The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 99

by Angel Medina

  The four prepare to walk into the citadel of the evil one. Angel has finally killed off one of his arch-nemesis, Bill and finally gets the redemption he has been searching for. Angel senses the anti-matter is even closer and realizes the one known as the evil one has the anti-matter ball. Only a few hour remain before the ten days expire, so once again it will come down to the wire for our four heroes.

  Angel and the others have no idea what is waiting for them on the other side. Regardless of what is behind the other side, they each know that they will have only one opportunity. It is paramount that they kill the evil one here and now. There is no turning back for the four of them.


  Back on Earth, Quentin and George see that time for them is starting to disappear and tick away fast. They see that planets are separating from each other due to the loss of gravity, despite that the separation is not taking place fast enough. The current position of the planets still suggest that the gloobas can use their death ray on Earth with success and the Earth will still be destroyed.

  Quentin and George look at the situation completely oblivious. Both of them begin to write their final words, say their final words and begin to eat what they believe will be their last meal. They are unaware that Angel and the others are within reach of defeating the gloobas and reversing time. They assume that the four are probably lost in space somewhere or worse, dead. Quentin tries again to call Angel knowing that it was probably a long shot, however he is optimistic. He pages him and the others, but as expected he received no answer from anybody. Before they knew it another black hole appeared with yet more gloobas appearing in the laboratory area. The two prepared for what could be their last battle. The two of them figure they’ll either die at the moment or afterwards when the death ray is shot. Yet inside of Quentin’s heart he knows there is still a glimmer of hope.

  Chapter 29

  The Evil One

  Back on the planet of Goo the four cheat death once again by defeating the four horsemen. Now they gather themselves and whatever confidence they have to enter the Evil One’s lair. The four are understandably nervous, but know that the fate of their beloved home is in their hands. Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis hold hands, do a quick prayer as they know the Elder God will not be available to help them. They enter the lair and they are surrounded by dark reddish/brownish walls, but when felt gives off a gooey feel to their hands. The four don’t know that the work they have done will not be enough to save the world and the gloobas will still win if time should run out. All of them assume if they fail that Earth will not survive. The time has come for the four to meet the Evil One!

  “Well we’re here guys, all of our hard work and dedication will be tested here!” Angel tells everyone.

  “This is indeed the lair of evil.” Dayvon replies.

  “Hahaha! You dare to enter my lair, now you feel your ultimate doom! Step right up and join you fellow human turncoat.” The Evil One laughs in an evil tone.

  “Leslie? What happened?” Maria asks Leslie.

  “What did you do to Leslie, you monster?” Luis demands an answer from the Evil One.

  “I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean to hurt you or kill Samantha. It was either that or he would kill me. Only to find out that he was going to harm me anyway. If I could take my decision back, I would one-hundred percent!” Leslie cries for forgiveness.

  “Look at least you admitted you were wrong and what’s important at this point.” Dayvon responds.

  “Too late for that, you are my bitch now! Prepare to transform to the ultimate creature, well at least the second closest to me! You might want to pay attention to this transformation because this will be your next opponent before you get to me. See if you can beat this beast! Hahaha! Good Luck you’re going to need it.” The Evil One says arrogantly.

  “Aaarrrgggghhhh!” Leslie screams in agony as she tries to fight her way through the pain. However the “devil juice” that has been injected in her has already gotten into her body and has spread throughout his body.

  Leslie begins to transform into a sea-like creature and her hands begin to turn into her claws. Then her legs split into eight legs just like that of a crab. Finally her face begins to turn into a form similar to that of a lobster. While a normal human sized anthropomorphic lobster/crab wouldn’t be too big of a deal for our heroes. However the problem is that Leslie begins to grow in size to the point where she is 3 times the size of our heroes. All of a sudden the four are facing a huge lobster/crab fusion mutation, whose code named is “Crablostero”.

  “Holy shit! After this don’t ever take me out for lobster ever again!” Maria screams towards Angel.

