The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 68

by Angel Medina

  “Oh boy this is going to be one hell of a day. I could already sense it!” Luis says in disgust as the smell only gets stronger.

  Luis then calls Angel and lets him know that he’s going to be a little late for the action.

  “Damn Luis! Well you can’t help it and it won’t get any better as this situation evolves. You may not be able to get off the Belt Parkway once you get there, I’m sure the police will have it blocked off.”

  “No worries Angel, I’ll probably catch up when you least expect it. It’s just this nasty smell of sewer water that’s killing me…” The conversation gets cut off by bad signal on Luis’s phone. Luis’s phone loses signal completely, so he has no contact with Angel.

  Angel and Maria speed their way to the Mall. As Angel expects the Mall is surrounded by a horde of cops. Angel and Maria park the Corvette about 2 blocks down from the mall. The couple arrives at the scene and is approached by Chief Manny along with heavily armored cops.

  “Glad you can make it Angel! You brought your girlfriend, sorry Angel this is too dangerous for here to go inside.”

  “Manny don’t worry she’s armored and she’s been through much worse. She’s willing to give her life to stop this standoff. Manny I think this is much deeper than a few men looking to rob.”

  “Manny please, Angel is right I’ve dealt with situations much worse than this believe me!” Maria pleads with Manny to get in to the case.

  Manny sighs heavily and says, “Fine Angel your girlfriend can go in, but if she is killed we are not responsible. Do I make myself clear Mr. Medina?”

  “Yes sir, anyway what’s the lowdown here buddy?” Angel asks Manny, as he is happy to just have Maria with him.

  “A bunch of men with masks resembling reptiles and costumes of the same type are holding up the mall.”

  “You said reptile masks and costumes? No Manny this is not a normal case, we have to approach this with extreme caution!”

  “I’ve sent in Lieutenant Jelani with a crew already inside.” Manny replies.

  “With all due respect Chief, but are you out of your mind? Jelani is in serious danger. We gotta get in there now!” Angel raises his tone towards Manny.

  Manny remains silent possibly because he probably knows Angel is correct. Angel and Maria decide to use the parking garage entrance to catch the suspects by surprise.


  Dayvon gets to Exit 11N on the highway and takes Flatbush Ave until he sees the mall ahead and decides to leave his car on Ave Z. He isn’t law enforcement so he figures he probably won’t be allowed inside. He goes around the mall towards the back where the police have yet to arrive and heads inside the back entrance. Upon arriving at the back entrance Dayvon finds several dead bodies already in the back area and hallway. Dayvon is disturbed what he has just witnessed and calls Angel to warn him.

  “Angel, please be careful in there. I’m in the back area of the mall and I already found several dead bodies. There are bound to be many baddies inside the mall, you better prepare yourself.”

  “Dayvon I was born ready! Let’s go!”

  Angel, Maria and a group of officers heads towards the parking garages and the coast is clear so far. Nothing, but cars are parked of varying types, the garage isn’t full yet as it was still early morning.

  “The coast looks clear so far, I think we may catch these guys by surprise. Then again they may be waiting for us as well.” Angel briefs his team.

  Angel and Maria pull their Smith and Wesson pistols and begin to trek deeper in the garage. One of the officers hears a scream coming from the parking level above. The crew approaches where the screaming is taking place and Angel orders the person to drop their weapon.

  “Drop your weapon and put your hands where I can see them!” No response from the person “I said put your hands where I can see them, otherwise I will shoot!”

  “He’s not listen honey better be prepared to shoot.” Maria warns Angel.

  The person turns around towards Angel, but doesn’t drop his weapon. His face doesn’t look human, his body doesn’t look human and his skin isn’t human. That is because the man isn’t even human! He is a glooba salamander trooper and everyone is at shock when they find out the gloobas have invaded Earth. Angel wastes no time and shoots the salamander trooper. However as quickly he is able to kill the trooper more gloobas appear out of nowhere.

