The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 13

by Angel Medina

  At the main entrance Maria, Dayvon and Luis see a big blast door the go to the console which asks for a hand print verification. Maria tries to put her hand onto the console, but the door does not open and Maria gets an electric shock at the same time. Dayvon laugh and says "That was obvious, did you really think it was going open with your girly hands." Maria responds "Oh looks like we've started with the insults again what makes your ugly hands so much special, huh?" Luis says "Stop it you too I got an idea lets use a hand of a dead alien, it won't read human hands but will read one of a alien." So Luis takes the hand of a dead glooba and puts it onto the reader then the blast doors open and our heroes enter the first floor of the main tower. Upon arrival inside the main tower main hallway they are greeted with a firefight with the gloobas after about 10 minutes the floor is clear. By the look of the facility it was ran by the U.S. government for unknown reasons by the EDF (Earth Defense Forces) as it was preparing for an alien attack. The three quickly head up stairs to the location of central command but as they expected getting into central command wasn't going to be easy, the room needed three access cards a blue, red and a yellow card which according to the note were split up to two on the first floor and one was on the second floor. So the three decided to split up, Maria would continue on the 2nd floor, Dayvon would go to the right side of the 1st floor and Luis would take the left side of the first floor. Luis says "When you get a keycard meet back here okay." Everyone agrees and goes on their way.

  Maria continues on the second floor finds several security rooms containing ammo, armor and a few enemies for her killing pleasure. She finds that many of the hallways contain laser trip mines which she felt were beginning to appear a bit too often for her. Then finally she finds the blue keycard but a red force field was surrounding it, Maria says "Damn a force field gotta find a way to disable it. She goes to the console and tries to deactivate the force field but she needs a password and it said if in 10 seconds a valid password is not entered the alarm would go off and the console would be lock for another 5 minutes after. Maria had no password so she prepared herself for more aliens to come out, however the alarm goes off laser trip mines cover the entrance of the room, then salamander troopers surround the entrance and Maria was trapped, she couldn't touch the mines, even if she did get through the mines the enemy was waiting for her.

  Dayvon and Luis on the other hand were heading back down to the first floor. They are back in the main hallway where they first entered and to their surprise the enemies or at least some of them respawned and came back to life. Luis says "Didn't we kill these guys already?" Dayvon says "Don't be acting surprised anymore we should be expecting the worse from here on out!" Dayvon and Luis go on to kill all the respawned enemies relatively unscathed. Dayvon goes through the door on the right, while Luis goes through the door to the left.

  Dayvon goes through the door into the hallway and meets a few sentry drones that aim to get him. He goes to the nearest room takes out the salamander troopers and closes the door. The sentry drones explode once they hit the door, when the coast was clear Dayvon made his way back to the hallway. He then puts his focus on getting the keycard, he moves into the next room where he finds a switch just like in the chemical plant he activates it. He was starting to develop a bad habit of touching and pressing every switch without knowing what they did. However he did hear the sound of a door open, he goes out to the hallway and sees the blast door to the end of the hall opened up. However there was one more room that he wanted to check out he goes in and notices jail cells which were used probably to lock up trespassers. However he found a couple of poisonpus's guarding the cells he defeats them but it's what it’s inside the cells that catch his attention. There were eggs in an ugly brownish color; Dayvon says "Hmm these are probably where those bastard poisonpus's are born in." So Dayvon starts to destroy to the eggs but several of them start to hatch and all of a sudden these green some being blue in nature slimy creatures start to come out. Dayvon tries to shoot them but they are too many of them, in fact one comes behind him, gets on him and begins to start eating his pants. Dayvon says "Yo get off me you freak, what you trying to do eat me?" Dayvon kicks off the creature off his leg and ends up shooting and killing the creatures. However he notices that when he kills the slimers they just break apart as they have no body and no bones. Dayvon says "Damn those things are creepy; they were looking to feed off me. I wonder if these things turn into the poisonpus's I hate." All of a sudden he hears a scream from the direction of the blast door, Dayvon runs to check out the situation.

