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Enslaved Page 11

by Ray Gordon

  Chapter Five

  Barry had left the house by the time Marianne half-opened her eyes, her naked body stirring as another day began. Thanking God that he'd gone, she checked the time - nine-thirty. What would today bring? she wondered as she climbed out of bed and drew the curtains. What indeed?

  Slipping into her dressing gown as she descended the stairs, her heart leapt as the doorbell rang. Pulling her gown tightly across her firm breasts, praying it wasn't John calling for early morning sex, she opened the front door.

  'Oh, hi, Natalie,' she greeted her young neighbour. 'Come in.'

  'Thanks. I haven't seen you since you got back from the hypnosis course and I was wondering how you got on?'

  'Come through, I'll put the kettle on and tell you all about it,' Marianne replied, leading the girl into the kitchen.

  Sitting at the table, Natalie rested her chin on her fist, gazing at Marianne in anticipation. Her blonde bob framing her pretty face, her full red lips curling into a smile, her blue eyes sparkling, she urged Marianne to tell her everything.

  'I've gone and done something very silly,' Marianne confessed, switching the kettle on and joining her friend at the table.


  'Yes, really. I got back from the course and... I failed, by the way.'

  'That's a shame. All that money wasted.'

  'It's all right - it was Barry's money. Anyway, I pretended that the lecturer had implanted a trigger word in my subconscious. It was a joke, just a bit of fun I thought I'd have with Barry, that's all. But the whole thing's got completely out of hand. Barry's friend John came round the other evening. Like a fool, Barry went and blurted out the word to show John how easily I could be hypnotized.'

  'What did he get you to do, jump up and down on one foot?' Natalie laughed.

  'No, but I wish he had. Anyway, Barry had a phone call and had to go out to see a client. John was finishing his coffee and... John said the trigger word.'

  'God! What happened?'

  'Not wanting to spoil the game I'd started with Barry, I faked a hypnotic trance. And then... well, John told me to take my clothes off.'

  'You didn't strip off in front of him, did you?'

  'Yes. But there's more - I allowed him to have sex with me.'

  'My God! You should have told him to bugger off.'

  'No! He'd have told Barry I was conning him, don't you see?'

  'Yes, I do, but... being unfaithful to Barry just for the sake of a silly game is ridiculous.'

  'That was nothing. I did something far worse than that. I had sex with two girls.'

  'Two girls?' Natalie gasped. 'Why? Are you a...'

  'No, I'm not a lezzie. This girl, Jill, a lesbian friend of mine, would have told Barry that I'd been fooling him.'

  'So what? You can't go around having sex with people just to keep a ridiculous game going with Barry.'

  'I realize that. I suppose, with Jill and her friend, I was intrigued. You see, I was completely innocent, in their eyes, anyway. It was strange, being ordered about, being told to do this and that. I quite enjoyed the game, it was fun. Anyway, that was my first lesbian experience and I...'

  'You call that fun? Did you enjoy having sex with two girls, then?'

  'No, not really. Well, I suppose it was... The thing is, I've also had sex with a man I met in the park,' Marianne confessed, wondering why she was telling her neighbour her most intimate secrets.

  'What, a stranger?'

  'Yes. Actually, I didn't have full sex with him - he used the trigger word and got me to masturbate in front of him.'

  'You're mad, Marianne! I've never heard anything so... You must come clean, tell Barry that you were conning him. And as for the man in the park; why tell a stranger about the trigger word?'

  'I fancied him.'

  'What, so every man you fancy, or girl, for that matter, you have sex with before you've even got to know them?'

  'No, it wasn't like that.'

  'Then what was it like?'

  'I'm not telling you all this just so that you can condemn me, Natalie. Anyway, I can't tell Barry the truth because he'd know I'd had sex with John and that I'd been completely aware of what I was doing - I'd be admitting infidelity.'

  'Does Barry know that you and John...?'

  'Does he know? Christ! Barry set it up!'

  'Set it up? Bloody hell, this is crazy.'

  'You're telling me. I want to leave Barry but there's the house, the furniture and everything. I've discovered the horrifying extent of his evil side. Thinking that I was under hypnosis, he told me about his plans, plans to sell me to men for sex, to earn money by prostituting me.'

