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Enslaved Page 29

by Ray Gordon

  'I'll put the kettle on. Coffee, Alan?' Marianne asked sweetly.

  'Thanks,' he replied, making an odd facial expression at Barry as she left the room.

  Things are going from good to brilliant, Marianne thought as she filled the kettle. That's Barry, Natalie, John and now Alan under my control. But what about Jill and Lydia? she wondered as the doorbell rang. Would they, too, fall prey to her hypnotic words?

  'Oh, Christine,' Marianne breathed as she opened the door. 'Er... come in.'

  'Thanks. I was walking down the road when I thought I saw Alan go into your house.'

  'Yes, he's in the lounge with Barry - come through,' Marianne invited, closing the door as the girl stepped into the hall. 'I'm making some coffee, if you want one?'

  'No, I won't stay.'

  'Alan, Christine's here,' Marianne said, showing the girl into the lounge.

  'Oh, Chris!' Alan's face flushed with guilt as he glimpsed Marianne's shapely thighs. 'What are you doing here?' he asked, averting his gaze as his wife looked daggers at him.

  'I've come to see what you're up to.'

  'I only wanted a quick word with Barry. I was just going. I've... er... I've got to go and see someone. I'll see you at home later,' he blustered, moving to the door. 'See you, Barry. Bye, Marianne.'

  Showing Alan out, Marianne speculatively decided to leave Barry and Christine alone for a while. 'I'm nipping down to the shop for some milk,' she proffered, peering round the lounge door.

  'OK,' Barry smiled, winking at Christine.

  Creeping into the dining room, Marianne gazed through the partially open serving-hatch, wondering what Christine would say to Barry after her last encounter with him. Putting her arms around his neck, she'd obviously forgiven him for his cruelty. 'I want you, Barry,' she breathed huskily, grabbing his crotch. 'Make love to me! We've got time, Marianne will be a while yet. Make love to me, Barry!'

  Kneeling, Christine unzipped Barry's jeans and pulled out his flaccid penis, gazing up at his face in puzzlement. 'What's the matter?' she asked. 'Don't you want me any more?'

  'Yes, I do. It's just that...'

  'I'll suck you. I've never done it before, but I'll suck you and make you nice and stiff for my pussy.' Engulfing his knob in her wet, warm mouth and wanking his limp shaft, Christine finally sighed and stood up. 'What is it, Barry? I thought you'd always wanted me to suck you. What's wrong?'

  'I don't know. Perhaps I'm worried or something.'

  'Finger me, finger my cunt. That'll make you hard. Lick me, Barry, lick my clitty and make me come. You like doing that, don't you?'

  'I'd rather lick Marianne's clit. She's so much better... what the hell am I saying?'

  'Roughly translated, you're saying that you no longer want me!' Christine sobbed as she dashed from the room, slamming the front door shut as she fled the house in tears.

  Stifling a laugh, Marianne wondered what other evil hypnotic suggestions she could place in Barry's subconscious. Life's getting better and better, she mused as she walked through the hall and opened and closed the front door. 'Oh, has Christine gone?' she asked Barry innocently as she entered the lounge.

  'Yes, she has,' he replied, somewhat disgruntled, she thought.

  'Is everything all right, Barry? You seem... I don't know, you seem different.'

  'I'm OK. But I don't understand... Why couldn't I get it up earlier?'

  'God knows. Perhaps you're past it,' Marianne laughed. 'Anyway, I'm going to have a shower. Get some wine glasses out, will you? Oh, and press my new dress - it's crumpled. Jill and Lydia are coming over, I'll be down later.'

  'Yes, Marianne.'

  Jill bounded up the stairs to find Marianne sitting at her dressing-table mirror. 'Barry said you were up here,' she smiled. 'Lydia's downstairs.'

  'Oh, good. Jill, before we go down, sit on the bed and look into my eyes.'

  'What on earth for?'

  'I'll tell you in a minute, just make yourself comfortable and gaze into my eyes.'

  Again, Marianne droned her hypnotic words. 'When you hear the words "Time for sex", you'll fall into a state of hypnosis and do anything and everything I ask of you, do you understand?'

  'Yes, I do,' Jill replied dreamily.

  'Good. Now, you'll forget the word "Juxtaposition". It means nothing to you, you've never heard of it. Just remember the words "Time for sex". OK, when I wake you up you're to go downstairs and tell Lydia to come up here and see me. Right, wake up.'

