The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens Page 2

by Sorcha Black

“I didn’t mean to, I just didn’t know what time it was.”

  Sir thrust up inside her so violently, her feet left the floor for a second. She squealed. He wrapped an arm around her hips and withdrew, slamming into her again and again, the vibrator mashing into her clit. She braced her hands against the wall to avoid banging her head. The ferocity of it was overwhelming. He pounded into her body, using her, punishing her. The cry that escaped her was pitiful, but she couldn’t help it.

  Heat flooded through her. Tried to stop, but her pussy rippled around him, clamped down. A sob, then the tension burst. She shrieked, coming, helpless. He used her roughly, taking what he wanted, making her feel like he was beating her with his lust. Her head bumped the wall. She snorted a laugh, covering her head with her arms, even though her body was still coming, still responding to his. Behind her he froze, shuddered, and she felt him spill into her, which turned her on all over again.

  Sir pulled out too soon, her body buzzing and empty as he yanked her panties and leggings back up. He patted them to make the wetness soak through.

  “Ugh, Lock! Gross!”

  “And you’re going to stay that way while you do the fucking dishes, Elodie. Right now I’m Sir to you. You call me Lock again tonight without my permission and I’ll beat your ass purple. Understood?”

  Oh, fuck. Her clit throbbed to the cadence of his voice. He was so hot when he was like this.

  “Yes...” Her voice trembled. All she wanted was to beg for more, but that wouldn’t make him happy. “Yes, Sir.”

  First the dishes. Then she’d see if she could get more sex.


  Sprawled on their bed, Lock looked up at Elodie and grimaced.

  Her smile was dazzling, and the dimples were adorable, especially paired with the naughty pigtails she loved wearing in her red, red hair. “What? Why the face, chéri? You didn’t have fun?”

  “Fun? I’m exhausted. I’m only one man.”

  Elodie was made for fucking. Sweet, sexy, easy going, always ready to play – she was the perfect sub except for that impish side that would never let him become a lazy Dom. She kept him on his toes 24/7. It was a damn good thing they were too busy to go out to BDSM clubs, considering how many other Doms would be itching to take her on and try to tame her. If anyone ever managed to, it would be their loss. He did have to try and keep her in line at least a little, but it was so hard to do with such an adorable sexpot.

  She narrowed her eyes and gave him a naughty pout, then crawled over him, deliberately rubbing her bare skin over his as she did so.

  Maybe she was high maintenance, but he’d never regretted a second of their whirlwind online courtship, or her impulsively moving to be with him. Crazy girl.

  “Where are you going, Minou?” He groped at her as she got off the bed, but feigned that he was too weak to follow.

  “I’m going to get you a snack. I want to apologize for not cleaning at all today.”

  He arched a brow at her. She’d been punished for it, had given him a spectacular blowjob, fucked his brains out, and now she was getting him a snack? Chances were she was just making sure he didn’t pass out from overuse.

  When she came back with a bowl of Cap’n Crunch and flipped the TV onto the cartoon channel, it all became clear. Dinner would not be made unless he was cooking – she was impatient to build something.

  “So you want to apologize for not cleaning, but you have no intentions of cleaning.” He chuckled.

  A one-shouldered shrug that wasn’t particularly regretful and a gleam in her eyes let him know that he was right and she wasn’t particularly sorry.

  “I paid for the sex by doing the dishes. I’m not a service sub and I’m lazy, Sir. I know you don’t like the idea, but why don’t you let me hire someone to come clean so we can do what we do best – fuck and make money.”

  He sighed. “Two people in their early twenties with no kids and we can’t even pick up after ourselves? It’s not like we’re rich, Elodie. Having servants is a little out of our league.”

  “Having someone clean for us twice a week isn’t the same as having a servant. The house is too big to take care of by myself and work too. Just because I’m here all day doesn’t mean I can waste my time vacuuming and dusting.”

  “I’d settle for clean dishes and clean clothes.”

  “Oui. Moi aussi.” She smirked. “You didn’t grow up in a traditional household, so why do you expect me to be a good little wifey?”

