A Lord for the Wallflower Widow

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A Lord for the Wallflower Widow Page 18

by Ann Lethbridge

  For a man who spent his days escorting women around town and his nights at the gambling tables, he really was amazingly fit. His chest was broad, his shoulders deeply muscled, his waist and flanks narrow and firm. And his erection was proud and aggressive.

  She licked her lips.

  His member jerked.

  Pleased, she glanced up at his face.

  He grinned at her, his teeth a flash of white. ‘Yes, he wants you also.’

  She swallowed. Hopefully she wasn’t going to spoil this by doing something stupid. She wanted this evening to be perfect, something she could remember all her life, for there would never be another man in her life. She would not dare do this again. Besides, no man could ever live up to Avery, not in her mind or in her foolish heart.

  A heart that must be ignored. Trusting your heart is taking a chance.

  She leaned back on her elbows, sprawling, so the gown would leave her legs bare to his gaze. When she had tried the pose earlier, she had thought it looked inviting. When he didn’t move, she thought perhaps it was too much. Too eager, too demanding.

  She shifted, trying to make herself less...less something.

  ‘No,’ he rasped. ‘I just want a moment to remember the way you look right now.’

  Oh. A smile pulled at her lips. A surge of happiness swelled her heart. He always said the most lovely things. As she had planned earlier, she pulled free the strategically placed comb and her hair tumbled down around her shoulders.

  ‘You little minx,’ he said approvingly. ‘You planned that.’

  He looked pleased.

  As she had hoped. She tossed him a saucy glance. ‘I’m glad you liked it.’

  A serious expression flitted across his face. ‘I like everything about you.’

  And she adored him. Loved him. Stunned at the admission, she took a deep breath, forcing the words back where they belonged in the deepest reaches of her heart where she would treasure the memory of having loved and been loved, if only for a brief time.

  She held out a hand to him. ‘Are you going to stand there all night, or are we going to make some more memories together?’

  In a moment, he was on the bed, kneeling astride her, leaning down and kissing her lips, his tongue delving deep into her mouth, sending tingling sensations out to her fingertips and in the deepest regions of her body. Breathless and trembling, she lay back against the cushions and twined her arms around his neck, pulling him down with her, feeling his weight on her body, pressing down on her breasts, his erection hard against her belly. Yes, this was what she had been missing, the feeling of belonging, of sharing, of being close.

  When he broke the kiss and gazed down into her eyes, she stroked his hair back from his face with her palms. She would not say the words, they were buried and his rejection of them would hurt far too much, but she could fill her gaze with that love and give him the gift of her body, and bring him pleasure.

  His hand came to her breast and swept the scrap of fabric aside. His gaze left her face and dropped to where his thumb was slowly circling her nipple.

  Her nipples hardened to stiff little points, one bare, the other hidden, but obvious beneath the fabric of the nightgown.

  ‘It seems they are ready for you,’ she said softly, tilting her hips at the pleasure of his touch.

  ‘It would seem so,’ he said. His eyelids drooped a fraction as he gazed down at the tight little nub. He swooped down and licked it.

  She gasped.

  He looked up at her with a piratical grin. Then he lowered his head slowly. She waited for the lick that held such shocking sensations. It never came. He opened his mouth and took in the peak of her breast. Heat rushed to her core where little pulses sent waves of heat through her body. She moaned at the sheer overwhelming deliciousness of the sensations rippling along her veins.

  And then he sucked.

  The painful pleasure blanked her mind to everything except the tight drawing sensation on her breast and all the way down to the apex of her thighs. Her hips ground against him, seeking to ease the pleasurable ache. This time she knew what it was she wanted, what he would bring her. She tried to part her thighs, to encourage him closer, to bring him into the cradle of her hips, but he ignored her attempts, continuing to kneel astride her, his erection brushing her belly, but not going where she wanted it.

  Indeed, if anything, he lifted himself up, further away.

  She made a sound of protest.

  He released her nipple on a hard little suck and pressed a brief kiss on her lips. ‘Patience, little one. Let us not rush this.’

  Little one? Was he talking to her?

  But when he loomed over her like that, when his shoulders blocked her view of everything but him, yes, she did feel a whole lot smaller and vulnerable. And he was right, much as her body protested, she did want to savour every second of this last time.

  She sighed. It was so lovely. She never wanted it to end. And yet she wanted him to bring her the release her body craved.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Never had Avery had so much trouble controlling the animal urges roaring through his blood. It might be knowing this would be the last time they would ever make love. Or it might be her inexperience exciting him more than it should, but the only way to stop himself from racing to the finish was by keep physical distance between them. For a while longer, at least.

  If she would let him. Her legs came up around his waist, her heels digging into his buttocks as she lifted her hips to rub her sex against his groin, while she pulled his head down to kiss his lips and dance her tongue around his. Delicious. Seductive, yet innocent. He didn’t know what aroused him the most, her hesitant touch or her boldness in demanding what she wanted.

  Once he’d learned the way of it as a youth, he’d always been the one in charge in bed. Always set the pace, controlled the flow. Carrie set things end over end, leaving him running to catch up. As he was now. Breathless, bordering on driving into her and losing himself in her slick heat and to the devil with the consequences.