  “Forget about that, they won’t be any lobster left on Earth if we don’t kill this freak of nature!” Angel responds to Maria.

  “Oh my Go… that thing is huge! How are we gonna crack this sea creature?” Luis can’t help but to be marveled by the sheer size of the lobster/crab creature.

  “Forget about the size of that thing, how are we’re going to break through that shell?” Dayvon says concerned.

  Crablostero begins to walk towards the four and jumps up in an attempt to entrap the four inside its legs. Everyone is able to get out of the way before the creature is able to crush any of them. Everyone tries to shoot in the direction of the crab, but to no avail the shots deflect off Crablostero. Crablostero uses its poison spit to try and burn the four with the acidity of the spit. Everyone rolls out of the way of the spit attack that has a huge area that it covers.

  “I will make you mince meat and you shall be the catch of the day! Plus it’s four of you, if it isn’t my lucky day!” Crablostero says in his monstrous voice.

  “We’ll see about that, lobster freak!” Angel says confidently.

  “Why do I get the feeling we are facing the “Evil One” in different forms!” Maria screams while running.

  “You might just be right on that sweetheart, but we have no time to worry about that. We need to survive first and then ask questions later.” Angel answers Maria.

  Crablostero begins to use his claws to break the rocks surrounding the lair in an attempt crush the four using the rocks. After that it goes after the four by trying to grab them with its claws. The four of them run around the creature trying to find a weak spot, however nobody can find a weak spot on the creature. Dayvon tries to shoot the creature with his rocket launcher, but not even the rocket launcher does any harm to Crablostero

  “What the hell! How did that SOB not go boom?” Dayvon asks.

  “Looks like we have to get a bit creative with this creature, blasting this creature isn’t gonna do anything!” Luis screams out answering Luis’s question.

  Crablostero curls itself into a ball and the heroes mistake it as the creature retreating. They approach it aggressively, in fact too aggressively. They attempt to find the weak spot now that they can get close to the creature. However, before the four could get any closer to the creature, Crablostero begins to open up and lets out a poisonous gas so pungent that the four run away from Crablostero immediately in order to get away from the gas. Everyone holds their breath to avoid breathing in the toxic fumes.

  “Oh god that is a diabolical smell!” Angel says trying to hold his breath.

  “This room has turned into a defecation ground. My lord how can anyone survive this smell!” Dayvon asks.

  “I’ve smelled some really horrific things in my life, but this takes the cake and not in a good way.” Luis says and then he sees Maria fall down behind him probably due to the defecating smell. “Maria! Damn that smell knocked her out. I gotta go and get her!” He screams as he tries to rescue her. However the smell is way too strong and he needs to get away.

  “Its fine Luis no need to kill yourself, don’t need to lose two of you!” Angel screams towards Luis.

  Crablostero runs towards the trio and makes a bee-line towards Dayvon. He runs out of room and is tackled onto a rock. After hitting the rock his head cracks open and he begins to bleed profu
sely to the horror of Angel and Luis.

  “Dayvon no! This abomination is kicking our butts and we haven’t found its weakness yet, this is not cool!” Angel yells as he sees his group getting killed.

  Then Crablostero begins to shoot a water blast only this water isn’t really water, but really liquid plutonium that is poisonous to the touch. Luis pulls Angel out of the way from the poisonous projectile. All of a sudden though, Angel spots a potential weakness on the creature. Even though the creature is spewing out plutonium, it is in liquid format which still makes it technically water and conductive to electricity. To further describe Angel’s plan the creature is vulnerable to electricity like a real crab or lobster. All he needs is a weapon that shoots electricity. This is where Luis comes in.

  “If only I had a taser gun, I could send five-thousand volts of electricity towards that abomination called the Evil One’s creation down to the hell where it belongs and get Leslie back the way she was!” Angel tells Luis.

  “Wait Angel I might just have the weapon you need, we can use my EMP weapon. Now we just need to trick it to come here somehow next to the plutonium and then boom or should I say POW! Plus this weapon will shoot over ten-thousand volts of electricity instead of five-thousand, that’s double the power!” Luis tells Angel his idea.