  “But you’re my sub. Aren’t you supposed to wait on me hand and foot?” He cocked a brow, waiting for the smartass comeback.

  “Well, I’ll check the rulebook, Sir, but I’m pretty sure you’re shit out of luck.”

  He opened his mouth to say something to correct her, but she turned her back on him and very deliberately bent at the waist to pick up a pile of dirty clothes, to give him an intimate view of her ass and pussy. Fuck, the little brat was gorgeous. His cock tried to sit up and take notice, but it’d need a splint to be up to the task again. Five minutes. That was all he needed.

  “Elodie,” he growled in warning.

  “Yessss, Sir?” She straightened and gazed at him over her shoulder. “Do you want your laundry done or not? I swear sometimes there’s just no pleasing you.” She winked and headed down the stairs, presumably to start a load of wash. If it made it out of the washer before it molded in a few days, it would be because he’d put it in the dryer himself.

  Service sub, Elodie was not. With her around, though, he rarely had time to worry about anything other than keeping her satisfied.


  Tess held the pose as long as she could. Legs shaking, she tried not to move. Did her smile look natural? Unlikely.

  The photographer laughed. “Walk around a minute, Tess. You look like someone is jabbing you with a pin.”

  She winced, embarrassed. Tristan, the male model she was posing with, wasn’t having the same difficulty, but with the amount of muscle the guy owned, he probably could have planked through the entire photoshoot without breaking a sweat. The urge to gawk at him was overwhelming, as usual, but she managed to look everywhere but at his shirtless body.

  A few minutes of walking around the room while props got moved helped her relax a bit. The gown she wore was confining. Q had told her it looked fabulous on her, but Tristan was so handsome it was hard to imagine they wouldn’t look like a mismatch on the novel cover.

  “Izzy was pretty specific about what she wanted, so this should almost be enough, but I’d like to take a few in a different pose just in case.”

  Tess nodded and walked back to Tristan, who’d barely moved. Why did he have to be so nice? The man was like a marble statue come to life, but with more of a tan and better manners.

  “Tristan, can you put your arms around her? Tess, look away like you’re shy and virginal and want to get away from the nasty pirate, okay?”

  Like she was shy and virginal? Tess felt the flush rise to her cheeks as Tristan pulled her close and looked down at her like he was going to eat her for lunch. Her first instinct was to turn her face away – to put some distance between them. The flash went off several times before she realized she was actually trying to pull away.

  “Okay. I think we’re good. Those last few kicked ass.”

  Tristan chuckled. “I’m going to let you go now, Tess. Don’t fall over, okay?”

  She stopped pulling away but when he let her go she still wobbled for a second, until he steadied her with a hand on her elbow.

  “You okay?” Q moved up beside her. “You look pale.” She moved her to a hard chair and sat her down, then started to loosen the dress’s lacing.

  “I’ll get her some water,” Tristan volunteered, heading into the back room.

  Tess sighed inwardly. He was such a nice guy.

  As the corset loosened, she sucked in a deep breath. She shivered and cold sweat broke out on her skin. If she didn’t eat fast she’d pass out.

  “Um...” Now wasn’t the time to be shy
, Tess! “I’m sorry to ask, but do you have a granola bar or something?”

  “Tess!” Q hissed. “When was the last time you ate?”

  “Last night. I was just in a hurry.”

  “Bullshit. You’re coming over for dinner tonight and we’re sending you home with some groceries. You have to tell us when you’re going hungry, or Sabrina and I are going to kick your ass.”

  Q fished around in a backpack and came back with some Goldfish crackers and a baggie of Cheerios.

  “You wouldn’t do that. Who would watch Zenobia and Blue on date night?” She accepted the obvious baby snacks, not even caring if it had previously been pawed at with drooly hands.

  She downed them then accepted the glass of water from Tristan, who hadn’t stopped to throw on a shirt. Sculpted muscle rippled before her eyes as she tipped the glass back and took a big gulp.

  “Thanks, Tristan.”

