The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 11

by Angel Medina

  Once again our heroes while in the same general area have very different fates and experiences. Little do they know that the Railway transport system needs all three keycards to activate and each one will be in possession of one thinking it's their ticket to the main tower and their questions will be answered. Little do they know that they all need to survive and have the three keycards at the same time to activate the Railway transport system. Will all our heroes survive? For if even one dies the whole journey will be compromised; Dayvon finally figures out what the gloobas intend to do with the "outpost" in the middle of the Arctic. What were the gloobas intentions here?

  Luis begins his underwater expedition to find lab #2 and with the help of his might vision goggles he quickly find the door leading to lab #2. However just like Angel and Maria found out these waters are infested with poisonpus's, Luis defeats several of them. One of them is able to spit poison ink onto Luis but because of his protective suit the toxins are unable to get into his system. He gets close to lab #2 but sees a whirlpool coming very close to his direction, however Luis is able to get inside the lab just in the nick of time before the whirlpool is able to sallow him. He touches the console to flush the water out of the hallway in order to get in. Now Luis needed to get to lab room A-2 but he was in level C so he would have to go deeper into the lab to get to his destination. As he began heading towards level A he finds the same turrets that he found at the launch facility, so he had to zig zag his way thorough the hallway until he found an elevator, but before he could use the elevator he's attacked by a boar cop. The cop aims for Luis but Luis is able to jump then shoot the boar, even though the boar missed Luis but he did hit the elevator console declaring the elevator unusable since the buttons were fried after the bullets hit. Luis says in a frustrated tone "Crud looks like it's the stairs for me." Luis headed for the stairs when another set of turrets were guarding the stairway, instead of going down the stairs Luis jumped down to the level B hall. Then he gets attacked by a teleporting trooper from behind him but before the trooper got to teleport Luis grabs the trooper and pushes his head into a spike sticking out on the wall killing the trooper. The floor below him collapses and Luis falls he is able to break his fall by grabbing a spike, he sees a pattern of spikes going down to level A at the same time the stairs were collapsing and water was starting to leak into the stairway walls. Luis carefully climbed down the spikes until he got to the level A hallway. He made his way to lab room A-2 where he was attack by more aliens which he defeats easily, he grabs the keycard. However Luis realizes the water was breaking through the walls and he could not go back the way he came in, then he sees a sign pointing to an emergency exit. He follows the path until he breaks out and returns underwater before the lab before him collapses completely. When Luis resurfaces above ground he notices the iceberg that was once above the lab was completely melted, the temperature has risen significantly and the water level began to rise as well. Luis with the keycard made his way to the railway system.

  Angel and Maria go underwater but because of how dark it was they had some issues finding the lab #1 entrance and to add to the problem they had to deal with poisonpus's. Maria started to feel hopeless swimming in what seemed to be an endless underwater expedition to nowhere but despair. Angel reassured her that every thing was going to be fine. After 15 minutes the two of them notice the protection of the suit was running out, then a light turns on out of no where and the lab #1 entrance was revealed. They head inside while dodging the tentacles of the numerous poisonpus's underwater. Angel and Maria finally get inside and find a recharging station for the protective suits; they placed the suits to recharge while they investigate the lab to find lab room C-4. While they are moving along they see a set of laser trip mines but they are actually moving towards them. The mines covered nearly every angle possible so they could not move left or right nor could they duck down. The door behind them closes as well; however one place the mines did not cover was up, Angel sees a set of pipes the two could hang on to while the lasers passed on by. So Angel throws Maria up to the pipes then he wall jumps and able to use his strength to pull up on the pipe. Both Angel and Maria hang out to the pipes in a hugging position where their feet were on the pipes as well. The lasers passed by them but more laser traps came out and set up in the bottom of the hallway. Angel screams and warns Maria "NO! Don't let go these traps cover the entire hallway, hopefully your upper body strength is good because we're gonna have to shimmy our way to the other side using the pipes, one false move and we're history. Man these guys are devious they really want us dead." Both Angel and Maria shimmy their way to the other side, Angel gets to the other side of the hallway easily but Maria loses her grip or at least one of her hands still hangs on. Angel tells Maria "You got to jump towards me, don't worry I'll catch you!" Maria responds "Ok here I go!" Maria jumps and Angel catches her just above the laser traps able to pull her away from the laser traps. After all that the two get to lab room C-4, grab the keycard then Angel sees a computer console which is able to shutoff the laser traps. After Angel shuts off the laser traps an alarm goes off. Maria says "Looks like we're going to have company!" A whole army of aliens come out the two take several of them out but agree to make a run for it instead. Grabbing their underwater suits they rush their way out of the lab and all the water would rush into the lab taking and drowning the aliens that remained inside the lab. Angel and Maria resurfaced and began the long journey to the railway car transportation system.

