The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 34

by Angel Medina

  Maria then asks Angel “How do you know Mariano is dead and didn’t actually survive the fall, did you check him?” Angel replies “No but ne never replied when I asked if he was ok why do you think he’s still alive?” Maria says “Yes I do and remember Caleb and Mariano didn’t necessary get along with each other. I’m not assuming anything but I smell a rat here. The mind trap you experience might be right about a turncoat existing but it may not be the person to expect it to be.” Angel says “Well we can’t be concerned about that right now, I’m just happy we are on the same side now lets’ go.” The two go ahead through the door Caleb was about to go through before getting killed. They enter a dark blue hallway where undead knights go after our heroes, our heroes are ready for the knights and they take care of them easily. When the continue through the hallway they hear a strange creature bouncing up and down behind them the creature hits Maria in the back then it stops to show itself. It was a spawn just like Dayvon and Luis had seen in the pain maze. The spawn jumps towards Angel but he is able to dodge the spawn and then shoots it with his thunderbolt which causes the spawn to explode. Angel says “What the hell is the blue glob thing, Maria are you ok?” Maria gets up and tells Angel she is ok she only went down for a moment. Then the duo continues their way down the hall they are met with more undead knights which they kill off easily then they find a door to the Elder Temple but it needs a gold key. Meanwhile a couple of behemoth try to take our heroes out but Maria kills them with her crossbow, Angel says in a suspicious tone “That’s pretty good shooting there honey!” Maria replies “What are you trying to say Angel? Angel responds “Nothing I’m complementing you on your shooting, that’s all.” The heroes head straight ahead where they see two paths the one to the left contains a spawn trying to ambush our heroes but Angel spots it and destroys it. The door simply leads back to a room that Angel has already explored, so they go take the path going right.

  Angel and Maria see a hallway straight ahead which is all too quiet not a single enemy can be seen but the duo knew that meant the hallway had to be rigged with a trap. Angel starts to walk and to his suspicion the floor begins to open up and below was, Angel walks back when he sees the floor start to open up and says “Shit looks like we gotta find another path or use the pole to shimmy our way to the other side.” So the two jump up to the pole and begin to shimmy their way through to the other side. This would require plenty of upper body strength because if they fell it would be a toasty death for them. However as they got close to the other side the floor came back and when they made it to the other side the floor was already back where it was covering the lava. Angel says “I’ll be damned you could had just waited for the floor to reappear again, we used all that strength for nothing.” Maria says “Well at least it was a good workout for us and we did it together.” Angel replies “Glad someone finds pleasure in all this, well you’re right anyway we’re together and that’s what counts." However the small talk was cut short with the walls surrounding them opening with a knight and a fiend popping out. Angel takes care of the fiend using the trap to his advantage by activating the trap and getting the fiend to jump into the lava. Maria uses her sword skills and takes on the knight in hand to hand combat defeating it in the process. After killing the two enemies the duo finds a sliver key in the third wall that opened, Angel says “A key but it’s not the one we need so perhaps we need to go back to where Caleb was killed I saw another door in that room.” So the heroes negotiate the trap and wait until the floor reappears then the duo sprints across the hall.

  Angel reunites with Maria however the reunion at first doesn’t come too sweet as Angel has his suspicions that Maria was going to turn her back on him. His suspicions became even stronger as he saw the dead body of Caleb shot with the same crossbow that was in Maria’s hand. Angel threatens Maria at first forcing Maria to pretty much beg Angel to believe her and she also convinces that what he saw in that mind trap was just that a mind trap set by Darkgaryl so he could separate the two to make his job easier to spread his evil. By a miracle Maria is able to convince Angel that she is indeed on his side and Angel once again puts his faith in Maria besides it was the love of his life. So the duo explores the shrine and they find the sliver key then head back to room where Caleb was dead. However our heroes would make a shocking discovering…

  When Angel and Maria head back to the hall where Caleb was killed they see that the body was no longer there. Angel says “Well I believe you now Maria that’s the good news but the bad news is…” Maria cuts Angel saying “Yeah now we have a mysterious assassin who could be watching our every move.” Angel says “Yeah… that’s about what I was about to say… Anyway there’s the door to we need to open let’s get moving!” The duo heads through the door where they go down another blue hallway which was much lighter compared to the other side. Then three undead knights head for the duo; Maria heads in to take care of the knights, with her sword skills she kills all three knights. Then they see a gold key on the floor but then they get surrounded by undead knights along with death knights. Angel says “Ok… this is gonna to be a bit of a rough one here, any ideas honey?” Maria says “None here babe we just gotta fight or die trying!” Angel looks at the death knights saying “Hey tin heads want a piece of me, come and get it!” Angel grabs the sword of one of the knights using it to behead that knight; then the other two knights begin to shoot fireballs at Angel but Angel uses the sword to deflect the fireballs back at the knights burning them alive. Maria makes quick work of the undead knights that try to attack her and says “Well that takes of that honey, hey hun I love you!” Angel happily replies “I love you too I’m sorry I ever doubted your loyalty towards me, I guess I’m too much into spiritism that I’m gullible to demons as well.” Maria says “It’s fine babe I know you’ve been through a lot in this time traveling adventure. Angel says “I just never figured it would get this serious where the enemy tries to play with our emotions and those we love the most that make me sick to my stomach; I can’t wait to get my hands on Darkgaryl!” Maria responds “Yeah but our real target is the glooba emperor who sent us here and started this war on us.” The duo heads to the exit now that they have found the key.