  Luis steps right in front of Crablostero trying to attract its attention and the creature looks at him. It tries to shoot him with more plutonium, which is even better to execute Angel’s plan. He easily gets out of the way of the projectile by diving to his right. The lair becomes filled with the green liquid mostly on the left side of the room. He keeps trying to attract the creature to run towards the plutonium and Crablostero eventually does take the bait and begins to make a bee-line towards him. He tries to get out of the way, but somehow he catches a cramp on his leg rendering him immobile.

  “Luis get up that thing is about to grab you with its claw!” Angel screams towards Luis.

  “I can’t move! I just caught a cramp! Here take my EMP weapon and shoot the creature, now! There’s no time to waste! Don’t worry about me.” Luis tells Angel to finish the job.

  “But… but Luis you’re going to die if I shoot the EMP weapon. I can’t kill you!” Angel voices his concerned.

  “Angel I hate to say it, but just like before you gonna have to deal with the big cheese of the evil plot on your own. Remember if you succeed we all get to come back and pretend that none of this ever happened. Just shoot the damn gun Angel!” Luis orders Angel to ignore his feelings and take care of Crablostero.

  Angel reluctantly shoots the EMP weapon and the electrical blast travels through the green plutonium until it hits Crablostero. The creature goes down and its weak spot is exposed, he finishes off the creature until it dies and begins to spill its green blood around the lair. Angel survives the ordeal, however he finds out he is the only survivor after the long agonizing battle.

  “Luis! Speak to me brother… speak to me!” Angel begs Luis to talk just hoping he was still alive even though he was just shot with over ten-thousand volts of electricity.

  “Good job Angel, you did it. You killed that bastard, now it’s up to you to finish your job. I hate to say it, but you’ll have to do this all on your own. Sorry that I can’t join you…” Luis says and then passes out on Angel’s lap.

  “No Luis… it can’t be, don’t go on me!” Angel screams at him hoping to revive him. However to his disappointment he does not get back up, instead he dies. “Oh my lord it can’t be looks like I’m the only survivor here. It all comes down to me!” Angel begins to accept that he is on his own once again for the final battle.

  He takes a look at Dayvon and sees that he is dead. In fact he is on top of a pool of blood, his own blood to be exact. After that Angel walks to Maria to see if she’s still alive, unlike last time though she has no pulse.

  “No Maria my love, you are poisoned and it just can’t be, but you are dead. Is this my future to come, a life of loneliness?” Angel begins to question his future. However he reminds himself that as long as the anti-matter ball is placed into the machine, everything will return to normal.

  After this the voice of the evil one can be heard trying to taunt Angel. He looks for the Evil Once, but he can’t see him. So he carefully walks forward to avoid being ambushed. He looks back and forth to see if he can spot the Evil One, but he is unable to spot him. The Evil One continues to taunt Angel continuously, only pissing him off more instead of scaring him.

  “Look you scumbag come out if you have any guts, I’m done playing your stupid games. I’m the only one standing in your way. You just took out the rest of my friends. Now finish the job if you dare!” Angel says unfazed.

  “Well… well if you want me? You’re about to get me. I’m about to grant you your death wish. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s too perfect, you by all your lonesome. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Save your prayers Angel, you’ll be joining the rest of the Medina family in the depths of hell!” The Evil One Taunts.

  “First of all if you’re referring to my father and brother, they’re in heaven and I can bet my life on it!” Angel says in response to the evil one.

  The Evil One begins to come out in a space suit and a helmet covering his face. Angel is shocked at first figuring that the evil one was going to be some big alien emperor, but it turns out its human. He stares at his adversary down without any feeling almost like he is focused or has tunnel vision. The Evil One begins to take off his helmet revealing himself. He is shocked at who is behind the mask…

  “No it can’t be, I thought I killed you already…” Angel says in shock towards the Evil One, then realizes that time was reversed.

