Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  His hardness was pressed between them and he longed to be deep within her, but he needed her ready for him. His wolf was trying to push forwards to claim their mate, but he knew he needed to hold the beast at bay until her body was ready for his thrusts. Because when he allowed his wolf free rein, he would be taking her hard and fast.

  His fingers traced down the crack between her cheeks until he found her sex, already hot and wet for him, and he rimmed her opening, making her squirm against him, her body looking for more.

  When he pushed one long thick finger into her channel she naturally clenched around it. It wasn’t what she wanted. She needed him, rock hard with desire and deep within her. Adding another finger did little to curb her body’s growing frustration, but Aidan stretched her around his digits, stroking inside her with the patience of a man that, above all else, loved his mate.

  “Aidan…”She breathed restlessly against his neck. If she had been Lycan he thought she might already have bitten into his skin. And when he nestled against her neck, his tongue working over the mark he’d placed into her skin, she all but squirmed right out of his arms.

  “Relax sweetheart, we’ll get there…”He tried to sooth the fire within her body as he breathed against her ear, but it didn’t work.

  “Just get inside me and then I’ll relax…”She bit out, trying to lift her lower body against his hips. Her sex rubbed over his arousal and he growled in pleasure and need.

  “Dee, I’m barely holding on here, sweetheart…”He growled against her neck. He could feel the ache of his fangs against his gums. They ached almost as much as his shaft.

  “Then don’t, I’m ready…”Her fingers fisted his hair and she tugged at it, until he was staring down at her. His forehead pressed against hers. “Really, really, really ready…”She implored him and saw the wolfish grin spread across his face.

  He eased his fingers from inside her and lifted her further up the wall, and she almost cried out with joy when he pressed into her. The low feral growl that rolled through his chest as he pushed his hips forwards, slowly opening her channel around his girth, made her even more crazed with desire.

  Damn he felt good, but having him deeper would feel even better, she thought as she pushed down on him, taking him deep inside, almost to the hilt. His growl became more intense as he watched the pleasure on her face. The way her back arched against the wall, the feel of her inner muscles as they tensed and released around him.

  “Aidan, don’t stop, please don’t stop…”She growled out as he drew his hips back and thrust into the hilt.


  He didn’t think he could stop if his life depended on it. It would take everything he had within him to be able to back away from her now. But he wasn’t about to bond with her in the damn shower…

  Aidan spun her away from the wall and kicked open the door. He stalked through the bathroom, as she moved her own body up and down over him, making him half crazy with the need for her.

  Aidan spun her against the first wall he came too and thrust hard, meeting her movement against him and causing her to moan long and loudly as her body cried out for more. Aidan’s hips moved almost without positive thought, taking her back and forth over the length of him. Not the damn wall either…

  He spun her back towards the bed and her back hit the mattress in record time. Her backside was half hanging over the edge and he pressed his knees against the mattress, squatting down and thrusting into her over and over, building the fire within her.

  His hands caught her wrists and he pushed her arms up above her head. His thighs pressed her legs wide open and backwards against the bed as he knelt onto the mattress, taking her deeper.

  He held both of her wrist in one large hand as his fingers fisted her hair, pulling her head to the side and running his tongue down her neck and over the mark in her skin. He caged her whole body beneath his…

  “Mine…”He growled against her ear, more feral now as his beast started to push forwards, and he felt her body surrender to his, opening fully to his thrusts. Allowing him to become his beast as his fangs pressed down, elongating, ready to bite down into her flesh…

  “Aidan…”His name on her lips as he pressed his fangs against her skin. His hips speed up, thrusting her over the edge, and he sunk his fangs deep into her shoulder.

  The sharp cry from her lips as her flesh tore met with his feral growl as he claimed her forever, tasting her blood as it washed over his tongue and down his throat. He reached for her mind and found her there. Her emotions were battering against his own and he felt what she felt, and he found himself lost within her…

  Aidan released his fangs from her the moment he felt her release seeping away. His tongue darted out over the wound as he sealed it the best he could. The fire raged within him. His wolf receded enough for his fangs to slip back, but he was still more wolf than man. He was taking his pleasure inside her, building his own orgasm, and taking her back up towards another release.

  He let go of her wrists. His hands locked against her hips and he lifted her backside off the bed, kneeling against her, he took his pleasure in long hard thrusts that stretched her still swollen walls around him.

  He could feel her muscles still pulsing, trying to suck the release from his body and when she cried out again, her body tried to buck against the hold he had on her, he couldn’t contain his need.

  His thrusts became more erratic, faster and harder, taking him to the very edge of insanity as her channel tried to milk him of his seed.

  Aidan felt the pressure within his spine and tossed his head back, howling with his release as he spilled inside her, over and over, with no end in sight as his orgasm rolled through him.

  He roared when a second release rolled into the first and his mate cried out beneath him- both of them caught up in the intensity of the pleasure that took them.

  He clamped down on his jaw and thrust into her, spilling his seed against her womb, over and over until his body had nothing left to give.

