The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 76

by Angel Medina

  “You’re a dead man Luis!” BattleGlooba screamed.

  “Oh yeah I have a few trick under my sleeve still. Ah I know what to do!” Luis replies to BattleGlooba.

  Luis aims his laser rifle and aims for not the groin, but instead the eyes of the creature. By blinding BattleGlooba, he could get under him in his weak spot. He shoots BattleGlooba in the eye blinding it as he had planned it. He makes a run towards the creature before it got its vision back.

  “It’s time to cut you up you big piece of goo!” Luis says with anger ready to explode.

  He shoots the BattleGlooba in the groin causing it to fall down. He is so angry with what he has seen in the hotel that he doesn’t only cut BattleGlooba up, but he also mercilessly decapitates BattleGlooba into many pieces. He is absolutely disgusted by what he had seen in the hotel and that lights the fire for his desire to destroy the gloobas once in for all. He enters the warehouse and finds himself surrounded by aliens, but also aliens of Martian origin. Luis was unsure of the allegiance of the Martians he questioned them and threatens to shoot if they don’t respond.

  “Please our fellow human friend hold your fire, we’re on your side.” A Martian tries to convince Luis.

  “How can I believe that or trust you’re telling me the truth. Why is it that you guys let these gloobas take you over?” Luis angrily asks the Martian.

  “Fellow human our forces are feeble in comparison to those of the enemy. I was impressed by how fast you took out those gloobas. Lets team up with more of us, we can defeat the gloobas, what do you say Luis?”

  “I say anything that helps me out is good enough, alright guys you’re hired. I take it some of the hostages are of your kind as well.” Luis replies

  “Yes they have several key people of our race including our king. We can’t let them inject him with the devil juice!” The Martian responds.

  “Yeah I agree with the blue goo he’ll be a freak of nature. Let’s get going.” Luis responds.

  Luis and his new allies the Martians enter the room full of hostages. There is a force field surrounding the hostages. As he expected a horde of aliens come aiming for him and the Martians. A mixture of iguana enforcers, boar cops, poisonpus’s and scorpion crawlers head for Luis and his allies.

  “Oh Boy I should had knew they were not going to make this easy. This is going to be fun and not in a good way.” Luis says concerned.

  He and the Martians kill off the iguana enforcers in quick order, but they are only a distraction for the main line of enemies. He fights the boar cops in melee combat. The boars prove to be very tough opponents knocking him down. The Martians have trouble dealing with the poisonpus’s and scorpion crawlers. Whether it’s getting poisoned, impaled by a scorpion tail or crushed to death by the tentacles of a poisonpus the Martians are simply outnumbered. Even with Luis’s incredible ability he is unable to defeat these aliens by himself. He sees the storage room full of weapons and sees the switch to disable the force field. He then goes on to brief the hostages on the situation that is occurring.

  “Listen you guys are free, but the battle is far from done. I need your help as you can see my forces are being outnumbered, but with the help of you guys we can even the playing field. I understand some of you are nervous because you might die and yes some of you won’t make it out of here alive. However I’m sure you would rather die in honor then die in an alien pod or turn into one of them! I sure don’t want to die as an alien. They have to kill me first! So who’s with me?” Luis gives an inspirational speech to the hostages that he has just rescued. Everyone cheers and heads for the weapon storage room, ready to give up their lives to defend what was theirs.

  The epic battle of Mars commences and it is a total mess. Bodies of both Martians and gloobas are being thrown around or going down bleeding. This is a kind of battle you would see in ancient times, large armies and epic battles. The boar cops are the first to go down for the gloobas, which gave the hostages the upper hand. However the scorpion crawlers evened up the playing field by killing nearly every single Martian. Luis shoots each scorpion in the head until the scorpions were defeated. As fast as the numbers of gloobas were going down, the combined forces of the humans and Martians are dwindling down as well.

  “Shit this is going to come down to the bitter end, come on soldiers we cannot give up!” Luis yells toward the remaining soldiers on the side of good.

  Eventually Luis and his allies are able to kill off the poisonpus’s. They are able to clear off the area, by the end of the battle only Luis, 3 Martians, 5 Humans are left out of 150 hostages.

