The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 88

by Angel Medina

  Area 4: Outer Space

  Chapter 19


  Angel begins to lose control of his ship, despite that he tries to slow down the ship as best as he can. While Angel is own his way to a crash landing, the other three are giving chase to make sure he is fine. He slows down the ship just enough to regain some control. He is able to land the ship on its bottom. However the force of the ship is enough to render it useless and force Angel out of the ship. He lands hard on Mercury’s surface and notices the temperature is unusually low for what it's considered normal due to it being further from the sun than normal. He gets up just fine and the others catch up to him afterwards. The four arrive at Mercury which is rich in resources for building weapons and is also the home of a glooba railroad transport system. What are the gloobas intentions here?

  “Damn that landing was hard as shit, at least I’m ok.” Angel says to him self.

  “There goes Angel, hey buddy glad to see you’re ok down there!” Luis says in relief.

  “Honey I’m glad you’re alive. I thought you were dead for a moment, I don’t want to lose you!” Maria is happy and then begins to cry letting her feelings for her husband out.

  “Relax honey, I’m ok nothing’s going to happen to me!” Angel says trying to calm Maria down.

  “Train tracks, wonder where they lead to?” Dayvon looks puzzled from his ship, as the scene was still cleared.

  Dayvon, Maria and Luis decide to land their ships and get off to explore the landscape. The sky of Mercury is dark gray as the planet has no atmosphere. As a result the temperature during the day can shoot up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit and dip down to -240 degrees Fahrenheit at night. By the temperature reading from the heroes suits it is still day time. Not too much weather happens on Mercury, which makes it perfect for a glooba base to be built. However no signs of the gloobas can be seen on the planet. The four continue to walk along the train tracks hopefully to find any evidence leading to the gloobas.

  “I hope the Elder God didn’t lie to us.” Dayvon says angrily.

  “Relax Dayvon will you, the Elder God wouldn’t lie to us like that. We’re probably just at the crust of Mercury, we can’t give up. Besides I need a ship if we’re going to get to the planet of Goo.” Angel replies to Dayvon.

  “Wait a minute I see someone.” Maria says as soon as she spots a suspicious character. “Wait a minute that’s Orlando! Everybody we gotta catch up to him!” She says screaming when she spots Orlando.

  Everybody begins to chase him down the train tracks, until they bump into a glooba weapon facility. From the facility they are attacked by alien turrets. Also a group of salamander troopers, scorpion crawlers and iguana enforcers come out approaching the four. Angel super kicks the salamander troopers who come attacking with their shadow blades, one of the attacks Angel, but Angel ducks down and sweeps kicks the salamander trooper. The last trooper tries to do a suplex, but Angel is able to escape the suplex and uses his shadow blade on the trooper.

  Scorpion crawlers go after Maria, but with her agility she runs circles around them tiring them out. Then she does a mid-air kick right into the heads of the scorpions, beheading each of them.

  Dayvon goes for the iguana enforcers and gets into a boxing match with several of the iguanas, while being careful with their blades that were welded onto their right hand.

  Luis runs into a group of boars without their normal police uniforms and gets into a grappling match with the creatures. He piledrives one of them right into the ground, another he does a suplex on and on a third boar he punches the chest of the boar repeatedly until it begins to cough up blood. However he is grabbed by one boar who tries to do an inverted suplex, but Luis is able to reverse it and does one of his own. The last boar tries to do a press slam on him and he’s able to escape it only to shoot it with his shotgun.

  Meanwhile Dayvon is dodging punch after punch by the iguana enforcers who are trying to slay him with their blades. Dayvon with his brawling background begins to punch away recklessly. Even though he takes down a few of the iguanas, but his anger gets the best of him. He ends up being grabbed by one of the iguanas from behind, with the other ready to slay him. However Angel comes in and jumps on the attacking iguana’s back and uses his leg strength to snap the neck of the iguana. Dayvon elbows his way out of the grip of the iguana that grabbed him from behind. Then he punches the iguana enforcer so hard he is able to rip out the creature's heart and crushing it with a sinister smile on his face, like there was some enjoyment in what he had just done.

  The four resume their chase of Orlando and take out any aliens that get in their way. The four continue to run as fast as they can despite fatigue beginning to take effect. Orlando leads them to a glooba train station where more gloobas await the four.

  “Oh sending in the troops huh? Can’t fight your own battles I see!” Angel says towards Orlando.

  At the train station Angel and the others take on the gloobas that come to the aid of Orlando. The gloobas and heroes exchange blows for a few minutes. Then Maria gets taken down by a scorpion crawler and several scorpion crawlers come surrounding her. Angel sees his wife is in trouble, but instead of trying to fight the creatures he heads to the upper level where he sees a pulley that he could use to swing towards the aliens.

  “It’s time to lay the smackdown on your asses, cause nobody messes with my wife, damn it!” Angel says with great emotion before going on the pulley.

  He gets onto the pulley and swings right towards the scorpions kicking them with his feet. While that was enough to take down the creatures, they get right back up. She is able to get back up unscathed and gets back into the fight.

