The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 23

by Angel Medina

  The Four Horsemen were finally exposed for who they really are, traitors to the people of Earth all for a dollar. Meanwhile Luis thought Bill was a semi-friend after Bill helped him out, Bill just wanted to get Luis on his good side so he could ambush our heroes. Our heroes defeat the Four Horsemen for now; they vow to come back at a later time. While everyone is in the Dreadnought battleship, Angel gets stuck in a time warp but maybe an important one as it may reveal secrets of his dead father. After his battle with Bill, Angel becomes increasingly suspicious that Bill is his father’s real killer. However that’s a problem for the future, right now Angel has to see if he even gets out of this black hole.

  Chapter 15(A)

  Lunatic Fringe

  Angel continues the journey through the black hole and after another minute he gets out. When he gets out though he sees the shadow of a person, when Angel looks up to see who it is he is shocked and speechless. It was his father or was it simply an illusion just like what Dayvon was seeing back in the "dimension of illusions". Angel still could not believe he was seeing his father again, he went to hug him and his father hugged him back. Could it be that Angel has resurrected his father back to life? He found himself in the living room of the house he grew up again.

  Angel says "Father is that you?" Angel's father says "Yes my son it's me or at least the spirit of your father, but I love you the same as if I was still alive." Angel cries and says "I thought I would never see you again or even hug you for that matter. Let me ask you something." Angel's father says "What my son?" Angel asks "Father who really killed you, I have my suspicions of who it could be I think it was Bill. Bill always wanted you out because you were hurting his business." Angel's father replies "Listen it's time that you know the truth, yes Bill was the one that killed me along with three others, the ones who call themselves the Four Horsemen." Angel says "Damn I just fought him but I didn't finish him off, I promise I will avenge your death." Angel's father says "Take it easy my son you'll get your chance but don't let your vengeance get in the way of your mission on Earth. You got good friends that will help you out and Bill will get his!" Before the two can finish their conversation the wall behind them opens and a circular room can be seen, a sign can be saying "The forgotten base". After that several glooba forces come and attack the two. Angel's father says "I can help you out here so you can return to where you belong." Angel happily accepts saying "It would be an honor pops to fight along side with you." Angel and his father explore the forgotten base.

  Angel and his father take out the salamander troopers that attack them. They move on and notice the base is a continuous circle that leads him back to where he started from. Then iguana enforcers try to ambush him from behind but his father sees them and shoots them. He says "Like I said I'm still watching over your back." Angel replies "Yeah thanks pop." Angel sees two switches where he is he pushes them but nothing happens. Then the two of them go around the base again taking out more aliens that pop out. Angel reaches the "other side" and hits the two switches then a loud sound like a boat motor. The core or at least parts of the core begin to open then the BattleGlooba roar is heard. Angel spots two BattleGloobas his father stands in the middle and surrounds himself with a force field while Angel shoots down the BattleGloobas. Despite the heavy fire neither Angel nor his father are hurt or sustain any injuries after the battle more aliens pop out to attack the two.

  Angel and his father come out of the core to take care of the aliens however the numbers game was starting to take its toll on the two of them. Angel says "There's gotta be a way outta here!" Angel's father grabs his hand and leads him to the upper portion of the core. Angel perplexed asks "Why did you take me here? What is up here?" Angel's father says "Never give up just trust what your heart says!" and then his father vanishes into thin air. Angel screams "Father! Where did you go? Well it really wasn't my father proper and I'm sure there something up here that's important. Angel begins to search for a way out while still getting attacked by aliens on occasion but he deals with them easily. After several minutes Angel does see a switch with a footprint on it, the footprint looks like one that a glooba alien would have. He presses it but he sees no open doors or anything until he sees a green ray shooting out of the wall on the side he started on. However right below him were a couple of BattleGloobas that just came out of the doors on the lower part of the core. Angel did not want to alert the BattleGloobas since he did not have his father to back him up anymore.

  Angel was also still unsure of how he was actually going to get out of the base, he seen a green ray but that's it. Angel carefully jumped from one platform to the other the BattleGloobas were still unaware of Angel's presence. Then Angel carefully timed his jump took a deep breath and jumped out of the core to where he started from or at least close. Angel then walked slowly towards where the green ray was shooting out from. Angel then noticed a small hole he kneels down and takes a look at the hole on the other side he can see the black hole or "white hole" which was his ticket out of this place. Putting 2 and 2 together Angel realizes he has to let the green ray shrink him to size to fit in the hole than use the vitamin x to get himself back to regular size then jump in the hole. Angel steps in the way of the ray letting the ray shrink him down; Angel looks around to make sure no aliens were waiting on the other side to crush him. There were no aliens beyond, so Angel continued and when he got close to the hole he takes the vitamin x which grows him back to regular size. After Angel turns back to regular size he says in his head "Thanks father for everything and thanks for leading to the way out of here back where I belong. I have and always love you. I promise over your dead body that I will avenge your death! Bill if you can hear me you are not going to get away with killing my father, you will pay for your sins I swear you will!" Angel jumps into the black hole and warps back or at least he hopes to warp back to his teammates and finish the job.