  'Barry? I can't believe that!'

  'It's funny how you think you know people, and then you discover that you don't know them at all. It's also funny how you think you know yourself and then...'

  'I'm stunned, Marianne - completely stunned.'

  'There's more, I'm afraid,' Marianne sighed. 'There's another reason that I have to leave Barry. The word - he used it a couple of times and... and it actually worked.'

  'It can't have done.'

  'Well, it did. I lost all control over my body, my actions.'

  'Autosuggestion, that's probably what it was. I've read quite a bit about self-hypnosis.'

  'Whatever it was, what the hell do I do now?'

  'God only knows. Why are you telling me all this, anyway?'

  'I suppose I needed to talk to someone, someone I know and trust.'

  'You needn't worry about me hypnotizing you and having sex with you; I'm not a lesbian.'

  'I didn't think I was that way... I know you're not a lesbian, Natalie.'

  Leaving the table and pouring the coffee, Marianne wondered whether it had been a good idea to confess to Natalie. But she'd needed to tell someone, to ask someone for help with the terrible mess she'd got herself into.

  'Had Barry not used the word to prove to John that it worked, none of this would have happened,' Marianne groaned. 'He made me lift my skirt and pull my panties down to prove I was hypnotized.'

  'He should never have done that.'

  'No, and he should never have set me up with John. And I should never have played the stupid game in the first place.'

  'I'll tell you what to do. Leave Barry, which you're going to do anyway, and tell your girlfriends that...'

  'I can't reveal that I was conning them. I don't want people thinking that I'm a lezzie, that I was a willing participant.'

  'But you were!'

  'Yes, but no one knows that! Anyway, how can I tell Barry I'm leaving him, that I'm just up and going without a reason - and taking my share of the house with me? If he knew I'd deliberately been unfaithful, he'd do his utmost to make sure that I don't get a penny from the house. What the hell can I do?'

  'I don't know, Marianne - I honestly don't. What's the trigger word?'

  'I can't tell you. Too many people. know as it is.'

  'You can trust me, Marianne.'

  'Yes, but what if you told Ian about it and he...?'

  'My husband wouldn't...'

  'Wouldn't he? As I said, you think you know people, and then you discover that you don't know them at all.'

  'But Ian wouldn't... God, you've got me thinking now. I'd love to pretend to have a trigger word and have some fun with him.'

  'No, you wouldn't. We all have a darker side, Natalie. Ian might have secrets, things you're better off knowing nothing about.'

  'I'm sure he hasn't.'

  'Think about this. Is there anything you'd rather he didn't know about you, about your past?'

  'No, nothing. Well... I've never told anyone this before but... There was a friend of Ian's who helped us move into the house just before we were married. He... let's just say that I see your point.'

  'You had an affair?'

  'No, not an affair, exactly. Ian had to go away for a week, a sales conference, and I went and did something I've regretted ever since. I had sex with his friend.'

'There you are, then! Ian might have been having sex with someone while you were screwing his friend, so I wouldn't feel too guilty about it.'

  Natalie's face dropped as the horrifying thought sunk in. It had never crossed her mind that Ian might have been unfaithful. Her own guilt was bad enough, let alone the thought that he might have been sleeping with another woman in his hotel room!

  'I suppose you can't trust anyone, not one hundred percent, anyway,' Natalie reflected. 'But this is incredible, Marianne. The things you've done are...'

  'Yes, yes, I know. But what I don't know is what the hell to do. I've nowhere to go. Well, apart from... But worse than that is the fact that I'm beginning to enjoy sex with different people.'

  'God, you need help. Why not get onto the course lecturer and tell him what's happened?'

  'He'd probably use the trigger word and screw me!'

  'No, he wouldn't. I could always come with you.'

  'Yes, and he'd use hypnosis and screw you!'

  'Not if he's a professional man, he wouldn't.'

  'He's a man, Natalie.'

  'Yes, I suppose he is. We've got a spare room if you need somewhere to stay for a while.'

  'Thanks, but no. I'll work something out. The only real problem is Barry bringing men home to screw me. If the trigger word works I'll have no power to... I might go and stay with my mother for a few weeks.'