  That was not going to happen.

  Breaking off the kiss, her pushed backwards, breaking her hold around his neck and his hips. He pressed first one knee then the other between her thighs and, smiling her approval, she parted her legs to accommodate him. She reached out to pull him back to her.

  He ignored the invitation and sat back on his heels, letting his gaze wander over the salacious sight of her white smooth thighs, the damp curls at their apex that gave him a little peek of her feminine rosiness. He skimmed upwards to her waist with the plaited belt and the rumpled fabric of her nightgown hiding her belly. He undid the tie and pulled it free, sweeping the scrap of material aside to view her slightly rounded belly and the magnificent globes of her breasts with their hard-tipped peaks.

  His mouth watered at the utterly scrumptious sight she made. He pressed a kiss to her navel, swirling his tongue around it, enjoying the way she squirmed at the pleasure of his touch. Her hands roamed across his shoulders, her fingers combed through his hair, her moans of encouragement filled his ears. Slowly he worked his way up to tease and lick each nipple, moving from one to the other in quick successions, taking her sensual defences by storm, until her hands lay limp on his shoulders and he could see the rapid beat of her pulse in the hollow of her throat and feel her hips stirring restlessly beneath him.

  Once more, he sat back. Her heavy eyelids lifted a fraction or two.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ she whispered hoarsely.

  ‘Everything is perfect.’

  She frowned at his erection as he scooted backwards, looking lost and confused. Then gasped as he lowered his head to her sex. He swept his tongue up the sweet little cleft, tasting her essence, feeling the heat of her desire.

  She made a noise in the back of her throat that he was sure was a denial and he lifted his head, looking past h
er beautiful breasts to take in her shocked expression.

  ‘No?’ he asked. ‘You don’t like it.’

  ‘I don’t—’

  He pulled away.

  ‘No! I mean, I have never felt anything so—’

  He waited. He had known this would be a shock to her, but he wanted her to know the pleasure of this. She deserved to know the pleasure of this. But he would not force it on her. She was too new to the art of lovemaking. But he did hope her boldness would not let her down. ‘So?’ he questioned, pressing her, intrigued, wanting to hear what she thought.

  ‘So wicked,’ she gasped. She rubbed her hands up and down his forearms where he braced himself beside her hips. ‘I—’ She cast him a shy smile. ‘I liked it.’

  ‘There is more,’ he said.

  She hissed in a breath and the little sound caused his groin to tighten. He was in trouble all right. ‘Show me,’ she whispered.

  Big trouble.

  He dipped his head and swirled his tongue around, flicking it back and forth across her most pleasurable spot. She cried out and shuddered. ‘Avery,’ she murmured. ‘Oh.’

  She lay lax beneath him.

  He should have expected her swift response. She was a very sensual female aroused quickly by touch. He leaned over her and kissed her lips. She flicked out her tongue, licking at him, tasting herself on his mouth and looking surprised and very pleased.

  ‘That was so nice.’

  ‘Only nice?’ he teased, grinning down at her.

  ‘Amazing. Wonderful.’


  ‘Out of this world.’

  He nodded his approval and took her lips in a long heart-stoppingly lovely kiss.

  When it was over and he rose above her, holding himself up on his hands, she looked worried.

  He gave her a questioning look.

  She blushed. ‘What about you? Are you not going to take your pleasure?’

  ‘Giving you pleasure is my pleasure.’

  That did not seem to please her. ‘But I want to give you the same kind of pleasure you gave me.’

  His shaft jerked in response to her words. ‘Are you sure?’

  She glanced down between their bodies, her gaze seeking out his erection, and licked her lips.

  ‘You don’t have to, you know.’

  He certainly didn’t expect it, given her inexperience.

  ‘Do you like it?’

  She sounded so serious, he wanted to smile. ‘I most certainly do.’

  ‘Then I would like to.’

  Who was he to argue with a lady, especially when she wanted to give him such an incredible gift? Except—

  ‘Well?’ she said, sounding almost cross.

  Too delighted for words, he stifled a grin and rolled over on to his back. ‘Have at it.’

  She gazed at him as if what she was looking at was the most wonderful thing she had ever seen and licked her lips. He almost came apart.

  A small secret smile curved her lips. ‘I don’t think I have ever seen anything so tempting as this.’

  He groaned as her delicate hand curled around the base, squeezing ever so lightly. He forced himself not to push into her hand, holding himself still by gritting his teeth until they hurt. As she leaned over him, her hair fell forward, hiding her and what she was doing from view. All he could do was feel the heat and wetness of her tongue as she gave an experimental lick at the head of his shaft.

  He bit back a groan of frustration. He did not want anything to call a halt to these proceedings.

  Then she took him fully into his mouth and his vision blanked. He swallowed hard, reaching for a scrap of control, while she used her mouth and tongue to explore his shape and size.

  Finally, she gave an experimental suck and he almost came apart.

  Quickly, before he succumbed to her teasing, he reached down and gently lifted her up towards him and kissed her senseless.