  “Damn, Luis to “Q”, causalities are much higher than anticipated.” Luis reports to Luis.

  “How bad is the causality count?” Quentin asks Luis.

  “It’s bad there were around 150 hostages and I ended up with only 8 hostages still alive. I tried the best I could, but the glooba count was much higher than I thought. I feel terrible…” Luis gives Quentin the dire report.

  “It’s whatever, there’s nothing we can do anything about it now. Just get these people to safety in the ships and take out the gravity towers.” Quentin tells Luis.

  He gets the Martians and humans to a spaceship large enough to fit everyone. Luckily one of the Martians is a pilot and is able to drive the spaceship out of Mars en route to Earth.

  He finishes the job by destroying the gravity towers and that cuts down on the pull further. He walks to a telescope and he sees Uranus. He also sees two ships, that was Maria and Dayvon and they were facing a gas-type creature. He notices the ships were not moving indicating that the two were perhaps stuck and in trouble. He also realizes that the telescope has a long range ray gun capable of shooting over extremely long distances. He aims for gravity tower and takes it out causing the gravity in Uranus to drop significantly. Even to the point where Maria and Dayvon are thrown off back to space and out of Uranus. He gets into his ship, anxiously wanting to find out the condition of his teammates.

  Chapter 8


  Angel is on his way to Fortuna, however he is in the middle of a crash landing. He has no control of the ship, so only time will tell what his fate will be. Meanwhile Luis heads to the direction of Dayvon and Maria worried about their condition after he is able to blow them out from Uranus. What life forms await the four in Fortuna and is it truly the cousin of our Earth?

  Luis flies his ship towards the location of Maria and Dayvon. He is hoping that they’re ok and are still alive. He flies his ship towards the two and takes a look at them. Surprisingly the ships are still in perfect condition, which is an encouraging sign. When he gets to Maria and Dayvon he sees that they are unconscious.

  “Maria! Dayvon! Are you guys ok?” Luis screams towards the two of them.

  After a few seconds Maria responds slowly, “Oh… what happened… hey Dayvon I think… we’re in heaven I never… knew that… heaven could… be so dark… at least I’m not cold… and I could breathe again.”

  “I don’t think… we’re in… heaven I hear Luis… screaming for us… I think we’re going to be alright.” Dayvon says as he gets up slowly.

  “Guys you’re alive! I don’t believe it.” Luis is happy to find the two still alive. He goes ahead to let Quentin know that they are ok. “Quentin I found Luis and Maria! They were stuck in Uranus and if it wasn’t that I shot the gravity tower from a long reaching ray gun, they would have been goners.” Luis reports to Quentin.

  “How in the hell did you manage that?” Quentin asks.

  “Like I said a long reaching ray gun from mars with a telescope. Think of it as a giant sniper rifle.”

  “Wow Luis good thing you found that, did you take pictures of the machine?” Quentin asks.

  “I think they’re more important things to worry about than pictures. Besides we gotta go to Fortuna it’s supposed to be Earth’s cousin and I can assure you that the gloobas will try to build a city out there. Luis replies to Quentin.

  “I thought I was a goner I w
as freezing and was being poisoned by the toxic fumes. No wonder why life doesn’t exist in Uranus.” Maria says.

  “Well I don’t ever want to ever step in that planet ever again, that was fuc… crazy!” Dayvon rants.

  “To be fair we have no idea if the gas of Uranus is as toxic as depicted here that might be manufactured by the gloobas themselves. We never even explored Uranus in the real world. Further more…” Quentin says, but is cut off by Dayvon.

  “Listen you; I don’t give one hell if that’s how Uranus really is. I almost died in there. You still couldn’t pay me to go in there ever again. I should put my foot up your ass!” Dayvon replies to Quentin’s comment.

  “Dayvon relax brother it’s over, you need to chill out. We still got a long way till we get to the planet Goo. Right now we need to go to Fortuna, that’s where Angel is and hopefully alive. So calm your nerves, be grateful that I saved your ass.” Luis begins with a calm tone, but then it translates into a nastier tone when he tries to get Dayvon to feel grateful that he is still alive.