  'Look, I really must be going,' Natalie sighed as she walked to the door. 'We'll talk about this again, Marianne, when I've more time - I've got an appointment with the hairdresser this morning. Thanks for the coffee. And don't worry. I'm only next door so, if you need help, just shout.'

  'Thanks, Natalie,' Marianne smiled, opening the front door and seeing the girl out, eyeing her slender thighs, her short skirt. 'I'll keep you posted, OK?'

  'Yes, you do that.'

  'By the way, the word is juxtaposition,' Marianne enlightened her, gazing at her rounded breasts, her nipples pressing through her tight T-shirt.

  'I thought you weren't going to tell me?' Natalie grinned as she turned and walked down the path.

  'I trust you. Bye!'

  Grabbing the Christmas candle from the cupboard and wandering out into the back garden, Marianne sat on a patio chair and opened her gown. The sun warming her she relaxed. Her fingers toying with her hairless pussy lips, her stirring clitoris, she eased the huge candle deep into her moistening vaginal sheath.

  The sensations permeating her quivering pelvis, she slowly slipped the wet candle in and out of her tight pussy, imagining Natalie naked. Massaging her swelling clitoris with her fingertips, she closed her eyes, wishing she'd grabbed the vibrator from the bedroom - wishing Natalie had used the trigger word.

  Pondering on the dreadful situation she was in, she wondered again what to do. Her clitoris, now awake after many virtually dormant years, would demand her attention daily, she knew. Her entire body had awoken, her nipples become alive, her vagina insatiable in its yearning for tongues, fingers, candles - penises.

  As her clitoris throbbed slightly, sending a quiver up her spine, she thought of Rod, wondering whether to take a stroll through the park and visit him. But no, before she did anything, she had to conceive a plan. Her fingers leaving her clitoris, her hands by her sides, she wallowed in the beautiful sensations the massive candle was bringing her.

  'Juxtaposition!' Barry's voice bellowed from the open back door. Her heart racing, Marianne lay still. Pretend to be sleeping, she thought, slowly closing her thighs to conceal the candle. 'Marianne, are you sleeping?' Barry asked as he stood before her. 'Juxtaposition,' he repeated. 'I don't know if it's worked or not, Dave - I'm not sure whether she's asleep or in a trance,' Barry said, shocking Marianne.

  'She's got a beautiful pair of tits,' his friend laughed.

  'She's got a beautiful cunt, too. Let's see if the word has worked. Marianne, open your legs and show Dave your shaved cunt.'

  Her heart pounding, banging hard against her chest, her hands trembling, Marianne froze. Barry would realize that she was sleeping and wake her up, she was sure, but what could she do? The whole thing has gone too for, she thought, glad that the trigger word hadn't really worked and that she was still in control of her actions.

  'Wake up, Marianne,' Barry ordered irritably, shaking her shoulder. Stirring, she opened her eyes and pulled her gown over her breasts. 'This is Dave,' Barry introduced, turning to the young man by his side.

  'Oh, hi. I'm sorry, I was sleeping.'

  'I've brought Dave round to show him something,' Barry added. 'Something special.'

  Standing with her thighs squeezed together to keep the candle in place, Marianne tried to formulate a plan. Was Dave the first of many paying customers? she wondered, eyeing his tight blue jeans. Or did Barry merely want to show him the power he had over his girlfriend?

  Scrutinizing the young man, Marianne smiled. He was tall with dark hair and deep-set eyes. In his early twenties, clean-shaven and masculine, he'd make a good catch. Not bad looking at all, she mused.

  'Juxtaposition,' Barry said. Motionless, Marianne waited in anticipation, praying that the phone would ring or that someone would call round. Her thoughts swirling, she wanted the young man to use her for sex, but her conscience nagged her. This was wrong, she knew, but her arousal was beginning to win the battle raging in her racked mind.

  'Right, she's all yours,' Barry quipped, turning to the young man.

  'I can't believe this!' Dave laughed, reaching for his wallet. 'I've never seen anything like it.'

  'Believe it or not, she's completely under your control. You can do what you like with her. Order her to... well, I'm sure you have a good enough imagination.'