  Luis goes inside his door of choice and finds he is in the mechanical area of the tower. Luis says to himself "Hmm maybe I could do some damage from here." He goes towards the weather room and finds out that the temperature is going up in a hurry. Then Luis goes into the radar room and finds a blueprint of the heat ray that the gloobas are planning to use. Interestingly enough Luis finds out that a slight shift in the ray's angle can help to at least stall out the warming that the ray exhibits. He takes the blueprints and resumes his search for the keycard. He finally goes into the electrical room which is full of transformers where he sees enemies around the corner. Luis decided to use stealth in the room picking off each enemy one by one until he gets to a console. He goes to the console and sees an option to open the security room on the first floor which was the middle door back in the main hallway of the building. He opens the room then an alarm goes off, then alien troops start to appear in an attempt to intercept him. He kills the aliens that are in the electrical room and then goes back into the mechanical area where many aliens are waiting plus a BattleGlooba. To Luis's shock he sees BattleGlooba without knowing that there are numerous BattleGloobas. Luis says "Son of a bitch! What are you doing here? I thought you were dead already? I should’ve known it was too good to be true." The BattleGlooba wastes no time and starts to launch mortar rounds in Luis's direction and Luis dives to dodge the explosive rounds. Luis times his runs between the gears to avoid BattleGloobas chain gun fire while shooting the other aliens including iguana enforcers and boar cops. Luis says if he can land a shot in the groin area just like Angel did; unlike Angel Luis has no explosive weapons. When Luis dives to the switchboard area, BattleGlooba shoots his chain gun; luckily for Luis every shot hits the switch board missing him. Luis makes a noise pretending that he has been shot to fool BattleGlooba into believing that he's dead. With BattleGlooba assuming that he has killed Luis, Luis crawls on his body ever so slowly until he gets to BattleGlooba hoping to get a shot in his groin.

  All of our heroes make it to the tower, Once again each of them enduring their own adventures. Angel and Fabian are fighting their way up through the basement knowing how one of two things that need to be done to gain access to central command. Maria is trapped inside a secured room with trip mines and aliens surrounding her, can she possibly break out of the trap? Dayvon meets a new alien the slimer a parasite developed by the gloobas to do one thing. That is to suck the brains of their prey so they can grow even bigger. Dayvon hears a scream of another human being hoping it’s not one of his friends. Finally Luis meets BattleGlooba for the second time, can Luis craft a way to defeat one of the many BattleGloobas?

  Angel and Fabian go into the elevator going up to the basement. They get out of the elevator which leads to a gray hallway which reads “Security suite and rest area”. They first explore the mess hall and indeed what they found inside was what you would expect to find in one. Food was thrown all around, but with one thing different gloobas having a feast eating unknown food or mystery meat. Angel says “Lunch time’s over kids, it’s time to clean up this mess!” Angel and Fabian kill off salamander troopers and boar cops, even to the point where Angel throws a bowl of BBQ sauce to one of the boars to blind it then finishes the boar off by sticking a fork in its eyes. Angel says “Wow this sure is a mess hall I mean look at all the swine on the floor, if only we had a BBQ.” Fabian laughs and says “I would have to say that boar’s head would make a good meal if
it wasn’t filled with goo for blood, yuck!” After clearing the mess hall the two look for any evidence but come up empty. They go back to the hallway and notice the entrance to the bathroom is barricaded, so the two head for the sleeping quarters. They find a combination of boar cops and iguana enforcers inside the quarters. The two stay behind the walls until Fabian notices a box that contains pipebombs with a remote detonator and tells Angel that they can use them to take them out with one blast. Fabian throws a pipebomb inside the sleeping quarters then detonates it causing all the gloobas inside to explode. Angel tells Fabian comically “Hope you got a strong stomach there bro. It’s gonna be nasty when we get inside.” Once they get inside the walls are covered in the gore of the aliens; Fabian then throws up after seeing the green and blue blood. Angel laughs and says “So much for having a strong stomach.” They begin to explore the sleeping quarters and find a keycard leading to the Main Hallway. Angel jumps on one of the beds, hits a switch and the bed rises up about 5ft. All of a sudden Angel finds himself in a room with a poster of the Beta sign and also finds a new weapon. This weapon was twin guns that shot small but powerful heat seeking missiles, it was code named “Devastator”. Angel heads back down to Fabian and tells him the basement code is “Beta”. They use the keycard to open a blast door but find the next room is flooded with sharks; it was a huge room as well. Fabian tells Angel that he hears a generator and sees live wire hanging down from the ceiling.