  Meanwhile Dayvon while having a tough time understanding what the main computer said because it was written in the native glooba language is able to see a visual aid. This visual aid shows Dayvon that the gloobas plan to use a heat ray to melt off the polar ice cap and cause flooding of biblical proportions to coastal cities that would eventually spread through inland areas as well. Dayvon didn't have to understand the writing that if the polar ice caps are melted that the flooding would cause destruction that to the point it would irreversible even with the anti-matter ball. The gloobas wanted to flush out Earth then rebuild it for their own use for their new empire on Earth. However there was nothing he could do from the computer to stop the heat ray from being used, but he did find out where it could be found. The heat ray could be found on the northern most remote island of the Yellowknife region of Canada. Dayvon says "That's definitely where the railway will take me and the others assuming they are alive. Wherever the heat ray is located is also probably where got Quentin held up. Better get going!" Dayvon upon leaving the central command center finds a boat but it is docked and needs to be undocked. Dayvon attempts to undock the boat but it is tied up underwater which meant Dayvon had to go underwater, unlike the others Dayvon had no protective suit to help him out so he had to be fast as his body temperature was gonna go down fast. Dayvon went down to try to undock the boat but the locks were frozen shut as if no one has touched the boat for sometime. Dayvon went back to central command to see if he could find something to burn the ice off the locks. When returning to central command he finds a group of iguana enforcers ready to attack so he decided to put his new weapon to the test. He freezes all of them with the freeze thrower and kicks the frozen enforcers into ice pieces. Dayvon eventually finds an armory which is empty for the most part except for a flamethrower which is exactly what he needed to melt the ice off the boat. He goes to the boat all warmed up, goes underwater uses the flamethrower to melt the ice holding the boat eventually Dayvon is able to undock the boat. Little did Dayvon know was that a couple a poisonpus's were on his tail, he resurfaces catching his breath in the process. He starts the boat then the two poisonpus's pop out of the water to go after him, they immediately try to spit poison ink towards Dayvon, but Dayvon wisely uses whatever cover he could find. Then he shoots the poisonpus's with the freezethrower and throws them back into the water. He says "Is that cold enough for you alien bastards?" He starts the boat heading to the railway car and hopes to find the others in the process.

  Dayvon drives the boat tow
ards the destination but slows down because he notices somebody in the water. It was Luis, so he brought the ladder down so Luis could climb in and says "Hey you good bro?" Luis responds "Yeah I am, cool you got a boat that will sure help us out." Dayvon says "So that means the others can't be too far away." Dayvon continues to drive the boat until he sees Angel and Maria then sounds the boats horn. Angel says "What's that? A boat hey over here!" Dayvon approaches the two sends the ladder down to grab Angel and Maria. After all of them are warmed up Dayvon begins to explain what the aliens intentions are in the area. Angel responds "Son a bitch of course and then the people of Earth would blame it on global warming, come on guys we got less time then we thought!" Luis says "Where is this heat ray my brother?" Dayvon responds "According to what I seen on the alien’s computer it's the northern most part of Yellowknife or I should say Island." Maria says "Most likely once we get on this railway car that's where we'll end up at least hopefully." The heroes proceed on their trip to the railway car but it doesn't come without any turbulence. A spaceship come over the boat and starts to deploy a variety of alien troops including salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and boar cops. Angel says to everyone "We're not abandoning ship just yet, they're gonna have to kill us to get control of this ship." Luis says "Yeah come on everybody lets kick some alien tail." Dayvon finds more ice molecules for his freezethrower and shoots several aliens with it then breaking them into ice pieces. The rest of them shoots and kills the aliens that come their way. Many more waves come in and Maria says "Man there no end to these guys!" Angel sees a flare gun and says "With this I'll shoot down that damn ship and once it comes down no more aliens bastards will bother us. Angel shoots down the spaceship in its engine, the spaceship begins to descend and it falls underwater then explodes. Angel says "Scratch one big bogey and bacon for everyone!" The boat gets close to the railway transportation system; our heroes are getting close to the railway.

  The ship arrives at the dock for the transportation system. Dayvon stops the ship and everyone boards off the boat then head for the railway transportation system. The heroes are at the access card reader for the transportation system, but they see three card readers with instructions saying "To access the railway to cross the to the main tower, all three access cards must be placed to use the railway, One to activate the third rail, one to activate the railcar and the final one to unlock the door to enter the railcar." Angel says in a frustrated tone "Great! We need three cards and I only got one." Dayvon says "I got one as well." Luis says "Me too, we all got the cards to get this bad boy started and we had no idea." Maria responds in relief "Whew lucky for us we got all of the cards, now to get moving and find Quentin." Angel, Luis and Dayvon insert their access cards into the card readers and the computer says railway car system is now activated. Angel says "Well he we go, ladies first. Finally we can get some rest even if it for a few minutes." Dayvon starts the railway car and the car begins to move towards the main tower. For the first 15 minutes the ride is nice and calm our heroes start to talk about their experiences so far and begin to discuss their personal stories of their lives. Maria and Angel do not discuss their feelings for each other even though they love each other but neither one knows that the other knows, so it remains off topic for now. After 15 minutes past snow begins to fall and the wind begins to pick up. Five minutes later the snow and wind really pick up as if the car was heading into a blizzard. Our heroes start to get concerned and start to become more cautious, however the car was nearly at the station for the main communication tower. Angel reassured everyone that they were close to the main tower. Then out of the blues an out of control hovership sideswipes the railway car and creates a pretty big hole where the wind starts to come in. The hole gets even bigger the wind begins to pull the heroes out of the car while Maria, Dayvon and Luis are able to hang on Angel is pulled by the wind straight out of the car. The car reaches the main tower station with Luis, Dayvon and Maria getting off. Meanwhile Angel then begins to fall to the mountainous terrain...

