibly shaking, so I help her pull the denim down, working my feet out and kicking them aside. I look at her once again, but she doesn’t have any idea—eyes honed in on my cock—head engorged, breaking free over the top of my boxer briefs, pre-cum wetting my stomach.

  Goddamn I love the way she’s staring, sliding that little tongue over her bottom lip, pebbled nipples straining against her shirt with each heaving breath. And I know the answer, but fuck if I don’t wanna hear it anyway…so I ask.

  “Baby, you’ve seen me in my underwear before. What’s going on in your head right now?”

  Despite not meeting my eyes, her cheeks still blush beautifully and she moans from deep in her throat. When she whispers, quiet yet heavy with arousal, the sound feeds my hunger. “I’ve never seen anything more though, like I am now. And I’ve never…”

  Here it comes, the confirmation I have to hear, ‘cause again…I’m me, and it does crazy good things to my ego; I’ll admit it. Not to mention, it turns me all the way the fuck on, unprecedentedly so. To know your woman has, and will, only ever be yours; her every first will belong to me…it’s an intoxicating honor that has my heart hammering at a volatile tempo.

  “Seen another,” she finishes.

  Yeah, absolutely nothing like hearing that.

  “Wanna see more?” I hook my thumbs in my waistband.

  “Unless you wanna lose those hands, you better move ‘em.” Damn, my lil’ tigress isn’t kidding, and the ferocity in her threat’s so fucking hot, my dick twitches.

  She pushes my hands away with a huff and replaces them with her own, peeling my last piece of clothing down and off at a deliberate, leisurely pace.

  And once again I’m reminded—never underestimate my woman—she gives damn good seduction.

  Make that out-of-this-world, fucking unbelievable seduction.

  I watch in anxious shock, the fragile self-control I have left slipping fast, as she goes down with my boxers…To. Her. Knees.

  “Bellamy,” my exhale is a hedonistic release of long-endured anticipation, “what…”

  Coherent thought or words instantly leave me as one soft, dainty hand tries to wrap around my erection. My head falls back, eyes close and a hoarse groan fills the room. My cock grows impossibly harder in her hand, pulsing in time with my racing heartbeat.

  “Help me, babe.” Somehow, I actually hear and comprehend her throaty request. “What do you like? Teach me.”

  I don’t know who answers her, because it doesn’t sound like something I’d ever say…but whoever it is, he’s absolutely right. “Baby, I like you, and anything you want to do to me. Your way.”

  I could show her what I think I like, what I’ve always had, but I don’t want that; to taint it. I want every single nuance of Bellamy’s naivety—each new, natural instinct of how she touches me—which I already know will be what I like best of all.



  “OKAY,” HER HEAD lowers in insecurity. “But if I’m bad at, stuff, please just tell me. I wanna make you feel good.”

  “Baby, look at me,” I struggle to converse. “My cock, in your hand, feel how hard it is?”

  “Mhmm,” she hums, lifting her head for the visual.

  “That means it feels good. So damn good, I haven’t pounced to get you naked yet because I don’t want to interrupt.”

  “Would you rather if I was naked?” God, my woman is good to me. And I…don’t know the answer. My dick’s in her grip, an inch from her mouth, so my testosterone’s screaming ‘no’ and ‘thrust forward.’ But the vision of a sixty-nine session on the bathroom floor pops in my head and screams at me even louder.

  “Yeah,” I rumble, scooping her under the arms and helping her up. “I would.”

  Not a thing debonair about it; I work like a three-armed madman. “Arms up,” I grate out, tugging her shirt off over her head before she’s even got them all the way lifted. “God, I love your tits.” I cover both with greedy hands, pressing them together. The sharp peaks of her nipples beg for me and I roll my thumb over the right one as I take her left breast in my mouth, flicking its hardened bud with my tongue.

  Her hands fly to my head, fingers digging at my scalp as she pulls me to her and pushes her chest toward me simultaneously. Her little mewls and moans of pleasure spur me on—sucking, licking and fondling between the two huge mounds of delectable flesh. I could stay here forever, truly the best set of tits I’ve ever seen…but I’m dying for a taste of the rest of her.