  Dayvon gets into a grappling match with a salamander trooper and does a piledriver on the trooper which causes its head to rip open along with the green alien blood. Luis is faced with boars and finds a hammer in a toolbox. He uses it and does a vial attack on the boars killing them with gore and all.

  The scorpion crawlers however prove to be a much tougher adversary for the crew. The creatures miss the crew with their claw attacks and poison spit. Luis gets taken down by one of the scorpions and the creature prepares to finish him off with its deadly tail. Maria comes to Luis’s rescue by jumping on the creature’s back to buy Luis some time to get up.

  Dayvon notices the pulley has a hook on the end that he could push right towards the scorpion crawler. He pushes the hook with as much force as he can and warns Maria to get out of the way.

  “Get out of the way, Maria! It’s about to get real nasty here real fast!” Dayvon screams. “Goodbye sucka!” He says after pushing the hook towards the creature.

  The hook hits the scorpion crawler head on and sends it flying to the ceiling. Green blood begins to splatter all over the place and the hook goes right through the creature. The hook doesn’t only kill the creature, but the creature also gets stuck on the hook with the hook going right through his heart. Luis and Angel team up to kill off the remaining scorpions. Luis uses the hammer to smash the scorpion's head wide open, while Angel uses his shadow blade to slash off the scorpion's head right off.

  “Man that was fun! It’s like cutting off the serpent's head from its worthless body!” Angel says in a sinister tone, almost like he had enjoyed what he had done. “If I could get my hands on Orlando, he would know what true pain is!” Angel almost sounds possessed about trying to kill Orlando.

  “Relax there buddy, we gotta catch him first!” Luis says to Angel.

  “Oh don’t worry we’re catching him, if it’s the last thing I do. He wants a fight with me, he’s gonna get one!” Angel says all heated up and a lot of adrenaline.

  After clearing the train station they see Orlando running towards a train. The four give chase to Orlando, sprinting as fast as they can not to lose him. Orlando jumps inside of the train, heads towards the engineer’s room and starts the train. The train begins to move, but the four continue to give chase to him.

  “There’s no way that bastard is g
etting away that easily! Not on my watch anyway!” Angel says in a determined tone.

  “Oh man the train is ready to take off and leave us in the dust.” Dayvon says in concern.

  “Everyone at the count of three we’re jumping for the final car. Hopefully we all make it inside, ready everyone?” Luis asks everyone.

  The final car approaches and the four begin to time their jump. Once the final car approaches the four of them jump inside of the car. Maria is the only one who ends up hanging on for dear life on the edge of the car. The others try to rescue her at first, but the speed of the train makes it nearly impossible.

  “Maria you have to grab my hand, I’m not going to let you go I promise, but I can’t pick you up in the position that you are in right now. This train is going too fast to pick you up.” Angel screams towards Maria.

  “Honey I’m losing grip on the bar! Hurry up!” Maria yells in agony.

  “You have to give me your hand, so that I and the men can pull you back. You gotta trust me on this one, please Maria trust me.” Angel fights to convince Maria to give him her hand.

  Maria eventually begins to let go of the bar with her left hand, while keeping her right hand on the bar. Angel quickly grabs her hand and along with the others they pull her back into the train car. She quickly grabs him and hugs him tightly.

  “You’re welcome sweetheart! I told you it’s my job to look out for you, ok?” Angel responds to Maria’s actions.

  “I know I’m just thankful I have some of the best friends in the world.” Maria answers Angel.

  “No problem sweetheart, like the Elder God said we gotta stick together.” Luis says.

  “Ah… Fine I’m glad I could help out even though you’re a pain in the ass sometimes.” Dayvon letting Maria know there is still no love lost between the two.

  “Come on everyone we gotta get to the front of this train, I bet Orlando is looking to run away and has no clue we’re here.” Angel says.

  “Wonder where this train is going to?” Dayvon asks.

  “No matter where it may lead us to, we gotta stop this baby!” Maria replies.

  The four of them head into the train car containing cargo and slimer eggs.

  “Ewww! Not these green bastards again!” Dayvon wines.

  “No use complaining, time to clean up the mess!” Angel responds with confidence.

  The four of them begin to shoot as many slimers as they possibly can. However the number of slimers begins to overwhelm the four and they head through the next door. They head into the hallway and lock the door, even putting a steel rod to keep the slimers from breaking through. However the four know that the slimers are capable of fusing together and turning into a much bigger behemoth.

  The four decide that they can’t concern themselves with that right now. They continue their journey towards the front. They are approached by salamander troopers who prove to be little threat towards the four. After that they head inside of a conference room, which looks empty at first. However, a group of salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and boars break through the windows, as well as through the top of the train.

  “Oh looks like we got some company here!” Luis says.

  “Don’t look surprised or act surprised, this is what we should expect from these goons!” Dayvon replies.

  “Like the Elder God said, these guys aren’t going to play fair. They mean business!” Angel says.