  Angel and Maria head back to the exit but before they get there they are met with resistance. They see a few behemoths on the way killing them on the way; then they see a combination of fiends and undead knights which they take of easily. When they head close to the exit they see a few ogres that Angel simply burns with his flare gun. However before our heroes could get to the exit Maria is hit by a skull blast from behind, Angel knew it could only be only one thing. It was a Cabal Phantom, with Maria down Angel had to face the phantom himself. The phantom shoots another skull blast at Angel who dodges it easily but then the phantom disappears out of thin air and Angel could not for the life of him find the phantom. The phantom reappears behind Angel who is unaware of all this but by some miracle Maria is able to warn Angel to look behind him. Angel looks behind him and indeed it was the phantom ready to take a slash at Angel, Angel reacts quickly and uses his thunderbolt weapon to zap the ghost away. Angel then says “Wow thanks honey but how did you know he was behind me if you couldn’t see him only me with my x-ray goggles.” Maria replies “I believe in spirits as well you know and I sensed it’s presence in fact I gotta tell you I actually saw it as well.” Angel says “Nah you joking right what did he look like?” Maria replies “He had a gray hood with a skull for a head along with a scythe basically he looked like or at least resembled the grim reaper.” Angel says “So my journey is completed I always wanted to find a fellow medium to be with me, Maria you’re a medium just like I am. We can see things others can’t although we see don’t necessarily see the same things but working together no ghost or evil spirit will hide from us. I’m convinced now that not only our love is true but it is destiny, we are destined to be together and we have to stick together if we are to win this war!” Maria cries tears of joy saying “I’m glad I found you I always
had a crush on you but I was always scared to admit it. Now that I know I’m not the only one who can see things that are hidden and you can do the same I know now who I will marry. Angel will you marry me?” Angel shocked and blushing says “Maria marriage is a big step honey I love you but we got to get to know each other even better; I don’t want to make you feel bad but I got to get know you better, get to know the family you know we just need to just have some fun first.” Maria replies “I hear you babe I just don’t want to lose you I want you forever nobody is going to have you. I found my prince charming right here right now, never thought it would come at a trial of saving the world but I’m glad I met you.” Angel says “Thanks Maria that means a lot and you won’t lose me I promise that I want you as well. However…” Maria asks “However what babe?” Angel replies “What I was going to say was first we have to get out of this virtual world alive and make sure the Earth is saved before anything.” Maria laughs saying “Yeah you’re right no point having a relationship if we are dead or if the world is taken over by ugly ass aliens or cultists. Honey lets go inside the Elder Temple!” Angel says “Yup time to kick some medieval ass!” The duo prepares to enter the Elder temple.

  Maria and Angel find that the corpse of Caleb was no longer where it was when they found it. Where did the body go or who took the body? The duo face many challenges in the Elder Shrine but during the challenges the relationship between Maria and Angel becomes stronger instead of weaker like Darkgaryl thought it would become. The duo gets attacked by a Cabal Phantom by the exit heading towards the Elder Temple. Maria gets knocked away by a skull blast from the ghost leaving Angel to deal with the ghost by himself. Angel dodges a blast from the ghost but then the ghost totally disappears from Angel’s view but somehow Maria was able to warn Angel that the ghost was behind him despite she did not have any x-ray glasses. After getting rid of the ghost Angel realizes that Maria is indeed faithful to him and she’s a medium like he is, Angel knows he has found his one true love and they need to stick together along with Dayvon and Luis if they are to survive along with Earth. Maria even goes as far as asking Angel for his hand in marriage but Angel declines her proposal at least for now because he wants to know her better although he’s gotten to know her well already. Angel wants to first complete the mission at hand before talking about marriage which is understandable for if Earth is destroyed or taken over it won’t matter anyway. What was waiting in the Elder Temple for our heroes and would Darkgaryl finally be defeated. Finally would our heroes regain the anti-matter ball and get back to their current time period where they belonged?

  Chapter 27

  The Elder Temple

  Angel and Maria survive the elder shrine while Dayvon and Luis survive the pain maze. All of our heroes were all heading towards the Elder Temple although the teams of two have no idea that they are still alive, each one assumes the others are lost or dead. The mystery behind Caleb’s death still hasn’t been solved and it needed to be solved lest one or all of our heroes are killed. Meanwhile was Mariano really dead or not? Finally would Darkgaryl finally show himself to our heroes and where was the anti-matter ball?