  A mixture of salamander troopers, boar cops and iguana enforcers come after the crew. The only difference is that they are uglier than ever and have been beefed up since the last time. The gloobas look like they aren’t messing around this time. The salamander trooper has a longer tail and a more intimidating look to its skin, which was green before. Now it’s blue with black spots on it. The boar cops are bigger and badder then ever, they have been boosted up to handle melee combat. For the iguana enforcer it still has its chain gun, but its blade is on its other arm instead of being attached to its chaingun.

  Angel and crew prepare to take on the aliens. The officers make quick work of the salamander troopers with their riot shotguns. Maria takes on the iguana enforcers and grabs the chaingun of one of the enforcers, then uses it to shoot the enforcers. She then rips the blade from the iguana enforcer and beheads the creature.

  Angel shoots down some of the boar cops, but they prove to be a much tougher opponent. He and the crew dodge shotgun fire from the boar cops, some of the cops were wearing helmets for even more protection along with a riot suit. Angel tells the crew to aim for the legs, as that is the boar’s weak spot. Everyone aims for the legs and the boars go down rather easily after taking Angel’s advice.

  Angel leads the team to the side door until a boar cop tackles him to the floor. He gets right back up like the warrior he is, one who doesn’t give up at anything.

  “Nice tackle, but can you finish me off?” Angel taunts the boar cop.

  The boar grabs him, but he is able to counter by kicking the boar away from him. The boar throws a haymaker that misses him, leaving it open to shoot. Maria shoots the boar in the leg, but the boar still doesn’t give up. Angel sees the boar is weakened and performs a reverse German suplex with all of his strength and bashes the head of the boar right onto a Dodge Charger which is white with green stripes. The boars head gets smashed up and green blood comes out of the head of the boar, which spills over the car.

  “Let me write a note to the owner of this car to let him know that his car was damaged. Even if it mean I have to fork over the bill to fix it.” Angel says as he begins to write the note.

  The note reads, “Dear owner of Dodge Charger, sorry that you car was damaged. However you can feel better that thanks to your car it’s going to help us defeat an alien invasion far beyond your comprehension. You’ll thank us later when the world is saved, Signed Captain Angel.”

  “Angel honey, are you out of your damn mind why put your name on the note. Give me that damn note. It’s supposed to be anonymous not give our names away. I’m not forking over a thousand dollars of damage. You must be out of your mind!” Maria angrily takes the note from Angel’s hand and erases Angel’s name, then put anonymous in place of Angel’s name.

  “I was just trying to be an honest captain you know.”

  “Well don’t involve me; do I make myself clear?” Maria asks in a commanding tone.

  Angel in a weak tone says, “Yes baby.”

  “For a captain his wife sure has him on a leash!” One of the officers says in a low voice.

  “Yeah that’s why they say women run the world, without them we can’t survive. I know Angel can’t.” Another officer responds under a low voice trying to hold his laughter.

  Angel, Maria, and the rest of the crew head inside the side door which would lead them into the mall itself.


  Meanwhile Dayvon enters the mall through the back entrance. He finds himself in a warehouse storage area where goods were stored. He grabs his Beretta M9A1 pistol and carefully enters the warehouse. All of a sudden he hears a noise,
but it’s just boxes falling. He hears another sound, this time a metal plate falls barely missing him.

  “Who’s there? Show yourself!” Dayvon screams, but gets no response.

  The warehouse is rather big with many crates, boxes and forklifts. It was also rather dark, but that’s because the warehouse is still closed. All of a sudden he is ambushed by a gang of salamander troopers and boar cops. He is shocked that the gloobas have made their mark on Earth and in the corporal world not even the virtual world. However he has no time to figure out how the aliens managed to find there way in the corporal world, he needs to find cover. He quickly runs behind a crate while dodging lasers being shot at him by the salamander troopers.

  “Shit not these guys again! They don’t give up! It looks like another fun summer is in store for us. Damn!” Dayvon says in disgust.