  “Hehehe! You “thought” you killed me, you made an assumption. I thought you were smarter than that, this whole virtual world is a paradox like you said and that doesn’t only apply to you. It also applies to me as I was never dead, you killed me in the virtual world, but I was able to come back. I managed to get enough Cabal followers to build up my army to get my revenge on you! The Cabal will be the next great force to take over, not even these foolish gloobas know that I have been using them for my own good. In other words I will be the ultimate leader, there is no glooba emperor. You’re looking at the emperor right now.” The Evil One replies to Angel.

  “I should have knew, Mariano. You son of a bitch you always wanted to build up the Cabal for your own sick intentions. Shit I totally forgot about you, the only thing I can’t figure out is how the hell did you come from the past to now?” Angel is puzzled by how Mariano managed to get where he is.

  “I don’t think that’s important right now, all you have to worry about is me beating the living daylights out of you!” Mariano responds cockily.

  Angel watches as Mariano tries to use a taser gun to stun him. However he’s able to sense him going for his taser and he misses Angel. He goes on the offensive and begins to attack Mariano with his plasma rifle. He hits Mariano with a good majority of the shots, but Mariano is able to suck up every single shot to his amazement and shock. So he heads straight him to fight him in melee and he is able to land a few kicks and punches that knocks Mariano down. Mariano is able to get back up easily after being knocked down. He returns the favor and he grabs Angel performing a gorilla press slam. Angel falls to the ground hard, but still moving.

  “Damn that shit stings like hell, I give you credit you can fight or at least put one up. I’m still kicking your ass though!” Angel says to Mariano unfazed.

  He gets back up and the two go at it again. They trade punches and kicks, none of them refuse to go down. Angel does a superkick to Mariano with such force he sends him across the lair and the anti-matter ball falls from Mariano’s pocket. He heads to the ball and grabs it while Mariano is still down. However, he still needs to find the anti-matter machine. Mariano gets up rather quickly and tackles him after he puts the anti-matter ball in his pocket.

  The two begin to exchange blows once again, they are both becomin
g exhausted. However, he knows that he can’t give into Mariano as he would be letting down his friends, the world and more importantly his wife. Mariano hits him in the gut and he begins to spill out blood from his mouth upon impact. Mariano then throws him into a rock pile. Somehow Angel is able to survive the fall.

  “How the hell did I survive that fall? My father and brother must be watching over me.” Angel says to him self as he tries to get up.

  “Nice try Angel, but I’m afraid that I must finish you off now! It was nice knowing you, indeed you were a tough opponent just like I thought you would be. However, I have no time to waste with your pathetic body. I have a universe to take over. This waste land we’re standing on isn’t good enough to settle. Besides the death ray is about 95% charged and I’m about an hour from taking Earth out! Any last words before I lay over twenty-thousand volts in your body?” Mariano taunts Angel non-stop as he begins to charge up his electrical attack on his hands.

  Mariano begins to send the electrical attack into his body. He screams in pain and his body begins to go numb in only a matter in seconds. He knows that in only a minute or so he will suffer heart fibrillation and die of a heart attack. As much as he tries, his body begins to give way and his eyes begin to close. However his eyes never fully close, indicating that he is still alive.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t died yet! You’ll die soon enough! You can’t possibly take all this electricity and still live.” Mariano says impatiently as he waits to see Angel die.

  “Use the wind power you got from Fujin! Just put you hands up and just concentrate on breathing a nice cool breeze on a fall day. It’s your only shot.” An unknown spirit like voice says to Angel.

  Angel needing to survive puts his hands up like the spirit tells him to. He has no idea who the voice is, it probably was his father. However the voice isn’t masculine, it is feminine. The only other person can think of is his mother that died of a heart attack when he was younger, but he barely knew her as he was around seven when she passed away. Despite that he follows the orders of the spirit and lifts his hands up with the little energy he has. A few seconds later, Angel’s eye begins to close. Is Angel dead…?


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