  Meanwhile Maria was still trying to find a way out of the trap that she was in. Then she sees a capsule and throws it into the laser trip mines which cause them to explode. The blast is powerful enough to blast the enemies away from the doorway. Maria then kills the enemies that were surrounding her. She looks to the next security room which is huge and full of enemies, she grabs a sub-machine gun and starts to take care of the aliens. However a BattleGlooba also guards the area and begins to launch mortar shots in her direction. Maria dodges the explosive rounds however just like Luis she has no explosive weapon on her. So Maria needs to improvise, she sees a sentry turret upstairs on the opposite side of where BattleGlooba is. Maria dodges fire from BattleGlooba while she's running she sees the red access card. Maria makes it up to the turret and begins to unload on BattleGlooba with the turret until she is able to finally kill him. She hears a robotic sound; a sentry drone comes behind her ready to attack. Maria gets off the turret and jumps down to the bottom while the drone explodes the turret. While it was a decent fall Maria is just fine not sustaining any injury. She says "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you can resurrect and pick on me! I'm one bitch you can't mess with!" She grabs the red access card then she sees laser trip mines beginning to open up from the wall. Maria runs out to the exit as fast as she can to avoid the laser trip mines, she barely escapes the trap. Maria says out of breath "Whew!... It seems... that I'm... not welcomed here. At least I got the card time to head back to the door leading to central command. Maria heads back to the central command door.

  Back down on the 1st floor Dayvon is heading towards the location of the screaming. Dayvon screams "Who's there? Anyone there answer me!" Then the scream is heard again, Dayvon finds the source of the screaming but he is too late. A pack of slimers had eaten the brains and body of a surviving worker, Dayvon can only look at the situation in shock as the worker was being eaten alive and the slimers were starting to grow. Dayvon says in anger "Time to freeze you freaks of nature!" Dayvon uses his frezzethrower to freeze the slimers and with all his might punches the frozen slimers into ice pieces. He sees a group of eggs and he freezes them all, while shooting he says "I'm sending all of you parasitic freaks to the other side before you have the dishonor of being born in this world. Die you parasites!" Dayvon destroys all of the slimer eggs; a whole lot of green and blue goo from the dead slimers can be all over the wall. A really bad odor can be smelled from the dead slimers just like sewer water. While the worker was eaten alive he did leave a blue keycard for the door to central command. After he grabs the keycard Dayvon heads back to meet with the other; who he assumes are still alive.

  Meanwhile in the mechanical room Luis continues to crawl his way to BattleGlooba to avoid being seen by him. BattleGlooba continues to look around still not completely convinced that the room is clear of any humans. Luis sees BattleGlooba turns his head towards his direction and quickly rolls under a desk to avoid being spotted. Luis becomes nervous because BattleGlooba starts to move in his direction walking ever so slowly. Luis has to stay still like a statue and make no noise until he can get a clear shot at BattleGlooba's groin. When BattleGlooba gets next to Luis, Luis sees his opportunity when he sees BattleGlooba's head is turned. Luis starts to crawl under BattleGlooba become even more nervous as he progresses. After carefully moving he finally gets under BattleGlooba and the under his groin just the position Luis wanted to get to. Luis says to BattleGlooba "Suck it Down big boy, gonna be the worse shit you're ever take!" Then Luis blasts BattleGlooba's groin with his shotgun and BattleGlooba screams in pain ready to kneel down. Luis quickly gets out of the way, after BattleGlooba falls down back first Luis points his shotgun to BattleGlooba face and says "Eww who's your plastic surgeon, well Dr. Luis is here to rearrange that ugly face of yours." Luis blasts BattleGlooba's face with the shotgun and says after "Now that this ugly piece of shit is where he belongs, its time to find out if the access card is in the security room." He wipes off the blood off his boots and proceeds to the security room that he had open previously. He enters the security room and to his surprise a yellow keycard is just sitting there in a normal office area. Luis says "Hmm I'll take this keycard, what the hell?" Luis legs get trapped by metal wraps rendering him immobile and then a red laser begins to move towards Luis which cuts a chair in half. Luis says "Damn now I'm in some trouble hopefully one of the others can hear me. HELP!" Luis continues to scream for help in hopes someone come in to help.