  His grin was like a florescent bulb popping in front of her eyes. Blinking at him stupidly, she lost her chance to say anything interesting or sexy. Apparently oblivious to her inner scrambling, he wandered back to where he’d left his duffle bag and started throwing clothes back on.

  Q gave Tess a long look, then went to Tristan and handed him an envelope.

  “Thanks, Tris. I’ll call the next time I need you in.”

  After another panty-melting grin he headed out the door.

  “Oh, Tess.” Q smiled sadly. “Don’t even go there. He’s not for you.”

  Heat crawled up her neck to her face. Not for her? She opened her mouth to deny she liked him, but the lie wouldn’t come out. Q wasn’t stupid enough to believe it.

  “I guess he’s a little out of my league.” She shrugged then got to her feet, holding the now loose dress up to cover her chest. “But a girl can dream.”

  Q rubbed a hand over her face. “It’s not that Tristan is out of your league. The two of you are just...different. You’re not his type and I don’t think he’s really what you’re looking for. It would break my heart if you settled for being a notch in his belt – unless that’s what you’re into.”

  “So you think he’s not interested in relationships?”

  “He usually dates party girls. You know the type.”

  “Yeah. I don’t qualify.” Tess gave Q a tiny smile and grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom to change.

  She’d only had one chance to be a fast woman, so far. Going on tour as the nanny for the Kink Monsters had seemed like the perfect plan, but if you couldn’t get laid traveling from town to town with kinkster metalheads, chances were you were a lost cause.

  What was it with men nowadays? A girl couldn’t even throw her virginity away. No one her age was still a virgin unless they lived in a convent, and even nuns probably got more action before taking vows. What she needed was someone who could teach her a thing or two and didn’t care that she was inexperienced. Someone kind, who could help her get past her upbringing and her awkwardness around men.

  Then, after a makeover and a miracle, she’d throw herself at Tristan and he wouldn’t be able to resist her. Foolproof, if such a guy existed. Was there such a thing as a sex tutor who didn’t expect payment?

  When she came out with the gown and hung it on the extensive costume rack, Q came over and patted her shoulder.

  “Here.” The woman shoved cash into her hand. “There’s an extra twenty in there to go get food before you go to Cross’s for your shift. Don’t forget you’re coming for dinner tonight. I’ll pick you up after work.”

  She ducked her head, but nodded. Q was hard to say no to when she got bossy.

  Chapter Two

  “I charge into the room, screaming and swinging my sword.” Elodie smirked and leaned back in her chair.

  What in the actual fuck?

  The Dungeon Master, Rick, facepalmed. His wife laughed and clapped El on the shoulder.

  When she’d told Lock that she shared his love of role-playing games, he hadn’t realized she meant that she played so erratically. Admittedly, now they’d been playing together long enough that her decisions shouldn’t surprise him anymore. Elodie, the succubus schoolgirl minx from hell, wasn’t patient. Ever.

  Lock leveled a menacing gaze at her. “Elodie! I just said we should check for traps!”

  “If there are traps, we’ll know in a minute.” Elodie laughed. “And no domming during a game. I’m allowed to do what I want!” She stuck out her tongue.

  He seriously thought about putting her over his knee. She’d been sassing him all day. Once the company left, he was going to leave some welts on that perfect ass of hers.

  “Tell me about it,” Rick groused. “The last time I killed one of Kylie’s characters she did some unpleasant things to me when we got home. DMs should definitely have immunity.” He stuffed some chips into his mouth, as though to make a point, and shook his head in disgust.

  “Slave, I’m thirsty.” Kylie snapped her fingers and Rick lowered his gaze, bowed his head. He rose, and went to the kitchen.

  Lock sighed inwardly. Kylie made it look so easy. It had been easy with Courtney, but El was another story.

  “Elodie, go get me something,” he barked. He had to talk to Kylie alone.

  She looked around in confusion. “I got you a beer ten minutes ago and you’ve barely taken a sip. You’re just being bossy to show off.”

  “El, darling, I think your Sir wants to talk, Dom to Domme. Be a good girl and run along. Go see if Rick needs help.”