  Angel was warped to the forgotten base but we'll call it the "dimension of lost souls" which refers to the spirit of his dead father. He got to see his father even touch him and got to work with his father even if it was only for a few minutes. More importantly Angel finds out the true killer of his father is indeed Bill himself and now Angel has more incentive to save Earth. At the same time Angel wants revenge on Bill especially when he had him down and he was able to get away. While Angel did get answers to his questions he now has more question such as how did Bill know about the virtual world and when will he get to see Bill again to extract his revenge. Only time will tell.

  Chapter 15


  While Angel was still in the black hole escaping the dimension of lost souls, Dayvon, Maria, Luis and Samantha were still looking for him inside the Dreadnought battleship. Will Angel warp back to Dreadnought or is Angel doomed to join his father in the afterlife? Finally what else is lurking in the ship and once they touchdown at the alien base?

  Maria, Dayvon, Luis and Samantha are looking franticly for Angel searching every inch and killing any aliens that might be lurking. While they look for Angel the four also look for the controls for the battleship to get it started so they can set it on course for the alien base. On their way to the control room they run into an incubator room where they find slimers, slimer protectors and iguana enforcers. The heroes start to clean house with the alien troops however Samantha gets slashed by one of the slimer protectors and she goes down. Dayvon kills the slimer protector but Samantha is seriously injured after the attack. Dayvon asks Samantha “Sam are you ok?” Sam replies in a weak tone “No that alien hit me good, I’m in bad shape I may not make it.” Dayvon says “Come on Sam don’t think that way you are going to be fine!” Maria and Luis go on forward to find the main controls while Dayvon tries to take care of Sam’s injuries. Dayvon takes a cloth and ties it around Sam’s injured arm where she was slashed, Dayvon then uses some ointment he had found in the Tiberius Station and applying it on Samantha’s wound. By a miracle Samantha is able to make a full recovery and hugs him then says “T
hanks Dayvon you saved my life, how can I repay you.” Dayvon replies “There’s no need to thank me, just help me out in my mission and that will be fine.” Dayvon and Samantha jump down the small waterfall to the lower level as a shortcut to catch up with the others.

  Meanwhile Angel finally gets out of the time warp which leads him to an underwater hall that he begins to explore. He sees several poisonpus’s which he takes care of along the way. The hall was rather long and at one point Angel thought that the hall was never going to end. After five minutes though the hall does end he sees a circular area full of poisonpus’s, Angel opts to ignore them and resurfaces above water. He’s in a strange looking circular room, probably the swimming pool area for the staff. He takes care of some iguana enforcers and salamander troopers when he gets up to the dry ground. He then finds four switches that he has to push in a certain way to open the door next to him or at least it was indicated on the instructions. Angel is able to figure out the switch combination (1- On, 2- On, 3-Off and 4- On) then the door next to him opens. Angel walks inside the hall way but is approached by a BattleGlooba and then the door behind him closes, Angel is unable to open the door. Angel finds himself trapped in the hallway with the BattleGlooba. Out of no where the BattleGlooba shrinks in front of Angel, it was Maria that shrunk the BattleGlooba and Maria says “If you don’t mind this guy’s gonna get squashed!” Then Maria hugs Angel and says “I’m glad you’re ok, I thought you were a goner!” Angel says “I thought the same thing as well, I also saw… Well nothing but I think I know who killed my father, I got a good feeling that it was Bill and the Four Horsemen. I was in this weird world where I had seen my father alive.” Luis and Maria are shocked by what Angel says but at the same time they understood because they had gone through the same thing before. Then Dayvon and Samantha show up afterwards and they are glad Angel is alive.

  Dayvon asks Angel “Where did you go?” Angel responds “I was just saying to the others I fell into a black hole just like you saw your family Dayvon I saw my father body and everything. He helped me out before disappearing into the air; whether it was real or just an illusion I can’t answer that for you.” Samantha replies “Whatever it was I’m glad you’re back and now we can get this ship started.” Luis says “Right now where’s the control room?” The heroes head back to the swimming pool area where they see a door locked but no switch around or anything that would open the door. Angel sees a vent above the door and says “Maria I’ll piggyback you to the vent and then you can see where it leads.” After being piggybacked into the vent Maria sees a group of salamander troopers guarding the area, after taking care of the troopers she realizes that she is in the control room. She opens the door that was locked inviting the others in and in no time they get the battle ship to start. Angel with his technical skills programs the ship to fly to the alien base and says “Alien base here we come!” Dayvon says “Now it’s our turn to kick some tail!” Luis says “Save your prayers gloobas!” Maria says “Don’t worry Maria’s here!” Samantha says “Time to get rid of these aliens forces once in for all!” Dreadnought begins its route to the alien base.