  The three of them begin their journey towards Fortuna, shooting whatever enemy ships come in their way. Each of them hopes to find Angel still alive when they land in Fortuna.

  Meanwhile for Angel he continues to prepare himself for a crash landing to Fortuna. The ship loses some speed as it comes down, but it’s still going to be a rough landing for him. The ship closes in to Fortuna and all of a sudden the lower gravity slows down the ship significantly. He opens his eyes to see that the ship was slowing down and he would be able to control the landing.

  “Whew! Now it’s time to gain control of this ship and see what Fortuna has to offer.” Angel begins to regain control of the ship and begins to land the ship. “Wow this looks like Earth only untouched, no wonder why they call this Earth’s cousin.” As Angel looks in amazement in the beauty of Fortuna, Fortuna offers a beautiful forest, mountains, plants, native creatures, a huge lake and a red sky, but a nice shade of red which was more of a reddish/orange color.

  He lands the ship successfully on the soil of Fortuna and beings his journey in the forest. He enters the rich f-filled forest. However he notices that the forest isn’t a normal forest. The tress have moving branches, some of the plants are actually hostile and poisonous at the same time. These plants include man eating sunflowers, huge Venus flytraps and ivies. The ivies here aren’t the same as the ones that Angel had previously encountered before. These were native ivies and were not as enhanced, implying the idea that the glooba took some species of ivies and used them to experiment. The native plants don’t give Angel too much trouble and are easily defeated or ignored. Once Angel gets to an open area of the planet he calls Quentin.

  “Hey Quentin guess what? I’m ok, the ship is ok and more importantly I’m ok. What’s the low down in this area?”

  “Well chief glad you are ok, you had me worried. How did you land the ship without a scratch?” Quentin asks in curiously.

  “Honestly I don’t know myself how I managed that. There must have been just enough of a gravity loss to slow down the ship and after that I landed the ship. One thing I will tell you is that this planet is loaded with life forms and probably some of them used by the gloobas.” Angel answers Quentin.

  “Anyway here there are of course gravity towers to be destroyed. However there are also reports of a secret laboratory where the gloobas intend to use to experiment on the native creatures. Then of course try to use black holes to send the freaks here on Earth. Be careful Angel they’re many dangerous native creatures who are deadly themselves minus the gloobas. By the way Luis and company are on their way, however they’ll end up landing in a different part of the planet.” Quentin gives Angel the low down.

  “No worries Quentin it’s just another mission that needs to be completed.” Angel says in confidence.

  “Perhaps so, but Angel Fortuna is a huge planet. It’s almost as big as Earth itself. All I’m saying is this is much bigger planet than you think and it may be a while till you find anything.” Quentin cautions Angel.

  “Well that’s something I’ll have to explore as I go. I’ll let you know if anything.”

  Angel sees several creatures in his surroundings which include huge bees, flying mushroom heads and dinosaur like creatures. Many of them have been infected by the gloobas “devil juice” and as a result they are more enhanced as well as more hostile. He gets his taste of Fortuna’s native creatures as he dodges a bee sting from one of the hug bees. He shoots the bees with his devastators. Before Angel could get celebrate though he is attacked by the poisonous mushroom heads known as the Fortunashroom. These creatures have one basic attack which is to spread its toxic purplish gas and poison its victims. His suit is able to withstand the poison gas at first, but he begins to feel his skin begin to itch and his head begins to hurt. He is able to back flip out of the way and shoots the Fortunashrooms.

  “Damn this is one dangerous planet, man no wonder why mankind is so scared to build here. I got to stay on my toes here!” Angel says in his head.


  Back in the hyperspace Luis, Maria and Dayvon head for Fortuna. While the ride getting there is smooth and taking out the weak alien ships guarding Fortuna is a breeze, things start to heat up as the three of them head closer to Fortuna. Powerful space winds begin to send turbulence on the ships and it causes Maria to separate from Dayvon and Luis. The winds carry Maria towards the south side of the planet around the same area where Angel landed. Dayvon and Luis decided to land towards the Northern part of the planet.