  Not long after he finds cover, a salamander trooper jumps over the crate and in front of him. The trooper goes after him with its shadow blade trying to cut him up. He dodges the attack and shoots the trooper in the head killing it. He grabs the shadow blade, runs and dives towards the aliens slashing several of them in one motion. After he lands, the bodies of the slain aliens fall apart and the blood flies throughout the warehouse. A boar cop tries to take a cheap shot at him, but is killed from behind by none other than Luis who manages to make it.

  “Luis am I glad to see you, I can’t believe these gloobas found a way into Earth.”

  “It’s probably all that experimenting and the illegal wheeling and dealing by Angel’s dear uncle, which opened a hole for the aliens.”

  “In other words Luis you’re telling me the gloobas are finding holes through our greed and curiosity.”

  “If you put it that way, then yeah that would be exactly right. However it’s no use trying to figure it out now. We have to make sure this doesn’t turn into a full scale massacre!” Luis says to Dayvon as the two prepare to enter the “mall of hell”.

  Meanwhile news reporter Reggie Clark is doing his report and says, “Here in Kings Plaza Mall in Brooklyn N.Y. we have a hostage situation. We believe over 100 people are being taken hostage and up to 30 have been killed already. Authorities are still not sure how many suspects are there and locations of where they are… Wait a minute I’m getting reports of strange signals from inside that are abnormal. I’m also being told that the suspects may not even be human! Could it be? Have we been invaded by aliens? Oh my lord, I think I’m going to pass out… Reggie Clark passes out during the newscast. Then the newscast is cut off a few seconds after.

  Chapter 2

  The Mall of Hell

  Angel and Maria enter the mall after finding out that the mall is being held up by the glooba alien race. This is the same alien race who tried to use the virtual world to take over Earth from under mankind’s nose. This time though the gloobas make sure that their presence is known, as they find the warp to enter earth. Dayvon and Luis enter the mall through the back entrance. Luis helps out Dayvon who was in need of some help dealing with the aliens. The smell that Luis smelled wasn’t that of a backed up sewer. Instead it is the scent of glooba blood and the rotten smell that comes from the gloobas themselves. That isn’t important though, there are thousands of shoppers in harms way.

  Angel calls Dayvon to see his location. Dayvon answers his phone.

  “Dayvon are you ok? Where are you?”

  “I’m fine my dude, I’m with Luis in the back of the mall ready to enter the main level.” Dayvon hears people screaming for their lives and shots being fired.

  “Shit guys we gotta get in there pronto, these aliens aren’t messing around. Looks like we got the top floor and Dayvon and Luis you guys got the main floor. Be careful guys! This is a big mall there are lots of blind spots in here.” Angel replies to Dayvon.

  Angel, Maria and his crew kick the blue side door open. When they get to the other side of the door, the crew sees the chaos that is unfolding. People are running for their lives, windows are being broken, aliens are roaming the place grabbing any hostages and people are getting killed from the crossfire. This is absolutely the worse possible scene that one could see in a mall packed full of people just innocently shopping. As soon as the crew arrives on scene, several people push their ways through the crew to the parking lot to escape the chaos.

  “I knew it would be bad, just didn’t know it would be this bad. How the hell they got here is the question. However our main goal is to kill these alien bastards and rescue as many people as possible. There’s no telling what we will be facing, so keep your guard up at all times. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes!” everybody says in unison to Angel’s question. “Now everybody let’s move!”

  Angel and Maria stick together, while the rest of the crew team up. Angel and Maria take the left side of the upper level of the mall, which includes Forever 21, Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds. The other team heads left which contains stores such as Old Navy, T-Mobile, Macy’s and Best Buy.