  While the Dreadnought is on route to the alien base the ship begins to experience turbulence part of it is the wind but then the turbulence gets even worse. Then the automated voice of the ship says “Dreadnought is under attack!” Angel says “Under attack by what?” Then Angel sees the outside of the ship and sees a group of glooba spaceships attacking the ship. Luis says “Oh come on we are so close to the alien base!” Samantha says “That’s exactly the problem we are close, so they are gunning for us to make sure we don’t make it!” Maria says “Here they come!” Dayvon says “Time to show them whose boss!” A combination of different classes of glooba aliens broke into the ship at the same time the spaceships were trying to shoot Dreadnought down. Angel says “One of us has to go find the controls for the attack guns of the ship so we can take down the enemy ships, if not they’ll take us down!” Samantha says “I’ll look for the controls I know where they are, you guys try to hold the enemy off here!” Our heroes find themselves in a fight for their lives once again. Angel and Maria take one side of the pool area while Luis and Dayvon focus on protecting Samantha while she moves towards the defensive controls.

  Samantha heads upstairs back where the heroes first came inside the ship; she shoots down the aliens in her way. Angel and Maria were having an easy time taking the aliens as they were coming in and even easier when Luis and Dayvon came back to give them a hand. The only problem was that Dreadnought was starting to get damaged badly on its side due to constant fire by the space ships. Angel said “Shit this things gonna crash, come on Samantha hurry up!” The number of gloobas was also starting to multiply even faster and our heroes were getting outnumbered badly. Luis says “Sam’s gotta hurry up or we’re toast, running out of bullets here!” Samantha rushes up to the control room as fast as she can but the constant moving of the ship slows her down somewhat but eventually she does get to the defense controls. She activates them and starts to man the main gun shooting down the ships as fast as she can before any more damage can be caused. Eventually Sam is able to take down all of the ships and the number of aliens coming into the ship slows down significantly. Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis breathe a sigh of relief and Angel says “Yes Sam did it, she just saved our butts!” The Automated voice says “Dreadnought has damage to the left and right engine, autopilot has been disabled. Prepare for a crash landing the main pilot should be at the main control to land the ship.” Luis says “Don’t get too excited this things going down and we better make sure it lands at the alien base. Anyone knows how to pilot a ship because I don’t, I only know about cars.” Sam comes back down and says “I’ll lead this baby to the base, prepare for a bumpy ride though!” Sam guides the battleship the best she can while the others simply brace for impact. Sam is able to guide it with great patience and the ship crash lands but most of the impact is felt below, so the only impact was our heroes getting bumped around during the landing. Angel tells Samantha “Wow that was a pretty good landing for the lack of no engines, you are a good pilot!” Samantha says “Thanks! Guys we’ve made it to the main alien base. I can already see the death ray.” Dayvon says “Let’s go in there and blow this joint up!” Angel says “Easy there my brother, we gotta find the last piece of the anti-matter ball as well.” Maria says “With out Dreadnought how are we gonna get out of here once this place does blow?” Luis says “Hey alien ships, we’re just “borrow” those ships to get out! Well what are we waiting for lets go in!” The heroes head inside the alien base which was in the shape of a top and the death ray on the peak of the base aiming for earth.

  Our heroes finally get into the Dreadnought and indeed Angel returns from the warp to join the others. None of what they were looking for is found on the ship but they managed to start the ship and fight off the glooba forces that tried to take them down. After the crash landing they finally land at the alien base and see the death ray the gloobas plan to use. Angel’s heart starts to pound once again which is saying the third part of the anti-matter ball is also inside the alien base. The gloobas last stand in space at least begins here.

  Chapter 16


  The heroes arrive at the main enemy base which is just outside the moon preparing to meet the enemy and to get the third part of the anti-matter ball. When the heroes get inside they see a huge door which can’t be good, probably a surprise waiting for them and many slimer eggs. Then a loud roar although sounds much different than the BattleGlooba, could it be another one of the gloobas secret weapons?

  The heroes when they enter find a big room surrounded by slimer eggs along with capsules full of green goo used to feed the slimers. The heroes begin to shoot the eggs but Maria accidently shoots one of the capsules. The capsule exploded and caused a chain reaction which destroyed the rest of the capsules and slimer eggs. Angel says “Nice shot! You got all of them in one shot, now what’s behind door number 1!”
Our heroes got ammo packs in the base and reloaded their weapons and then they heard that loud roar again. Luis says “Something doesn’t sound right here!” Maria says “What the hell is behind that door?” Samantha replies “It’s probably the leader of the attack here on the moon!” Dayvon says “Whatever it is we gotta take it out, it’s probably guarding the anti-matter ball part, everyone ready?” Everyone says yes, then they slowly approach the door and what they see is the next freak of nature they have to face. Angel says “Oh a big ass toad with rocket launchers on its back, I’ll rip your head off then piss down your neck!” Dayvon says “What the hell is that, Maria watch it!” Maria gets out of the way before a rocket hits her. This creature was known as the Overlord a toad that has been mutated with a huge human body and rocket launchers on its arms. Just like BattleGlooba he was big enough to crush our heroes, unlike BattleGlooba; Overlord has no chain gun just a rocket attack which was easier to dodge. Overlord says to the heroes “Hahaha you dare come to my base, now you shall pay for encroaching on my lands!” Angel replies “Your lands? I never knew a toad could be a leader!” Dayvon responds “Don’t even listen to that frog face, he’s full of it!” The battle between our heroes and the Overlord was ready to begin.


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