  When he broke the kiss, she smiled with a little cat-like smile. ‘You liked that.’

  ‘More than I can say,’ he managed to gasp hoarsely.

  He rolled her on her back and came over her, gazing down into her lovely face. ‘But we do this together, this time.’

  Carefully, he pressed the blunt head of his shaft into her body, circling his hips while he watched her face, probing for the spot that would bring her the most pleasure.

  She moaned, her hips writhing, her body tensing as if pulled as tight as a bowstring. He rocked, moving against that spot until her head was thrashing and her heels were trying to press him deeper into her body.

  The base of his shaft tingled with the urge to drive deeper. He slid deeper into her and withdrew. She groaned her pleasure. Lifted her hips, sought to bring him deeper still.

  And then there was no more waiting or teasing, he could do nothing but thrust into her, pound against her, while caressing her breast with one hand and kissing her lips, sucking her tongue into his mouth.

  Her inner muscles seized around his shaft, tightening so hard, it was like being held in a hot hard fist. His vision filled with white light and he exploded into darkness as he felt her shudder with the force of her own climax. His body pulsed his seed into hers.

  Only when the shattering ceased and the pieces of him came back together did he realise that he had not withdrawn from her body as he had intended.

  Damn it all. Not for years had he made such a foolish mistake.

  * * *

  Wrapped in Avery’s arms, Carrie had never felt quite so...treasured. It was more than the lovely sated feeling after their lovemaking. It was a feeling of belonging. As if she had found her true home. She snuggled closer and he tightened his arm around her, stroking her back. She cracked an eyelid and peered at his face. He was still asleep. The caress had been instinctual, rather than deliberate, and that pleased her more than it probably should.

  The man certainly knew how to make a woman feel precious, even in his sleep.

  The haze of pleasure slowly drifted away and she put her thoughts in order, instead of letting her heart rule her head. Yes, the lovemaking was amazing, but tonight was their last night together. It had to be. The longer he remained as her lover, the harder it was going to be to let him go.

  There was no future for them. He was a reprobate, a charming one, but a reprobate none the less. He made his living as a ladies’ escort and, worse yet in her eyes, by gambling.

  Besides, while her sisters-in-law would happily close their eyes to a love affair, as they had all agreed that they would, that was all it could ever be. They had agreed to stick together, to help each other through thick and thin. None of them was ever going to marry again. As wonderful as this was with Avery she could not see herself being a man’s permanent mistress. She only had to imagine how horrified her father would be, were he alive, to have guilt and shame making her go hot and cold by turns.

  No. This would definitely not continue after tonight.

  Avery rolled over on to his back and put his arm over his eyes. She raised up on her elbow. ‘Are you awake?’

  He sat up, his bare torso reminding her again just how young and virile he was. He placed his elbows on his bent knees and scrubbed his hands through his hair.

  She frowned. He seemed...unhappy about something. The wonderful warmth she’d been feeling, even though it had been tinged with loss, dissipated and left her feeling cold. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I fear I got a bit carried away,’ he said. He rubbed at the back of his neck. ‘I didn’t take proper precautions.’


  ‘I could have got you with child.’ He looked at her, his face thoughtful. ‘When did you say your husband died?’

  Oh. He was worried about her having a baby. Oh my word, that would certainly complicate matters. ‘Over a year ago. Surely it isn’t possible? Not so quickly.
’ Everyone said it was not. Couples often tried for many years before the wife fell for a child.

  ‘Anything is possible.’ He sounded rather off-hand. ‘We can hope not, I suppose. But I will do right by you, Carrie, should we be unlucky.’

  Oh, dear, he was not happy about the idea at all.

  There was a scuffling sound outside the door.

  Avery’s head came up. With a sudden premonition, Carrie clutched the sheets to her chest. Had she locked her door after—?

  The door slammed open. Westram stood framed in the doorway staring into the room. His gaze found the bed. His expression went from angry to furious.

  ‘Well, madam?’ he snapped.

  Avery glanced at her, eyes wide. His surprised expression disappeared in an instant and was replaced by dawning understanding and then a bored smile as he turned his attention to Westram. ‘Someone you know, Carrie?’ he drawled.

  ‘I am her brother-in-law, sir. Westram,’ the Earl said, his voice full of menace.

  ‘Lord Avery Gilmore, Second son of Belmane at your service,’ Avery replied.

  Carrie had never heard him sound so regal.

  He spoiled the effect by flashing an insolent smile. ‘You will forgive me if I do not get up?’

  Was he trying to make Westram more annoyed than he was already?

  But Westram’s demeanour changed in an instant. He looked—pleased. ‘I see.’

  What? ‘Why are you here, Westram?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘I received a letter from an interested party about what was called your goings on.’ Westram looked down his nose. ‘You said nothing to me about opening a shop, Carrie Greystoke. But that is only part of it, isn’t it?’ He glared at Avery. ‘If you don’t care for your own reputation, you could give some thought to those of my sisters.’

  Avery made a sound like a growl.

  Westram glared at him. ‘And as for you, sir, what are your intentions towards my sister-in-law?’


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