  Aidan’s muscles quivered around him. Lowering himself above her as her back came down onto the mattress, and he fell forwards over her body onto his hands. His body felt spent, as if he’d allowed his wolf to run hard through the night, and he didn’t even have the energy to growl out his satisfaction at Bonding with his mate.

  With the last of his energy, he slipped his hand beneath her back and rolled them over in the bed. He wore her body like a blanket over his, draped around him as she tried to catch her breath.

  Aidan lifted his hand and stroked down her back, soothing her against him, trying to recover control over his own body. He felt his strength returning, and he eased her up against him. The scent of her blood still filled the air and he needed to make sure he had tended her wounds properly. Taking great care to clean and seal it, as she came back to him.

  “Wow and ouch…”She breathed out. A moment before she felt his arms tighten around her and he flipped her over onto her back. Her eyes came open and she stared up at him, the look of concern in his face.

  “I hurt you…”

  “You bit me, I’d say that qualified as pain…”

  “But I wasn’t too rough anywhere else?”Aidan brushed the backs of his fingertips down over her cheek, and she frowned up at him.

  “You mean will I walk again?”She couldn’t help but tease him, and when he rolled his eyes and gave her a gentle growl she chuckled. “There may be a slight limp…”She offered and he snagged her hand and linked his fingers with hers.

  “It’s not funny…”He growled. Every Lycan male worried about hurting their mate when the wolf took them. Obviously she wasn’t hurt, but just the thought of it made his stomach twist.

  “Kind of is. I could go another few rounds…”She boasted and he took that as a challenge. Flipping them back over in the bed, he pulled her legs up his body until she was straddling him.

  “Be my guest, and when you flounder I’ll step in…”He raised his brows suggestively and she rolled
her eyes.

  “If you’re too tired honey, you just have to say so, there’s no shame…”And she was back on her back in an instant. His hardness pressed inside her and she closed her eyes for a long moment to savour the feel of him.

  “We’ll see who’s snoring first…”His grin was pure wolf as he moved inside her.

  “Good morning, or perhaps I should say afternoon…”Aidan chuckled down at Dee as she groaned against the pillows. He’d been true to his word, he made love to her in every way possible until she couldn’t move, couldn’t even keep her eyes open, and then he’d turned her in the bed, pulled her back against his chest, wrapped her in his arms protectively, and soothed her to sleep.

  She wasn’t entirely sure she was awake now. The smell of coffee wafted up her nose and raised her interest, but she didn’t want to move a muscle. She didn’t even know if she still had muscles, they may have dissolved at some point…

  “And did I tell you that Lacy found her mate last night?”He offered gently, and then snatched the cup back away from her as her eyes snapped open and she shot up onto her hands on the bed.

  “What? When? Who?” Dee’s was certain of only one thing, she still had damn muscles and they protested her movement… She slowly sunk back down against the mattress on a groan.

  “Something wrong sweetheart?”Aidan was enjoying her misery a little too much.

  “I need a new body…”She groaned out, gently rolling onto her back and resisting the urge to poke her fingers in his smiling eyes.

  “You just need to stretch your muscles…”

  “They were stretched, that’s the problem. There wasn’t a muscle in my body that didn’t get a workout last night…”

  “I was very thorough…”He assured her, but she didn’t need any assurances, her body felt drained, even if it was in a good way.

  “Stop boasting and tell me about Lacy…”He gave her a slight lopsided grin and shook his head.

  “If you manage to drag yourself out of bed, sleepy head, you can find out for yourself. He’s circling the house as we speak, and she’s held up in her room with Tanya…”

  “Tanya. Damn, I hate being the last to know stuff.”She pouted. Throwing the covers back on the bed, her muscles protested even the slightest move, but she pushed through the ache, she was too curious about Lacy not too. She’d be damned if she’d let a little thing like dying stand in the way of the latest gossip.

  “Shower and coffee, just the thing…”He grinned as she pushed herself to her feet and felt the need to growl out at him.

  Tanya dragged the pillow against her stomach and pushed back further into the headboard as she regarded Lacy with all the sympathy of an already mated mate.

  “Wasn’t it you that found my predicament amusing?”Tanya offered her and she snorted.

  “Well, I’m not going to apologise for that because you seem to be enjoying mine just as much.”Lacy tossed another pillow at her and she snatched it up with a grin.

  “Yes I am…”She agreed emphatically. Turning to see who was coming through the bedroom door as Lacy did the same.

  Dee shut the door behind her and placed her hands on her hips with a determined look. “Tell me everything.”She insisted, narrowing her eyes on Lacy and seeing her friend’s misery.

  “Join the party, some of us are having a laugh at the others expense.”Lacy pouted again, giving Tanya an evil glare.

  “It’s payback time. Where’s the harm in that?”Tanya chuckled. Tossing a pillow at Dee and she caught it, although her muscles protested the effort and she groaned.

  “Something wrong?”Lacy raised a brow of amusement, and Dee couldn’t help the low growl that she gave her.