  Gazing around the room, Jill frowned. Had it worked? Marianne wondered as the girl stood up and smiled. 'I'll see you downstairs,' Jill said, leaving the room. 'I'll tell Lydia to come up and see you.'

  Sitting on the bed, her long black hair shining, her full red lips half open, her dark eyes mesmerized, Lydia was as easy as Jill to put under. 'You're a pretty thing,' Marianne smiled, squeezing the girl's pert breasts. 'You've a nice body, a nice cunt. I'm going to enjoy using you more than anyone else. Lydia, when you hear the words "Time for sex", you'll fall into a hypnotic trance and do exactly as I say. Do you understand?'

  'Yes, I do,' the girl replied.

  'Good. Wake up.'

  A tidal wave of wickedness surged through Marianne as Lydia returned to her waking state. I can do anything, she exulted as she led the girl downstairs. Anything! 'Time for sex,' she decreed as Lydia sat on the sofa next to Jill. Barry's face took on a serene look, as did the girls' pretty faces. 'Right,' Marianne declared. 'You're all under my spell. What I want you to do is this. When I leave the room, you'll all want sex with each other. Barry, you'll want to fuck the girls but, of course, you won't be able to get it up. Jill and Lydia, you'll both be desperate for Barry, hungry for his cock. As he can't get an erection, you'll think him a prize wanker. OK, all wake up!'

  Pouring the wine, Marianne passed the glasses round, grinning as she noticed the lust mirrored in the girls' eyes, the passion reflected in Barry's expression as he gazed at them, their long legs, their pert breasts. 'I'm just going next door to see Natalie,' she volunteered, wondering why her pretty neighbour hadn't arrived. 'I've just remembered that I promised her I'd call in. I'll try not to be too long.'

  'Take your time,' Barry said. 'We'll save some wine for you.'

  'OK, see you all later.'

  Hiding behind the serving hatch, Marianne slipped her hand between her thighs, her fingers toying with her engorged inner pussy lips as she watched the trio. Moving towards Barry and settling at his feet, Lydia tugged his zip down, grinning up at him as she unbuckled his belt. 'Come and give me a hand, Jill,' she giggled as she pulled his flaccid penis out. 'Come and help me stiffen Barry's lovely cock.'

  Slipping her skirt and top off, Jill removed her bra and panties, standing naked before Barry with a sensual glint in her eyes. 'Doesn't the sight of my cunt arouse you?' she asked, gazing at his lifeless penis.

  'Yes, very much,' Barry sighed as Lydia pulled his foreskin back and engulfed his knob in her pretty mouth.

  'Look, Barry, I'm fingering my cunt,' Jill giggled as she slipped three fingers between her swollen pussy lips and drove them deep into her wet vagina. 'Lydia, take your clothes off and I'll suck his cock - stiffen the beast ready for our wet cunts!'

  Removing her clothes, Lydia sat next to Jill on the floor, kneading Barry's heavy balls. 'Why aren't you stiff?' she asked. His face flushing, Marianne felt sorry for him. But this was his punishment for all he'd put her through, for the despicable way he'd treated her. As both the girls licked his purple knob, Marianne crept into the lounge and gasped.

  'What the hell's going on?' she cried, gazing at the lewd spectacle.

  'Oh! Er... Marianne!' Barry breathed. 'I... we...'

  'So this is how you behave behind my back, is it?'

  'Marianne, I...' Jill began as she rose to her feet, hurriedly dressing, covering her femininity.

  'I don't blame you,' Marianne said. 'It's Barry I blame. You're bloody useless, Barry. To be honest, I was thinking of leaving you anyway. You're no good to me with
a limp dick. And now this!'

  'Marianne! I... Please, don't leave me!' Barry begged as the girls finished dressing and vacated the room.

  'It's all right, it's not your fault,' Marianne said, following them into the hall. 'I know that Barry's a bastard - you were taken in by his charm, it wasn't your fault.'

  'I'm sorry, Marianne,' Jill said, her full lips half smiling. 'I don't know what came over me. I don't understand it.'

  'Neither do I,' Lydia rejoined. 'I'm not into men!'

  'Don't worry about it,' Marianne smiled. 'I know Barry, I know how he charms people. I don't blame you two. Come round in the morning for coffee.'

  'If you're sure that...' Jill began as she opened the front door.

  'Of course I'm sure. I'll see you both tomorrow. Bye.' Answering the phone as she closed the front door, Marianne smiled. 'Hi, Rod. How are you?'

  'I'm fine. I... I haven't seen you for a while and I thought... How's the hypnosis going?'