  I don’t stop to take in, or appreciate, her tiny panties before yanking them down her legs. But then, I do take a moment, and long inhale, to really look at her. Beautifully bare, vulnerable and willing…for me. Absolutely gorgeous. A life-changer. The life-changer.

  Who needs to sit on my face—immediately.

  “Wh, what are we doing?” she asks as I gently lower us to the floor. “Our bath has gotta be ice-cold by now.”

  “We’ll run a new one. Now come ‘ere,” I groan, saliva already pooling in my mouth just thinking about having the taste of her on my tongue. I lie on my back and flip her around as though she weighs nothing.

  “What are we doing?” she asks again, this time in a high-pitched squeal of shock that’d be comical if I weren’t staring up at her pussy. Nothing funny about that.

  She needs explanation, instruction, a gentle hand. I just can’t provide any of those things right now. My dick’s bobbing in her face and her virgin pussy’s about to drip on mine…she’s gonna have to learn as we go or my head’s sure to blow right the fuck off my shoulders.

  “Turn off your mind, baby. Listen to your body,” is all I say before grabbing both her hips and finally, at last, sliding my tongue through her wetness, drowning in her essence.

  “Oh, my God, Jefferson,” she wails, writhing so hard I have to bear down on my grip so she doesn’t squirm away.

  “Sshh,” I soothe against her slickness, the vibration drawing a kittenish moan from her as she settles. “That’s my girl. Stay right here, on my face, baby.”

  My fingers stroke her, spread her open, while I delve in with my tongue. When I lick inside, rubbing her hardened clit with my thumb, ecstasy takes over and my girl morphs into a sex goddess.

  “Fuck yes,” I pull back and roar as she takes my cock in her mouth in a single warm, wet plunge—covering me, lips tightening to caress every bulging vein.

  Crazed and depraved, I thrust up into her mouth and slide one, then two, fingers inside her, gliding them in and out, moving my tongue to her clit. She moans around my dick and I clench every muscle in my body to stave off my release. It’s been so long, too long, and it feels so fucking good, but no way this is over yet.

  She catches on quick, using her tongue to torture the slit in the
head of my cock then swirl it, with just the right amount of pressure, around the underside of the rim. She wraps a hand around the base and jacks off, hard, what won’t fit in her mouth.

  I answer, driving two fingers deeper inside her, massaging her slick, swollen muscles while putting air-tight suction on her clit and flicking the detonation switch—grazing my teeth over it with a finishing nip. And with one long, mesmeric moan, she explodes, coming all over my mouth. I lap up her sweetness, easing her down with slow, bold strokes of my tongue, murmuring words of love and worship…of her body.

  She gains control of her shallow pants, and while her body may rest lax and sated against me…my woman’s no quitter. She takes me back in her hand and heavenly mouth, loving me with an effort so driven and sexy, I can’t hold out another second.

  “Bellamy,” I warn her, “gonna come, babe. Watch out.” But she only sucks harder, firming her lips around me so tight I can’t hold back from giving her what she obviously wants—an explosion; shooting endless, thick ropes of cum down her throat. And she swallows every drop, humming around me.

  I lay boneless on the hard tile floor…never more comfortable in my life. Bellamy turns herself around and comes to snuggle up on my chest, fingertips playing with the faint line of hair below my navel.

  “Why did we wait so long to do that?” she asks.

  I burst out laughing with energy I didn’t think I had. God, I love her. “I don’t know baby, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my idea.”

  “Are you positive? I’m a smart girl, I don’t think I would’ve made the asinine decision to abstain from that,” she snickers, cozying up closer. “Don’t leave now,” her voice drops, “or act weird and avoid me, okay?”

  I sit up a bit and turn to look at her. “Slow down, woman. You just had a head rush and are talking crazy. We already established I’m staying the night, on the left side of the bed. And I choose for you to sleep naked.”

  “Now I feel better,” she sighs in what sounds like relief, then says, downright giddily, “you’re still being you, funny and bossy. I’ll gladly sleep naked if nothing’s changed and it’ll be next to you. The same you.”


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