The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 53

by Angel Medina

  However, in Angel’s head he hears his father’s voice, “Never give up trust what your heart says!” With all of his heart and energy Angel is able to bring down Sickle’s hand. When Angel brings down Sickle’s hand he puts it down with feeling hurting Sickle’s hand.

  Sickle says to Angel, “Ok supercop you win!” Angel gets a pack of cigarettes from Sickle which is his 25th pack he needed. Now all Angel had to do was give the packs to Wireboy.

  Angel goes to Wireboy and Wireboy says to Angel, “Good job Angel you got my 25 packs, here’s the acid now to go find Skull…”

  Angel cuts off Wireboy off before he can say anything saying “Yeah I know the showers in cell block B I was paying attention.”

  “Ok wise guy, just watch your back out there!”

  Angel now had the acid bomb to be used in the explosion now he had to find Skull to find out where the explosion would take place. Angel heads to the showers where he finds Skull and his gang. Skull was a long time felon who has a long rap sheet, including robbery, assault and murder charges. He was cover in tattoos, had a bald head and a face uglier than an ape.

  Skull talks to his gang and says, “This will be the most epic break in history by the time the cops even realize the explosion has happened we going to be halfway out this bitch. Hahaha these cops are so stupid they don’t realize this building is older than Herbert Hoover. We’re going to make them the laughing stock of the whole world.”

  One of Skull’s partners says concerned, “Hey can you trust anyone here, after all this is a big secret that we can’t have everybody knowing this.”

  “Ah you worry too much when we’re done here we’re going to be halfway to a hot tub and a hot babe! Besides I’m the one with the map and my sister is an officer she wouldn’t dare snitch on me, oh she knows much better!” Skull says in a cocky tone

  Angel says to Skull, “Why don’t you just say it over the loudspeaker? You’re screaming it over the top of your damn lungs!”

  Skull replies while laughing, “What break? What’s it to you cop? While you are being fried like a lobster we’re going to be drinking fruity drinks by the beach!”

  “Yeah I’ll be tagging along kicking your ass the whole way, trust me you’re not getting away when this is all done!”

  “How are you going to do that cop? Tell the warden you want to walk off that last donut or what ever garbage you can get your hands on hehehe.” Skull continues to taunt Angel

  “Well that’s my business; I just want to see your map that’s all.” Angel asks Skull

  “No such luck cop; while you maybe in orange but to us you are still a pig in blue!” Despite Angel being in orange, Skull still felt like Angel was still law enforcement “Put em up!” Angel finds himself in a fight in the shower with Skull along with his two gang members.

  Angel says in his head, “Just focus on Skull these two other clowns are just a waste of my time!”

  However as Angel would learn he would have to deal with the other two “clowns” anyway as they proved to be a hindrance to Angel. Angel grabs one of the gang members and piledrives the prisoner right onto the ceramic floor cracking his head. That left only one gang member and Skull to be dealt with. Skull ambushes Angel from behind and has his partner pick up Angel then put him in a shower area. Skull turns on the cold water which begins to fall on Angel waking him up however Angel is being held by Skull’s partner.

  Skull says in an arrogant tone, “Well Angel I hate to throw in a wet towel on your plans, but I got breakout to execute!”

  “Screw you Skull it’s going to take more than a cold shower to cool me down.”

  Skull replies holding a knife, “Well you’re right Angel it will take more to take you out. Now that I have the acid and you did the dirty work for me there’s no need for you to be executed in the electric chair. I’ll kill you here right here!”

  Out of nowhere Bones comes into the showers and says, “You have to get through me first!”

  Bones tackles Skull to the floor and Angel is able to elbow the inmate holding him. After breaking out he slams the inmate’s head into the wall cracking the inmates head as well.

  Skull says, “Well well I wonder who invited the cop blocker to the party?”

  “Time to hand over the map Skull or I’ll gladly take it from you!” Angel demanded the map from Skull.

  Skull refuses to give Angel the map so he and Bones double team Skull and tackle him to the ground. Angel then takes the map from Skull and gives his thanks to Bones.

  “Hey thanks man while you at it why don’t you help me out with this bust I’m sure you want to get out of here as well. A pastor like you should be free not in here with these hoodlums.”

  “No problem Angel it’s the least I can do. Let’s get out of here!”

  While Angel and Bones made their way out of the showers into the hall they were met by correction guards who were ordered to grab Angel for his execution. However prior to being captured he gave to acid to bones along with the map to create the explosion that would hopefully make the hole in the prison. However Bones would have to find a way to knock out the power before Angel gets executed.

  While the preparations were being made for the execution a news reporter named Reggie Clark was covering the story.

  Clark begins the coverage of the execution saying “After 3 months of being held at death row the execution of former Lieutenant Angel Medina is about to take place. Angel is being executed for the murder of the commissioner of police Frank Kelly. At the same time the execution is taking place, Maria is with her lawyer filing for her divorce with Angel. However she may want to pump the brakes on that because in a matter of minutes it won’t matter as Angel will be executed. Currently the Mayor, the captain and the warden are at the electric chair prepared to kill Angel. Well I been told to stop talking as the execution is about to get on the way.” At the lawyer’s office Maria sees the coverage of Angel’s execution and decides to not sign the divorce papers.