  “He was very thorough…”Dee offered as she shuffled towards the bed and dropped down onto the mattress, giving a yelp and shooting back off again.

  “Obviously…”Tanya chuckled and Lacy snorted a laugh.

  “Very through…”Lacy added, as she watched Dee’s cheeks redden until she practically looked like the stop traffic light, glowing brightly.

  “But very gentle…”Dee insisted, and he had been. “Just very large…”

  “Thought that was one place you’d never go?”Tanya offered smirking. She was right; Dee had never had an interest with trying something she considered to be taboo with another lover.

  “A girl can change her mind…”She snapped and Lacy spluttered a chuckle. Dee’s eyes snapped towards her and she cleared her throat on a shrug. “Tell me about your mate.”Dee demanded. She didn’t want to discuss where or how they had explored each other’s bodies last night. She wanted to take the attention away from her.

  “He’s a Beta named Cole…”Lacy rolled her eyes even as her insides quivered with excitement. Damn it, she didn’t want to feel this way. She was done with Lycans, pastures new she’d told herself, and here she was with a Lycan mate.

  “Guess he’s equally as gorgeous as our mates…”Dee offered with a grin and Lacy shrugged her shoulders again.

  “Can’t say I noticed.”She bit out and Tanya snorted.


  “Fine, he’s gorgeous. But still…”Lacy shook her head. She was more than adamant that she wasn’t going to succumb to bonding with him like her friends had.

  “She’s got the fever…”Tanya teased and Dee grinned at Lacy with a knowing look as she scowled back.

  “I do not have the fever…”Lacy saw the look on Dee’s face, it was amused sympathy, and she wished she were Lycan just so she could growl at the damn pair of them.

  “Look on the bright side, we’ll all be mated and all be together.”Tanya offered and Lacy snorted.

  “There’s a bright side to that?”

  “Do you want me to go get your mate and drag him up here?”Tanya shot back, and Lacy turned away just in case they saw the excitement that surged through her.

  Her brain wasn’t doing too well. She hadn’t slept properly, between the howls of Lycan males in the house and the sounds of sex going on, and the fact that every time she closed her eyes she pictured the big dumb Lycan that was allegedly her mate… And she was sure that there was some scratching and sniffing going on outside, below her window…

  “Do you want me to shove that pillow so far down your throat you’ll look nine months pregnant?”Lacy shot back and Tanya raised just one brow in her direction.


  “Harsh.”Dee chuckled. Lacy threw herself backwards against the mattress and regarded the ceiling on a long sigh.

  “I don’t want to be mated…”She pouted on a whimper.

  “Join the club…”Tanya offered.

  “Literally.”Dee offered, and got a dirty look from Lacy, before she rolled over onto her stomach and propped her chin on her hands.

  “How good is the sex, you know, with mates…?”Lacy was curious, that’s not to say she was tempted, but curious was still ok, she surmised.

  “Fan-bloody-tastic.”Tanya practically purred and Dee sniggered.

  “I second that emotion. It’s so much better than just normal sex…”She offered and saw a sparkle of devilment within Lacy’s eyes.

  “You guys could just be bigging it up so I sleep with him and then I won’t be able to deny him.”Lacy groaned and Dee shook her head emphatic in her denial.

  “I swear. It’s absolutely toe-curlingly amazing.”

  “You swear on the goddess?”Lacy narrowed her eyes and demanded the truth.

  “If she won’t I will…”Tanya chuckled. Even with Evan’s irrational need to be as gentle with her as possible due to the pup, he was still an amazing lover.

  “But there’s no going back, no divorce…”Lacy whimpered and buried her face into the covers.

  “We could always kill him for you…”Dee offered and Lacy’s head bobbed up and her eyes widened.

  “You’d do that for me?”She seemed to perk up slightly.

  “Sure, what are sisters for, and if you mate with him, we will truly be sisters…”Tanya agreed and
Lacy shrugged again. Thinking it over in her mind.

  “Maybe.”Lacy tossed out.

  “You know I can hear every word.”The deep tones came from outside the closed window and all three Fae’s heads snapped towards the glass, as if they expected Cole to appear, one floor up, floating like an apparition…

  Lacy grimaced as Tanya and Dee grinned wildly.

  “Serves you right for eavesdropping. Go find a leash and learn to walk yourself, I’m busy…”Lacy tossed out and Dee and Tanya bit down on their amusement.

  “You know you’re going to pay for that one way or another, right?”He growled gently up at her and she grimaced again, before a devilish smirk rolled over her face. She had to admit, if only to herself, the thought of that sounded good.

  “She’s looking forward to it.”Dee opened her mouth and chuckled silently towards Lacy as her eyes went wide in shock.

  “Me too.”He growled back and Lacy felt the excitement grow within her. Oh hell, who was she trying to kid. She was a mate, and just like her friends there was no way in hell she wasn’t going to be mated to Cole. Fate willed it and she would comply, like it or not…

  She had a feeling she was going to like it.

  The End.




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