  Dayvon and Luis enter the Elder Temple and they see a blue bricked hallway with torches on each side of the main side of the entrance. When the two move forward a trap door behind them opens and a couple of death knights pop out trying to ambush the duo. Dayvon uses his voodoo doll against the knights killing them instantly but he notices the doll breaks after being used so much, so Dayvon is forced to throw it away. Our heroes arrive at a wishing well surrounded by a pool of water; Dayvon says to Luis “Wanna make a wish?” Luis replies “Sure I wish we can get the hell outta here!” Dayvon responds “I was expecting a more intelligent answer!” Luis says “Well what do you want a rocket launcher or something?” Then out of no where a gang of death knights attack our heroes by shooting fireballs at them. Dayvon uses his hand cannon to shoot the knights in the head and Luis uses his nail gun to defeat the other knights. The duo is surrounded by three different paths one needed a gold key, one was upstairs and the other was right behind them. The duo head to the path right behind them where they find a small prayer area full of zombies, Dayvon uses his last TNT stick to blow up the zombies. After taking the zombies out the duo see a gold key but when they grab the key more zombies come down but our heroes decided to run. Dayvon says “Discretion is the better part of valor!” Luis says “In otherwords let's just run so we get to fight another day!” Dayvon says “Well that’s works as well, lets go!” Our heroes head to the gold key room on the other hall.

  Meanwhile Angel and Maria head inside the North entrance of the temple where they start at a dark blue hall which led the heroes to a dark blue room with a pool in the middle. While the duo was exploring the room they are attacked by a shambler; Maria tries to jump in the water but Angel pulls her back when he sees the creature shooting a bolt of electricity. Angel says “Are you crazy you go in there and you’ll be a nice toasted lobster. As for you big guy time to give you a shock of my own kind!” Angel shoots the shambler with the thunderbolt killing it and says “Take that you big freak of nature!” Maria says “Thanks babe for saving me, I guess I should had used common sense there.” Angel replies “No sweat hun now lets go inside the pool because I don’t see any way out of this room.” There was a door to his right but because the room was so dark he misses it; so both of our heroes head underwater where they soot some piranhas trying to get a bite out of our heroes. Maria sees a switch all the way in the back; she hits the switch which opens a gate. The duo heads through the gate then they resurface back to dry land where they find a hallway even darker than the last. The only sources of light were the torches that were lit up even few feet but it was still rather dark for our heroes. Then they barely see a death knight and a couple of fiends and then they lose them in the darkness. The enemies were walking quietly and our heroes thoughts were if they were quiet then they would be able to get though with out being noticed. Angel and Maria stick together while walking; Maria touches someone she thinks is Angel and says “Damn Angel your skin is rougher than I thought or is it just me?” When Maria finds out what she is touching she is shocked…

  Dayvon and Luis head for the gold key door when they bump into a couple of ogres who they take care of easily. After that they enter the gold key room which is a big room which resembles some sort of jail area. Dayvon asks “What kind of temple has a jail?” Luis replies “One that belongs to the Cabal and one they want to put us in forever!” As our heroes entered they see a stick of TNT ready to blow up right next to them, they run as fast as they can to get out of the way of the explosion. Dayvon and Luis are able to get out of the way of the blast but then they are attacked by cultists with crossbows from the upper levels. They peek around the corner from where the cultists were shooting from and they quickly went back in when the arrows started to fly. Luis not wanting to stand like a sitting duck decides to take action by diving to the side and unloading his nailgun taking out the cultists while dodging the arrows. Unbelievably Luis isn’t hurt or even hit by any of the arrows; Dayvon says “I’m impressed bro here let me pick you up.” After Dayvon picks up Luis the duo continues inside finding small cells containing ammo for their respective weapons and finds some more cultists and frantics. This time though our heroes get the upper hand on the enemy and they’re able to kill the enemy off easily. Dayvon spots a button with a Cabal symbol, he pushes the button. The button opens a small hole in the floor just ahead of them; Dayvon looks down and sees the floor. Luis says “Well looks like we’re on our day down.” The duo heads down to the lower floor.

  Maria looks up and sees that she wasn’t touching Angel but instead was touching a death knight. Maria freaks out at first when the knight attacks her but gathers herself as fast as she can. Then she gets into a sword fight with the knight, when she sees an opening she beheads the knight killing it. Angel meanwhile takes care of the fiends that try to attack but after he defeats them he hears a slim
y thing jumping around. Angel says “It’s one of those blue gooey things again, lets get out of here!” Maria says “Where I have no idea where to go!” Angel sees a door but to his disappointment the door is locked and it needs a sliver key; Angel then says “Crap that thing could be any where we can’t just stand here we gotta get moving.” The duo keeps moving down the hall until they see a door that does open and it leads them back to the room with the pool exactly where they has started. Angel looking stupid says “We just came from here and we didn’t see this door?” Maria replies “Calm down babe its fine, hey there’s another door it’s just too dark here.” Angel and Maria go through the door but the floor opens up inside causing our heroes to fall down to a lower floor. Once they get down they are greeted by a couple of death knights who give our heroes some trouble at first but our heroes are able to kill them off relatively easily. Both heroes see buttons on each side of the hallway; they press the buttons at the same time causing the door to open. A couple of fiends are inside waiting for our heroes but our heroes kill off the fiends before they can even attack. The duo sees an elevator just ahead that lead upstairs.


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