  At the execution site Angel was sat down at the electric chair ready to be executed. Surrounding Angel were Mayor Williams, Warden Pinnacle who was recovering from his injuries, Bones who was in charged of doing the last prayers and Captain Carlos aka Angel’s uncle.

  Pinnacle says to Angel while setting up the chair in an evil tone “It took me a beat down to execute you Angel but the pleasure will be all mines hahaha!”

  Carlos says to Angel “My dear nephew I hate to see you in this situation, but you did it to yourself. I trusted you that’s why I hired you and what do you do? You go and murder the police commissioner! Hate to say it but I’m actually to going to enjoy watching you die and by the way I love you!”

  “Yeah you love me alright! Meanwhile your own people are doing illegal activity behind your back meanwhile I get the screw stick.” Angel angrily says to Carlos.

  Bones comes with the acid disguised as holy water and starts to do the last prayer for Angel while throwing the acid onto Angel, but more importantly the chair. The acid started to break through the straps fast, but Angel doesn’t give it away. He makes it convincing that he is still going to be executed. After Bones is finished with the prayer, Mayor Williams begins to talk.

  Mayor Williams says pretending to be upset “On behalf of the state of New York I sentence you Angel Medina to death by means of the electric chair for the gruesome murder of Frank Kelly our dear police commissioner, any last words Mr. Medina?”

  Angel answers “No not yet!”

  Pinnacle says “Son of a bitch time to die!” Pinnacle pulls the switch, the lights go out and a loud explosion can be heard.

  “Who turned off the damn lights, somebody turn on the damn lights! What the hell is going on here?” Mayor Williams was confused. After a minute the lights come back on, but the one sitting on the chair is not Angel it is instead Pinnacle who gets his goose cooked.

  Carlos shocked says “It’s Pinnacle but how? How did that bastard Angel get out?”

  “I want this place on
lock down, capture Angel Medina dead or alive!” The mayor orders the prison into lockdown mode.

  Bones silently says, “Thank you lord for your blessings.” Angel now had to fight his way out of the prison.

  Angel was able to cheat death once again thanks to Bones who would tag along with Angel in their escape. Now Angel had to find the explosion area nearby the showers that would lead him to an underground passage. The epic breakout of the decade was in progress will Angel survive? Finally why was Pinnacle in possession of cocaine? Was this an elaborate drug trafficking ring bring cooked up in the police force that was created to protect and serve.

  Chapter 5

  Breaking Out Of Prison

  Angel somehow finds a way out of the electric chair with the help of Bones. He pushes Pinnacle into the chair, which kills Pinnacle. Mayor Williams decides to put the prison on lockdown mode until Angel was found either dead or alive. Angel is able to hear the explosion in the distance and believes the explosion took place in the warden’s office. At least that is what was indicated on the map. Now Angel had to get to the warden’s office, but as the alarm began to go off Angel knew he would have plenty of resistance.

  Angel gets out of the execution room back to the cell block B hallway.

  Angel says, “I need to get to the warden’s office. Otherwise this map will be useless.”

  Angel gets to a guard station where he sees a guard and even though he doesn’t want to. Angel strikes the guard knocking him out. He gets the key inside the station to open the gate leading to the warden’s office.

  A couple of guards arrive at the station and one of them says, “Stop right there Medina!”

  “I’m afraid that will not be possible, I’m not giving myself to a crime I did not commit.”

  Angel then begins to fight the correction guards and contrary to popular belief these guards were not so tough. In fact Angel simply bashes the heads of both guards knocking them out instantly.

  “Well that should take care of them, didn’t mean to hurt them they were just doing their job.” Angel says in remorse

  Angel opens the gate leading to the hallway where he could get to the warden’s office. Angel sees a couple of guards chasing another inmate trying to escape. Angel assumes that he will not be alone in the underground passage, that he will be met with convicts who are trying to get out as well. Angel is met with a trio of guards. These guards give Angel more of a fight. In fact they even get Angel to bleed a little. Angel uses a roundhorse kick on one guard, punches one of the other guards out cold and side kicks the third guard. Angel did not want to use lethal force as these were correction officers which he worked with. Angel fights a few more guards and then he goes inside the warden’s office where he finds the hole to the underground passage.

  Angel jumps down the hole where he sees a rather impressive looking underground passage, which is full of water although the water is only ankle high. The passage was relatively dark as well with naturally made wall, resembling that of a cave. It was also rather damp in the underground passage and the smell of mold was definitely in the air.

  Angel says, “Seems simple enough just follow the dotted line and I should be out of here. I gotta be careful though this is an old passageway so anything can happen.”

  Angel begins to follow the map using the dotted line and its smooth sailing at first for Angel. That would change as he got deeper into the passageway as he was met with convicts who were trying to break out, and were not too fond of Angel being there.

  One of the convicts says to Angel, “You’re a dead man Medina!”