  “Damn looks like we’re gonna to be separated again! I’ll meet you guys down. I gotta make sure I even land safely.” Maria screams towards Dayvon and Luis.

  Dayvon and Luis decide to not follow Maria and land in Fortuna taking the chance to find her and Angel within the planet. Fighting the strong space winds the two of them land in Fortuna towards the mountainous terrain of the planet.

  “Great what in the hell are we gonna fight now?” Dayvon asks with a winy attitude.

  “Dayvon don’t be such a crybaby, whatever it may be we’re going to defeat it!” Luis says to Dayvon bringing up his spirits.

  “Well guys I wouldn’t get too cocky about anything. Fortuna is a huge planet! To add to the problem there are many dangerous native creatures and of course the gloobas themselves. Angel is on the planet safely, but you guys are on the other side of where he is.” Quentin explains to the two of them.

  Luis and Dayvon begin to explore the mountains. While the beautiful meadows and mountains may look nice, but looks can be very deceiving, there are plenty of dangerous creatures. The native Fortuna dinosaurs and pterodactyls like creatures are the “welcoming” committee. The two of them attempt to climb the mountain to get a clear view of the terrain. However they are attacked by the native creatures. The dinosaurs are triceratops like creatures with a powerful stomping attack and charge attack. The two of them dodge the charge attacks, but Luis ends up below one of the Fortunaian triceratops. The dinosaur prepares to stomp him, however Dayvon freezes the creature with his freezethrower. Luis kicks the creature in frozen form destroying it to many pieces.

  Dayvon and Luis team up to take out the rest of the triceratopses. They also kill some glooba iguana enforcers trying to take advantage of the situation. One of the pterodactyls grabs Luis and takes him to an unknown location. Dayvon tries to shoot the pterodactyl, but it flies away too quickly. So he shoots the rest of the flying beasts to make sure he isn’t kidnapped like Luis. Eventually Dayvon is able to freeze the all of the pterodactyls and sees where Luis was being taken to. He sees Luis is going due east. He heads to the top of the mountain and sees the rich landscape that Fortuna has to offer. At one point he even takes a moment to take in the landscape and the crisp clean wind blowing. It felt like heaven was hitting him in the middle of hell, it was a light shining through the darkness. After that Dayvon carefully climbs down the mountain.


  Meanwhile Maria is able to regain c
ontrol of her ship and lands the ship on a lush green meadow. She gets out of the ship and onto the surface. She sees some attractive looking Fortunaian plants, however she later realizes that many of the plants are hostile. She gets caught by one of the vines of an Ivy. Luckily for her that one shot from her ray gun is enough to loosen the grip of the creature.

  “I guess I’ll have to hold off on the flowers for my hubby. Oh well, I’m sure he’ll understand.” Maria says in her head as she continues down the meadow.

  She is ambushed by salamander troopers and iguana troopers from the rocky terrain above her. She fights off the glooba troops with her laser rifle and lobs a few grenades to blow up the majority of the troops. Then salamander troopers on jetpacks from behind approach her. She takes out a few of the troopers and makes a run for it trying to lose them. She keeps running as fast as she can, dodging lasers left and right. Eventually she bumps into Angel and she is at first shocked, but then becomes ecstatic when she sees Angel is still alive. Maria gives Angel a big hug and kiss, but he is quick to push Maria off.

  “Ah Maria as excited as I am to see you, I think we need to take care of some alien scum.” Angel says to Maria.

  Besides her laser rifle Maria has a special harvester weapon which can harvest a material and use it against the gloobas. She sees some poison mushrooms and harvests the poisonous fungus. All of a sudden she has a shooter capable of shooting toxic gas at close range or concentrated blasts of poison for long ranged troops. She shoots her new weapon and the poison takes out a majority of the flying salamander troopers, however a few do survive. The surviving troopers land by the two, Maria uses her weapon to spread a “bomb” of poisonous gas. The gas chokes the rest of the salamander troopers to death.

  “Nice weapon there honey, made it easier to deal with these guys. Imagine what other weapons you can create, imagine a water blaster!” Angel tells Maria impressed by her new weapon.


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