  'Better than good enough. God, just think - a beautiful girl who'll do anything I ask of her!'

  'You're right there - she'll do absolutely anything.'

  'This is too good to be true. There's fifty, as agreed.'

  'Thanks, Dave. I'll slip this under the floorboards along with my mags and see you later.'

  Watching the money change hands, Marianne's stomach somersaulted, her clitoris stirred, her vagina tightened around the candle. Wasn't Barry going to watch? she wondered as he walked to the back door.

  'Enjoy yourself!' he called, stepping into the kitchen.

  'I will! Believe me - I bloody well will!' Dave replied enthusiastically. 'Now, Marianne, I'm going to enjoy an hour or so with you, with your beautiful shaved cunt and your lovely tits. This is a secluded garden, so let's start with you taking your dressing gown off.'

  Hearing the front door slam shut, Marianne swore to get her own back on Barry. To leave her alone and vulnerable with another man was despicable, she thought. And to take fifty pounds from him, to sell her to another man for sex, was sickening. But, she consoled herself, she was still in control. Although there was little point in being in control if she could do nothing to stop Dave from using her. The only way was to make out that the word hadn't worked, to begin moving about, asking where Barry had got to and... But did she really want to put an end to the game?

  'Come on, take your gown off,' Dave instructed. 'I've paid good money for you, and I want my money's worth. Barry tells me that I'm the first to pay him for using you. He also told me that he's lined up several other men. He should do well at fifty quid a time.'

  The horrifying words resounding through her mind, Marianne opened her gown and slipped it off her shoulders. If she were to have sex with a stranger for fifty pounds, then she'd take the money from Barry's hiding place - the money she'd earned, she decided. At least she'd discovered where the dirty magazines were. Beneath the floorboards in which room? she wondered as Dave knelt before her, scrutinizing her naked body.

  'You've a nice cunt,' Dave praised, parting her swollen pussy lips, exposing her distended inner petals. 'I love shaved cunts - you can see all a girl has between her legs when there's no... Christ!' he exclaimed. 'What's this?'

  Slipping the candle from her tight vagina, he examined the wet waxe
n shaft, grinning as he looked up between her elongated nipples at her pretty face. 'Been having a quick frig-off in the garden, then?' he laughed. Remaining silent, Marianne decided not to say one word, no matter what he did or said. 'Fancy that! You've been bringing yourself off with a bloody great candle.'

  The incredible situation sending electrifying sensations of lewd sex through her naked body, she began to relax. Looking down at the stranger kneeling before her naked body, examining the glistening flesh between her inflamed vaginal lips, sent a quiver up her spine, a bolt of desire through her womb. This was so wrong - so wonderfully wrong!

  Kissing her soft mound, Dave breathed in her girl-scent. 'Mmm, you taste nice,' he said, licking the length of her open sex-groove. 'Worth every penny, in fact,' he added, slipping two fingers between her swollen labia and easing them into the heat of her saturated vagina.

  Her legs weakening, Marianne sighed as her master drove his fingers deeper into her tightening sex-duct, stretching her creamy sheath wide open as he massaged her inner flesh. Her clitoris swelling beneath his lapping tongue, she found herself longing for his cock. Will he get me to suck him and swallow his sperm? she wondered. Or will he fuck me?

  'Barry's a lucky man, having a sex slave,' Dave remarked. 'Mind you, I wouldn't sell someone as beautiful as you to another man. Still, that's Barry, I suppose. He's had so many girls on the side, behind your back, that I'm surprised you've never caught him out.'

  Her stomach churning, her heart sinking, Marianne was discovering even more about Barry the bastard. So many girls on the side, behind your back... The stunning revelation haunting her, she swore to get Barry out of her life, to get as far away from him as possible.

  Rod, she mused as Dave slipped a third finger into her hot love-mouth, opening her girl-flesh further, fully exposing her erect clitoris to his snaking tongue. Rod would have me live with him, given half the chance, I'm sure. But would he use her as Barry had? Would Rod use her as... Rod had already used her!

  'OK,' Dave said eagerly, slipping his wet fingers from the girl's vagina and sucking her juices from them as he stood up. 'For your first trick, I want you to get on all fours, on the grass, and stick your bum high in the air.'


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