  Angel and Fabian meanwhile try to find a way around the flooded room filled with sharks. Angel sees a small path way surrounding the flooded area and tells Fabian "Hey listen my man we're gonna have to shimmy our way through using the small path. Perhaps maybe those live wires can help us out to "light" things up if you know what I mean." Fabian says "Yeah I understand you my friend." Angel and Fabian attempt to grab the live wire so use it on the water to use it as a conductor to fry the sharks. When the two get close to the live wire to pull it down a shark comes and tries to attack while the shark isn't able to grab either Angel or Fabian but Fabian is knocked down into the water. Angel is able to grab the live wire but now he couldn't use it because he would shock Fabian as well who fell into the water. The same shark that attacked last time turns back and begins to go after Fabian. Fabian doesn't panic though he waits for the shark to open its mouth and gets a perfect shot killing the shark, but the other sharks begin to go after Fabian. However Fabian is able to get his footing back on the small path, Angel throws the live wire into the water, then a big arc flash is seen and the electrical current kills all of the sharks. Angel says after the burning smell "Although it's the scent of electrocuted sharks, the smell is very appetizing, mmm fried shark sounds good doesn't it Fabian?" Fabian laughs and says "Wow for a really bad situation we're in you sure got a sense a humor." Angel responds "Well you got to; it's what has been keeping us alive." Angel and Fabian are able to get out of the flooded room and we're ready to proceed to the main hallway. Before they could continue though Fabian realizes his notes of the signs needed to open the door to central command was full of water and it became illegible. Angel says to Fabian "Hey just remember it like this Omega was in the sub-basement and Beta was in the basement. We just need the symbols for the 1st and 2nd floors." Angel and Fabian use the keycard to access the elevator to the main floor.

  Luis is still screaming for help as the red cutting laser is getting close to him. After Angel and Fabian get off the elevator they can hear the call for help. Dayvon also hears the call for help as well and gets moving to where he hears the screaming. Angel
and Fabian find themselves meeting up with Dayvon in the main hallway, Angel says to Dayvon "Am I glad to see you!" Dayvon responds in a rush "Yeah it is a good thing no time to small talk though I think someone's in trouble." Angel responds "I heard the same thing let's go in together." Fabian while running with Angel asks "Who's this guy?" Angel says "No time to explain, one of my friends is in trouble." Angel, Fabian and Dayvon find Luis trapped; they try to loosen the straps with no luck. Fabian sees a sign "To deactivate laser trap the two buttons on each side must be pressed in unison." Fabian says "Hey I'll press this button and one of you press the other button but it has to be at the same time." So Fabian goes to the left button and Angel goes to the right button, then they press the buttons at the same time. The laser stops just before it gets to Luis, the straps are released from Luis's foot and the four are reunited. Luis says in gratitude "Yo thanks I was almost cut in half here, well lets go meet Maria or at least I hope she's upstairs." Fabian sees a Delta sign on one of the picture frames. Luis and Dayvon ask who Fabian was, Angel explains who Fabian is and how they met. Angel says "Now that we gotten to meet each other where is central command?" Luis responds "Upstairs and Maria should be up there with the other keycard to open central command." Angel says "Wait a minute I saw a note downstairs about having to match Greek symbols to the proper floor, what's this keycard business?" Fabian says "Wait that note was ripped from the top so that note may not had been in it's entirely." Angel responds "Well let's get on moving we'll find out soon enough." The four head upstairs to the door leading to central command.


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