  Our heroes finally learn that the gloobas are trying to cause a major flood that would flood possibly the entire world. While the heroes managed to survive and get back together is was short lived as once again the idea of that anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Maria, Luis and Dayvon survived the crazy ride but Angel was pulled out and has fallen to either an unknown area or to his death. At the same time a blizzard was just getting started. Will Angel survive or have the numbers gone down by one. Meanwhile still no trace of Quentin and at the site of the heat ray the gloobas are continuing to work on the heat ray and soon it will be ready. Question is can they be stopped?

  Chapter 7(A)

  Blizzard Zone

  Angel falls out of the railcar transporting him and the others to the main towers. Angel does manage to survive the fall and regains consciousness quickly. However the blizzard begins to pick up again, Angel sees the main tower in the distance, but now he needs to find his own way to the main tower. Then a loud roar is heard, huge foot prints can be seen in the snow. Angel eventually sees what's causing the loud roar...

  Angel guards up and finds that the roars are coming from that of a polar bear. The bear however exhibits very aggressive behavior much more aggressive than normal polar bears. The bear attacks Angel with its claws but Angel is able to dodge its attack. Angel says “I don’t like the idea of shooting a polar bear, but if I don’t I’ll be its next meal.” Angel shoots the bear and painfully watches it fall down to the ground, then actually gets a bit emotional because he loved polar bears. However he noticed that the bear’s blood was green same color blood of the salamander troopers and iguana enforcers. He says angrily “No body messes with our animals and lives!” Angel realizes the gloobas are starting to alter what nature has created for their sick intentions. He says “This blizzard is probably made by these bastards as well, it’s going to take more that a little blizzard to stop me.” Angel ventures deeper into another forest with the snow falling at a rapid pace.

  Angel is met with some salamander troopers and iguana enforcers, the limited visibility due to the snow makes it challenging for Angel to defeat the aliens but eventually he does defeat them. As he moves on in the forest he notices the forest is divided by several large hills. As Angel stares at the long fall below him, Angel sets himself up to jump across. Angel is able to jump across to the other side up the hill struggles to climb up the hill as he is hindered by the strong winds blowing against him. Angel finds a cave once he gets to the top of the hill, Angel goes inside the cave to warm up but he encounters another polar bear. Angel is trapped inside with no ammunition left in his shotgun; the bear traps him in a corner and Angel then plays dead in a last ditch effort to save himself. The bear sniffs Angel and assumes that he is dead then moves along his way back out to the wild. Angel sees that the coast is clear gets back up and says “Whew! That was too close; I thought I was dead meat. Good thing I was “dead meat” I get to live another day.” Angel starts to explore the cave sees a boar cop not pay attention, he drop kicks the boar then snaps it neck, then says “Squeal pig squeal!” He gets the boar’s shotgun and ammo then he was ready to roll. He goes back out and sees a path back to the main tower, but Angel knew by now that it wasn’t going to be easy. He slides down the hill which was a lot less steep than the last, then explores the next part of the forest.

  The forest that Angel had entered wasn't nearly as dense, so there was less places for him to hide. The blizzard would pick up even more to the point where visibility was down to a eighth of a mile. Angel was grabbed by a teleporting salamander trooper and with the snow Angel just couldn't take out or even track where the trooper was going. To make matters worse nightfall was getting even close, Angel would get slashed by the trooper cutting his right arm which was already injured previously. Angel eventually did shoot the trooper down, but once again just like in the warehouse Angel found himself favoring his right arm. Then a group of snowmobiles made their way towards Angel, the snowmobiles were patr
olling the area. Angel quickly made his way to hide behind a pine tree until the coast was clear. However Angel had a bigger problem he was starting to bleed again out of his arm and when Angel thought things couldn't get any worse things would get worse. Another snowmobile that was going much faster than the previous ones came towards Angel, but Angel had no time to react. The snowmobile struck Angel directly flipping him over. The salamander trooper driving the snowmobile stopped for a second looked at Angel and assumed he was dead so he went on while contacting his master on his radio telling him that he had killed Angel. His master ordered a unit of troops to pick up the body and transport it to "HQ". Angel remained lifeless on the same spot for the next hour.


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