  'Great! I've hypnotized several people. I've got Barry just where I want him now.'

  'Marianne, your soon-to-be-ex - has he become your ex yet?'

  'No, not as such - why?'

  'I want to know where our relationship is going.'

  'Relationship? Oh! Er... come over Rod. I want to talk to you, so come over now.'

  'All right. Is he there?'

  'Yes, but I'll get rid of him.'

  'OK, I'll come round.'

  Replacing the receiver, Marianne wandered into the lounge to find Barry gazing out of the window. 'Marianne...' he began pensively as he turned to face her. Was he going to beg her not to leave him? she wondered as she gazed into his dark eyes. The tables certainly had turned! 'Marianne,' he repeated. 'Delta!'

  Feigning a hypnotic trance, Marianne's mind swirled. What the hell's happened? she wondered as Barry stood before her and squeezed her firm breasts. What the hell's going on in his subconscious? Thanking God that he'd not used the real word, she pictured Barry's friends standing round her tethered body, their penises in their hands, their sperm splashing over her pretty face. She could still enjoy his perverted friends, she decided, recalling the anal fuckings. And earn money!

  'Marianne, I seem to have a problem getting an erection. I want you to suck my knob. I'm worried that something's wrong with me,' Barry continued, tugging his jeans down. 'Kneel down and suck me.'

  Kneeling before her supposed master, Marianne breathed her trigger words, sending him into a state of hypnosis.

  'You poor thing,' she giggled, gazing at his limp tool. 'The power of the mind, Barry, that's what it is. The power your mind has over your body. OK, I'm feeling generous - I'll give you an erection, and an orgasm. When I suck you, your cock will stiffen and you'll come in my mouth. You'd like that, wouldn't you?'

  'Yes, very much,' he replied in his trance.

  'By the way, Rod's coming over shortly. You'll be nice to him, offer him a drink and make him feel at home. And you'll tell him that we're splitting up. OK, I'll feign a hypnotic trance again - wake up!'

  Taking Barry's knob into her mouth, Marianne sucked and licked his silky glans, happy that his penis was stiffening. 'Wank me and drink my spunk,' he gasped as his flesh pole twitched. 'Ah, that's good. Yes, yes! Keep sucking my cock. Ah, God!' His sperm suddenly gushing into her mouth, Marianne ran her wet tongue over his throbbing glans, bringing out his male offering as he towered above her, shuddering in his ecstasy.

  Moving her head back and forth, she swallowed hard, drinking from his cock-head as his knees sagged and he clung to her head for support. He's remembered the false trigger word; another turn-up for the books, she thought as she slipped his spent member from her sperm-drenched mouth. But what did she really want? she wondered as Barry ordered her to stand up. Did she want to stay with him? Or would Rod be a better choice?

  'That was good!' Barry enthused as his zipped his jeans. 'That was very good. I don't know why I couldn't get it up before, but I now know that I haven't got a problem. Now, Marianne, you'll not leave me, do you understand? You love me and you want to stay with me. You'll never even think about leaving me. OK, wake up.'

  Love you? Marianne brushed the curtain of hair from her dazed eyes. You don't know the meaning of the word! But then, did she? Love, lust, sex - what's the bloody difference?

  'I'm starting my new job on Monday morning,' she announced, wondering at Barry's reaction. 'I'm working for Brooke-Smith. I'll have a company car, a Mercedes. And the money will be good. You don't mind, do you?'

  'No, not at all. I'm pleased that you've got a job at last. The money I've been making recently keeps disappearing so...'

  'That'll be Rod,' she stated as the doorbell rang.

  'Rod? Who's Rod?' Barry asked.

  'My lover. You don't mind me having a lover do you, Barry?'

  'Er... I'm confused. No, no, I don't mind at all, love. All I want is for you to stay with me, never leave me. I don't mind what you do as long as...'

  'Yes, all right - don't go on. I'll go and let him in.'

  Showing Rod into the lounge, Marianne wondered whether Barry would tell him that they were splitting up. Floundering, his mind confused, there was no telling what he'd say, she thought fearfully. 'Barry, this is Rod,' she smiled as she entered the lounge.

  'Hi, pleased to meet you,' Barry greeted, shaking Rod's hand.

  'I... I hope you don't mind me...' Rod began hesitantly.

  'Barry doesn't mind you coming round, Rod,' Marianne laughed. 'We're splitting up, aren't we, Barry?'

  'Er... yes, that's right, we're splitting up. Would you like a drink, Rod?'