  One of the convicts pulls a gun on Angel, but Angel disarms him and shoots him with the gun that was stolen from a guard. Angel sees the corpse of a dead guard that had his gun stolen from him. After studying the dead body Angel sees more convicts shooting at his direction. Angel dives to his left and shoots all three of the convicts killing them. Angel continues down the passageway. At times gets dark but never to the point where Angel could not see ahead of him.

  Angel sees more convicts who say, “You’re going to die cop!”

  Angel has trouble seeing where the convicts are located so he hides behind a wall for cover. Finally with a little light from a lighter he had, Angel is able to see where the convicts were. Angel uses the hide and seek strategy to take out the inmates. As Angel gets deeper into the passageway he notices the routine gets more predictable. Convicts would come out ready to shoot at Angel. Angel gets the routine; guys in orange equals shoot them till they died.

  Angel then sees a metal door which he opens and notices a huge storage area full of drugs inside one of the closet compartments.

  Angel says in his head, “Well that’s why this passageway was such a secret to the rest of the force, this is a whole secret operation. What is this green thing? Could it be… plutonium and a whole stash of this stuff here? With all of the plutonium one person or force could have an unbelievable amount of power. This stuff was super expensive. Nuclear weapons could be made and even payoff the gloobas themselves. I’m starting to think this construction site is a front for a much bigger operation and I get the feeling Mayor Williams has a hand in this. All of this being a coincidence sounded like a whole lot of bullshit to me. I just feel bad that the rest of my friends believe I did commit the murder. I’m starting to believe I been setup by my whole crew and my brother was simply a causality.”

  Angel continues his way through the passageway, where he meets more convicts who he easily kills. Angel continues until he sees the path is blocked by debris that fell blocking the passageway.

  Angel says, “I gotta find another way around.”

  Angel goes through an alternative path, where he goes around the debris and yet more convicts come in. These guys are armed with SPAS 12 shotguns. Angel stays a distance away while shooting the convicts, as a shotgun had less of an effect from long distances. After dealing with the convicts Angel finds himself back on track with the map and continues down the path. Angel continues down the path where he meets more convicts that he shoots down. Angel began to wonder when this path will ever end.

  Angel continues down the path of the map, but he sees a big hole in front of him. Angel also sees convicts on the other side who he shoots down. Angel realizes that in order to get through he would have to shimmy the wall with a very small ledge to stand on. Angel takes a deep breath and begins to shimmy knowing that any false move would mean his doom. Angel takes a while to get through but he is able to get to the other side in one piece.

  Angel sees a large force of convicts blocking the last gate before the path ends. Angel cleans house with the convicts with the SPAS 12 shotgun and after killing the convicts he looks for anything to open the gate.

  Angel says, “I gotta find a way to open this gate before the guards begin to catch up with me!” Angel franticly looks for a switch and sees a rusted switch which opens the gate. As the gate opens Angel sees a familiar person running towards him. It was Skull running towards the gate.

  Skull says, “Oh no Angel you’re not getting away from me!”

  “Well I actually have other plans I was going to let you tag along, but I’m going to have to slam the door on you!”

  Angel flips the switch which closes the gate just about when Skull was about to get through. After the gate closes a couple of correction guards beat up and apprehend Skull.

  “Screw you Angel I hope you burn in hell you piece of shit! Damn you I did all of the work!” Skull says while being beaten by the guards.

  “Well no one told you to show off your breakout plans to the world like a manic. Well I gotta jet out of here! See you later sucker!”

  Eventually Angel finds the exit to the passageway by climbing out of a ladder popping out of a metal grate on the ground. The alarm continues to go off; Angel can’t get too comfortable because the guards were beginning to go outside and were ordered to shoot any inmate that escaped. Angel heads to the road outside the jail and all of a sudden a car loses control. A
ngel is able to get out of the way of the car which slams in to a tree killing the driver. The car was in bad shape, so Angel couldn’t use the car to escape.

  Angel says to himself, “Damn I need to find a way out of here and quickly or I’m a dead duck.” All of a sudden a white light shows up it was the white light was the Elder God.

  Angel says in shock, “Elder God is that you? What are you doing here?”

  Elder God replies, “I’m here to save you; it’s too dangerous for you to stay in the real world. Besides the problem is not in the real world it’s in the virtual world. You’re right Angel, you did not kill Frank Kelly, but the people on Earth don’t believe you. That’s because you were cloned in the virtual world along with Frank Kelly. The murder took place in the virtual world and possibly the murder of your brother took place in the virtual world. That is a good thing because all you have to do is reverse time. Now you can reformulate the ball to a point where everything is forgotten except the criminal himself.”

  “So I can make it where if I find the one responsible, I can still make sure people know who he really was despite reversing time?” Angel is curious about what has just been said.

  “Yes the virtual world has been experimented with, giving the users far more abilities than before. However I have to stress that is not necessary a good thing.”

  Quentin makes his way to Angel. Angel says, “Wow Quentin I can’t believe you made it out just the man I need to help me out. Go on Elder God sorry to cut you off.”

  “No worries besides you’re going to need his help because you will most likely be solo for this mission. You can see all your other friends have lost trust in you. I’ll try to convince them but it won’t be easy. That plutonium you found is a key piece to this whole plot against you.”


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