  Angel and Maria head for the Forever 21 women’s clothing store and they are quickly approached by salamander troopers. The couple shoots the troopers down rather quickly and then they go on the lookout for any survivors. As they go deeper into the store the lights go off and the couple quickly turns on their night vision goggles. Several salamander troopers try to ambush the couple. Angel shoots many of them down, one of the trooper’s still alive tries to get a cheap shot on him with its shadow blade. Maria spots the trooper, tackles him down, and then she finishes it off by choking the trooper to death.

  “That should take care of him and no need to thank me Angel. You would have done the same for me.” Maria hears the scream of people towards the back of the store.

  The couple heads towards the back and see employees about to be executed by the gloobas. Before the gloobas could execute the hostages, Angel shoots some of the gloobas down and Maria uses her shadow blade to slay the others. Before they could celebrate a slew of slimers come out of the vent behind the hostages.

  “Everyone follow me unless you want to be the next meal of those green slimer freaks. Maria we got to find a safe place to keep these people.”

  “Angel 86 that, I believe the only safe place for these people is outside this hell hole!”

  “You’re right honey, but that’s if we can even get outside. Well the front door is definitely out of the question. Shit I’m going to have to get some backup and have them pickup the hostages in the parking garage.”

  Angel and Maria transport the hostages to the garage where backup officers come and grab the hostages to escort them to safety. The couple heads back into the mall and heads to Dunkin Donuts. They kill several aliens inside the donut shop. Angel throws a boar cop to the donut display area and then blasts its head off. Maria throws a salamander trooper through the counter, the trooper hits the cash register and the register opens with all of the money popping out. However despite killing the aliens in the store, the only thing our heroes would find are donuts and dead bodies.

  “Shit we’re too late…” Angel says.

  “Forget them Angel they maybe more actual survivors, we can’t just stay here come on!” The couple continues clearing off the upper level.


  Meanwhile on the lower level Luis and Dayvon enter the main level of the mall. The main level includes the lower levels of Best Buy and Macy’s along with Foot Locker, Victoria’s Secret and Guess.

  “Shit this mall is freaking huge, man I have no idea where to start. Got any ideas Dayvon?”

  “No my bro I say we target the smaller stores then the bigger stores. Just remember not to kill anyone in blue.”

  Dayvon and Luis head towards Victoria’s Secret where they meet iguana enforcers and slimer protectors. Dayvon and Luis realize their weapons are not strong enough to take out the aliens. So they dive right into melee combat and with their combined strength they are able to eradicate the alien’s. Well at least the iguana enforcers, while their chainguns are effective the enforcers are
weak in melee combat. The slimer protectors are a different story, the duo are unable to keep up with the slimer protectors. The two finds themselves on the floor all bruised up. They begin to shoot their guns, but they have little effect on the aliens. That is until a few officers shoot the aliens down with shotguns and machine guns. One of the slimer protectors shoots a shrink ray towards the two.

  “No!!!” An officer says while he is jumping in the way of the shrink ray.

  The officer shrinks and is crushed, but he gives his life to save those of Dayvon and Luis. Luis grabs a metal pole and thrusts it to the heart of the slimer protector killing it as the blue blood begins to pop out. Some employees come out of hiding towards the officers being escorted out to safety. The officers begin to question Dayvon and Luis of what are their intentions.

  “Listen officers leave us alone because we know more about these aliens than you. Look you gotta believe us. I know it’s hard to believe, but look how we helped you just now.” Luis tries to convince the officers.

  “Fine we could use some extra hands, but remember if you get hurt we’re not…”

  “Don’t worry! We’re hired mercenaries from a higher order! One much higher than you will never understand!” Dayvon cuts the officer off.

  “Well ok then I guess I just hope that Chief Manny accepts it.” The officer replies.

  “Once we clean this mess up Manny will thank us!” Luis answers back.

  The officers give the green light to Luis and Dayvon to continue. The next store the duo targets is the Foot Locker. As expected more salamander troopers and boar cops are waiting. One of the employees of the store tries to ambush a salamander trooper, but the trooper grabs the employee preparing to slash him. That is until Luis and Dayvon see the alien and kill him on sight.


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