  An all out shootout takes place. Tables, bottles and chairs are being shot at. Angel can’t use his devastator as it’s too risky to use explosives on a train, so he sticks to his alternative weapon which is a sub-machine gun.

  Dayvon uses his freezethrower to freeze several of the enemies and then kicks them into chunks of ice. Luis uses his shotgun and begins to pump rounds towards the boars. Maria shrinks the salamander troopers down to size and crushes them with her foot.

  While the four are able to take out the first wave of aliens, but a second wave comes down from a spaceship from the hole in the ceiling of the train car.

  “Oh God enough is enough already!” Dayvon yells out in disgust.

  “”I told you these guys do not play fair and they refuse to play fair.” Angel replies.

  Angel meets a boar, the boar tries to strike Angel with its shotgun, but Angel is able to counter. Then he uses the shotgun to kill the boar attacking him and the rest of the boars. Luis teams up with Angel to kill off the iguana enforcers, while Maria and Dayvon work together to kill the rest of the alien wave.

  “Wow you two are sure getting along well!” Luis says jokily.

  “Don’t push it sucka I’m doing this because our lives are at stake. I still don’t like you Dayvon!” Maria refusing to let go of her grudge from the first adventure she had with Dayvon.

  “Come on you two, not this again we gotta get along here!” Angel displays his displeasure at the situation.

  “Look out! The door we locked is busted open!” Luis says frantically.

  “No use staying here those green bastards are going to try and suck our brains!” Angel says.

  The four continue to run towards the front, trying to get away from the pursuing slimers. They enter the train’s cargo room, where they meet a former “friend”, BattleGlooba.

  “Oh this guy again! Well time to kick him in the “balls” I guess!” Angel says meeting BattleGlooba.

  The BattleGlooba begins to shoot its trademark chaingun towards the four. The four run away from the bullets and look for place to take cover. The huge creature lets out its infamous roar causing the four to cover their ears to avoid going deaf. Angel climbs up on top of the boxes and throws a steel box at the creature to buy some time. Dayvon and Luis pop out and begin to distract the creature even more. Maria finds a zap-gun by the door and with the distraction uses the opening to shoot out a blast of electricity right under the groin area of the creature. The blast is so powerful the BattleGlooba begins to roar extremely loud and ends up being fried as he falls. The smell of the fried BattleGlooba is pungent to the point where the four nearly vomit.

  “Damn that bastard definitely took quite the shit, smells like fried rat. My God!” Angel says in disbelief.

  “Hey guys I see where this train is going, it’s heading for the glooba airbase in Mercury. Orlando is going to try and take off using one of the ships there.” Dayvon says.

  “Wait a minute though I also see the glooba’s weapon facility near by as well. If we can somehow switch the track of this train so it will crash right into the facility and boom!” Luis analyses the map of the planet Mercury.

  “According to this there are four switches we have to activate in order to activate the switcher. From there we have to activate the switcher to switch the track direction. However two of us will have to get out of the train to hit the switches.” Maria explains what needs to be done.

  “I’ll go out!” Luis volunteers.

  “I’ll go with him, besides its best if you get Orlando to yourself in case we fail.” Dayvon says.

  “Be careful out there the aliens will probably be waiting for you out there.” Angel warns the two.

  Luis and Dayvon jump through the cargo window back to Mercury’s surface. As expected they are attacked by glooba soldiers, but they take care of them easily. No weather issues that the two have to worry about, since rain isn’t an event that happens in Mercury at all. The two see the train beginning to pass on by, but their concern is to activate the four switchers to get to the switcher. Dayvon activates the first switch to the left, while Luis activates the right switch. After that butterfly robots begin to attack the two just like in the Himalayas. The two of them are able to back flip out of the way from the energy blast being shot at them by the robots. The two begin to unload at the bots until one of the robots begin to malfunction and begins to shoot the other robots down before self-destructing.

  “Come on bro we gotta get moving that train is getting close to that crossroads.” Luis tells Dayvon as they rush to the other switches.

  Meanwhile inside of the train Angel and Maria hear a strange noise behind them. Although the only creatures that are behind them are the slimers, Angel and Maria have seen what is capable when they fuse together.

  “Oh man whatever that thing is it’s getting closer to us! Come on baby, we gotta keep going to Orlando!” Angel says as he and Maria continue to run towards the front.

  The two head to the conductors quarters which is one room away from where Orlando is in the engineer's room. Several aliens pop in attacking the two. The two of them are able to defeat all of the aliens rather easily. Then Angel begins to taunt Orlando.

  “Mira Orlando, yo se que tu es a dentro. Salga de allí ahora mismo!” Angel demands Orlando to come out right now.

  “Ah Ángel, que hijo de puta tu eres. Usted es una persona muy persistente. Pero yo no voy a salir, mejor que tu muere!” Orlando taunts back saying Angel is a persistent one, but he’s gonna die before he opens that door.

  Back outside Luis and Dayvon activate the last two switches and the switcher rises off the floor ready to be pushed.


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