  The girl rolled her eyes but knew better than to sass another dominant. That was one thing that meant serious trouble. The last time she’d dared it, he’d punished her in front of Kylie, Rick, Duncan and Marissa – the group’s two other usual players, who’d gone to Mexico for a few weeks. She followed Rick, but slowly enough to make Lock grit his teeth.

  As soon as she was out of the room, Kylie turned and met his gaze. “I know it’s difficult sometimes, but have some patience. She’s still very new here and she’s a brat by nature. She’ll never be as meek as Courtney was, but quiet submissives like that are not for a man like you.”

  “I deserve to be driven crazy?”

  “No.” She smirked. “Maybe. But think about Courtney. Remember her the way she really was when she was with you. So serious all the time, and sooo dull! The new Dom she hooked up with is like a Vulcan – they’re perfect for each other. I like Elodie much better, and I can see she makes you happy even when she’s looking for trouble.”

  “Especially when she is.” Lock ran a hand through his hair. “I’m having a hard time knowing when to let her run with it and when to rein her in, you know? If I never correct her, it looks like I don’t care. That’s not much of a D/s relationship. And do I punish her or not, and when? When she’s being bratty I think she wants the spanking, you know?”

  “Make the punishment a punishment and not a funishment. Maybe you should make a list of limits for her. What’s allowed and what isn’t, and make sure you address any transgressions immediately as they come up.”

  “I’ve been trying to do that but I don’t want to be too strict, either. Crushing her spirit isn’t on my to-do list.”

  Elodie and Rick came back into the room. Rick went to Kylie and knelt at her feet, offering her the mixed drink he’d made. She took it and leaned in to kiss his lips.

  “Thank you, my slave.” She took a sip. “Perfect.” It was hard to say if she meant the drink or the man. They were pretty big fans of each other. When she nodded, he rose and went back to his place behind the DM screen.

  As for Elodie, she dumped an armful of junk food onto the table in front of Lock, ruffled his hair affectionately, and sprawled into her chair. “Where were we?”

  Lock parted his lips to say that she should be more respectful, but then decided it was probably not the time. They needed to have a long session and an even longer talk to sort this out.

  Rick paused, looking at Lock for a moment before responding to El. “You just charged in.”
br />   “What happens? What do I see?”

  “A long table filled with glass jars and containers, and pages of notes in a language you don’t understand. A small fire is in the grate and a potion is bubbling near it, while another appears to be cooling to one side.”

  “I flip through the notes and see if I can decipher any of them,” Lock said.

  Kylie laughed. “Oh sure, now that she did the dirty work, you’re willing to capitalize. I check the room for anything useful – weapons, gems.”

  “I pick up the cooling potion.” Elodie grinned. “What does it look like?”

  “It’s green and there’s a bit of steam coming from it. Glass vial. The vial is warm in your hand but not hot.”

  “You should pour a drop on the table and see what happens,” Kylie suggested.

  “I drink it all.”

  The group went from stunned silence to exclamations of disbelief.

  Really? Lock knew she’d been playing for years, but as time went on in this campaign her decisions had been getting wilder and less predictable. Was it boredom, or was this how she had always played back home?

  He frowned at her. “Elodie, are you not taking this seriously? The idea is to try to keep your character alive.”

  She raised her brows at him. “If all you ever do is stay alive, what’s the point of playing? The worst that happens is I have to roll up a new character. It’s not real life.”

  “I’m having a hard time believing you wouldn’t drink it in real life, El.” Rick laughed.

  Lock snorted and shook his head in aggravation.

  “Not everyone has the same goals, Lock.” Kylie took another sip of her drink. “It’s a crazy way to go at life, but she gets shit done.”

  His girl slipped an arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I know it’s hard for you to understand, Lock. You’re far more cautious than I am. Maybe we see things in different ways, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong. The way I see it, I’m the adventurer in my own life. Waiting for life to happen to you isn’t really living.”


  The monotonous buzz kept making his eyes droop. Inches away, he could feel her fidgeting. Whether it was adorable or irritating depended on how close the tattoo artist was to his inner elbow at the time. The half-sleeve of circuit board was going to be more than worth it.


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