  'Scotch, please.'

  'Come and sit on the sofa, Rod,' Marianne smiled. 'I'll have vodka and lime, Barry.'

  Holding Rod's hand as they sat down, Marianne adjusted her dress, hoisting it up to reveal her naked pussy-slit. The situation was weird, she thought as Barry passed the drinks, his gaze transfixed between her long legs. Taking Rod's hand, she placed it between her parted thighs, massaging her swollen lips with his fingertips.

  'Marianne!' Pulling away, Rod frowned in disbelief.

  'What's the matter?' she asked, her sparkling eyes reflecting rising lust.

  'You can't... I mean...'

  'Barry doesn't mind, do you, Barry?'

  'No, not at all. We're splitting up, so... I'll leave you for a while,' he said, opening the lounge door.

  'Marianne, you've used hypnosis on him, haven't you?' Rod asked accusingly as Barry closed the door behind him.

  'No, of course I haven't.'

  'You can't fool me. Look, what is it you want? I mean, are you staying with Barry, or do you want a relationship with me? You can't have both, Marianne.'

  Can't I? she mused, sipping her drink. The devil's daughter can have you, Barry, John, Natalie, Jill, Lydia - and the vicar! Unzipping Rod's trousers, she pulled out his stiffening penis. 'I haven't had the pleasure yet, have I?' she smiled, leaning over and sucking his knob into her mouth.

  'No, you haven't. But what about... Ah, God! What about Barry? Ah, Marianne, that's nice.'

  'What about Barry?' she grinned as she slipped his penis from her mouth and licked his swollen glans. 'You want me to choose? Then I choose you. I won't move in with you, Rod. Barry's leaving, so he won't be in the way. I'll come and visit you, and you can visit me and we'll make sweet love. No one has control over me now - I'm free.'

  'I'd like you to live with me. God, that's nice!'

  'One day, Rod - one day, I'll live with you.'

  Moving her head up and down, taking Rod's glans to the back of her throat before slipping it between her rolling lips, Marianne brought out his sperm. Swallowing his gushing come, she thought about the future - money, sex, fun. And power!

  'Oh! Er... sorry!' Barry gasped as he entered the room, gazing at Rod's huge penis filling his girlfriend's accommodating mouth.

  'That's OK,' Marianne smiled, lazily relinquishing Rod's glistening cock. 'Pour us another drink will you, Barry?'

'Er... yes, of course.'

  'Marianne!' Rod exclaimed as he concealed his penis.

  'It's all right, Rod. I'll come and stay with you for the night, would you like that?'

  'Well... er... yes, that would be nice.'

  'Good. Barry, I'll be out for the night, I'm staying at Rod's place.'

  'Yes, all right,' he replied meekly, refilling the glasses.

  'Go and pack my toothbrush and things in my overnight bag.'

  'Yes, OK.'

  Downing his drink, Rod stood up. 'This is an incredible situation, Marianne,' he exclaimed. 'I don't think you should be doing this to Barry.'

  'He's all right. I haven't used hypnosis on him, if that's what you're still thinking.'

  'Then he's very understanding. Anyway, we'd better be going.'

  'I'll be over in a while, Rod. You go home, and I'll see you later.'

  'All right. But don't be too long, will you?'

  'Don't worry, I won't.'

  Seeing Rod out, Marianne wandered into the kitchen to find Barry sitting at the table, her overnight bag on the floor, packed and ready. 'Are you all right?' she asked, sitting opposite him.

  'Yes, just a little confused, that's all.'

  'Confused about what?'

  'I don't know.'

  'Why not ask some of your friends over tomorrow evening? We'll have some wine and...'



  'Del... God, I must be tired, I can't remember what I was going to say.'

  'The only word I can think of is "delta" - is that what you were about to say?'

  'Delta? No, I don't think so.'

  'Oh well, not to worry.'

  At last, Marianne thought. I've done it - I'm in complete control! Smiling, she felt her clitoris swell at the thought of Barry's five perverted friends using her tethered body. She didn't need Barry - she'd get rid of him before his friends arrived. She'd be ready and waiting in the garage, her naked body spread on the padded bench. But where was Natalie?

  'Time for sex,' she breathed, watching Barry fall into a trance. 'You'll give me all the money you earn, Barry. And you're signing the house over to me. I'll stay with you, but only if you treat me as your mistress. You've treated me despicably, and now the tables have turned. When I tire of you, become bored with you, I'll sell the house and go and live with Rod. Wake up!'


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